
Library for Korean morpheme and word vector representation.


For training,

For test and visualization,



We define each word as a set of its morphemes, and a word vector is represented by the sum of the vector of its morphemes.

Train Vectors

In order to learn morpheme vectors, do:

$ python3 train.py <input_corpus>
format : one sentence = one line ### Change Hyperparameters ``` $ python3 train.py -h usage: train.py [-h] [--embedding_size EMBEDDING_SIZE] [--window_size WINDOW_SIZE] [--min_count MIN_COUNT] [--num_sampled NUM_SAMPLED] [--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE] [--sampling_rate SAMPLING_RATE] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] input positional arguments: input input text file for training: one sentence per line optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --embedding_size EMBEDDING_SIZE embedding vector size (default=150) --window_size WINDOW_SIZE window size (default=5) --min_count MIN_COUNT minimal number of word occurences (default=5) --num_sampled NUM_SAMPLED number of negatives sampled (default=50) --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE learning rate (default=1.0) --sampling_rate SAMPLING_RATE rate for subsampling frequent words (default=0.0001) --epochs EPOCHS number of epochs (default=3) --batch_size BATCH_SIZE batch size (default=150) ``` ### Load Trained Morpheme Vectors ``` $ python3 >>>> from gensim.models.keyedvectors import KeyedVectors >>>> pos_vectors = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format('pos.vec', binary=False) >>>> pos_vectors.most_similar("('대통령','Noun')") ``` ### Generate Word Vectors A word vector is defined by sum of its morphemes' vectors. ``` $ python3 >>>> from konlpy.tag import Twitter >>>> import numpy as np >>>> twitter = Twitter() >>>> word = "대통령이" >>>> pos_list = twitter.pos(word, norm=True) >>>> word_vector = np.sum([pos_vectors.word_vec(str(pos).replace(" ", "")) for pos in pos_list], axis=0) ``` ## Test Dataset - [Word Similarity Test](test_dataset/kor_ws353.csv) : Translated WordSim 353 Dataset into Korean. Translation ambiguous words were excluded. - WordSim 353 Dataset : http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~gabr/resources/data/wordsim353/wordsim353.html - Word Analogy Test : Created [Semantic Pair](test_dataset/kor_analogy_semantic.txt) 420 questions + [Syntactic Pair](test_dataset/kor_analogy_syntactic.txt) 840 questions. ## Test Morpheme Vectors ### Similarity Test Word similarity test using [kor_ws353.csv](test_dataset/kor_ws353.csv). ``` $ python3 test/similarity_test.py pos.vec ``` ### Analogy Test (Semantic) Word analogy test using [kor_analogy_semantic.txt](test_dataset/kor_analogy_semantic.txt). ``` $ python3 test/analogy_test.py pos.vec ``` ### Visualization Visualize the learned embeddings on two dimensional space using PCA. ``` $ python3 test/visualization.py pos.vec --words 밥 밥을 물 물을 ``` ## Donwload Pre-trained Morpheme Vectors Morpheme vectors are trained on Naver news corpus (218M tokens) using our model. You can download pre-trained morpheme vectors here : http://mmlab.snu.ac.kr/~djlee/pos.vec ### Load Vectors using Gensim Library ``` $ python3 >>>> from gensim.models.keyedvectors import KeyedVectors >>>> pos_vectors = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format('pos.vec', binary=False) >>>> pos_vectors.most_similar("('대통령','Noun')") >>>> pos_vectors.most_similar(positive=["('도쿄','Noun')", "('프랑스','Noun')"], negative=["('일본','Noun')"]) ```