Tubeup - a multi-video service to uploader

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tubeup uses youtube-dl to download a Youtube video (or any other provider supported by youtube-dl), and then uploads it with all metadata to the Internet Archive.

It was designed by the Bibliotheca Anonoma to archive entire Youtube accounts and playlists to the Internet Archive.


This script strongly recommends Linux or some sort of POSIX system (such as Mac OS X).

If you are using Windows, we recommend that you run this script in, which gives you a full Linux development environment with 5GBs of space, on the cloud. It may be possible to run this script on Windows + Python3 with great difficulty, but we don't recommend it.


  1. Install avconv or ffmpeg, depending on what your distro prefers. Also install pip3 and git. The script prefers ffmpeg if found but will work with just libav. To install ffmpeg in ubuntu have the Universe repository enabled.

For Debian/Ubuntu:

   sudo apt-get install libav-tools ffmpeg python3-pip git && sudo apt remove youtube-dl
  1. Use pip3 to install the required python3 packages. At the minimum Python 3.4.2 and up is required, as 3.2 will not work.
   sudo -H python3.4 -m pip install -U pip tubeup

Perodically upgrade tubeup and it's dependencies by running:

   sudo -H python3.4 pip install -U tubeup youtube-dl internetarchive
  1. If you don't already have an Internet Archive account, register for one to give the script upload privileges.

  2. Configure internetarchive with your Internet Archive account.

   ia configure

You will be prompted for your login credentials for the Internet Archive account you use.

One configured you're ready to go.

  1. Start archiving a video by running the script on a URL. Or multiple URLs at once. Youtube, Dailymotion, anything supported by youtube-dl. For YouTube, this includes account URLs and playlist URLs.
   tubeup <url>
  1. Each archived video gets it's own item. Check out what you've uploaded at


tubeup - Download a video with Youtube-dl, then upload to Internet Archive, passing all metadata.

  tubeup <url>... [--metadata=<key:value>...]
  tubeup <url> [--username <user>] [--password <pass>]
  tubeup <url> [--proxy <prox>]
  tubeup <url> --use-download-archive
  tubeup <url> -q | --quiet
  tubeup <url> -d | --debug
  tubeup -h | --help

  <url>                         Youtube-dl compatible URL to download.
                                Check Youtube-dl documentation for a list
                                of compatible websites.
  -m, --metadata=<key:value>    Custom metadata to add to the

  -h --help                 Show this screen.
  --proxy <prox>            Use a proxy while uploading.
  --username <user>         Provide a username, for sites like Nico Nico Douga.
  --password <pass>         Provide a password, for sites like Nico Nico Douga.
  --use-download-archive    Record the video url to the download archive.
                            This will download only videos not listed in
                            the archive file. Record the IDs of all
                            downloaded videos in it.
  -q --quiet                Just print errors.
  -d --debug                Print all logs to stdout.


You can specify custom metadata with the --metadata flag. For example, this script will upload your video to the Community Video collection by default. You can specify a different collection with the --metadata flag:

   tubeup --metadata=collection:opensource_audio <url>

Any arbitrary metadta can be added to the item, with a few exceptions. You can learn more about metadata here.

Collections users can upload to to four open collections:

Note that care should be taken when uploading entire channels. Read the appropraite section in this guide for creating collections, and contact the collections staff if you're uploading a channel or multiple channels on one subject (gaming or horticulture for example), they'll create a collection for you or merge any uploaded items based on the Youtube uploader name that are already up into a new collection.

Dumping entire channels into Community Video is abusive and may get your account locked. Talk to the admins first before doing large uploads it's better to ask for guidence or help first than run afowl with the rules.

If you do not own a collection you will need to be added as an admin for that collection if you want to upload to it Talk to the collection owner or staff if you need assistance with this.

Privacy disclaimer

As apart of the metadata collection process, youtube-dl (a dependency of Tubeup) prints out the full file location of the video file as well as the external IP address of the machine mirroring the video.


"_filename": "/home/USER/.tubeup/downloads/VIDEO.mp4"

This is apart of the metadata process by youtube-dl. That one string is apart of the JSON metadata uploaded to and is availble to the public. It is located in each items .info,.json file.

If you do not feel comfortable with this, send a pull request that reliably removes both IPv6/6 addresses and the filepath, or do not use Tubeup.


Major Credits

License (GPLv3)

Copyright (C) 2020 Bibliotheca Anonoma

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see