Boriel ZX Basic

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Copyleft (K) 2008, Jose Rodriguez-Rosa (a.k.a. Boriel)

All files in this project are covered under the GPLv3 LICENSE except those placed in directories library/ and library-asm. Those are licensed under MIT license unless otherwise specified in the files themselves (i.e. a different license). Anyway, all of the licenses for files under those directories allow binary closed-source (i.e. commercial) distribution of the files created with this compiler.

You can create closed-source programs (even commercial ones) with this compiler (a mention to this tool will be welcome, though). But you are not allowed to release the compiler itself as a closed source program.

If you modify this project (the compiler .py or anything licensed as GPLv3) in any way you MUST publish the changes you made and submit your contribution to the community under the same license.


This is a very little help file.


Go to the ZXBasic download page and get the version most suitable for you.

There are, basically, two flavors (both with identical capabilities):

Eleuterio, el mono serio El Hobbit Knight & Demonds DX
An in-game screenshot of Eleuterio by @na_th_an Ingame screenshot of El Hobbit by @Wilco2000 Ingame screenshot of Knignt and Demonds DX by Einar Saukas

See more examples at the Relased Programs page.


For a quick start, just open a terminal in your PC in the same directory you uncompressed ZX Basic and type zxb (on Windows) or (OSX, Linux). You should see a zxbasic message like this:

usage: zxb [-h] [-d] [-O OPTIMIZE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-T] [-t] [-B] [-a] [-A]
           [-S ORG] [-e STDERR] [--array-base ARRAY_BASE]
           [--string-base STRING_BASE] [-Z] [-H HEAP_SIZE] [--debug-memory]
           [--debug-array] [--strict-bool] [--enable-break] [-E] [--explicit]
           [-D DEFINES] [-M MEMORY_MAP] [-i] [-I INCLUDE_PATH] [--strict]
zxb: error: the following arguments are required: PROGRAM

Create a text file with the following content:

10 CLS

Save it as hello.bas and finally compile it with:

zxb -taB hello.bas

If everything went well, a file named hello.tap should be created. Open it with your favourite emulator (i.e. fuse) and see the result.

Congratulations! You're now ready to create compiled BASIC programs for your machine. Check and compile the examples included in the examples/ folder or go to the documentation page for further info.


These are some people who has contributed in a way or another. I consider some of them co-authors (Britlion, LCD) of this project.

Thanks to:

If you have contributed in some way to this project, please, tell me so I'll add you to this list.