
Monty, Mongo tinified. MongoDB implemented in Python !

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Inspired by TinyDB and it's extension TinyMongo.

MontyDB is:

All those implemented functions and operators, should behaved just like you were working with MongoDB. Even raising error for same cause.


pip install montydb

Optinal Requirements

Example Code

>>> from montydb import MontyClient
>>> col = MontyClient(":memory:").db.test
>>> col.insert_many([{"stock": "A", "qty": 6}, {"stock": "A", "qty": 2}])

>>> cur = col.find({"stock": "A", "qty": {"$gt": 4}})
>>> next(cur)
{'_id': ObjectId('5ad34e537e8dd45d9c61a456'), 'stock': 'A', 'qty': 6}


Storage Engine Configurations

The configuration process only required on repository creation or modification.

Currently, one repository can only assign one storage engine.


You could prefix the repository path with montydb URI scheme.

  >>> client = MontyClient("montydb:///db/repo")


Pymongo bson may required.

Why I did this ?

Mainly for personal skill practicing and fun. I work in VFX industry, some of my production needs (mostly edge-case) requires to run in a limited environment (e.g. outsourced render farms), which may have problem to run or connect a MongoDB instance. And I found this project really helps.
