Multithreaded video capture with OpenCV and Python

Capturing a video stream from a camera in python can be done with openCV. However, when doing this operation on the main thread, performance won’t be great, especially when capturing in HD quality. By using the VideoCaptureThreading class, the video capture operation runs in a separate (green) thread. The performance increases dramatically as shown below (on a MacBook Pro) :

For 640×480:

[i] Frames per second: 28.71, with_threading=False
[i] Frames per second: 81.67, with_threading=True

For 1280×720

[i] Frames per second: 15.02, with_threading=False
[i] Frames per second: 52.04, with_threading=True

The VideoCaptureThreading class contains:

The beautiful part of this class is that it enables you to update existing code with minimal change. You only have to add
from import VideoCaptureThreading and change the line containing

cap = cv2.VideoCapture()


cap = VideoCaptureThreading()

and add




at the beginning and end of the capture read() loop. That’s it, very easy. An example can be found in the test folder of this project.

Running the test

In the root folder of this repository, run the following commands:

$ export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/main
$ python test/