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PySyncObj is a python library for building fault-tolerant distributed systems. It provides the ability to replicate your application data between multiple servers. It has following features:



PySyncObj itself:

pip install pysyncobj

Cryptography for encryption (optional):

pip install cryptography


Consider you have a class that implements counter:

class MyCounter(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__counter = 0

    def incCounter(self):
        self.__counter += 1

    def getCounter(self):
        return self.__counter

So, to transform your class into a replicated one:


If you just need some distributed data structures - try built-in "batteries". Few examples:

Counter & Dict

from pysyncobj import SyncObj
from pysyncobj.batteries import ReplCounter, ReplDict

counter1 = ReplCounter()
counter2 = ReplCounter()
dict1 = ReplDict()
syncObj = SyncObj('serverA:4321', ['serverB:4321', 'serverC:4321'], consumers=[counter1, counter2, dict1])

counter1.set(42, sync=True) # set initial value to 42, 'sync' means that operation is blocking
counter1.add(10, sync=True) # add 10 to counter value # increment counter value by one
dict1.set('testKey1', 'testValue1', sync=True)
dict1['testKey2'] = 'testValue2' # this is basically the same as previous, but asynchronous (non-blocking)
print(counter1, counter2, dict1['testKey1'], dict1.get('testKey2'))


from pysyncobj import SyncObj
from pysyncobj.batteries import ReplLockManager

lockManager = ReplLockManager(autoUnlockTime=75) # Lock will be released if connection dropped for more than 75 seconds
syncObj = SyncObj('serverA:4321', ['serverB:4321', 'serverC:4321'], consumers=[lockManager])
if lockManager.tryAcquire('testLockName', sync=True):
  # do some actions

You can look at batteries implementation, examples and unit-tests for more use-cases. Also there is an API documentation. Feel free to create proposals and/or pull requests with new batteries, features, etc. Join our gitter chat if you have any questions.


15K rps on 3 nodes; 14K rps on 7 nodes; 22K rps on 10 byte requests; 5K rps on 20Kb requests;
