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Authentication With Slim 4 (And much, much more)

Slim 4 Authentication Tutorial

Documentation Sections



  1. Clone, enter, and determine the path the application
    git clone

cd authorize-slim-4


2. Copy output from `pwd` command (Full path to present working directory)

3. Open `authorize-slim-4/homestead.yaml` and update folders map path (Has comment next to it below)

ip: memory: 2048 cpus: 2 provider: virtualbox authorize: ~/.ssh/ keys:

  1. Save and close homestead.yaml

  2. Run vagrant up --provision to boot up your virtual machine

  3. Once booted, open up your localmachine's host file (sudo vim /etc/hosts on linux or mac)

  4. Add slim.auth

  5. Boot up the vagrant virtual

    vagrant up --provision
  6. Open your localmachines host file (sudo vim /etc/hosts on linux and mac)

  7. Add slim.auth and the ip defined in the homestead.yaml (Example below, shouldn't need to change from example)

    # Host Database
    # localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
    # when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
    ##   localhost broadcasthost
    ::1             localhost


Homestead Sites (Slim 4)

########################### slim.auth

11. Close and save hosts file

12. Test out `http://slim.auth/` in your browser
(Make sure vagrant has properly finished booting from step 8)

13. `cd` back into `authorize-slim-4` within your terminal

14. Run `vagrant ssh`

15. Once ssh'd into your virtual machine, run

cd code && cp .env.example .env && composer install && npm install


## List Slim Console Commands

1. Run `php slim` from project root

sole Tool

Usage: command [options] [arguments]

Options: -h, --help Display this help message -q, --quiet Do not output any message -V, --version Display this application version --ansi Force ANSI output --no-ansi Disable ANSI output -n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question -v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Available commands: help Displays help for a command list Lists commands tinker
db db:fresh Drop all database table and re-migrate, then re-seed all tables db:migrate Migration migrations to database db:seed Run Database Seeders db:show Show all of your models/table records in a table for display error-logs error-logs:clear Remove Errors Logs Rendered Templates make make:command Generate Command Scaffold make:controller description text for console command make:factory Scaffold new factory command make:middleware Generate or make Scaffold for new http middleware class make:migration Make or scaffolded new migration for our database make:model Generate The Scaffold For An Eloquent Model make:provider Scaffold new Service Provider make:request Generate Form Request Validation Scaffold make:seeder Generate a database seeder scaffold make:event Generate event scaffold make:listener Generate listener scaffold make:trait Create a new trait make:view Generate view Scaffold migrate migrate:rollback Rollback Previous Database Migration view view:clear Remove Cache For View Templates

## Migrate and Seed Database
1. `vagrant ssh`
2. `cd code`
3. `php slim db:migrate`
4. `php slim db:seed`

## Show database table example
1. `vagrant ssh`
2. `cd code`
3. `php slim db:show users`

## Register Middleware
1. Create Middleware Class (Example: `\App\Http\Middleware\RouteGuardMiddleware::class`)
2. Open `authorize-slim-4/app/Http/HttpKernel`
3. Add \App\Http\Middleware\RouteGuardMiddleware::class to a specific route group or globally

class HttpKernel extends Kernel { /**

Create and Register new php slim command

  1. Add new ExampleCommand.php File and class at app/console/commands/ExampleCommand.php
  2. Define Command name, description, arguments, and handler within class

    class ExampleCommand extends Command
    protected $name = 'example:command';
    protected $help = 'Example Command For Readme';
    protected $description = 'Example Command For Readme';
    public function arguments()
        return [
            'hello' => $this->required('Description for this required command argument'),
            'world' => $this-optional('Description for this optional command argument', 'default')
    public function handler()
        /** Collect Console Input **/
        $all_arguments = $this->input->getArguments();
        $optional_argument = $this-input->getArgument('world');
        $required_argument = $this->input->getArgument('hello');
        /** Write Console Output **/
        $this->warning("warning output format");
        $this->info("Success output format");
        $this->comment("Comment output format");
        $this->error("Uh oh output format");
  3. Open app\console\ConsoleKernel.php
  4. Add ExampleCommand::class to Registered Commands

namespace App\Console;

use Boot\Foundation\ConsoleKernel as Kernel;

class ConsoleKernel extends Kernel { public array $commands = [ Commands\ExampleCommand::class, // Registered example command Commands\ViewClearCommand::class, Commands\MakeSeederCommand::class, Commands\DatabaseRunSeeders::class, Commands\DatabaseFreshCommand::class, Commands\MakeMigrationCommand::class, Commands\DatabaseMigrateCommand::class, Commands\DatabaseTableDisplayCommand::class, Commands\DatabaseRollbackMigrationCommand::class ]; }

## `php slim make:{command}` Scaffold Stub Generators

1. Available Generator Commands

php slim make:command {ExampleConsoleCommand} Generate Command Scaffold php slim make:controller {Example} description text for console command php slim make:factory {ExampleFactory} Scaffold new factory command php slim make:middleware {ExampleMiddleware} Generate or make Scaffold for new http middleware class php slim make:migration {CreateExamplesTable Make or scaffolded new migration for our database php slim make:model {Example} Generate The Scaffold For An Eloquent Model php slim make:provider {ExampleServiceProvider} Scaffold new Service Provider php slim make:request {ExampleFormRequest} Generate Form Request Validation Scaffold php slim make:seeder {ExamplesTableSeeder} Generate a database seeder scaffold

2. Scaffold Generator Stubs (Dummy Files)
   - `resources/stubs`

3. Scaffold Configuration
   - `config/stubs.php`

## Global Helper Functions
 * event
 * old
 * back
 * session
 * validator
 * asset
 * redirect
 * collect
 * factory
 * env
 * base_path
 * config_path
 * resources_path
 * public_path
 * routes_path
 * storage_path
 * app_path
 * dd (die and dump)
 * throw_when
 * class_basename
 * config
 * data_get
 * data_set

 #### old($input_name)
 - Used within blade to populate old input data when form validation fails


#### back()
- Redirect user back to previous page


ExampleController { index() { return back(); } }

#### event()
- Set up events and event listeners 

event()->listen('flash.success', fn ($message) => session()->flash()->add('success', $message);

event()->fire('flash.success', ['Way to go, it worked!']);

**Alternatively, you can use the slim scaffold to set up event and listener classes** 
`php slim make:event ExampleEvent`
- creates App/Events/ExampleEvent
`php slim make:listener ExampleListener`
- create App/Listeners/ExampleListener

**Register Class Event & Listeners in `config/events.php`**

return [ 'events' => [ ExampleEvent::class => [ ExampleListener::class, ExampleListenerTwo::class, ExampleListenerThree::class ], ResetUserPasswordEvent::class => [ GenerateResetPasswordKey::class, SendUserResetPasswordEmail::class, ] ] ];

**Finally trigger the associated event**

// Fire event using dependency injection event()->fire(ExampleEvent::class);

// Fire event overriding default depency injections event()->fire(ExampleEvent::class, [ // parameterOne // parameterTwo ]);

#### session()
- Session (Using Syfony Session Component)


// Flash to session to only remember for the proceeding request session()->flash()->set('success', ['Successful Form Submission!']); session()->flash()->set('errors', ['Name field failed', 'Email field failed']);

// Set directly to session to remember for several requests session()->set('remember_in_session_for_multiple_requests', ['remember me']);

#### validator($input, $rules = [], $messages = [])
- Validator (Using Laravel Validators)


$input = [ 'first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Joe', 'email' => '[email protected]' ];

$rules = [ 'first_name' => 'required|string', 'last_name' => 'required|string|max:50', 'email' => 'required|email|max:50|unique:users,email' ];

$messages = [ 'first_name.required' => 'First name is a required field', 'first_name.string' => 'First name must be a string field', 'last_name.required' => 'Last name must is a required field', 'last_name.string' => 'Last name must be a string field', '' => 'Email must be in the proper email format', 'email.unique' => 'Email already taken, no duplicate emails allowed', 'email.required' => 'Email is required', ];

$validation = validator($input, $rules, $messages);

if ($validation->fails()) { session()->flash()->set('errors', $validation->errors()->getMessages());

return back(); }

if ($validation->passes() { session()->flash()->set('success', 'Successfully Submitted Form and Passed Validation');

return redirect('/home'); }

## Mailables (Send Emails)

1. @see `\Boot\Foundation\Mail\Mailable`

class ExampleController { public function send(\Boot\Foundation\Mail\Mailable $mail, $response) { $user = \App\User::first();

   $success = $mail->view('mail.auth.reset', ['url' => ''])
        ->to($user->email, $user->first_name)
        ->from('[email protected]', 'Slim Authentication Admin')
        ->subject('Reset Password')

   $response->getBody()->write("Successfully sent Email: {$success}");

   return $response;

} }

## Events (Events & associated listeners with dependency injection)
**Example One**
- Set up events and event listeners using the global event helper function 
_NOTE: (This example show's an easy setup, but example two is considered better architecture)_  

// App\Providers\EventServiceProvider boot method()

event()->listen('flash.success', fn ($message) => session()->flash()->add('success', $message);

event()->fire('flash.success', [ 'Way to go, it worked!' ]);

**Example Two: Event & Listener Classes** 
1. `php slim make:event UserLogin`
2. Open `App/Events/UserLogin.php`
3. Use the `UserLogin.php` event `__construct` to build or "construct" the event payload


namespace App\Events;

use App\Support\Auth; use Boot\Foundation\Http\Session;

class ExampleEvent { public $user; public $session;

public function __construct(Session $session)
    $this->user = Auth::user();
    $this->session = $session;

    return $this;


4. `php slim make:listener FlashWelcomeBackMessage`
5. Open `App/Listeners/FlashWelcomeBackMessage`
6. Handle the event payload in the Listener `__invoke` method


namespace App\Listeners;

use App\Events\UserLogin;

class FlashWelcomeBackMessage { public function __invoke(UserLogin $event) { $event->session->flash()->add('success', "Welcome Back {$event->user->first_name}!"); }


**Register Class Event & Listeners in `config/events.php`**

return [ 'events' => [ UserLogin::class => [ FlashWelcomeBackMessage::class, // ExampleListenerTwo::class, // ExampleListenerThree::class ], // ResetUserPasswordEvent::class => [ // GenerateResetPasswordKey::class, // SendUserResetPasswordEmail::class, // ] ] ];

**Finally trigger event**
`(Example: App\Http\Controllers\LoginController@login)`

public function login(StoreLoginRequest $input) { if ($input->failed()) return back();

if (Auth::attempt($input->email, $input->password)) { event()->fire(\App\Events\UserLogin::class); // Fire Event

  return redirect('/home');


return back(); }

**Event Constructor and Listener Invoke Methods Support Dependency Injection**
// App\Http\LoginController@login

// Example Using UserLogin Event: // ~~~~~~~~~~~~ $session = app()->resolve('session'); $different_user = \App\User::find(5);

event()->fire(UserLogin::class, [ $session, $different_user ]);

// Example Using Random Event // ~~~~~~~~~~~~ event()->fire(ExampleEvent::class, [ // parameterOne // parameterTwo ]);

// Dependency Injection With While Using event() to register listeners // ~~~~~~~~~~~~ event()->listen('welcome-view', fn (\Jessengers\Blade\Blade $blade) => $blade->make('welcome')->render());

// Fire's event. Listeners will work using the blade instance resolved from our service container event()->fire('welcome-view');

// inject blade instance with different template path than the one binded to our container event()->fire('welcome-view', [ new \Jessengers\Blade\Blade( base_path('vendor/package/resources/views'), storage_path('cache'), ) ]);

### Packages & Resources Glossary
 - [Slim 4](
 - [Slim Csrf](
 - [Laravel Validators](
 - [Laravel Homestead](
 - [Jenssegers Blade](
 - [Zeuxisoo Slim Whoops](
 - [Php Dot Env](
 - [CakePhp Seeders & Migrations](
 - [Fzaninotto Faker For Factories](
 - [Illuminate Database](
 - [Illuminate Support](
 - [Php Dependency Injection Container](
 - [Php Dependency Injection Container Slim Bridge](
 - [Laravel Mix Webpack Wrapper](
 - [Swift Mailer for Emails](
 - [Mailtrap for local email testing](
 - [Illuminate Mail For Markdown Parser](
 - [Symfony Console Component For Console Commands](
 - [Symfony Session Component For Sessions](
 - [Eloquent For Database ORM](
 - [Vuejs For Front-end Reactivity](
 - [Tailwind For CSS & SCSS](
 - [Vue Material Design Icons](
 - [Guzzle Http Wrapper](