A discord.js Games Package with Who's that Pokemon, ConnectFour, Snake, rock paper scissors, guessTheNumber, , guess the Logo , Guess The Flag, tictactoe , fast type, Hangman and More!
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# About - A discord.js Games Package with Who's that Pokemon, ConnectFour, Snake, rock paper scissors, guessTheNumber, , guess the Logo , Guess The Flag, tictactoe , fast type, Hangman and More! - Join our [Support Server](https://discord.gg/jDP2FbvCdk) for help # Installation ```npm i djs-games``` # Example usage ``` USE ACCORDING TO YOUR COMMAND HANDLER ``` **Who's That Pokemon** === ```js const { Pokemon } = require('djs-games') const game = new Pokemon({ message: message, token: 'dagpi-token-here', // Get Your Api Token at https://dagpi.xyz/dashboard winMessage: 'You Win!', loseMessage: 'You Lose!', wrongGuess: 'Wrong Guess!', stopCommand = 'stop', maxAttempts: 10, }) game.start() ``` **Guess The Logo** === ```js const { GTL } = require('djs-games') const game = new GTL({ message: message, token: 'dagpi-token-here', // *Required!! Get Your Api Token at https://dagpi.xyz/dashboard stopCommand: 'stop', // *Required!! winFooter: 'You Win!', // Set The Footer of the win message winColor: 'GREEN', // The embed color of the win message loseFooter: 'You Lose!', // Set The Footer of the lose message loseColor: 'RED', // The embed color of the lose message questionFooter: 'Guess the Logo!', // Set The Footer of the question message questionColor: 'BLUE', // The embed color of the question message maxAttempts: 5, // }) game.start() ``` **Guess The Flag** === ```js const { GTF } = require('djs-games') const game = new GTF({ message: message, token: 'dagpi-token-here', // *Required!! Get Your Api Token at https://dagpi.xyz/dashboard stopCommand: 'stop', // *Required!! winFooter: 'You Win!', // Set The Footer of the win message winColor: 'GREEN', // The embed color of the win message loseFooter: 'You Lose!', // Set The Footer of the lose message loseColor: 'RED', // The embed color of the lose message questionFooter: 'Guess the Flag!', // Set The Footer of the question message questionColor: 'BLUE', // The embed color of the question message winMessage: 'You Win!', // Set The Win Message loseMessage: 'You Lose!', // Set The Lose Message maxAttempts: 5, // wrongGuess: 'Wrong Guess!', // Set The Wrong Guess Message }) game.start() ``` **Tic Tac Toe** === ```js const { TicTacToe } = require('djs-games') const game = new TicTacToe({ message: message, xEmote: '❌', // The Emote for X oEmote: '0️⃣', // The Emote for O xColor: 'PRIMARY', oColor: 'PRIMARY', // The Color for O embedDescription: 'Tic Tac Toe', // The Description of the embed }) game.start() ``` **ConnectFour** === ```js const { ConnectFour } = require('djs-games') const game = new ConnectFour({ message: message, player1: '🔴', player2: '🟡', }) game.start() ``` **SNAKE** === ```js const { Snake } = require('djs-games') const game = new Snake({ message: message, buttons: true, // If you want to use buttons || False if you want to use reactions snake: '🟩', apple: '🍎', embedColor: 'RANDOM', leftButton: '◀', rightButton: '▶', upButton: '▲', downButton: '▼', }) game.start() ``` **RockPaperScissors** === ```js const { RockPaperScissors } = require('djs-games') const game = new RockPaperScissors({ message: message, }) game.start() ``` ## Docs Checkout the [docs](https://docs.gizmolab.xyz) for more information on the games and how to use them. # Feature Requests If you have any feature requests, please open an issue on [GitHub](https://github.com/GizmolabAI/djs-games) # Contributing Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**. 1. Fork the Project 2. Create your Feature Branch (`git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature`) 3. Commit your Changes (`git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'`) 4. Push to the Branch (`git push origin feature/AmazingFeature`) 5. Open a Pull Request # Help Join Our Discord Server for help related to our projects or programming in General. [![Support Server](https://img.shields.io/discord/834390097621286922.svg?label=Discord&logo=Discord&colorB=7289da&style=for-the-badge)](https://discord.gg/jDP2FbvCdk) # Buy us a coffee