#!/usr/bin/env python3

import argparse
import json
import math
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import numpy as np

from wand.api import library
from wand.color import Color
from wand.image import Image

import pcbnew
from lxml import etree

default_style = {
    "copper": "#417e5a",
    "board": "#4ca06c",
    "silk": "#f0f0f0",
    "pads": "#b5ae30",
    "outline": "#000000",
    "clad": "#9c6b28",
    "vcut": "#bf2600",
    "highlight-on-top": False,
    "highlight-style": "stroke:none;fill:#ff0000;opacity:0.5;",
    "highlight-padding": 1.5,
    "highlight-offset": 0

float_re = r'([-+]?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?)'

class SvgPathItem:
    def __init__(self, path):
        path = re.sub(r"([MLA])(\d+)", r"\1 \2", path)
        path = re.split("[, ]", path)
        path = list(filter(lambda x: x, path))
        if path[0] != "M":
            raise SyntaxError("Only paths with absolute position are supported")
        self.start = tuple(map(float, path[1:3]))
        path = path[3:]
        if path[0] == "L":
            x = float(path[1])
            y = float(path[2])
            self.end = (x, y)
            self.type = path[0]
            self.args = None
        elif path[0] == "A":
            args = list(map(float, path[1:8]))
            self.end = (args[5], args[6])
            self.args = args[0:5]
            self.type = path[0]
            raise SyntaxError("Unsupported path element " + path[0])

    def is_same(p1, p2):
        dx = p1[0] - p2[0]
        dy = p1[1] - p2[1]
        return math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) < 5

    def format(self, first):
        ret = ""
        if first:
            ret += " M {} {} ".format(*self.start)
        ret += self.type
        if self.args:
            ret += " " + " ".join(map(lambda x: str(x).rstrip('0').rstrip('.'), self.args))
        ret += " {} {} ".format(*self.end)
        return ret

    def flip(self):
        self.start, self.end = self.end, self.start
        if self.type == "A":
            self.args[4] = 1 if self.args[4] < 0.5 else 0

def unique_prefix():
    unique_prefix.counter += 1
    return "pref_" + str(unique_prefix.counter)
unique_prefix.counter = 0

def matrix(data):
    return np.array(data, dtype=np.float32)

def extract_arg(args, index, default=None):
    Return n-th element of array or default if out of range
    if index >= len(args):
        return default
    return args[index]

def to_trans_matrix(transform):
    Given SVG transformation string returns corresponding matrix
    m = matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
    if transform is None:
        return m
    trans = re.findall(r'[a-z]+?\(.*?\)', transform)
    for t in trans:
        op, args = t.split('(')
        args = [float(x) for x in re.findall(float_re, args)]
        if op == 'matrix':
            m = np.matmul(m, matrix([
                [args[0], args[2], args[4]],
                [args[1], args[3], args[5]],
                [0, 0, 1]]))
        if op == 'translate':
            x = args[0]
            y = extract_arg(args, 1, 0)
            m = np.matmul(m, matrix([
                [1, 0, x],
                [0, 1, y],
                [0, 0, 1]]))
        if op == 'scale':
            x = args[0]
            y = extract_arg(args, 1, 1)
            m = np.matmul(m, matrix([
                [x, 0, 0],
                [0, y, 0],
                [0, 0, 1]]))
        if op == 'rotate':
            cosa = np.cos(np.radians(args[0]))
            sina = np.sin(np.radians(args[0]))
            if len(args) != 1:
                x, y = args[1:3]
                m = np.matmul(m, matrix([
                    [1, 0, x],
                    [0, 1, y],
                    [0, 0, 1]]))
            m = np.matmul(m, matrix([
                [cosa, -sina, 0],
                [sina, cosa, 0],
                [0, 0, 1]]))
            if len(args) != 1:
                m = np.matmul(m, matrix([
                    [1, 0, -x],
                    [0, 1, -y],
                    [0, 0, 1]]))
        if op == 'skewX':
            tana = np.tan(np.radians(args[0]))
            m = np.matmul(m, matrix([
                [1, tana, 0],
                [0, 1, 0],
                [0, 0, 1]]))
        if op == 'skewY':
            tana = np.tan(np.radians(args[0]))
            m = np.matmul(m, matrix([
                [1, 0, 0],
                [tana, 1, 0],
                [0, 0, 1]]))
    return m

def collect_transformation(element, root=None):
    Collect all the transformation applied to an element and return it as matrix
    if root is None:
        if element.getparent() is not None:
            m = collect_transformation(element.getparent(), root)
            m = matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
        if element.getparent() != root:
            m = collect_transformation(element.getparent(), root)
            m = matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
    if "transform" not in element.attrib:
        return m
    trans = element.attrib["transform"]
    return np.matmul(m, to_trans_matrix(trans))

def element_position(element, root=None):
    position = matrix([
    r = root
    trans = collect_transformation(element, root=r)
    position = np.matmul(trans, position)
    return position[0][0] / position[2][0], position[1][0] / position[2][0]

def ki2dmil(val):
    return val // 2540

def to_user_units(val):
    x = float_re + r'\s*(pt|pc|mm|cm|in)?'
    value, unit = re.findall(x, val)[0]
    value = float(value)
    if unit == "" or unit == "px":
        return value
    if unit == "pt":
        return 1.25 * value
    if unit == "pc":
        return 15 * value
    if unit == "mm":
        return 3.543307 * value
    if unit == "cm":
        return 35.43307 * value
    if unit == "in":
        return 90

def read_svg_unique(filename):
    prefix = unique_prefix() + "_"
    root = etree.parse(filename).getroot()
    # We have to ensure all Ids in SVG are unique. Let's make it nasty by
    # collecting all ids and doing search & replace
    # Potentially dangerous (can break user text)
    ids = []
    for el in root.getiterator():
        if "id" in el.attrib and el.attrib["id"] != "origin":
    with open(filename) as f:
        content = f.read()
    for i in ids:
        content = content.replace("#"+i, "#" + prefix + i)
    root = etree.fromstring(str.encode(content))
    for el in root.getiterator():
        if "id" in el.attrib and el.attrib["id"] != "origin":
            el.attrib["id"] = prefix + el.attrib["id"]
    return root

def extract_svg_content(root):
    # Remove SVG namespace to ease our lifes and change ids
    for el in root.getiterator():
        if '}' in str(el.tag):
            el.tag = el.tag.split('}', 1)[1]
    return [ x for x in root if x.tag and x.tag not in ["title", "desc"]]

def strip_fill_svg(root):
    keys = ["fill", "stroke"]
    for el in root.getiterator():
        if "style" in el.attrib:
            s = el.attrib["style"].split(";")
            s = filter(lambda x: x.strip().split(":")[0] not in keys, s)
            el.attrib["style"] = ";".join(s).replace("  ", " ").strip()

def empty_svg(**attrs):
    document = etree.ElementTree(etree.fromstring(
        """<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
        <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
        <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1"
            width="29.7002cm" height="21.0007cm" viewBox="0 0 116930 82680 ">
            <title>Picture generated by PcbDraw </title>
            <desc>Picture generated by PcbDraw</desc>
    root = document.getroot()
    for key, value in attrs.items():
        root.attrib[key] = value
    return document

def get_board_polygon(svg_elements):
    Try to connect independents segments on Edge.Cuts and form a polygon
    return SVG path element with the polygon
    elements = []
    path = ""
    for group in svg_elements:
        for svg_element in group:
            if svg_element.tag == "path":
            elif svg_element.tag == "circle":
                # Convert circle to path
                att = svg_element.attrib
                s = " M {0} {1} m-{2} 0 a {2} {2} 0 1 0 {3} 0 a {2} {2} 0 1 0 -{3} 0 ".format(
                    att["cx"], att["cy"], att["r"], 2 * float(att["r"]))
                path += s
    outline = [elements[0]]
    elements = elements[1:]
    while True:
        size = len(outline)
        for i, e in enumerate(elements):
            if SvgPathItem.is_same(outline[0].start, e.end):
                outline.insert(0, e)
            elif SvgPathItem.is_same(outline[0].start, e.start):
                outline.insert(0, e)
            elif SvgPathItem.is_same(outline[-1].end, e.start):
            elif SvgPathItem.is_same(outline[-1].end, e.end):
            del elements[i]
        if size == len(outline):
            first = True
            for x in outline:
                path += x.format(first)
                first = False
            if elements:
                outline = [elements[0]]
                elements = elements[1:]
                e = etree.Element("path", d=path, style="fill-rule=evenodd;")
                return e

def process_board_substrate_layer(container, name, source, colors, boardsize):
    layer = etree.SubElement(container, "g", id="substrate-"+name,
        style="fill:{0}; stroke:{0};".format(colors[name]))
    if name == "pads":
        layer.attrib["mask"] = "url(#pads-mask)"
    if name == "silk":
        layer.attrib["mask"] = "url(#pads-mask-silkscreen)"
    for element in extract_svg_content(read_svg_unique(source)):

def process_board_substrate_base(container, name, source, colors, boardsize):
    clipPath = etree.SubElement(etree.SubElement(container, "defs"), "clipPath")
    clipPath.attrib["id"] = "cut-off"

    layer = etree.SubElement(container, "g", id="substrate-"+name,
        style="fill:{0}; stroke:{0};".format(colors[name]))
    outline = etree.SubElement(layer, "g",
        style="fill:{0}; stroke: {0};".format(colors["outline"]))
    for element in extract_svg_content(read_svg_unique(source)):

def process_board_substrate_mask(container, name, source, colors, boardsize):
    mask = etree.SubElement(etree.SubElement(container, "defs"), "mask")
    mask.attrib["id"] = name
    for element in extract_svg_content(read_svg_unique(source)):
        for item in element.getiterator():
            if "style" in item.attrib:
                # KiCAD plots in black, for mask we need white
                item.attrib["style"] = item.attrib["style"].replace("#000000", "#ffffff")
    silkMask = etree.SubElement(etree.SubElement(container, "defs"), "mask")
    silkMask.attrib["id"] = name + "-silkscreen"
    for element in extract_svg_content(read_svg_unique(source)):
        # KiCAD plots black, no need to change fill
    bg = etree.SubElement(silkMask, "rect", attrib={
        "x": str(ki2dmil(boardsize.GetX())),
        "y": str(ki2dmil(boardsize.GetY())),
        "width": str(ki2dmil(boardsize.GetWidth())),
        "height": str(ki2dmil(boardsize.GetHeight())),
        "fill": "white"

def get_layers(board, colors, toPlot):
    Plot given layers, process them and return them as <g>
    container = etree.Element('g')
    tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    pctl = pcbnew.PLOT_CONTROLLER(board)
    popt = pctl.GetPlotOptions()
        # Method does not exist in older versions of KiCad
    for f, layers, _ in toPlot:
        pctl.OpenPlotfile(f, pcbnew.PLOT_FORMAT_SVG, f)
        for l in layers:
    for f, _, process in toPlot:
        for svg_file in os.listdir(tmp):
            if svg_file.endswith("-" + f + ".svg"):
                process(container, f, os.path.join(tmp, svg_file), colors)
    return container

def get_board_substrate(board, colors, holes, back):
    Plots all front layers from the board and arranges them in a visually appealing style.
    return SVG g element with the board substrate
    toPlot = []
        toPlot = [
            ("board", [pcbnew.Edge_Cuts], process_board_substrate_base),
            ("clad", [pcbnew.B_Mask], process_board_substrate_layer),
            ("copper", [pcbnew.B_Cu], process_board_substrate_layer),
            ("pads", [pcbnew.B_Cu], process_board_substrate_layer),
            ("pads-mask", [pcbnew.B_Mask], process_board_substrate_mask),
            ("silk", [pcbnew.B_SilkS], process_board_substrate_layer),
            ("outline", [pcbnew.Edge_Cuts], process_board_substrate_layer)]
        toPlot = [
            ("board", [pcbnew.Edge_Cuts], process_board_substrate_base),
            ("clad", [pcbnew.F_Mask], process_board_substrate_layer),
            ("copper", [pcbnew.F_Cu], process_board_substrate_layer),
            ("pads", [pcbnew.F_Cu], process_board_substrate_layer),
            ("pads-mask", [pcbnew.F_Mask], process_board_substrate_mask),
            ("silk", [pcbnew.F_SilkS], process_board_substrate_layer),
            ("outline", [pcbnew.Edge_Cuts], process_board_substrate_layer)]
    container = etree.Element('g')
    container.attrib["clip-path"] = "url(#cut-off)"
    tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    pctl = pcbnew.PLOT_CONTROLLER(board)
    popt = pctl.GetPlotOptions()
        # Method does not exist in older versions of KiCad
    for f, layers, _ in toPlot:
        pctl.OpenPlotfile(f, pcbnew.PLOT_FORMAT_SVG, f)
        for l in layers:
    boardsize = board.ComputeBoundingBox()
    for f, _, process in toPlot:
        for svg_file in os.listdir(tmp):
            if svg_file.endswith("-" + f + ".svg"):
                process(container, f, os.path.join(tmp, svg_file), colors, boardsize)

    if holes:
        container.attrib["mask"] = "url(#hole-mask)"
    return container

def walk_components(board, back, export):
    module = board.GetModules()
    while True:
        if not module:
        # Top is for Eagle boards imported to KiCAD
        if (str(module.GetLayerName()) in ["Back", "B.Cu"] and not  back) or \
           (str(module.GetLayerName()) in ["Top", "F.Cu"]  and      back):
            module = module.Next()
        lib = str(module.GetFPID().GetLibNickname()).strip()
            name = str(module.GetFPID().GetFootprintName()).strip()
        except AttributeError:
            # it seems we are working on Kicad >4.0.6, which has a changed method name
            name = str(module.GetFPID().GetLibItemName()).strip()
        value = module.GetValue().strip()
        ref = module.GetReference().strip()
        center = module.GetCenter()
        orient = math.radians(module.GetOrientation() / 10)
        pos = (center.x, center.y, orient)
        export(lib, name, value, ref, pos)
        module = module.Next()

def get_hole_mask(board):
    defs = etree.Element("defs")
    mask = etree.SubElement(defs, "mask", id="hole-mask")
    container = etree.SubElement(mask, "g")

    bb = board.ComputeBoundingBox()
    bg = etree.SubElement(container, "rect", x="0", y="0", fill="white")
    bg.attrib["x"] = str(ki2dmil(bb.GetX()))
    bg.attrib["y"] = str(ki2dmil(bb.GetY()))
    bg.attrib["width"] = str(ki2dmil(bb.GetWidth()))
    bg.attrib["height"] = str(ki2dmil(bb.GetHeight()))

    module = board.GetModules()
    while module:
        if module.GetPadCount() == 0:
            module = module.Next()
        pad = module.Pads()
            # Newest nightly renames Pads to PadList
            pad = module.PadsList()
        while pad:
            pos = pad.GetPosition()
            padOrientation = pad.GetOrientation()
            pos.x = ki2dmil(pos.x)
            pos.y = ki2dmil(pos.y)
            size = list(map(ki2dmil, pad.GetDrillSize()))
            if size[0] > 0 and size[1] > 0:
                if size[0] < size[1]:
                    stroke = size[0]
                    length = size[1] - size[0]
                    points = "{} {} {} {}".format(0, -length / 2, 0, length / 2)
                    stroke = size[1]
                    length = size[0] - size[1]
                    points = "{} {} {} {}".format(-length / 2, 0, length / 2, 0)
                el = etree.SubElement(container, "polyline")
                el.attrib["stroke-linecap"] = "round"
                el.attrib["stroke"] = "black"
                el.attrib["stroke-width"] = str(stroke)
                el.attrib["points"] = points
                el.attrib["transform"] = "translate({} {}) rotate({})".format(
                    pos.x, pos.y, -padOrientation / 10)
            pad = pad.Next()
        module = module.Next()
    return defs

def get_model_file(paths, lib, name, ref, remapping):
    """ Find model file in library considering component remapping """
    for path in paths:
        if ref in remapping:
            lib, name = tuple(remapping[ref].split(":"))
        f = os.path.join(path, lib, name + ".svg")
        if os.path.isfile(f):
            return f
    return None

def print_component(paths, lib, name, value, ref, pos, remapping={}):
    f = get_model_file(paths, lib, name, ref, remapping)
    msg = "{} with package {}:{} at [{},{},{}] -> {}".format(
        ref, lib, name, pos[0], pos[1], math.degrees(pos[2]), f if f else "Not found")

def component_from_library(lib, name, value, ref, pos, comp, highlight, silent):
    if not name:
    if comp["filter"] is not None and ref not in comp["filter"]:
    f = get_model_file(comp["libraries"], lib, name, ref, comp["remapping"])
    if not f:
        if not silent:
            print("Warning: component '{}' for footprint '{}' from library '{}' was not found".format(name, ref, lib))
        if comp["placeholder"]:
            etree.SubElement(comp["container"], "rect", x=str(ki2dmil(pos[0]) - 150), y=str(ki2dmil(pos[1]) - 150),
                             width="300", height="300", style="fill:red;")
    comp["container"].append(etree.Comment("{}:{}".format(lib, name)))
    r = etree.SubElement(comp["container"], "g")
    svg_tree = read_svg_unique(f)
    for x in extract_svg_content(svg_tree):
    origin_x = 0
    origin_y = 0
    origin = r.find(".//*[@id='origin']")
    if origin is not None:
        origin_x, origin_y = element_position(origin, root=r)
        print("Warning: component '{}' from library '{}' has no ORIGIN".format(name, lib))
    r.attrib["transform"] = "translate({} {}) scale(393.700787402) rotate({}) translate({}, {})".format(
            ki2dmil(pos[0]), ki2dmil(pos[1]),
            -math.degrees(pos[2]), -origin_x, -origin_y)
    if ref in highlight["items"]:
        if "width" in svg_tree.attrib and "height" in svg_tree.attrib:
            w = to_user_units(svg_tree.attrib["width"])
            h = to_user_units(svg_tree.attrib["height"])
            build_highlight(highlight, w, h, pos, (origin_x, origin_y), ref)
        elif "viewBox" in svg_tree.attrib:
            viewbox = re.split(" |,", svg_tree.attrib["viewBox"])
            w = to_user_units(viewbox[2])
            h = to_user_units(viewbox[3])
            build_highlight(highlight, w, h, pos, (origin_x, origin_y), ref)
            print("Warning: component '{}' from library '{}' has no viewBox. Cannot highlight".format(name, lib))

def build_highlight(preset, width, height, pos, origin, ref):
    h = etree.SubElement(preset["container"], "rect")
    scale = 393.700787402
    h.attrib["style"] = preset["style"]
    h.attrib["x"] = str(-preset["padding"])
    h.attrib["y"] = str(-preset["padding"])
    h.attrib["width"] = str(width + 2 * preset["padding"])
    h.attrib["height"] = str(height + 2 * preset["padding"])
    h.attrib["transform"] = "translate({} {}) scale(393.700787402) rotate({}) translate({}, {})".format(
        ki2dmil(pos[0]), ki2dmil(pos[1]),
        -math.degrees(pos[2]), -origin[0], -origin[1])
    h.attrib["id"] = "h_" + ref

def svg_to_png(infile, outfile, dpi=300):
    with Image(resolution=300) as image:
        with Color('transparent') as background_color:
        image.read(filename=infile, resolution=300)
        png_image = image.make_blob("png32")
        with open(outfile, "wb") as out:

def load_style(style_file):
        with open(style_file, "r") as f:
            style = json.load(f)
    except IOError:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot open style " + style_file)
    required = set(["copper", "board", "clad", "silk", "pads", "outline",
        "highlight-style", "highlight-offset", "highlight-on-top"])
    missing = required - set(style.keys())
    if missing:
        raise RuntimeError("Missing following keys in style {}: {}"
                           .format(style_file, ", ".join(missing)))
    extra = set(style.keys()) - required
    for x in extra:
        print("Warning: extra key '" + x + "' in style")
    # ToDo: Check validity of colors (SVG compatible format)
    return style

def load_remapping(remap_file):
    if not remap_file:
        return {}
        with open(remap_file, "r") as f:
            return json.load(f)
    except IOError:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot open remapping file " + remap_file)

def adjust_lib_path(path):
    base = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    if path == "default" or path == "kicad-default":
        return os.path.join(base, "footprints", "KiCAD-base")
    if path == "eagle-default":
        return os.path.join(base, "footprints", "Eagle-export")
    return path

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--style", help="JSON file with board style")
    parser.add_argument("board", help=".kicad_pcb file to draw")
    parser.add_argument("output", help="destination for final SVG or PNG file")
    parser.add_argument("-l", "--libs", help="coma separated list of libraries; use default, kicad-default or eagle-default for built-in libraries", default="default")
    parser.add_argument("-p", "--placeholder", action="store_true",
                        help="show placeholder for missing components")
    parser.add_argument("-m", "--remap",
                        help="JSON file with map part reference to <lib>:<model> to remap packages")
    parser.add_argument("-c", "--list-components", action="store_true",
                        help="Dry run, just list the components")
    parser.add_argument("--no-drillholes", action="store_true", help="Do not make holes transparent")
    parser.add_argument("-b","--back", action="store_true", help="render the backside of the board")
    parser.add_argument("--mirror", action="store_true", help="mirror the board")
    parser.add_argument("-a", "--highlight", help="comma separated list of components to highlight")
    parser.add_argument("-f", "--filter", help="comma separated list of components to show")
    parser.add_argument("-v", "--vcuts", action="store_true", help="Render V-CUTS on the Cmts.User layer")
    parser.add_argument("--silent", action="store_true", help="Silent warning messages about missing footprints")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    args.libs = [adjust_lib_path(path) for path in args.libs.split(',')]
    args.highlight = args.highlight.split(',') if args.highlight is not None else []
    args.filter = args.filter.split(',') if args.filter is not None else None

        if args.style:
            style = load_style(args.style)
            style = default_style
        remapping = load_remapping(args.remap)
    except RuntimeError as e:

    if os.path.splitext(args.output)[-1].lower() not in [".svg", ".png"]:
        print("Output can be either an SVG or PNG file")

        board = pcbnew.LoadBoard(args.board)
    except IOError:
        print("Cannot open board " + args.board)

    if args.list_components:
        walk_components(board, args.back,lambda lib, name, val, ref, pos:
                        print_component(args.libs, lib, name, val, ref, pos,

    bb = board.ComputeBoundingBox()
    transform_string = ""
    if(args.back ^ args.mirror):
        transform_string = "translate({}, {}) scale(-1,1)".format(ki2dmil(bb.GetX()+bb.GetWidth()), ki2dmil(-bb.GetY()))
        transform_string = "translate({}, {})".format(ki2dmil(-bb.GetX()), ki2dmil(-bb.GetY()))
    document = empty_svg(
        viewBox="0 0 {} {}".format(ki2dmil(bb.GetWidth()), ki2dmil(bb.GetHeight())))

    board_cont = etree.SubElement(document.getroot(), "g", transform=transform_string)
    if style["highlight-on-top"]:
        comp_cont = etree.SubElement(document.getroot(), "g", transform=transform_string)
        high_cont = etree.SubElement(document.getroot(), "g", transform=transform_string)
        high_cont = etree.SubElement(document.getroot(), "g", transform=transform_string)
        comp_cont = etree.SubElement(document.getroot(), "g", transform=transform_string)

    board_cont.attrib["id"] = "boardContainer"
    comp_cont.attrib["id"] = "componentContainer"
    high_cont.attrib["id"] = "highlightContainer"

    components = {
        "container": comp_cont,
        "placeholder": args.placeholder,
        "remapping": remapping,
        "libraries": args.libs,
        "filter": args.filter

    highlight = {
        "container": high_cont,
        "items": args.highlight,
        "style": style["highlight-style"],
        "padding": style["highlight-padding"]

    board_cont.append(get_board_substrate(board, style, not args.no_drillholes, args.back))
    if args.vcuts:
        board_cont.append(get_layers(board, style, [("vcut", [pcbnew.Cmts_User], process_board_substrate_layer)]))

    walk_components(board, args.back, lambda lib, name, val, ref, pos:
        component_from_library(lib, name, val, ref, pos, components, highlight, args.silent))

    # make another pass for search, and if found, render the back side of the component
    # the function will search for file with extension ".back.svg"
    walk_components(board, not args.back, lambda lib, name, val, ref, pos:
        component_from_library(lib, name+".back", val, ref, pos, components, highlight, args.silent))

    if args.output.endswith(".svg") or args.output.endswith(".SVG"):
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".svg") as tmp_f:
            svg_to_png(tmp_f.name, args.output)

if __name__ == '__main__':