Certificate Generator Server

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An automatic certificate generator for events according to multiple input files like csv, xlsx, numbers and shoots emails with generated certificates.

Setting up environment

pip install pipenv
pipenv shell

As soon as the shell is ready,

pipenv install

The above command will install all of the dependencies.

cp .env.sample .env

Now edit .env and fill the generated .env file with your credentials to run it locally.


python manage.py makemigrations api
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver

To stop the server, press Ctrl + C and deactivate the virtual environment using deactivate command.

Running in docker

  1. Build image
    sudo docker build . -t cert-gen-server:latest
  2. Run container
    sudo docker run -d --name cert-gen cert-gen-server:latest
  3. If you want to add packages, you would need to get a shell as root:
    sudo docker exec --it --user root cert-gen sh

In docker container

apk add curl

## Post setup instructions

Instead of adding new dependencies to requirements.txt, simply run:

pipenv install <package-name>

to install it inside pipenv and add it to Pipfile.

To lock the dependencies for deployment, run:

pipenv lock

Setting up project

1. Fork this project by clicking the Fork button on top right corner of this page.

2. Clone the repository by running following command in git:

 $ git clone https://github.com/[YOUR-USERNAME]/certificate-generator-server.git


1. Make reasonable changes.

2. Add all changes by running this command on the terminal/command prompt:

 $ git add .

Or to add specific files only, run this command:

 $ git add path/to/your/file

Make sure you replace path/to/your/file with the actual path to the file you want to add to the staging area.

3. Commit changes.


4. Push your changes.

 $ git push origin

5. Create a Pull Request by clicking the New pull request button on your repository page.

6. Always Squash your commits when sending the Pull request

NOTE Make sure that you include a desription of changes made by you.


If you need any help anywhere in the process, you can always ask a question on our Gitter Chat.


This project is currently licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. i.e. we guarantee end users the freedom to run, study, share, and modify the software.

To obtain the software under a different license, please contact JBossOutreach.