Physics-Constrained Surrogates without Labeled Data

PyTorch implementation for Physics-constrained deep learning for high-dimensional surrogate modeling and uncertainty quantification without labeled data. This is accomplished by appropriately incorporating the governing equations into the loss / likelihood functions, as demonstrated with both deterministic surrogates (convolutional encoder-decoder networks) and probabilistic surrogates (flow-based conditional generative models).

Yinhao Zhu, Nicholas Zabaras, Phaedon-Stelios Koutsourelakis, Paris Perdikaris

Codec - GRF KLE512 Codec - Channelized cGlow - GRF KLE100
codec_grf codec_channelized cglow_pred

Enc-Dec surrogate Cond Glow

Install dependencies in requirements.txt and clone our repository

git clone
cd pde-surrogate


Input dataset includes Gaussian random field (GRF) with different truncations of N leading terms of Karhunen-Loeve expansion (KLE) GRF KLE-N, Warped GRF, and Channelized field. Corresponding output are solved with FEniCS. Note that only input samples are needed to train the physics-constrained surrogates.

Input samples

Download the dataset with 64x64 grid

bash ./scripts/ 64

Change 64 to 32 to download the dataset with 32x32 grid (mainly for probabilistic surrogate). The dataset is saved at ./datasets/.

Deterministic Surrogates - Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Networks

Physics-constrained surrogates

Train a physics-constrained surrogate with mixed residual loss without output data

python --data grf_kle512 --ntrain 4096 --batch-size 32

Data-driven surrogates

Train a data-driven surrogate with maximum likelihood, which requires output data

python --data grf_kle512 --ntrain 4096 --batch-size 32

Probabilistic Surrogates - Conditional Glow

Train conditional Glow with reverse KL divergence loss without output data

python --beta 150 --ntrain 4096 --kle 100 --imsize 32

Tune the network structure by setting hyperparameters, e.g.

Try more difficult case of KLE512 over 64x64 grid

python --beta 150 --ntrain 8192 --kle 512 --imsize 64 --lr 0.001

Also modify --enc-blocks to be [3, 3, 3, 3], and --flow-blocks to be [4, 4, 4, 4]. You should expect much longer training time and potentially unstable training. When it is unstable, use additional --resume to resume training from the latest checkpoint saved, or --ckpt-epoch 100 to resume from specific checkpoint, e.g. at 100 epochs. Use --data-init also helps.

Solving Deterministic PDEs

Convolution Decoder Networks VS Fully-Connected Neural Networks

To solve Darcy flow equation with ConvNet

python --data grf --kle 1024 --idx 8 --verbose

For solving nonlinear PDEs, add --nonlinear flag, which will call FEniCS to solve the nonlinear Darcy flow ( as the reference for the ConvNet solution.

python --data grf --kle 1024 --idx 8 --nonlinear --alpha1 0.1 --alpha2 0.1

where alpha1 and alpha2 are the coefficients in the nonlinear constitutive equation. Check main() for other hyperparameters in

To solve Darcy flow with fully-connected neural nets

python --data grf --kle 512 --idx 8 --verbose

Same hyperparameters as the ConvNet case. Nonlinear PDE case is not investigated here.

Pretrained Models

Download the pre-trained probabilistic surrogates

bash ./scripts/

Then you can check useful post-processing functions, including the ones for uncertainty quantification.



If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper.

  title={Physics-Constrained Deep Learning for High-dimensional Surrogate Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification without Labeled Data},
  author={Yinhao Zhu and Nicholas Zabaras and Phaedon-Stelios Koutsourelakis and Paris Perdikaris},
  journal={Journal of Computational Physics},
  volume = "394",
  pages = "56 - 81",