Standard Format

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A Sublime Text 3 plug-in that runs standard --fix against the javascript code in your ST3 window on save or manually. Can be toggled on or off. Includes a few settings that let you tweak your search path to favor local dependencies over global ones.

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Install Standard Format using Package Control.

# In the command palate
- package control install
- standard format

Standard Format (the Sublime Text Plug-in) requires that you install standard either locally to your project or globally. It is recomended to save it to your local project.

$ npm install standard@latest --save-dev


You can find Standard Format settings in the StandardFormat.sublime-settings file.

Standard Format is agressive about finding your developer dependencies. The search path that it uses by default are in the following order:

Other settings:


Windows is now supported. Please open any issues that you come across.


Standard Format pairs nicely with the Sublime Text standard linter:
