Blender Datasmith Export

Export your Blender scene to UE4 using the Datasmith format.

It aims to export all the Datasmith format supports. For now it exports:

Check out an overview of a previous version here:


Blender Eevee: Blender Eevee render UE4 using Datasmith: UE4 render

This result relies on the DatasmithBlenderContent, which is a UE4 Plugin that improves material import compatibility. Consider supporting the project by purchasing it from here (Epic Games store support will be added later)

This result is in a custom UE4 build, which fixes some issues of the UE4 importer. If you are technical to compile the engine, you can check the fork here. Hopefully we can get to integrate our fixes into the main branch.

Now Download the latest development version and install from the Blender addons preferences pane.

If you want to support the project, consider supporting via Patreon.

Please please, join the project Discord and share your results! I want to see what you make and I am open to any feedback you have.