Set of solved algorithms

This is a repository that contains a set of solved algorithms from different sources. This goal has been accomplished with the effort of the members of the SINGULARS project.

Recently, it has been updated with the members of the team Full Stack Altia

List of algorithms --

  1. Title Case a Sentence
  2. Repeat a String
  3. Truncate a String
  4. Will there be enough space?
  5. Cat and Mouse 2D
  6. Cat and Dog Harder Version
  7. Find the Capitals
  8. Shortest Word
  9. Good vs Evil
  10. Check if a poker hand is a flush
  11. Check Champion League winners
  12. They're good dogs
  13. Padded Numbers
  14. Find longest words
  15. Magic The Gathering #1: Creatures
  16. Stock Quotes
  17. Which are in?
  18. Longest prefix
  19. Plus one
  20. Catch The Thief
  21. Greet Developers
  22. Anagram
  23. Two Sum
  24. Majority Numbers
  25. First Unique Character
  26. single Number
  27. Valid Spacing
  28. Bingo Card
  29. Suma Número String
  30. Sort by name
  31. Duplicate String
  32. String Repeat
  33. Highest and Lowest
  34. Missing Letter
  35. Century
  36. DNA
  37. PositiveSum
  38. abrevName
  39. Matching Letters
  40. Counting Amazon
  41. Count Positives Sum Negatives

    List of algorithms with TDD

  42. Reversed Words


Aarón Aira García - 31
Adrián González Filgueira - 29
Alba Guzman -
Angel Amado - 30
Ariel Neme - 23
Arnau Mas - 22
Carlos Marruedo - 15 Carolina Lisa-41 Claudia Ballano - 16
Cristian Cullell -24
Daniel Ruiz - 17
David Gómez - 27
David Pérez - 28
Diego Lajusticia
Didac Pérez
Eduard Garcia
Fabian Taranto - 39
Fran Ariño
Ignacio Spadavecchia - 21
Jesús Calatayud
Jose Cantuarias
Jose Castillo
Kendry Carvajal - 36
Kevin Salcedo - 18
Júlia Martinez
Laia Guillén - 20
Lenny Cala
Leonar Estupiñan -34
Lila Sarfson - 37
Marc Bellido
Maria Canals - 19
María Gabriela - 33
Paula Iglesias Amigo - 32
Ricardo Churrión - 20
Oscar Farré
Pedro Ninci
Sara Rodríguez - 40
Sergi Justiniano
Silvia Gutierrez
Vanessa Collazos-25
Víctor Cabello-35
Xiande Qiu