
FigureFirst is a python 3.5+ library to decorate and parse SVG files so they can serve as layout documents for matplotlib figures. In principle FigureFirst works on python 2.7, but it is not officially supported.

If you use FigureFirst, please cite the above paper to help others find FigureFirst.


Install figurefirst using pip

pip install figurefirst

Installing figurefirst inkscape extensions

This package includes a console script, figurefirst_ext to install inkscape extensions. It tries to infer the default installation path for your OS (do figurefirst_ext --help to see what they are), or you can pass a path in manually, e.g..

figurefirst_ext ~/.config/inkscape/extensions

This defaults to installing extensions for inkscape 1.0. If need support for older version of Inkscape (<1.0) add --inkscape_major_version 0 to the above command.


See for more detail, or follow the tutorial notebook:

  1. Create your figure template in Inkscape.
    • Make a rectangle for each panel, tag the panel using extensions > figurefirst > tagaxis, e.g. A or B
    • Group the rectangles (select all, ctrl-g), tag the group using extensions > figurefirst > tagfigure, e.g. fig1
    • Save your template, e.g. fifi_template.svg
  2. In Python use the following commands to load, plot, and save:
    • import figurefirst as fifi
    • layout = fifi.svg_to_axes.FigureLayout('fifi_template.svg', autogenlayers=True, make_mplfigures=True, hide_layers=[])
    • For each axis, grab the axis handle using: ax = layout.axes[('fig1', 'B')]
    • Plot on that axis using matplotlib as usual
    • After you have plotted all panels, optionally update the aesthetics:
      • fifi.mpl_functions.adjust_spines(ax, ['left', 'bottom'])
      • fifi.mpl_functions.set_fontsize(ax, 6)
    • Add your figure to the layout using layout.append_figure_to_layer(layout.figures['fig1'], 'fig1', cleartarget=True)
    • Save your figure to the svg using layout.write_svg('fifi_template.svg'). Use a new name if you wish not to overwrite the template.
  3. Note that you can have multiple figurefirst "figures" in a single svg file. Each figure will appear as a new layer.
  4. If working in a jupyter notebook, you can display the figure using
    • from IPython.display import display,SVG
    • display(SVG('fifi_template.svg'))

Use with Inkscape

FigureFirst is developed and tested with Inkscape. Some versions and settings of Inkscape are very slow, try using inkcsape 1.0. For leggacy versions of Inkscape specifying the Inkscape major version as 0 in the install script. See installation above.

Installing Inkscape 1.0 on Ubuntu

You can install Inkscape 1.9 using ppa:

Optimizing Inkscape settings

Try increasing the Rendering Tile Multiplier:
