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Restatic - A Boring Open Source GUI for Restic

:warning: :warning: This is still under heavy developement and currently unusable !!! It's a fork of Vorta. :warning: :warning:

Restatic is an open source Linux / Windows GUI for Restic. It's currently in very early alpha status.

Main features

Installation and Download

Restatic should work on all platforms that support Qt and Restic.

Linux / Windows

First install Restic and its dependencies.

Please make shure that the restic binary has been added to your path.

Then install Restatic from Pypi:

$ git clone
$ cd restatic
$ pip install .

After installation run it with the restatic command.

$ restatic

Debugging and Bugs

Please report any errors you may encounter by opening an issue on Github. Please include steps to reproduce and all logging output. Logs can be found in these folders:


Install the environment in development/editable mode while in the repo:

mkdir venv
virtualenv-3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install -e .

Then run as Python script:

$ python src/restatic

Install developer packages we use (pytest, tox, pyinstaller):

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Qt Creator is used to edit views. Install from their site or using Homebrew and then open the .ui files in restatic/UI:

Testing (work in progress)

Tests are in the folder /tests. Testing happens at the level of UI components. Calls to restic are mocked and can be replaced with some example json-output. To run tests:

$ pytest --forked
$ pytest --flake8


License and Credits