
This is the code I use for my chord recognition experiments.

Requirements & Installation

I assume a standard "scientific Python" environment with NumPy, SciPy, etc. Additionally, the following libraries are required:

Packages marked with a * can be installed using pip, the others are either not available or recommended to be installed from source. If I missed any dependency, please let me know.

Once you have all libraries installed, clone this repository and add its path to the $PYTHONPATH environment variable.

Data Setup

Different experiments might require different data set to be present (you can find detailed information on the sites describing the experiments on my website). The directory structure for each dataset, however, is the same.

Put all datasets into respective subdirectories under chordrec/experiments/data. The datasets have to contain three types of data: audio files in .flac format, corresponding chord annotations in lab format with the file extension .chords, and the cross-validation split definitions. Audio and annotation files can be organised on a directory structure, but do not need to; the programs will look for any .flac and .chord files in all directories recursively. However, the split definition files must be in a splits sub-directory in each dataset directory (e.g. beatles/splits). File names of audio and annotation files must correspond to the names given in the split definition files.

The data directory including some example datasets should look like this, The internal structures of the queen, robbie_williams, rwc and zweieck directories following the one of the beatles:

 +-- data
      +-- beatles
           +-- *.flac
           +-- *.chords
           +-- splits
                +-- 8-fold_cv_album_distributed_*.fold
      +-- queen
      +-- robbie_williams
      +-- rwc
      +-- zweieck

Refer to the websites for each individual experiment for more information on the data and how to obtain it.


The experiments sub-directory contains scripts and configurations to reproduce the results of all my papers on chord recognition (plus some more). Since neural networks are initialised randomly, and I usually do not save the seed, the results might differ slightly from the ones in the papers.