
Get anomalies from audio input in 3 easy steps!

NuPIC Critic plot screenshot

1. Generate NuPIC Input From WAV

./ <path/to/wav>

There are several options for this, which you can see with the --help flag. You can control the FFT histogram sample rate, the number of histogram buckets, and the output directory where the file is written.

The resulting folder contains files formatted for NuPIC model input.


2. Run NuPIC

./ <path/to/input/directory> [options]

Runs all the prepared data in the input directory. Expects this directory to have been created by the script above.

3. Plot the Results

./ <path/to/nupic/output/directory> [options]

Plots the results. Use --wav to pass in a WAV file to play at the same time. There are several options for this, which you can see with the --help flag.

As an example, if you would like to flag a region as anomalous if the NuPIC anomaly likelihoods for 5 frequency bins are above 0.8, you would use the following options:

./ path/to/nupic/output -t 0.8 -g 5


Live Demo on YouTube


Could be applicable to this heart sound challenge.