
These demos are all based on Tensorflow's low level APIs.

Tensorflow has witnessed huge changes. For example, Keras has been merged to Tensorflow as high level APIs. In Tensorflow 2.0, dynamic dynamic computational graph replaces static graph as the default pattern. Therefore, some of the demos in this repo may be out-of-date. Just use them as a reference.

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This demo helps to understand basic concepts including graph, Session, placeholder, constant and Variable.


This demo shows how to build a linear regression model.
The key is to help understand the framework of a model training pipeline in Tensorflow.

  1. Define tensor objects.
    optimizable model parameters: defined as Variable
    fixed model parameters: defined as constant
    model inputs: defined as placeholder (to be "fed" by training or test data)
  2. Define optimization object
    This can be MSE (e.g. linear regression), cross entropy loss (e.g. logistic regression, softmax regression), or other possible ones.
  3. Pick an optimizer
    This can be SGD, SGD with momentum, Adam, and so on. This demo is so simple that SGD is enough.
  4. Run optimization
    In step (1)~(3), we actually build a Computational Graph, which is no more than a model before we RUN it with Session
    In the final step, use Session to run the optimizer (the one defined in step 3).
    Remember to FEED each placeholder when running the graph!


Let's try something more interesting!
This demo shows how to build a sofmax regression model for the MNIST dataset.


Of course the CNN model cannot be missed!
This demo shows how to build a CNN model for MNIST dataset.


This is a demo for use of Tensorflow high level API tf.contrib.
For simplicity, use the IRIS dataset and a simple 3-layer feed forward network.


It is often the case that we need to pre-processing the dataset. Customizing our own input_function is a good choice. Then you can provide the function handle when running the graph.
For more detail, see Tensorflow Document.


These three demos are all about Tensorboard. All of them are extended based on exp4. (The model is exactly the same, I just add some extra codes for visualizing on Tensorboard.)

First, you can try Tensorboard and see how amazing it is.

  1. Just run exp9, you will see a folder named 'MNIST_logs' in your current path.

  2. Open command line. Run command

    tensorboard --logdir MNIST_logs
  3. You will see something similar to the following content:

    TensorBoard 0.4.0 at http://sao:6006 (Press CTRL+C to quit)

  4. Open your browser, go to the address shown on your command line

Now you may want to see the details of the demo. Here is the overview:
Generally speaking, I wrap four types of information for visualization on Tensorboard

  1. Training information. For example, record loss value to plot a trainging curve, or record weight values to plot a histogram for visualizing their distribution.
    fig1.png fig2.png
  2. Images. In this demo only original MNIST data is visualized. In practice, it may be more useful for you to visualize features of hidden layers. fig3.png
  3. Embeddings.
  4. Comnputational Graph. In addition to the architecture of the graph, information on running status is also shown (including memory useage, computing time, etc.)

exp7_TensorBoard: visualizing training information, images, and simplest version of computational graph
exp8_Embedding_Visualization: add Embeddings for visualization
exp9_Graph_Visualization: add running status information