
This project contains Python code for Two Source Energy Balance models (Priestley-Taylor TSEB-PT, Dual Time Difference DTD and TSEB with component soil and canopy temperatures TSEB-2T) for estimating sensible and latent heat flux (evapotranspiration) based on measurements of radiometric surface temperature.

The project consists of:

  1. lower-level modules with the basic functions needed in any resistance energy balance model

  2. higher-level scripts for easily running TSEB with tabulated data and/or satellite/airborne imagery.


Download the project to your local system, enter the download directory and then type

python install

if you want to install pyTSEB and its low-level modules in your Python distribution.

The following Python libraries will be required:

With conda, you can create a complete environment with

conda env create -f environment.yml

Code Example

High-level example

The easiest way to get a feeling of TSEB and its configuration is through the provided ipython/jupyter notebooks. In a terminal shell, navigate to your working folder and type

In addition, you can also run TSEB with the scripts and, which will read an input configuration file (defaults are Config_LocalImage.txt and Config_PointTimeSeries.txt respectively). You can edit these configuration files or make a copy to fit your data and site characteristics and either run any of these two scripts in a Python GUI or in a terminal shell:

Low-level example

You can run any TSEB model or any related process in python by importing the module TSEB from the pyTSEB package. It will also import the ancillary modules ( as res, netRadiation as rad, as MO, as CI and as met)

import pyTSEB.TSEB as TSEB 
output=TSEB.TSEB_PT(Tr_K, vza, Ta_K, u, ea, p, Sdn_dir, Sdn_dif, fvis, fnir, sza, Lsky, LAI, hc, emisVeg, emisGrd, spectraVeg, spectraGrd, z_0M, d_0, zu, zt)

You can type help(TSEB.TSEB_PT) to understand better the inputs needed and the outputs returned

The direct and difuse shortwave radiation (Sdn_dir, Sdn_dif, fvis, fnir) and the downwelling longwave radiation (Lsky) can be estimated by

emisAtm = TSEB.rad.calc_emiss_atm(ea,Ta_K_1) # Estimate atmospheric emissivity from vapour pressure (mb) and air Temperature (K)
Lsky = emisAtm * TSEB.met.calc_stephan_boltzmann(Ta_K_1) # in W m-2
difvis,difnir, fvis,fnir=TSEB.rad.calc_difuse_ratio(Sdn,sza,press=p, Wv=1) # fraction of difuse and PAR/NIR radiation from shortwave irradiance (W m-2, solar zenith angle, atmospheric pressure and precipitable water vapour )
Skyl=difvis*fvis+difnir*fnir # broadband difuse fraction

Basic Contents

High-level modules

Low-level modules

The low-level modules in this project are aimed at providing customisation and more flexibility in running TSEB. The following modules are included

API Reference

Main Scientific References


The folder ./Input contains examples for running TSEB in a tabulated time series (ExampleTableInput.txt) and in an image (ExampleImage_\< variable >.tif). Just run the high-level scripts with the configuration files provided by default and compare the resulting outputs with the files stored in ./Output/



pyTSEB: a Python Two Source Energy Balance Model

Copyright 2016 Hector Nieto and contributors.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see