Readable-Web Proxy

Reading long-form content on the internet is a shitty experience.
This is a web-proxy that tries to make it better.

This is a rewriting proxy. In other words, it proxies arbitrary web content, while allowing the rewriting of the remote content as driven by a set of rule-files. The goal is to effectively allow the complete customization of any existing web-sites as driven by predefined rules.

Functionally, it's used for extracting just the actual content body of a site and reproducing it in a clean layout. It also modifies all links on the page to point to internal addresses, so following a link points to the proxied version of the file, rather then the original.

While the above was the original scope, the project has mutated heavily. At this point, it has a complete web spider and archives entire websites to local storage. Additionally, multiple versions of each page are kept, with a overall rolling refresh of the entire database at configurable intervals (configurable on a per-domain, or global basis).

Quick installation overview:

Ubuntu dependencies