BotDigger: Detecting DGA Bots in a Single Network Using DNS Traffic is a program to detect DGA-based bots using DNS traffic. It can be deployed in a single enterprise-like network. The inputs of BotDigger include .pcap or DNS log files following certain format (timestamp, source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port, DNS query/answer, DNS rcode, DNS qtype, queried domain).

The design and implementation details can be found in our published paper BotDigger.

Configuring BotDigger

There are several things that need to be configured before running BotDigger:

  1. Install software dependencies
  2. (optional) Run BotDigger on the sample trace file
  3. Configure network information
  4. (optional) Configure BotDigger parameters
  5. Ready to run BotDigger

Software Dependencies

BotDigger uses and has been tested with Python 2.7.x.

Several additional Python packages are required--you can install them (local to the user) using the included script, or with your favorite package manager:

BotDigger has not been tested with the most recent Python modules listed above. Check the requirements.txt for specifics or (recommended) use the script, which runs pip -r requirements.txt.

Configure Network Information

We need to give BotDigger some information about the network so that it will know which data to analyze and which to ignore:

For example, if we had a network on various subnets ( and, with multiple DNS servers (both local and global), and several services running, the configuration files might look like the following:

DNSServerList (users might use Google's or Level-3's DNS servers):

ExculedDomains (the following are known not to be CnC domains):


ExculedHosts (the following are known not to be bot hosts):

NetworkPrefixes (only analyze queries coming from the following prefixes):

Configure BotDigger Parameters

There are several BotDigger parameters that will affect the accuracy and precision of bot detection:

The parameters have been tuned for a large, diverse network (such as Colorado State University, with ~30K hosts).

For example, a time window (-w) of 600 seconds means that bots must make enough DNS queries in that time period to be detected. A greater time window might detect more bots, but might also increase the number of false positives.

Similarly, you can tune BotDigger to be more aggressive in detection by using a smaller bot cluster threshold (-B, minimum value is 2) and increasing the similarity threshold (-T, maximum value is 1.0).

Included Files

Running BotDigger

BotDigger runs independently on individual packet capture (.pcap) files and is inherently parallelizeable.



  -h, --help, show this help message and exit
  -i INTERFACE, --interface=INTERFACE,
            specify the network interface (e.g., eth0)
            specify the input pcap file
            specify the input pcap directory
            specify the file that contains TLDs (e.g., file TLDList)
            specify the file that contains websites providing blacklist service
            (e.g., file OverloadDNSWebsites)
            specify the file that contains the words to ignore (e.g., file InvalidWords)
            specify the file that contains IPs of local RDNS (e.g., file DNSServerList)
            specify the file that contains popular domains (e.g., file top-1m.csv)
  -P PREFIX, --prefix=PREFIX,
            specify the file that contains local network prefixes (e.g., NetworkPrefixes)
            specify the file that contains English dictionary (e.g., file wordsEn.txt)
            specify the file that contains DNS information.
            specify the directory that contains DNS files
            specify the file that contains dynamic domains (e.g., file DynamicDomains)
            specify the file that contains big enterprises (e.g., file BigCompanies)
            specify the file that contains hosts to exclude (e.g., file ExculedHosts)
            specify the file that contains domains to exclude (e.g., file ExculedDomains)
  -r RESULTSFILE, --resultsfile=RESULTSFILE,
            specify the output file or directory
  -R RECEIVER, --receiver=RECEIVER,
            specify the email receiver when the input data is offline files
            (pcap, DNS log), the email is sent when every input file is completely
            analyzed. The email includes 1) the IP labeled as bot, 2) queried suspicious
            NXDomains, and 3) labeled C&C domains
            specify the similarity threshold, the default value is 0.1.
            specify the bot cluster threshold, the default value is 4.
            specify the time window (seconds) for bot detection, default value
            is 600 seconds
            specify the file that contains existing SLDs
  -l, --enable2LDProbe
            enable 2LD probe, this generates lots of DNS queries, recommend to
            disable this when running BotDigger in real time

OFFLINEDOMAINFILE file format: each line in the file is a DNS query/response record, composed of 11 fields: timestamp, src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port, queryID, query(0)/response(1), return code, query type, queried domain, returned IP for resolved domain (blank for NXDomains). The fields are seperated by a space.

Each file in the OFFLINEDOMAINDIRECTORY should follow the format of ten fields decribed above.

RESULTSFILE will include the detected bot, clusters of queried suspicious NXDomains, and labeled C&C domains.

Running on an Example Trace File

Let's run BotDigger on a trace file with a known local bot. In the repository is a provided sample trace file (bot_sample.pcap). Run BotDigger with the following parameters:

python \
  -B 4 -T 0.10 -w 300 \
  -P NetworkPrefixes -s DNSServerList -t TLDList -b OverloadDNSWebsites \
  -c InvalidWords -p top-1m.csv -d wordsEn.txt -e BigCompanies \
  -x ExculedHosts -D ExculedDomains -n DynamicDomains \
  -f bot_sample.pcap \
  -r bot_sample-results.txt

The necessary network information is pre-configured for running on this sample file and will work as expected if you haven't modified any of the files.

The expected output should be a file named bot_sample-results.txt-Bot- This means that BotDigger has tagged local host as a suspected bot because of the DNS queries the host has made.

The output file is broken down into several sections:

BotDigger Example Parameters

Algorithm Description