
mknotebooks is a plugin for MkDocs, which makes it more convenient to include Jupyter notebooks in your project documentation.


pip install mknotebooks


Simply include any notebooks you want to use in the docs source directory, and add mknotebooks to the plugin section of your mkdocs.yml as follows:

  - mknotebooks

You can optionally execute the notebooks, by setting execute: true in the config, and include a hidden preamble script, to be run before executing any cells using preamble: "<path/to/your/script>". The default cell execution timeout can be overridden by setting timeout: <timeout>, where <timeout> is an integer number of seconds. By default, execution will be aborted if any of the cells throws an error, but you can set allow_errors: true to continue execution and include the error message in the cell output.

Any static images, plots, etc. will be extracted from the notebook and placed alongside the output HTML.


Mknotebooks applies default styling to improve the appearance of notebook input/output cells and pandas dataframes. If these interfere with any other CSS stylesheets that you're using, you can disable these via the following options.

- mknotebooks:
   enable_default_jupyter_cell_styling: false
   enable_default_pandas_dataframe_styling: false

Syntax hightlightting

In order to enable syntax highlighting for code blocks, pygments has to be installed and codehilite extension has to be enabled in mkdocs.yml.

  1. Install pygments:
pip install Pygments
  1. Enable codehilite extension in mkdocs.yml:
    - codehilite


An example docs project demonstrating the above is included. Try it out by running pipenv install && pipenv run mkdocs serve.

Inspecting generated markdown

You can also export the generated markdown by setting write_markdown: true in your mkdocs.yml. This will write the generated markdown to a .md.tmp file alongside the original notebook.