Experimental opaque predicate detection for IDA Pro

Drop (Drop Removes Opaque Predicates) is an experimental IDA Pro plugin capable of detecting several types of opaque predicates in obfuscated binaries by making use of the symbolic-execution engine angr and its components. Specifically, Drop can detect, highlight and (primitively) remove the following types of opaque predicates:

In general, the plugin is built to be as interactive as possible, allowing the analyst to specify additional context through function hooking, symbolic global variables and additional (in-)equality constraints.


Third-party dependencies

Because of the instable nature of the APIs provided by angr and its components, Drop requires a very specific version of each to be installed. In order to make installation easier, some of these have been provided as Python .egg files in the dependencies folder. See the Installation section below for instructions on how to install these dependencies.


This assumes a 64-bit Windows 7 installation with IDA 6.95. Other operating systems are not tested an will require a different installation procedure. Currently, IDA 7.0 and 64-bit Python are not supported. This might change in the future.

It is assumed that (32-bit) Python 2.7, pip and easy_install are installed, as they come with IDA 6.95.

  1. Make sure the 32-bit Python 2.7 executable directories are in your PATH:

    • ;C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts
  2. Run the following commands:

    • cd path_to_drop/dependencies
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
    • easy_install -Z archinfo- pyvex- cle- simuvex- capstone-3.0.4-py2.7.egg angr-
  3. Copy drop/ and drop.py to plugins/ in your IDA installation folder.

  4. Done!

Basic usage

The following video shows Drop in action on a simple function containing the opaque predicate 7*x*x-1 != y*y: https://streamable.com/s7fjw. The source code of the program seen in that video can be found in the demo folder.

In general, the workflow with Drop is is follows:

  1. Open a binary* in IDA Pro.

  2. Make sure the cursor is located within a function.

  3. Launch Drop with Alt+F6.

  4. Follow the steps shown in the panel:

    1. Let angr perform a rudimentary concrete trace through the function by pressing 'concrete trace...' or manually mark code-blocks to include in the analysis.

    2. Click the 'along trace' button to start opaque predicate detection on the currently marked basic-blocks.

    3. Optionally (and very experimentally), patch any resulting unreachable code with NOP instructions, to hopefully simplify the function's graph view and decompilation output.

Optionally, one can specify context during step 2 to improve symbolic analysis, this is especially helpful in larger functions with many variables or function calls.

* only x86 binaries have been properly tested.