Reusable Process Pool Executor Build Status codecov


The aim of this project is to provide a robust, cross-platform and cross-version implementation of the ProcessPoolExecutor class of concurrent.futures. It notably features:


The recommended way to install loky is with pip,

pip install loky

loky can also be installed from sources using

python install

Note that loky has an optional dependency on psutil to allow early memory leak detections.


import os
from time import sleep
from loky import get_reusable_executor

def say_hello(k):
    pid = os.getpid()
    print("Hello from {} with arg {}".format(pid, k))
    return pid

# Create an executor with 4 worker processes, that will
# automatically shutdown after idling for 2s
executor = get_reusable_executor(max_workers=4, timeout=2)

res = executor.submit(say_hello, 1)
print("Got results:", res.result())

results =, range(50))
n_workers = len(set(results))
print("Number of used processes:", n_workers)
assert n_workers == 4

For more advance usage, see our documentation

Workflow to contribute

To contribute to loky, first create an account on github. Once this is done, fork the loky repository to have your own repository, clone it using 'git clone' on the computers where you want to work. Make your changes in your clone, push them to your github account, test them on several computers, and when you are happy with them, send a pull request to the main repository.

Running the test suite

To run the test suite, you need the pytest (version >= 3) and psutil modules. Run the test suite using:

    pip install -e .
    pytest .

from the root of the project.


This work is supported by the Center for Data Science, funded by the IDEX Paris-Saclay, ANR-11-IDEX-0003-02