:bell: Pydiogment

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Pydiogment aims to simplify audio augmentation. It generates multiple audio files based on a starting mono audio file. The library can generates files with higher speed, slower, and different tones etc.

:inbox_tray: Installation


Pydiogment requires:


If you already have a working installation of NumPy and SciPy , you can simply install Pydiogment using pip:

pip install pydiogment

To update an existing version of Pydiogment, use:

pip install -U pydiogment

:bulb: How to use

:bookmark_tabs: Documentation

A thorough documentation of the library is available under pydiogment.readthedocs.io.

:construction_worker: Contributing

Contributions are welcome and encouraged. To learn more about how to contribute to Pydiogment please refer to the Contributing guidelines

:tada: Acknowledgment and credits