podman - pythonic library for working with varlink interface to Podman

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Status: Active Development

See libpod


Python podman library.

Provide a stable API to call into.

Notice: The varlink interface to Podman is currently deprecated and in maintenance mode. When Podman version 2.0 is released in 2020, it will include a fully supported REST API that will replace the varlink interface. The varlink interface will be removed from Podman at a later release. Starting with Podman v1.8.0, the REST API is available for test usage. The documentation for the REST API resides here.




From pypi

Install python-podman to the standard location for third-party Python modules:

python3 -m pip install podman

To use this method on Unix/Linux system you need to have permission to write to the standard third-party module directory.

Else, you can install the latest version of python-podman published on pypi to the Python user install directory for your platform. Typically ~/.local/. (See the Python documentation for site.USER_BASE for full details.) You can install like this by using the --user option:

python3 -m pip install --user podman

This method can be useful in many situations, for example, on a Unix system you might not have permission to write to the standard third-party module directory. Or you might wish to try out a module before making it a standard part of your local Python installation. This is especially true when upgrading a distribution already present: you want to make sure your existing base of scripts still works with the new version before actually upgrading.

For further reading about how python installation works you can read this documentation.

By building from source

To build the podman egg and install as user:

cd ~/python-podman
python3 setup.py clean -a && python3 setup.py sdist bdist
python3 setup.py install --user

Code snippets/examples:

Show images in storage

import podman

with podman.Client() as client:
  list(map(print, client.images.list()))

Show containers created since midnight

from datetime import datetime, time, timezone

import podman

midnight = datetime.combine(datetime.today(), time.min, tzinfo=timezone.utc)

with podman.Client() as client:
    for c in client.containers.list():
        created_at = podman.datetime_parse(c.createdat)

        if created_at > midnight:
            print('Container {}: image: {} created at: {}'.format(
                c.id[:12], c.image[:32], podman.datetime_format(created_at)))