
Automatic Cisco IOS firmware upgrades

Code style: black



Automates the entire upgrade process:

Auto-detects best upgrade method available:

Supported platforms:

Experimentally supported platforms:

Currently unsupported platforms:

NOTE: Use at your own risk. It works well in my environment, but serious bugs are possible. Test thoroughly in a lab environment, and see known issues below.



  1. Rename config/config.yaml.example to config.yaml, and review config/images.yaml, matching both to your requirements. Defaults are sane, but don't take any chances :)
  2. Copy your IOS images defined in images.yaml to the src_image_path defined in config.yaml.

Note: Pay special attention if you have devices of the same model, but need different IOS images (e.g., ipbase vs ipservices). In that case, define both images in images.yaml and add the same model to their respective models lists. Then, change match_feature_set to true in config.yaml.

Interactive Example

>>> from iosfw import iosfw
>>> device = iosfw('ios-sw-1')
Username [austindcc]:
Enable secret:
Opening connection to ios-sw-1...
Connected to ios-sw-1 (WS-C3560X-48P) as austind via ssh
Running version: 12.2(55)SE8
Upgrade version: 15.2(4)E8
Upgrade status: NEEDS UPGRADE
>>> device.upgrade()
Starting upgrade on ios-sw-1 at 14:34:09 06/13/19...
Checking free space...
Found enough free space!
Installing new firmware...
NOTE: No status updates possible during install, which may take 10 minutes or longer.
Install successful!
Removing running image...
Deleting flash:/c3560e-universalk9-mz.122-55.SE8...
Running image deleted.
Scheduling reload...
Reload scheduled for 00:00:00 PDT Fri Jun 14 2019 (9 hours and 16 minutes away)
Upgrade on ios-sw-1 completed at 14:43:32 06/13/19
Total time elapsed: 0:09:23.224298

Automated Example

See example/

Known issues


Contributions welcome.


