Bottom-Up and Top-Down Attention for Visual Question Answering

An tensorflow implementation of the winning entry of the 2017 VQA Challenge. The model details are in "Tips and Tricks for Visual Question Answering: Learnings from the 2017 Challenge" paper.
This implementation is motivated from pytorch implementation link.

Some Info.


I checked the final results and it can be differ whether early-stopping is used.

Model Validation Accuracy Training Time
Reported Model 63.15 12 - 18 hours (Tesla K40)
TF Model 61~64 < 1 hours (Tesla P40)

Model Architecture

Proposed Model (in paper)


Implemented Graph (tensorboard)

Learning curve (score)


Main Codes


Make sure you are on a machine with a NVIDIA GPU and Python 3 with about 100 GB RAM space.
This code needs more memory than pytorch version (70~80 GB).
Some issues are resolving to increase memory efficiency.
If you resolve, i always welcome PR.

- tensorflow 1.13.0
- h5py

Data Setup

Data download and preprocessing module is from original_repo and [pytorch_repo]((

Make sure your dataset should be downloaded to ./data/ directory.

>> mkdir data
>> sh tools/
>> sh tools/


For various hyperparameter setting, refer the arguments in

>> python

If you want to visualize your result and graph

>> tensorboard --logdir='./tensorboard' (--ip=YOUR_IP) (--port=YOUR_PORT)

Early stopping

Evaluation on validation data is available at every epoch.
Also early-stpping is enable to prevent from overfitting.
However, because of memory issue, the code in is annotated.
