
A modular Telegram UserBot for Python which uses the Telethon library. It is made to help you do your usual client tasks without the hassle and also has some additional useful features.

Documentation Status

Heroku guide is available here.

Deploy to Heroku

Incase your Redis session renders invalid, stop your dyno & run the userbot locally again, it will delete your old session from Redis. Then re-run the userbot again, login and exit it and start your dyno on Heroku.



Clone the repository.

$ git clone

Change the current directory to the cloned one.

$ cd TG-UserBot

Edit the config either using Nano/Vim or a Text Editor and put your ENV Vars in the same.

$ nano sample_config.ini
$ mv sample_config.ini config.ini

Install all the requirements using pip.

$ pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

Run the UserBot once you have a valid configuration file.

$ python3 -m userbot



Either submit pull requests or create an issue on here.

Copyright & License