three#RGBAFormat JavaScript Examples

The following examples show how to use three#RGBAFormat. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: BlurPass.js    From threejs-tutorial with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
BlurPass = function (blur, resolution) {;

    this.downSampleRatio = 2;
    this.blur = blur !== undefined ? blur : 0.8;
    this.resolution =
        resolution !== undefined
            ? new Vector2(resolution.x, resolution.y)
            : new Vector2(256, 256);
    var pars = {
        minFilter: LinearFilter,
        magFilter: LinearFilter,
        format: RGBAFormat,
    var resx = Math.round(this.resolution.x / this.downSampleRatio);
    var resy = Math.round(this.resolution.y / this.downSampleRatio);

    this.renderTargetBlurBuffer1 = new WebGLRenderTarget(resx, resy, pars); = "BlurPass.blur1";
    this.renderTargetBlurBuffer1.texture.generateMipmaps = false;
    this.renderTargetBlurBuffer2 = new WebGLRenderTarget(
        Math.round(resx / 2),
        Math.round(resy / 2),
    ); = "BlurPass.blur2";
    this.renderTargetBlurBuffer2.texture.generateMipmaps = false;

    this.separableBlurMaterial1 = this.getSeperableBlurMaterial(16);
    this.separableBlurMaterial1.uniforms["texSize"].value = new Vector2(
    this.separableBlurMaterial1.uniforms["kernelRadius"].value = 1;
    this.separableBlurMaterial2 = this.getSeperableBlurMaterial(16);
    this.separableBlurMaterial2.uniforms["texSize"].value = new Vector2(
        Math.round(resx / 2),
        Math.round(resy / 2)
    this.separableBlurMaterial2.uniforms["kernelRadius"].value = 1;

    var copyShader = CopyShader;
    this.copyUniforms = UniformsUtils.clone(copyShader.uniforms);
    this.materialCopy = new ShaderMaterial({
        uniforms: this.copyUniforms,
        vertexShader: copyShader.vertexShader,
        fragmentShader: copyShader.fragmentShader,
        depthTest: false,
        depthWrite: false,
        transparent: true,

    //this.needsSwap = false;
    this.fsQuad = new Pass.FullScreenQuad(null);
Example #2
Source File: EffectComposer.js    From threejs-tutorial with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
EffectComposer = function (renderer, renderTarget) {
    this.renderer = renderer;

    if (renderTarget === undefined) {
        var parameters = {
            minFilter: LinearFilter,
            magFilter: LinearFilter,
            format: RGBAFormat,
            stencilBuffer: false,

        var size = renderer.getSize(new Vector2());
        this._pixelRatio = renderer.getPixelRatio();
        this._width = size.width;
        this._height = size.height;

        renderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget(
            this._width * this._pixelRatio,
            this._height * this._pixelRatio,
        ); = "EffectComposer.rt1";
    } else {
        this._pixelRatio = 1;
        this._width = renderTarget.width;
        this._height = renderTarget.height;

    this.renderTarget1 = renderTarget;
    this.renderTarget2 = renderTarget.clone(); = "EffectComposer.rt2";

    this.writeBuffer = this.renderTarget1;
    this.readBuffer = this.renderTarget2;

    this.renderToScreen = true;

    this.passes = [];

    // dependencies

    if (CopyShader === undefined) {
        console.error("THREE.EffectComposer relies on CopyShader");

    if (ShaderPass === undefined) {
        console.error("THREE.EffectComposer relies on ShaderPass");

    this.copyPass = new ShaderPass(CopyShader);

    this.clock = new Clock();
Example #3
Source File: AdaptiveToneMappingPass.js    From Computer-Graphics with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
reset() {

		// render targets
		if ( this.luminanceRT ) {



		if ( this.currentLuminanceRT ) {



		if ( this.previousLuminanceRT ) {



		const pars = { minFilter: LinearFilter, magFilter: LinearFilter, format: RGBAFormat }; // was RGB format. changed to RGBA format. see discussion in #8415 / #8450

		this.luminanceRT = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.resolution, this.resolution, pars ); = 'AdaptiveToneMappingPass.l';
		this.luminanceRT.texture.generateMipmaps = false;

		this.previousLuminanceRT = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.resolution, this.resolution, pars ); = '';
		this.previousLuminanceRT.texture.generateMipmaps = false;

		// We only need mipmapping for the current luminosity because we want a down-sampled version to sample in our adaptive shader
		pars.minFilter = LinearMipmapLinearFilter;
		pars.generateMipmaps = true;
		this.currentLuminanceRT = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.resolution, this.resolution, pars ); = '';

		if ( this.adaptive ) {

			this.materialToneMap.defines[ 'ADAPTED_LUMINANCE' ] = '';
			this.materialToneMap.uniforms.luminanceMap.value = this.luminanceRT.texture;


		//Put something in the adaptive luminance texture so that the scene can render initially
		this.fsQuad.material = new MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x777777 } );
		this.materialLuminance.needsUpdate = true;
		this.materialAdaptiveLum.needsUpdate = true;
		this.materialToneMap.needsUpdate = true;
		// renderer.render( this.scene,, this.luminanceRT );
		// renderer.render( this.scene,, this.previousLuminanceRT );
		// renderer.render( this.scene,, this.currentLuminanceRT );

Example #4
Source File: AfterimagePass.js    From Computer-Graphics with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
constructor( damp = 0.96 ) {


		if ( AfterimageShader === undefined ) console.error( 'THREE.AfterimagePass relies on AfterimageShader' );

		this.shader = AfterimageShader;

		this.uniforms = UniformsUtils.clone( this.shader.uniforms );

		this.uniforms[ 'damp' ].value = damp;

		this.textureComp = new WebGLRenderTarget( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, {

			minFilter: LinearFilter,
			magFilter: NearestFilter,
			format: RGBAFormat

		} );

		this.textureOld = new WebGLRenderTarget( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, {

			minFilter: LinearFilter,
			magFilter: NearestFilter,
			format: RGBAFormat

		} );

		this.shaderMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( {

			uniforms: this.uniforms,
			vertexShader: this.shader.vertexShader,
			fragmentShader: this.shader.fragmentShader

		} );

		this.compFsQuad = new FullScreenQuad( this.shaderMaterial );

		const material = new MeshBasicMaterial();
		this.copyFsQuad = new FullScreenQuad( material );

Example #5
Source File: BloomPass.js    From Computer-Graphics with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
constructor( strength = 1, kernelSize = 25, sigma = 4, resolution = 256 ) {


		// render targets

		const pars = { minFilter: LinearFilter, magFilter: LinearFilter, format: RGBAFormat };

		this.renderTargetX = new WebGLRenderTarget( resolution, resolution, pars ); = 'BloomPass.x';
		this.renderTargetY = new WebGLRenderTarget( resolution, resolution, pars ); = 'BloomPass.y';

		// copy material

		if ( CopyShader === undefined ) console.error( 'THREE.BloomPass relies on CopyShader' );

		const copyShader = CopyShader;

		this.copyUniforms = UniformsUtils.clone( copyShader.uniforms );

		this.copyUniforms[ 'opacity' ].value = strength;

		this.materialCopy = new ShaderMaterial( {

			uniforms: this.copyUniforms,
			vertexShader: copyShader.vertexShader,
			fragmentShader: copyShader.fragmentShader,
			blending: AdditiveBlending,
			transparent: true

		} );

		// convolution material

		if ( ConvolutionShader === undefined ) console.error( 'THREE.BloomPass relies on ConvolutionShader' );

		const convolutionShader = ConvolutionShader;

		this.convolutionUniforms = UniformsUtils.clone( convolutionShader.uniforms );

		this.convolutionUniforms[ 'uImageIncrement' ].value = BloomPass.blurX;
		this.convolutionUniforms[ 'cKernel' ].value = ConvolutionShader.buildKernel( sigma );

		this.materialConvolution = new ShaderMaterial( {

			uniforms: this.convolutionUniforms,
			vertexShader: convolutionShader.vertexShader,
			fragmentShader: convolutionShader.fragmentShader,
			defines: {
				'KERNEL_SIZE_FLOAT': kernelSize.toFixed( 1 ),
				'KERNEL_SIZE_INT': kernelSize.toFixed( 0 )

		} );

		this.needsSwap = false;

		this.fsQuad = new FullScreenQuad( null );

Example #6
Source File: EffectComposer.js    From three-viewer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
	 * Creates a new render target by replicating the renderer's canvas.
	 * The created render target uses a linear filter for texel minification and
	 * magnification. Its render texture format depends on whether the renderer
	 * uses the alpha channel. Mipmaps are disabled.
	 * Note: The buffer format will also be set to RGBA if the frame buffer type
	 * is HalfFloatType because RGB16F buffers are not renderable.
	 * @param {Boolean} depthBuffer - Whether the render target should have a depth buffer.
	 * @param {Boolean} stencilBuffer - Whether the render target should have a stencil buffer.
	 * @param {Number} type - The frame buffer type.
	 * @param {Number} multisampling - The number of samples to use for antialiasing.
	 * @return {WebGLRenderTarget} A new render target that equals the renderer's canvas.

	createBuffer(depthBuffer, stencilBuffer, type, multisampling) {

		const size = this.renderer.getDrawingBufferSize(new Vector2());
		const alpha = this.renderer.getContext().getContextAttributes().alpha;

		const options = {
			format: (!alpha && type === UnsignedByteType) ? RGBFormat : RGBAFormat,
			minFilter: LinearFilter,
			magFilter: LinearFilter,

		const renderTarget = (multisampling > 0) ?
			new WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget(size.width, size.height, options) :
			new WebGLRenderTarget(size.width, size.height, options);

		if(multisampling > 0) {

			renderTarget.samples = multisampling;

		} = "EffectComposer.Buffer";
		renderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps = false;

		return renderTarget;

Example #7
Source File: GLTFLoader.js    From canvas with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
GLTFLoader = ( function () {

	function GLTFLoader( manager ) { this, manager );

		this.dracoLoader = null;
		this.ddsLoader = null;


	GLTFLoader.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Loader.prototype ), {

		constructor: GLTFLoader,

		load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

			var scope = this;

			var resourcePath;

			if ( this.resourcePath !== '' ) {

				resourcePath = this.resourcePath;

			} else if ( this.path !== '' ) {

				resourcePath = this.path;

			} else {

				resourcePath = LoaderUtils.extractUrlBase( url );


			// Tells the LoadingManager to track an extra item, which resolves after
			// the model is fully loaded. This means the count of items loaded will
			// be incorrect, but ensures manager.onLoad() does not fire early.
			scope.manager.itemStart( url );

			var _onError = function ( e ) {

				if ( onError ) {

					onError( e );

				} else {

					console.error( e );


				scope.manager.itemError( url );
				scope.manager.itemEnd( url );


			var loader = new FileLoader( scope.manager );

			loader.setPath( this.path );
			loader.setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' );

			if ( scope.crossOrigin === 'use-credentials' ) {

				loader.setWithCredentials( true );


			loader.load( url, function ( data ) {

				try {

					scope.parse( data, resourcePath, function ( gltf ) {

						onLoad( gltf );

						scope.manager.itemEnd( url );

					}, _onError );

				} catch ( e ) {

					_onError( e );


			}, onProgress, _onError );


		setDRACOLoader: function ( dracoLoader ) {

			this.dracoLoader = dracoLoader;
			return this;


		setDDSLoader: function ( ddsLoader ) {

			this.ddsLoader = ddsLoader;
			return this;


		parse: function ( data, path, onLoad, onError ) {

			var content;
			var extensions = {};

			if ( typeof data === 'string' ) {

				content = data;

			} else {

				var magic = LoaderUtils.decodeText( new Uint8Array( data, 0, 4 ) );

				if ( magic === BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_MAGIC ) {

					try {

						extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_BINARY_GLTF ] = new GLTFBinaryExtension( data );

					} catch ( error ) {

						if ( onError ) onError( error );


					content = extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_BINARY_GLTF ].content;

				} else {

					content = LoaderUtils.decodeText( new Uint8Array( data ) );



			var json = JSON.parse( content );

			if ( json.asset === undefined || json.asset.version[ 0 ] < 2 ) {

				if ( onError ) onError( new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Unsupported asset. glTF versions >=2.0 are supported.' ) );


			if ( json.extensionsUsed ) {

				for ( var i = 0; i < json.extensionsUsed.length; ++ i ) {

					var extensionName = json.extensionsUsed[ i ];
					var extensionsRequired = json.extensionsRequired || [];

					switch ( extensionName ) {

							extensions[ extensionName ] = new GLTFLightsExtension( json );

							extensions[ extensionName ] = new GLTFMaterialsClearcoatExtension();

							extensions[ extensionName ] = new GLTFMaterialsUnlitExtension();

							extensions[ extensionName ] = new GLTFMaterialsPbrSpecularGlossinessExtension();

							extensions[ extensionName ] = new GLTFDracoMeshCompressionExtension( json, this.dracoLoader );

							extensions[ extensionName ] = new GLTFTextureDDSExtension( this.ddsLoader );

							extensions[ extensionName ] = new GLTFTextureTransformExtension();

							extensions[ extensionName ] = new GLTFMeshQuantizationExtension();


							if ( extensionsRequired.indexOf( extensionName ) >= 0 ) {

								console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Unknown extension "' + extensionName + '".' );





			var parser = new GLTFParser( json, extensions, {

				path: path || this.resourcePath || '',
				crossOrigin: this.crossOrigin,
				manager: this.manager

			} );

			parser.parse( onLoad, onError );


	} );


	function GLTFRegistry() {

		var objects = {};

		return	{

			get: function ( key ) {

				return objects[ key ];


			add: function ( key, object ) {

				objects[ key ] = object;


			remove: function ( key ) {

				delete objects[ key ];


			removeAll: function () {

				objects = {};




	/********** EXTENSIONS ***********/

		KHR_BINARY_GLTF: 'KHR_binary_glTF',
		KHR_DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION: 'KHR_draco_mesh_compression',
		KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL: 'KHR_lights_punctual',
		KHR_MATERIALS_CLEARCOAT: 'KHR_materials_clearcoat',
		KHR_MATERIALS_PBR_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS: 'KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness',
		KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT: 'KHR_materials_unlit',
		KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM: 'KHR_texture_transform',
		KHR_MESH_QUANTIZATION: 'KHR_mesh_quantization',
		MSFT_TEXTURE_DDS: 'MSFT_texture_dds'

	 * DDS Texture Extension
	 * Specification:
	function GLTFTextureDDSExtension( ddsLoader ) {

		if ( ! ddsLoader ) {

			throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Attempting to load .dds texture without importing DDSLoader' );

		this.ddsLoader = ddsLoader;


	 * Punctual Lights Extension
	 * Specification:
	function GLTFLightsExtension( json ) { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL;

		var extension = ( json.extensions && json.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL ] ) || {};
		this.lightDefs = extension.lights || [];


	GLTFLightsExtension.prototype.loadLight = function ( lightIndex ) {

		var lightDef = this.lightDefs[ lightIndex ];
		var lightNode;

		var color = new Color( 0xffffff );
		if ( lightDef.color !== undefined ) color.fromArray( lightDef.color );

		var range = lightDef.range !== undefined ? lightDef.range : 0;

		switch ( lightDef.type ) {

			case 'directional':
				lightNode = new DirectionalLight( color ); 0, 0, - 1 );
				lightNode.add( );

			case 'point':
				lightNode = new PointLight( color );
				lightNode.distance = range;

			case 'spot':
				lightNode = new SpotLight( color );
				lightNode.distance = range;
				// Handle spotlight properties. = || {}; = !== undefined ? : 0; = !== undefined ? : Math.PI / 4.0;
				lightNode.angle =;
				lightNode.penumbra = 1.0 - /; 0, 0, - 1 );
				lightNode.add( );

				throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Unexpected light type, "' + lightDef.type + '".' );


		// Some lights (e.g. spot) default to a position other than the origin. Reset the position
		// here, because node-level parsing will only override position if explicitly specified.
		lightNode.position.set( 0, 0, 0 );

		lightNode.decay = 2;

		if ( lightDef.intensity !== undefined ) lightNode.intensity = lightDef.intensity; = || ( 'light_' + lightIndex );

		return Promise.resolve( lightNode );


	 * Unlit Materials Extension
	 * Specification:
	function GLTFMaterialsUnlitExtension() { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT;


	GLTFMaterialsUnlitExtension.prototype.getMaterialType = function () {

		return MeshBasicMaterial;


	GLTFMaterialsUnlitExtension.prototype.extendParams = function ( materialParams, materialDef, parser ) {

		var pending = [];

		materialParams.color = new Color( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
		materialParams.opacity = 1.0;

		var metallicRoughness = materialDef.pbrMetallicRoughness;

		if ( metallicRoughness ) {

			if ( Array.isArray( metallicRoughness.baseColorFactor ) ) {

				var array = metallicRoughness.baseColorFactor;

				materialParams.color.fromArray( array );
				materialParams.opacity = array[ 3 ];


			if ( metallicRoughness.baseColorTexture !== undefined ) {

				pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'map', metallicRoughness.baseColorTexture ) );



		return Promise.all( pending );


	 * Clearcoat Materials Extension
	 * Specification:
	function GLTFMaterialsClearcoatExtension() { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_CLEARCOAT;


	GLTFMaterialsClearcoatExtension.prototype.getMaterialType = function () {

		return MeshPhysicalMaterial;


	GLTFMaterialsClearcoatExtension.prototype.extendParams = function ( materialParams, materialDef, parser ) {

		var pending = [];

		var extension = materialDef.extensions[ ];

		if ( extension.clearcoatFactor !== undefined ) {

			materialParams.clearcoat = extension.clearcoatFactor;


		if ( extension.clearcoatTexture !== undefined ) {

			pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'clearcoatMap', extension.clearcoatTexture ) );


		if ( extension.clearcoatRoughnessFactor !== undefined ) {

			materialParams.clearcoatRoughness = extension.clearcoatRoughnessFactor;


		if ( extension.clearcoatRoughnessTexture !== undefined ) {

			pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'clearcoatRoughnessMap', extension.clearcoatRoughnessTexture ) );


		if ( extension.clearcoatNormalTexture !== undefined ) {

			pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'clearcoatNormalMap', extension.clearcoatNormalTexture ) );

			if ( extension.clearcoatNormalTexture.scale !== undefined ) {

				var scale = extension.clearcoatNormalTexture.scale;

				materialParams.clearcoatNormalScale = new Vector2( scale, scale );



		return Promise.all( pending );


	var BINARY_EXTENSION_CHUNK_TYPES = { JSON: 0x4E4F534A, BIN: 0x004E4942 };

	function GLTFBinaryExtension( data ) { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_BINARY_GLTF;
		this.content = null;
		this.body = null;

		var headerView = new DataView( data, 0, BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH );

		this.header = {
			magic: LoaderUtils.decodeText( new Uint8Array( data.slice( 0, 4 ) ) ),
			version: headerView.getUint32( 4, true ),
			length: headerView.getUint32( 8, true )

		if ( this.header.magic !== BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_MAGIC ) {

			throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Unsupported glTF-Binary header.' );

		} else if ( this.header.version < 2.0 ) {

			throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Legacy binary file detected.' );


		var chunkView = new DataView( data, BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH );
		var chunkIndex = 0;

		while ( chunkIndex < chunkView.byteLength ) {

			var chunkLength = chunkView.getUint32( chunkIndex, true );
			chunkIndex += 4;

			var chunkType = chunkView.getUint32( chunkIndex, true );
			chunkIndex += 4;


				var contentArray = new Uint8Array( data, BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH + chunkIndex, chunkLength );
				this.content = LoaderUtils.decodeText( contentArray );

			} else if ( chunkType === BINARY_EXTENSION_CHUNK_TYPES.BIN ) {

				var byteOffset = BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH + chunkIndex;
				this.body = data.slice( byteOffset, byteOffset + chunkLength );


			// Clients must ignore chunks with unknown types.

			chunkIndex += chunkLength;


		if ( this.content === null ) {

			throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: JSON content not found.' );



	 * DRACO Mesh Compression Extension
	 * Specification:
	function GLTFDracoMeshCompressionExtension( json, dracoLoader ) {

		if ( ! dracoLoader ) {

			throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: No DRACOLoader instance provided.' );

		this.json = json;
		this.dracoLoader = dracoLoader;


	GLTFDracoMeshCompressionExtension.prototype.decodePrimitive = function ( primitive, parser ) {

		var json = this.json;
		var dracoLoader = this.dracoLoader;
		var bufferViewIndex = primitive.extensions[ ].bufferView;
		var gltfAttributeMap = primitive.extensions[ ].attributes;
		var threeAttributeMap = {};
		var attributeNormalizedMap = {};
		var attributeTypeMap = {};

		for ( var attributeName in gltfAttributeMap ) {

			var threeAttributeName = ATTRIBUTES[ attributeName ] || attributeName.toLowerCase();

			threeAttributeMap[ threeAttributeName ] = gltfAttributeMap[ attributeName ];


		for ( attributeName in primitive.attributes ) {

			var threeAttributeName = ATTRIBUTES[ attributeName ] || attributeName.toLowerCase();

			if ( gltfAttributeMap[ attributeName ] !== undefined ) {

				var accessorDef = json.accessors[ primitive.attributes[ attributeName ] ];
				var componentType = WEBGL_COMPONENT_TYPES[ accessorDef.componentType ];

				attributeTypeMap[ threeAttributeName ] = componentType;
				attributeNormalizedMap[ threeAttributeName ] = accessorDef.normalized === true;



		return parser.getDependency( 'bufferView', bufferViewIndex ).then( function ( bufferView ) {

			return new Promise( function ( resolve ) {

				dracoLoader.decodeDracoFile( bufferView, function ( geometry ) {

					for ( var attributeName in geometry.attributes ) {

						var attribute = geometry.attributes[ attributeName ];
						var normalized = attributeNormalizedMap[ attributeName ];

						if ( normalized !== undefined ) attribute.normalized = normalized;


					resolve( geometry );

				}, threeAttributeMap, attributeTypeMap );

			} );

		} );


	 * Texture Transform Extension
	 * Specification:
	function GLTFTextureTransformExtension() { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM;


	GLTFTextureTransformExtension.prototype.extendTexture = function ( texture, transform ) {

		texture = texture.clone();

		if ( transform.offset !== undefined ) {

			texture.offset.fromArray( transform.offset );


		if ( transform.rotation !== undefined ) {

			texture.rotation = transform.rotation;


		if ( transform.scale !== undefined ) {

			texture.repeat.fromArray( transform.scale );


		if ( transform.texCoord !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Custom UV sets in "' + + '" extension not yet supported.' );


		texture.needsUpdate = true;

		return texture;


	 * Specular-Glossiness Extension
	 * Specification:

	 * A sub class of StandardMaterial with some of the functionality
	 * changed via the `onBeforeCompile` callback
	 * @pailhead

	function GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial( params ) { this );

		this.isGLTFSpecularGlossinessMaterial = true;

		//various chunks that need replacing
		var specularMapParsFragmentChunk = [
			'#ifdef USE_SPECULARMAP',
			'	uniform sampler2D specularMap;',
		].join( '\n' );

		var glossinessMapParsFragmentChunk = [
			'	uniform sampler2D glossinessMap;',
		].join( '\n' );

		var specularMapFragmentChunk = [
			'vec3 specularFactor = specular;',
			'#ifdef USE_SPECULARMAP',
			'	vec4 texelSpecular = texture2D( specularMap, vUv );',
			'	texelSpecular = sRGBToLinear( texelSpecular );',
			'	// reads channel RGB, compatible with a glTF Specular-Glossiness (RGBA) texture',
			'	specularFactor *= texelSpecular.rgb;',
		].join( '\n' );

		var glossinessMapFragmentChunk = [
			'float glossinessFactor = glossiness;',
			'	vec4 texelGlossiness = texture2D( glossinessMap, vUv );',
			'	// reads channel A, compatible with a glTF Specular-Glossiness (RGBA) texture',
			'	glossinessFactor *= texelGlossiness.a;',
		].join( '\n' );

		var lightPhysicalFragmentChunk = [
			'PhysicalMaterial material;',
			'material.diffuseColor = diffuseColor.rgb;',
			'vec3 dxy = max( abs( dFdx( geometryNormal ) ), abs( dFdy( geometryNormal ) ) );',
			'float geometryRoughness = max( max( dxy.x, dxy.y ), dxy.z );',
			'material.specularRoughness = max( 1.0 - glossinessFactor, 0.0525 );// 0.0525 corresponds to the base mip of a 256 cubemap.',
			'material.specularRoughness += geometryRoughness;',
			'material.specularRoughness = min( material.specularRoughness, 1.0 );',
			'material.specularColor = specularFactor.rgb;',
		].join( '\n' );

		var uniforms = {
			specular: { value: new Color().setHex( 0xffffff ) },
			glossiness: { value: 1 },
			specularMap: { value: null },
			glossinessMap: { value: null }

		this._extraUniforms = uniforms;

		// please see #14031 or #13198 for an alternate approach
		this.onBeforeCompile = function ( shader ) {

			for ( var uniformName in uniforms ) {

				shader.uniforms[ uniformName ] = uniforms[ uniformName ];


			shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace( 'uniform float roughness;', 'uniform vec3 specular;' );
			shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace( 'uniform float metalness;', 'uniform float glossiness;' );
			shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace( '#include <roughnessmap_pars_fragment>', specularMapParsFragmentChunk );
			shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace( '#include <metalnessmap_pars_fragment>', glossinessMapParsFragmentChunk );
			shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace( '#include <roughnessmap_fragment>', specularMapFragmentChunk );
			shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace( '#include <metalnessmap_fragment>', glossinessMapFragmentChunk );
			shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace( '#include <lights_physical_fragment>', lightPhysicalFragmentChunk );


				specular: {
					get: function () { return uniforms.specular.value; },
					set: function ( v ) { uniforms.specular.value = v; }
				specularMap: {
					get: function () { return uniforms.specularMap.value; },
					set: function ( v ) { uniforms.specularMap.value = v; }
				glossiness: {
					get: function () { return uniforms.glossiness.value; },
					set: function ( v ) { uniforms.glossiness.value = v; }
				glossinessMap: {
					get: function () { return uniforms.glossinessMap.value; },
					set: function ( v ) {

						uniforms.glossinessMap.value = v;
						//how about something like this - @pailhead
						if ( v ) {

							this.defines.USE_GLOSSINESSMAP = '';
							// set USE_ROUGHNESSMAP to enable vUv
							this.defines.USE_ROUGHNESSMAP = '';

						} else {

							delete this.defines.USE_ROUGHNESSMAP;
							delete this.defines.USE_GLOSSINESSMAP;



		delete this.metalness;
		delete this.roughness;
		delete this.metalnessMap;
		delete this.roughnessMap;

		this.setValues( params );


	GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial.prototype = Object.create( MeshStandardMaterial.prototype );
	GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial.prototype.constructor = GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial;

	GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) { this, source );
		this.specularMap = source.specularMap;
		this.specular.copy( source.specular );
		this.glossinessMap = source.glossinessMap;
		this.glossiness = source.glossiness;
		delete this.metalness;
		delete this.roughness;
		delete this.metalnessMap;
		delete this.roughnessMap;
		return this;


	function GLTFMaterialsPbrSpecularGlossinessExtension() {

		return {


			specularGlossinessParams: [

			getMaterialType: function () {

				return GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial;


			extendParams: function ( materialParams, materialDef, parser ) {

				var pbrSpecularGlossiness = materialDef.extensions[ ];

				materialParams.color = new Color( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
				materialParams.opacity = 1.0;

				var pending = [];

				if ( Array.isArray( pbrSpecularGlossiness.diffuseFactor ) ) {

					var array = pbrSpecularGlossiness.diffuseFactor;

					materialParams.color.fromArray( array );
					materialParams.opacity = array[ 3 ];


				if ( pbrSpecularGlossiness.diffuseTexture !== undefined ) {

					pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'map', pbrSpecularGlossiness.diffuseTexture ) );


				materialParams.emissive = new Color( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
				materialParams.glossiness = pbrSpecularGlossiness.glossinessFactor !== undefined ? pbrSpecularGlossiness.glossinessFactor : 1.0;
				materialParams.specular = new Color( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );

				if ( Array.isArray( pbrSpecularGlossiness.specularFactor ) ) {

					materialParams.specular.fromArray( pbrSpecularGlossiness.specularFactor );


				if ( pbrSpecularGlossiness.specularGlossinessTexture !== undefined ) {

					var specGlossMapDef = pbrSpecularGlossiness.specularGlossinessTexture;
					pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'glossinessMap', specGlossMapDef ) );
					pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'specularMap', specGlossMapDef ) );


				return Promise.all( pending );


			createMaterial: function ( materialParams ) {

				var material = new GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial( materialParams );
				material.fog = true;

				material.color = materialParams.color; = === undefined ? null :;

				material.lightMap = null;
				material.lightMapIntensity = 1.0;

				material.aoMap = materialParams.aoMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.aoMap;
				material.aoMapIntensity = 1.0;

				material.emissive = materialParams.emissive;
				material.emissiveIntensity = 1.0;
				material.emissiveMap = materialParams.emissiveMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.emissiveMap;

				material.bumpMap = materialParams.bumpMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.bumpMap;
				material.bumpScale = 1;

				material.normalMap = materialParams.normalMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.normalMap;
				material.normalMapType = TangentSpaceNormalMap;

				if ( materialParams.normalScale ) material.normalScale = materialParams.normalScale;

				material.displacementMap = null;
				material.displacementScale = 1;
				material.displacementBias = 0;

				material.specularMap = materialParams.specularMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.specularMap;
				material.specular = materialParams.specular;

				material.glossinessMap = materialParams.glossinessMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.glossinessMap;
				material.glossiness = materialParams.glossiness;

				material.alphaMap = null;

				material.envMap = materialParams.envMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.envMap;
				material.envMapIntensity = 1.0;

				material.refractionRatio = 0.98;

				return material;




	 * Mesh Quantization Extension
	 * Specification:
	function GLTFMeshQuantizationExtension() { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_MESH_QUANTIZATION;


	/********** INTERPOLATION ********/

	// Spline Interpolation
	// Specification:
	function GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer ) { this, parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer );


	GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant.prototype = Object.create( Interpolant.prototype );
	GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant.prototype.constructor = GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant;

	GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant.prototype.copySampleValue_ = function ( index ) {

		// Copies a sample value to the result buffer. See description of glTF
		// CUBICSPLINE values layout in interpolate_() function below.

		var result = this.resultBuffer,
			values = this.sampleValues,
			valueSize = this.valueSize,
			offset = index * valueSize * 3 + valueSize;

		for ( var i = 0; i !== valueSize; i ++ ) {

			result[ i ] = values[ offset + i ];


		return result;


	GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant.prototype.beforeStart_ = GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant.prototype.copySampleValue_;

	GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant.prototype.afterEnd_ = GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant.prototype.copySampleValue_;

	GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant.prototype.interpolate_ = function ( i1, t0, t, t1 ) {

		var result = this.resultBuffer;
		var values = this.sampleValues;
		var stride = this.valueSize;

		var stride2 = stride * 2;
		var stride3 = stride * 3;

		var td = t1 - t0;

		var p = ( t - t0 ) / td;
		var pp = p * p;
		var ppp = pp * p;

		var offset1 = i1 * stride3;
		var offset0 = offset1 - stride3;

		var s2 = - 2 * ppp + 3 * pp;
		var s3 = ppp - pp;
		var s0 = 1 - s2;
		var s1 = s3 - pp + p;

		// Layout of keyframe output values for CUBICSPLINE animations:
		//   [ inTangent_1, splineVertex_1, outTangent_1, inTangent_2, splineVertex_2, ... ]
		for ( var i = 0; i !== stride; i ++ ) {

			var p0 = values[ offset0 + i + stride ]; // splineVertex_k
			var m0 = values[ offset0 + i + stride2 ] * td; // outTangent_k * (t_k+1 - t_k)
			var p1 = values[ offset1 + i + stride ]; // splineVertex_k+1
			var m1 = values[ offset1 + i ] * td; // inTangent_k+1 * (t_k+1 - t_k)

			result[ i ] = s0 * p0 + s1 * m0 + s2 * p1 + s3 * m1;


		return result;


	/********** INTERNALS ************/


		FLOAT: 5126,
		//FLOAT_MAT2: 35674,
		FLOAT_MAT3: 35675,
		FLOAT_MAT4: 35676,
		FLOAT_VEC2: 35664,
		FLOAT_VEC3: 35665,
		FLOAT_VEC4: 35666,
		LINEAR: 9729,
		REPEAT: 10497,
		SAMPLER_2D: 35678,
		POINTS: 0,
		LINES: 1,

		5120: Int8Array,
		5121: Uint8Array,
		5122: Int16Array,
		5123: Uint16Array,
		5125: Uint32Array,
		5126: Float32Array

		9728: NearestFilter,
		9729: LinearFilter,
		9984: NearestMipmapNearestFilter,
		9985: LinearMipmapNearestFilter,
		9986: NearestMipmapLinearFilter,
		9987: LinearMipmapLinearFilter

		33071: ClampToEdgeWrapping,
		33648: MirroredRepeatWrapping,
		10497: RepeatWrapping

		'SCALAR': 1,
		'VEC2': 2,
		'VEC3': 3,
		'VEC4': 4,
		'MAT2': 4,
		'MAT3': 9,
		'MAT4': 16

		POSITION: 'position',
		NORMAL: 'normal',
		TANGENT: 'tangent',
		TEXCOORD_0: 'uv',
		TEXCOORD_1: 'uv2',
		COLOR_0: 'color',
		WEIGHTS_0: 'skinWeight',
		JOINTS_0: 'skinIndex',

		scale: 'scale',
		translation: 'position',
		rotation: 'quaternion',
		weights: 'morphTargetInfluences'

		CUBICSPLINE: undefined, // We use a custom interpolant (GLTFCubicSplineInterpolation) for CUBICSPLINE tracks. Each
		                        // keyframe track will be initialized with a default interpolation type, then modified.
		LINEAR: InterpolateLinear,
		STEP: InterpolateDiscrete

	var ALPHA_MODES = {

		'image/png': RGBAFormat,
		'image/jpeg': RGBFormat


	function resolveURL( url, path ) {

		// Invalid URL
		if ( typeof url !== 'string' || url === '' ) return '';

		// Host Relative URL
		if ( /^https?:\/\//i.test( path ) && /^\//.test( url ) ) {

			path = path.replace( /(^https?:\/\/[^\/]+).*/i, '$1' );


		// Absolute URL http://,https://,//
		if ( /^(https?:)?\/\//i.test( url ) ) return url;

		// Data URI
		if ( /^data:.*,.*$/i.test( url ) ) return url;

		// Blob URL
		if ( /^blob:.*$/i.test( url ) ) return url;

		// Relative URL
		return path + url;


	 * Specification:
	function createDefaultMaterial( cache ) {

		if ( cache[ 'DefaultMaterial' ] === undefined ) {

			cache[ 'DefaultMaterial' ] = new MeshStandardMaterial( {
				color: 0xFFFFFF,
				emissive: 0x000000,
				metalness: 1,
				roughness: 1,
				transparent: false,
				depthTest: true,
				side: FrontSide
			} );


		return cache[ 'DefaultMaterial' ];


	function addUnknownExtensionsToUserData( knownExtensions, object, objectDef ) {

		// Add unknown glTF extensions to an object's userData.

		for ( var name in objectDef.extensions ) {

			if ( knownExtensions[ name ] === undefined ) {

				object.userData.gltfExtensions = object.userData.gltfExtensions || {};
				object.userData.gltfExtensions[ name ] = objectDef.extensions[ name ];




	 * @param {Object3D|Material|BufferGeometry} object
	 * @param {GLTF.definition} gltfDef
	function assignExtrasToUserData( object, gltfDef ) {

		if ( gltfDef.extras !== undefined ) {

			if ( typeof gltfDef.extras === 'object' ) {

				Object.assign( object.userData, gltfDef.extras );

			} else {

				console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Ignoring primitive type .extras, ' + gltfDef.extras );




	 * Specification:
	 * @param {BufferGeometry} geometry
	 * @param {Array<GLTF.Target>} targets
	 * @param {GLTFParser} parser
	 * @return {Promise<BufferGeometry>}
	function addMorphTargets( geometry, targets, parser ) {

		var hasMorphPosition = false;
		var hasMorphNormal = false;

		for ( var i = 0, il = targets.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var target = targets[ i ];

			if ( target.POSITION !== undefined ) hasMorphPosition = true;
			if ( target.NORMAL !== undefined ) hasMorphNormal = true;

			if ( hasMorphPosition && hasMorphNormal ) break;


		if ( ! hasMorphPosition && ! hasMorphNormal ) return Promise.resolve( geometry );

		var pendingPositionAccessors = [];
		var pendingNormalAccessors = [];

		for ( var i = 0, il = targets.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var target = targets[ i ];

			if ( hasMorphPosition ) {

				var pendingAccessor = target.POSITION !== undefined
					? parser.getDependency( 'accessor', target.POSITION )
					: geometry.attributes.position;

				pendingPositionAccessors.push( pendingAccessor );


			if ( hasMorphNormal ) {

				var pendingAccessor = target.NORMAL !== undefined
					? parser.getDependency( 'accessor', target.NORMAL )
					: geometry.attributes.normal;

				pendingNormalAccessors.push( pendingAccessor );



		return Promise.all( [
			Promise.all( pendingPositionAccessors ),
			Promise.all( pendingNormalAccessors )
		] ).then( function ( accessors ) {

			var morphPositions = accessors[ 0 ];
			var morphNormals = accessors[ 1 ];

			if ( hasMorphPosition ) geometry.morphAttributes.position = morphPositions;
			if ( hasMorphNormal ) geometry.morphAttributes.normal = morphNormals;
			geometry.morphTargetsRelative = true;

			return geometry;

		} );


	 * @param {Mesh} mesh
	 * @param {GLTF.Mesh} meshDef
	function updateMorphTargets( mesh, meshDef ) {


		if ( meshDef.weights !== undefined ) {

			for ( var i = 0, il = meshDef.weights.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				mesh.morphTargetInfluences[ i ] = meshDef.weights[ i ];



		// .extras has user-defined data, so check that .extras.targetNames is an array.
		if ( meshDef.extras && Array.isArray( meshDef.extras.targetNames ) ) {

			var targetNames = meshDef.extras.targetNames;

			if ( mesh.morphTargetInfluences.length === targetNames.length ) {

				mesh.morphTargetDictionary = {};

				for ( var i = 0, il = targetNames.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

					mesh.morphTargetDictionary[ targetNames[ i ] ] = i;


			} else {

				console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Invalid extras.targetNames length. Ignoring names.' );




	function createPrimitiveKey( primitiveDef ) {

		var dracoExtension = primitiveDef.extensions && primitiveDef.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION ];
		var geometryKey;

		if ( dracoExtension ) {

			geometryKey = 'draco:' + dracoExtension.bufferView
				+ ':' + dracoExtension.indices
				+ ':' + createAttributesKey( dracoExtension.attributes );

		} else {

			geometryKey = primitiveDef.indices + ':' + createAttributesKey( primitiveDef.attributes ) + ':' + primitiveDef.mode;


		return geometryKey;


	function createAttributesKey( attributes ) {

		var attributesKey = '';

		var keys = Object.keys( attributes ).sort();

		for ( var i = 0, il = keys.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			attributesKey += keys[ i ] + ':' + attributes[ keys[ i ] ] + ';';


		return attributesKey;



	function GLTFParser( json, extensions, options ) {

		this.json = json || {};
		this.extensions = extensions || {};
		this.options = options || {};

		// loader object cache
		this.cache = new GLTFRegistry();

		// BufferGeometry caching
		this.primitiveCache = {};

		this.textureLoader = new TextureLoader( this.options.manager );
		this.textureLoader.setCrossOrigin( this.options.crossOrigin );

		this.fileLoader = new FileLoader( this.options.manager );
		this.fileLoader.setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' );

		if ( this.options.crossOrigin === 'use-credentials' ) {

			this.fileLoader.setWithCredentials( true );



	GLTFParser.prototype.parse = function ( onLoad, onError ) {

		var parser = this;
		var json = this.json;
		var extensions = this.extensions;

		// Clear the loader cache

		// Mark the special nodes/meshes in json for efficient parse

		Promise.all( [

			this.getDependencies( 'scene' ),
			this.getDependencies( 'animation' ),
			this.getDependencies( 'camera' ),

		] ).then( function ( dependencies ) {

			var result = {
				scene: dependencies[ 0 ][ json.scene || 0 ],
				scenes: dependencies[ 0 ],
				animations: dependencies[ 1 ],
				cameras: dependencies[ 2 ],
				asset: json.asset,
				parser: parser,
				userData: {}

			addUnknownExtensionsToUserData( extensions, result, json );

			assignExtrasToUserData( result, json );

			onLoad( result );

		} ).catch( onError );


	 * Marks the special nodes/meshes in json for efficient parse.
	GLTFParser.prototype.markDefs = function () {

		var nodeDefs = this.json.nodes || [];
		var skinDefs = this.json.skins || [];
		var meshDefs = this.json.meshes || [];

		var meshReferences = {};
		var meshUses = {};

		// Nothing in the node definition indicates whether it is a Bone or an
		// Object3D. Use the skins' joint references to mark bones.
		for ( var skinIndex = 0, skinLength = skinDefs.length; skinIndex < skinLength; skinIndex ++ ) {

			var joints = skinDefs[ skinIndex ].joints;

			for ( var i = 0, il = joints.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				nodeDefs[ joints[ i ] ].isBone = true;



		// Meshes can (and should) be reused by multiple nodes in a glTF asset. To
		// avoid having more than one Mesh with the same name, count
		// references and rename instances below.
		// Example: CesiumMilkTruck sample model reuses "Wheel" meshes.
		for ( var nodeIndex = 0, nodeLength = nodeDefs.length; nodeIndex < nodeLength; nodeIndex ++ ) {

			var nodeDef = nodeDefs[ nodeIndex ];

			if ( nodeDef.mesh !== undefined ) {

				if ( meshReferences[ nodeDef.mesh ] === undefined ) {

					meshReferences[ nodeDef.mesh ] = meshUses[ nodeDef.mesh ] = 0;


				meshReferences[ nodeDef.mesh ] ++;

				// Nothing in the mesh definition indicates whether it is
				// a SkinnedMesh or Mesh. Use the node's mesh reference
				// to mark SkinnedMesh if node has skin.
				if ( !== undefined ) {

					meshDefs[ nodeDef.mesh ].isSkinnedMesh = true;




		this.json.meshReferences = meshReferences;
		this.json.meshUses = meshUses;


	 * Requests the specified dependency asynchronously, with caching.
	 * @param {string} type
	 * @param {number} index
	 * @return {Promise<Object3D|Material|THREE.Texture|AnimationClip|ArrayBuffer|Object>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.getDependency = function ( type, index ) {

		var cacheKey = type + ':' + index;
		var dependency = this.cache.get( cacheKey );

		if ( ! dependency ) {

			switch ( type ) {

				case 'scene':
					dependency = this.loadScene( index );

				case 'node':
					dependency = this.loadNode( index );

				case 'mesh':
					dependency = this.loadMesh( index );

				case 'accessor':
					dependency = this.loadAccessor( index );

				case 'bufferView':
					dependency = this.loadBufferView( index );

				case 'buffer':
					dependency = this.loadBuffer( index );

				case 'material':
					dependency = this.loadMaterial( index );

				case 'texture':
					dependency = this.loadTexture( index );

				case 'skin':
					dependency = this.loadSkin( index );

				case 'animation':
					dependency = this.loadAnimation( index );

				case 'camera':
					dependency = this.loadCamera( index );

				case 'light':
					dependency = this.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL ].loadLight( index );

					throw new Error( 'Unknown type: ' + type );


			this.cache.add( cacheKey, dependency );


		return dependency;


	 * Requests all dependencies of the specified type asynchronously, with caching.
	 * @param {string} type
	 * @return {Promise<Array<Object>>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.getDependencies = function ( type ) {

		var dependencies = this.cache.get( type );

		if ( ! dependencies ) {

			var parser = this;
			var defs = this.json[ type + ( type === 'mesh' ? 'es' : 's' ) ] || [];

			dependencies = Promise.all( function ( def, index ) {

				return parser.getDependency( type, index );

			} ) );

			this.cache.add( type, dependencies );


		return dependencies;


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} bufferIndex
	 * @return {Promise<ArrayBuffer>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadBuffer = function ( bufferIndex ) {

		var bufferDef = this.json.buffers[ bufferIndex ];
		var loader = this.fileLoader;

		if ( bufferDef.type && bufferDef.type !== 'arraybuffer' ) {

			throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: ' + bufferDef.type + ' buffer type is not supported.' );


		// If present, GLB container is required to be the first buffer.
		if ( bufferDef.uri === undefined && bufferIndex === 0 ) {

			return Promise.resolve( this.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_BINARY_GLTF ].body );


		var options = this.options;

		return new Promise( function ( resolve, reject ) {

			loader.load( resolveURL( bufferDef.uri, options.path ), resolve, undefined, function () {

				reject( new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Failed to load buffer "' + bufferDef.uri + '".' ) );

			} );

		} );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} bufferViewIndex
	 * @return {Promise<ArrayBuffer>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadBufferView = function ( bufferViewIndex ) {

		var bufferViewDef = this.json.bufferViews[ bufferViewIndex ];

		return this.getDependency( 'buffer', bufferViewDef.buffer ).then( function ( buffer ) {

			var byteLength = bufferViewDef.byteLength || 0;
			var byteOffset = bufferViewDef.byteOffset || 0;
			return buffer.slice( byteOffset, byteOffset + byteLength );

		} );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} accessorIndex
	 * @return {Promise<BufferAttribute|InterleavedBufferAttribute>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadAccessor = function ( accessorIndex ) {

		var parser = this;
		var json = this.json;

		var accessorDef = this.json.accessors[ accessorIndex ];

		if ( accessorDef.bufferView === undefined && accessorDef.sparse === undefined ) {

			// Ignore empty accessors, which may be used to declare runtime
			// information about attributes coming from another source (e.g. Draco
			// compression extension).
			return Promise.resolve( null );


		var pendingBufferViews = [];

		if ( accessorDef.bufferView !== undefined ) {

			pendingBufferViews.push( this.getDependency( 'bufferView', accessorDef.bufferView ) );

		} else {

			pendingBufferViews.push( null );


		if ( accessorDef.sparse !== undefined ) {

			pendingBufferViews.push( this.getDependency( 'bufferView', accessorDef.sparse.indices.bufferView ) );
			pendingBufferViews.push( this.getDependency( 'bufferView', accessorDef.sparse.values.bufferView ) );


		return Promise.all( pendingBufferViews ).then( function ( bufferViews ) {

			var bufferView = bufferViews[ 0 ];

			var itemSize = WEBGL_TYPE_SIZES[ accessorDef.type ];
			var TypedArray = WEBGL_COMPONENT_TYPES[ accessorDef.componentType ];

			// For VEC3: itemSize is 3, elementBytes is 4, itemBytes is 12.
			var elementBytes = TypedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
			var itemBytes = elementBytes * itemSize;
			var byteOffset = accessorDef.byteOffset || 0;
			var byteStride = accessorDef.bufferView !== undefined ? json.bufferViews[ accessorDef.bufferView ].byteStride : undefined;
			var normalized = accessorDef.normalized === true;
			var array, bufferAttribute;

			// The buffer is not interleaved if the stride is the item size in bytes.
			if ( byteStride && byteStride !== itemBytes ) {

				// Each "slice" of the buffer, as defined by 'count' elements of 'byteStride' bytes, gets its own InterleavedBuffer
				// This makes sure that IBA.count reflects accessor.count properly
				var ibSlice = Math.floor( byteOffset / byteStride );
				var ibCacheKey = 'InterleavedBuffer:' + accessorDef.bufferView + ':' + accessorDef.componentType + ':' + ibSlice + ':' + accessorDef.count;
				var ib = parser.cache.get( ibCacheKey );

				if ( ! ib ) {

					array = new TypedArray( bufferView, ibSlice * byteStride, accessorDef.count * byteStride / elementBytes );

					// Integer parameters to IB/IBA are in array elements, not bytes.
					ib = new InterleavedBuffer( array, byteStride / elementBytes );

					parser.cache.add( ibCacheKey, ib );


				bufferAttribute = new InterleavedBufferAttribute( ib, itemSize, ( byteOffset % byteStride ) / elementBytes, normalized );

			} else {

				if ( bufferView === null ) {

					array = new TypedArray( accessorDef.count * itemSize );

				} else {

					array = new TypedArray( bufferView, byteOffset, accessorDef.count * itemSize );


				bufferAttribute = new BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized );


			if ( accessorDef.sparse !== undefined ) {

				var itemSizeIndices = WEBGL_TYPE_SIZES.SCALAR;
				var TypedArrayIndices = WEBGL_COMPONENT_TYPES[ accessorDef.sparse.indices.componentType ];

				var byteOffsetIndices = accessorDef.sparse.indices.byteOffset || 0;
				var byteOffsetValues = accessorDef.sparse.values.byteOffset || 0;

				var sparseIndices = new TypedArrayIndices( bufferViews[ 1 ], byteOffsetIndices, accessorDef.sparse.count * itemSizeIndices );
				var sparseValues = new TypedArray( bufferViews[ 2 ], byteOffsetValues, accessorDef.sparse.count * itemSize );

				if ( bufferView !== null ) {

					// Avoid modifying the original ArrayBuffer, if the bufferView wasn't initialized with zeroes.
					bufferAttribute = new BufferAttribute( bufferAttribute.array.slice(), bufferAttribute.itemSize, bufferAttribute.normalized );


				for ( var i = 0, il = sparseIndices.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

					var index = sparseIndices[ i ];

					bufferAttribute.setX( index, sparseValues[ i * itemSize ] );
					if ( itemSize >= 2 ) bufferAttribute.setY( index, sparseValues[ i * itemSize + 1 ] );
					if ( itemSize >= 3 ) bufferAttribute.setZ( index, sparseValues[ i * itemSize + 2 ] );
					if ( itemSize >= 4 ) bufferAttribute.setW( index, sparseValues[ i * itemSize + 3 ] );
					if ( itemSize >= 5 ) throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Unsupported itemSize in sparse BufferAttribute.' );



			return bufferAttribute;

		} );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} textureIndex
	 * @return {Promise<THREE.Texture>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadTexture = function ( textureIndex ) {

		var parser = this;
		var json = this.json;
		var options = this.options;
		var textureLoader = this.textureLoader;

		var URL = self.URL || self.webkitURL;

		var textureDef = json.textures[ textureIndex ];

		var textureExtensions = textureDef.extensions || {};

		var source;

		if ( textureExtensions[ EXTENSIONS.MSFT_TEXTURE_DDS ] ) {

			source = json.images[ textureExtensions[ EXTENSIONS.MSFT_TEXTURE_DDS ].source ];

		} else {

			source = json.images[ textureDef.source ];


		var sourceURI = source.uri;
		var isObjectURL = false;

		if ( source.bufferView !== undefined ) {

			// Load binary image data from bufferView, if provided.

			sourceURI = parser.getDependency( 'bufferView', source.bufferView ).then( function ( bufferView ) {

				isObjectURL = true;
				var blob = new Blob( [ bufferView ], { type: source.mimeType } );
				sourceURI = URL.createObjectURL( blob );
				return sourceURI;

			} );


		return Promise.resolve( sourceURI ).then( function ( sourceURI ) {

			// Load Texture resource.

			var loader = options.manager.getHandler( sourceURI );

			if ( ! loader ) {

				loader = textureExtensions[ EXTENSIONS.MSFT_TEXTURE_DDS ]
					? parser.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.MSFT_TEXTURE_DDS ].ddsLoader
					: textureLoader;


			return new Promise( function ( resolve, reject ) {

				loader.load( resolveURL( sourceURI, options.path ), resolve, undefined, reject );

			} );

		} ).then( function ( texture ) {

			// Clean up resources and configure Texture.

			if ( isObjectURL === true ) {

				URL.revokeObjectURL( sourceURI );


			texture.flipY = false;

			if ( ) =;

			// Ignore unknown mime types, like DDS files.
			if ( source.mimeType in MIME_TYPE_FORMATS ) {

				texture.format = MIME_TYPE_FORMATS[ source.mimeType ];


			var samplers = json.samplers || {};
			var sampler = samplers[ textureDef.sampler ] || {};

			texture.magFilter = WEBGL_FILTERS[ sampler.magFilter ] || LinearFilter;
			texture.minFilter = WEBGL_FILTERS[ sampler.minFilter ] || LinearMipmapLinearFilter;
			texture.wrapS = WEBGL_WRAPPINGS[ sampler.wrapS ] || RepeatWrapping;
			texture.wrapT = WEBGL_WRAPPINGS[ sampler.wrapT ] || RepeatWrapping;

			return texture;

		} );


	 * Asynchronously assigns a texture to the given material parameters.
	 * @param {Object} materialParams
	 * @param {string} mapName
	 * @param {Object} mapDef
	 * @return {Promise}
	GLTFParser.prototype.assignTexture = function ( materialParams, mapName, mapDef ) {

		var parser = this;

		return this.getDependency( 'texture', mapDef.index ).then( function ( texture ) {

			if ( ! texture.isCompressedTexture ) {

				switch ( mapName ) {

					case 'aoMap':
					case 'emissiveMap':
					case 'metalnessMap':
					case 'normalMap':
					case 'roughnessMap':
						texture.format = RGBFormat;



			// Materials sample aoMap from UV set 1 and other maps from UV set 0 - this can't be configured
			// However, we will copy UV set 0 to UV set 1 on demand for aoMap
			if ( mapDef.texCoord !== undefined && mapDef.texCoord != 0 && ! ( mapName === 'aoMap' && mapDef.texCoord == 1 ) ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Custom UV set ' + mapDef.texCoord + ' for texture ' + mapName + ' not yet supported.' );


			if ( parser.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM ] ) {

				var transform = mapDef.extensions !== undefined ? mapDef.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM ] : undefined;

				if ( transform ) {

					texture = parser.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM ].extendTexture( texture, transform );



			materialParams[ mapName ] = texture;

		} );


	 * Assigns final material to a Mesh, Line, or Points instance. The instance
	 * already has a material (generated from the glTF material options alone)
	 * but reuse of the same glTF material may require multiple threejs materials
	 * to accomodate different primitive types, defines, etc. New materials will
	 * be created if necessary, and reused from a cache.
	 * @param  {Object3D} mesh Mesh, Line, or Points instance.
	GLTFParser.prototype.assignFinalMaterial = function ( mesh ) {

		var geometry = mesh.geometry;
		var material = mesh.material;

		var useVertexTangents = geometry.attributes.tangent !== undefined;
		var useVertexColors = geometry.attributes.color !== undefined;
		var useFlatShading = geometry.attributes.normal === undefined;
		var useSkinning = mesh.isSkinnedMesh === true;
		var useMorphTargets = Object.keys( geometry.morphAttributes ).length > 0;
		var useMorphNormals = useMorphTargets && geometry.morphAttributes.normal !== undefined;

		if ( mesh.isPoints ) {

			var cacheKey = 'PointsMaterial:' + material.uuid;

			var pointsMaterial = this.cache.get( cacheKey );

			if ( ! pointsMaterial ) {

				pointsMaterial = new PointsMaterial(); pointsMaterial, material );
				pointsMaterial.color.copy( material.color ); =;
				pointsMaterial.sizeAttenuation = false; // glTF spec says points should be 1px

				this.cache.add( cacheKey, pointsMaterial );


			material = pointsMaterial;

		} else if ( mesh.isLine ) {

			var cacheKey = 'LineBasicMaterial:' + material.uuid;

			var lineMaterial = this.cache.get( cacheKey );

			if ( ! lineMaterial ) {

				lineMaterial = new LineBasicMaterial(); lineMaterial, material );
				lineMaterial.color.copy( material.color );

				this.cache.add( cacheKey, lineMaterial );


			material = lineMaterial;


		// Clone the material if it will be modified
		if ( useVertexTangents || useVertexColors || useFlatShading || useSkinning || useMorphTargets ) {

			var cacheKey = 'ClonedMaterial:' + material.uuid + ':';

			if ( material.isGLTFSpecularGlossinessMaterial ) cacheKey += 'specular-glossiness:';
			if ( useSkinning ) cacheKey += 'skinning:';
			if ( useVertexTangents ) cacheKey += 'vertex-tangents:';
			if ( useVertexColors ) cacheKey += 'vertex-colors:';
			if ( useFlatShading ) cacheKey += 'flat-shading:';
			if ( useMorphTargets ) cacheKey += 'morph-targets:';
			if ( useMorphNormals ) cacheKey += 'morph-normals:';

			var cachedMaterial = this.cache.get( cacheKey );

			if ( ! cachedMaterial ) {

				cachedMaterial = material.clone();

				if ( useSkinning ) cachedMaterial.skinning = true;
				if ( useVertexTangents ) cachedMaterial.vertexTangents = true;
				if ( useVertexColors ) cachedMaterial.vertexColors = true;
				if ( useFlatShading ) cachedMaterial.flatShading = true;
				if ( useMorphTargets ) cachedMaterial.morphTargets = true;
				if ( useMorphNormals ) cachedMaterial.morphNormals = true;

				this.cache.add( cacheKey, cachedMaterial );


			material = cachedMaterial;


		// workarounds for mesh and geometry

		if ( material.aoMap && geometry.attributes.uv2 === undefined && geometry.attributes.uv !== undefined ) {

			geometry.setAttribute( 'uv2', geometry.attributes.uv );


		if ( material.normalScale && ! useVertexTangents ) {

			material.normalScale.y = - material.normalScale.y;


		if ( material.clearcoatNormalScale && ! useVertexTangents ) {

			material.clearcoatNormalScale.y = - material.clearcoatNormalScale.y;


		mesh.material = material;


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} materialIndex
	 * @return {Promise<Material>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadMaterial = function ( materialIndex ) {

		var parser = this;
		var json = this.json;
		var extensions = this.extensions;
		var materialDef = json.materials[ materialIndex ];

		var materialType;
		var materialParams = {};
		var materialExtensions = materialDef.extensions || {};

		var pending = [];


			materialType = sgExtension.getMaterialType();
			pending.push( sgExtension.extendParams( materialParams, materialDef, parser ) );

		} else if ( materialExtensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT ] ) {

			var kmuExtension = extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT ];
			materialType = kmuExtension.getMaterialType();
			pending.push( kmuExtension.extendParams( materialParams, materialDef, parser ) );

		} else {

			// Specification:

			materialType = MeshStandardMaterial;

			var metallicRoughness = materialDef.pbrMetallicRoughness || {};

			materialParams.color = new Color( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
			materialParams.opacity = 1.0;

			if ( Array.isArray( metallicRoughness.baseColorFactor ) ) {

				var array = metallicRoughness.baseColorFactor;

				materialParams.color.fromArray( array );
				materialParams.opacity = array[ 3 ];


			if ( metallicRoughness.baseColorTexture !== undefined ) {

				pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'map', metallicRoughness.baseColorTexture ) );


			materialParams.metalness = metallicRoughness.metallicFactor !== undefined ? metallicRoughness.metallicFactor : 1.0;
			materialParams.roughness = metallicRoughness.roughnessFactor !== undefined ? metallicRoughness.roughnessFactor : 1.0;

			if ( metallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture !== undefined ) {

				pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'metalnessMap', metallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture ) );
				pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'roughnessMap', metallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture ) );



		if ( materialDef.doubleSided === true ) {

			materialParams.side = DoubleSide;


		var alphaMode = materialDef.alphaMode || ALPHA_MODES.OPAQUE;

		if ( alphaMode === ALPHA_MODES.BLEND ) {

			materialParams.transparent = true;

			// See:
			materialParams.depthWrite = false;

		} else {

			materialParams.transparent = false;

			if ( alphaMode === ALPHA_MODES.MASK ) {

				materialParams.alphaTest = materialDef.alphaCutoff !== undefined ? materialDef.alphaCutoff : 0.5;



		if ( materialDef.normalTexture !== undefined && materialType !== MeshBasicMaterial ) {

			pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'normalMap', materialDef.normalTexture ) );

			materialParams.normalScale = new Vector2( 1, 1 );

			if ( materialDef.normalTexture.scale !== undefined ) {

				materialParams.normalScale.set( materialDef.normalTexture.scale, materialDef.normalTexture.scale );



		if ( materialDef.occlusionTexture !== undefined && materialType !== MeshBasicMaterial ) {

			pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'aoMap', materialDef.occlusionTexture ) );

			if ( materialDef.occlusionTexture.strength !== undefined ) {

				materialParams.aoMapIntensity = materialDef.occlusionTexture.strength;



		if ( materialDef.emissiveFactor !== undefined && materialType !== MeshBasicMaterial ) {

			materialParams.emissive = new Color().fromArray( materialDef.emissiveFactor );


		if ( materialDef.emissiveTexture !== undefined && materialType !== MeshBasicMaterial ) {

			pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'emissiveMap', materialDef.emissiveTexture ) );


		if ( materialExtensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_CLEARCOAT ] ) {

			var clearcoatExtension = extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_CLEARCOAT ];
			materialType = clearcoatExtension.getMaterialType();
			pending.push( clearcoatExtension.extendParams( materialParams, { extensions: materialExtensions }, parser ) );


		return Promise.all( pending ).then( function () {

			var material;

			if ( materialType === GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial ) {

				material = extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_PBR_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS ].createMaterial( materialParams );

			} else {

				material = new materialType( materialParams );


			if ( ) =;

			// baseColorTexture, emissiveTexture, and specularGlossinessTexture use sRGB encoding.
			if ( ) = sRGBEncoding;
			if ( material.emissiveMap ) material.emissiveMap.encoding = sRGBEncoding;

			assignExtrasToUserData( material, materialDef );

			if ( materialDef.extensions ) addUnknownExtensionsToUserData( extensions, material, materialDef );

			return material;

		} );


	 * @param {BufferGeometry} geometry
	 * @param {GLTF.Primitive} primitiveDef
	 * @param {GLTFParser} parser
	function computeBounds( geometry, primitiveDef, parser ) {

		var attributes = primitiveDef.attributes;

		var box = new Box3();

		if ( attributes.POSITION !== undefined ) {

			var accessor = parser.json.accessors[ attributes.POSITION ];

			var min = accessor.min;
			var max = accessor.max;

			// glTF requires 'min' and 'max', but VRM (which extends glTF) currently ignores that requirement.

			if ( min !== undefined && max !== undefined ) {

					new Vector3( min[ 0 ], min[ 1 ], min[ 2 ] ),
					new Vector3( max[ 0 ], max[ 1 ], max[ 2 ] ) );

			} else {

				console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Missing min/max properties for accessor POSITION.' );



		} else {



		var targets = primitiveDef.targets;

		if ( targets !== undefined ) {

			var maxDisplacement = new Vector3();
			var vector = new Vector3();

			for ( var i = 0, il = targets.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				var target = targets[ i ];

				if ( target.POSITION !== undefined ) {

					var accessor = parser.json.accessors[ target.POSITION ];
					var min = accessor.min;
					var max = accessor.max;

					// glTF requires 'min' and 'max', but VRM (which extends glTF) currently ignores that requirement.

					if ( min !== undefined && max !== undefined ) {

						// we need to get max of absolute components because target weight is [-1,1]
						vector.setX( Math.max( Math.abs( min[ 0 ] ), Math.abs( max[ 0 ] ) ) );
						vector.setY( Math.max( Math.abs( min[ 1 ] ), Math.abs( max[ 1 ] ) ) );
						vector.setZ( Math.max( Math.abs( min[ 2 ] ), Math.abs( max[ 2 ] ) ) );

						// Note: this assumes that the sum of all weights is at most 1. This isn't quite correct - it's more conservative
						// to assume that each target can have a max weight of 1. However, for some use cases - notably, when morph targets
						// are used to implement key-frame animations and as such only two are active at a time - this results in very large
						// boxes. So for now we make a box that's sometimes a touch too small but is hopefully mostly of reasonable size.
						maxDisplacement.max( vector );

					} else {

						console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Missing min/max properties for accessor POSITION.' );




			// As per comment above this box isn't conservative, but has a reasonable size for a very large number of morph targets.
			box.expandByVector( maxDisplacement );


		geometry.boundingBox = box;

		var sphere = new Sphere();

		box.getCenter( );
		sphere.radius = box.min.distanceTo( box.max ) / 2;

		geometry.boundingSphere = sphere;


	 * @param {BufferGeometry} geometry
	 * @param {GLTF.Primitive} primitiveDef
	 * @param {GLTFParser} parser
	 * @return {Promise<BufferGeometry>}
	function addPrimitiveAttributes( geometry, primitiveDef, parser ) {

		var attributes = primitiveDef.attributes;

		var pending = [];

		function assignAttributeAccessor( accessorIndex, attributeName ) {

			return parser.getDependency( 'accessor', accessorIndex )
				.then( function ( accessor ) {

					geometry.setAttribute( attributeName, accessor );

				} );


		for ( var gltfAttributeName in attributes ) {

			var threeAttributeName = ATTRIBUTES[ gltfAttributeName ] || gltfAttributeName.toLowerCase();

			// Skip attributes already provided by e.g. Draco extension.
			if ( threeAttributeName in geometry.attributes ) continue;

			pending.push( assignAttributeAccessor( attributes[ gltfAttributeName ], threeAttributeName ) );


		if ( primitiveDef.indices !== undefined && ! geometry.index ) {

			var accessor = parser.getDependency( 'accessor', primitiveDef.indices ).then( function ( accessor ) {

				geometry.setIndex( accessor );

			} );

			pending.push( accessor );


		assignExtrasToUserData( geometry, primitiveDef );

		computeBounds( geometry, primitiveDef, parser );

		return Promise.all( pending ).then( function () {

			return primitiveDef.targets !== undefined
				? addMorphTargets( geometry, primitiveDef.targets, parser )
				: geometry;

		} );


	 * @param {BufferGeometry} geometry
	 * @param {Number} drawMode
	 * @return {BufferGeometry}
	function toTrianglesDrawMode( geometry, drawMode ) {

		var index = geometry.getIndex();

		// generate index if not present

		if ( index === null ) {

			var indices = [];

			var position = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' );

			if ( position !== undefined ) {

				for ( var i = 0; i < position.count; i ++ ) {

					indices.push( i );


				geometry.setIndex( indices );
				index = geometry.getIndex();

			} else {

				console.error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader.toTrianglesDrawMode(): Undefined position attribute. Processing not possible.' );
				return geometry;




		var numberOfTriangles = index.count - 2;
		var newIndices = [];

		if ( drawMode === TriangleFanDrawMode ) {


			for ( var i = 1; i <= numberOfTriangles; i ++ ) {

				newIndices.push( index.getX( 0 ) );
				newIndices.push( index.getX( i ) );
				newIndices.push( index.getX( i + 1 ) );


		} else {


			for ( var i = 0; i < numberOfTriangles; i ++ ) {

				if ( i % 2 === 0 ) {

					newIndices.push( index.getX( i ) );
					newIndices.push( index.getX( i + 1 ) );
					newIndices.push( index.getX( i + 2 ) );

				} else {

					newIndices.push( index.getX( i + 2 ) );
					newIndices.push( index.getX( i + 1 ) );
					newIndices.push( index.getX( i ) );




		if ( ( newIndices.length / 3 ) !== numberOfTriangles ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader.toTrianglesDrawMode(): Unable to generate correct amount of triangles.' );


		// build final geometry

		var newGeometry = geometry.clone();
		newGeometry.setIndex( newIndices );

		return newGeometry;


	 * Specification:
	 * Creates BufferGeometries from primitives.
	 * @param {Array<GLTF.Primitive>} primitives
	 * @return {Promise<Array<BufferGeometry>>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadGeometries = function ( primitives ) {

		var parser = this;
		var extensions = this.extensions;
		var cache = this.primitiveCache;

		function createDracoPrimitive( primitive ) {

				.decodePrimitive( primitive, parser )
				.then( function ( geometry ) {

					return addPrimitiveAttributes( geometry, primitive, parser );

				} );


		var pending = [];

		for ( var i = 0, il = primitives.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var primitive = primitives[ i ];
			var cacheKey = createPrimitiveKey( primitive );

			// See if we've already created this geometry
			var cached = cache[ cacheKey ];

			if ( cached ) {

				// Use the cached geometry if it exists
				pending.push( cached.promise );

			} else {

				var geometryPromise;

				if ( primitive.extensions && primitive.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION ] ) {

					// Use DRACO geometry if available
					geometryPromise = createDracoPrimitive( primitive );

				} else {

					// Otherwise create a new geometry
					geometryPromise = addPrimitiveAttributes( new BufferGeometry(), primitive, parser );


				// Cache this geometry
				cache[ cacheKey ] = { primitive: primitive, promise: geometryPromise };

				pending.push( geometryPromise );



		return Promise.all( pending );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} meshIndex
	 * @return {Promise<Group|Mesh|SkinnedMesh>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadMesh = function ( meshIndex ) {

		var parser = this;
		var json = this.json;

		var meshDef = json.meshes[ meshIndex ];
		var primitives = meshDef.primitives;

		var pending = [];

		for ( var i = 0, il = primitives.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var material = primitives[ i ].material === undefined
				? createDefaultMaterial( this.cache )
				: this.getDependency( 'material', primitives[ i ].material );

			pending.push( material );


		pending.push( parser.loadGeometries( primitives ) );

		return Promise.all( pending ).then( function ( results ) {

			var materials = results.slice( 0, results.length - 1 );
			var geometries = results[ results.length - 1 ];

			var meshes = [];

			for ( var i = 0, il = geometries.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				var geometry = geometries[ i ];
				var primitive = primitives[ i ];

				// 1. create Mesh

				var mesh;

				var material = materials[ i ];

				if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.TRIANGLES ||
					primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.TRIANGLE_STRIP ||
					primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.TRIANGLE_FAN ||
					primitive.mode === undefined ) {

					// .isSkinnedMesh isn't in glTF spec. See .markDefs()
					mesh = meshDef.isSkinnedMesh === true
						? new SkinnedMesh( geometry, material )
						: new Mesh( geometry, material );

					if ( mesh.isSkinnedMesh === true && ! mesh.geometry.attributes.skinWeight.normalized ) {

						// we normalize floating point skin weight array to fix malformed assets (see #15319)
						// it's important to skip this for non-float32 data since normalizeSkinWeights assumes non-normalized inputs


					if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.TRIANGLE_STRIP ) {

						mesh.geometry = toTrianglesDrawMode( mesh.geometry, TriangleStripDrawMode );

					} else if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.TRIANGLE_FAN ) {

						mesh.geometry = toTrianglesDrawMode( mesh.geometry, TriangleFanDrawMode );


				} else if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINES ) {

					mesh = new LineSegments( geometry, material );

				} else if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINE_STRIP ) {

					mesh = new Line( geometry, material );

				} else if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINE_LOOP ) {

					mesh = new LineLoop( geometry, material );

				} else if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.POINTS ) {

					mesh = new Points( geometry, material );

				} else {

					throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Primitive mode unsupported: ' + primitive.mode );


				if ( Object.keys( mesh.geometry.morphAttributes ).length > 0 ) {

					updateMorphTargets( mesh, meshDef );

				} = || ( 'mesh_' + meshIndex );

				if ( geometries.length > 1 ) += '_' + i;

				assignExtrasToUserData( mesh, meshDef );

				parser.assignFinalMaterial( mesh );

				meshes.push( mesh );


			if ( meshes.length === 1 ) {

				return meshes[ 0 ];


			var group = new Group();

			for ( var i = 0, il = meshes.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				group.add( meshes[ i ] );


			return group;

		} );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} cameraIndex
	 * @return {Promise<THREE.Camera>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadCamera = function ( cameraIndex ) {

		var camera;
		var cameraDef = this.json.cameras[ cameraIndex ];
		var params = cameraDef[ cameraDef.type ];

		if ( ! params ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Missing camera parameters.' );


		if ( cameraDef.type === 'perspective' ) {

			camera = new PerspectiveCamera( MathUtils.radToDeg( params.yfov ), params.aspectRatio || 1, params.znear || 1, params.zfar || 2e6 );

		} else if ( cameraDef.type === 'orthographic' ) {

			camera = new OrthographicCamera( - params.xmag, params.xmag, params.ymag, - params.ymag, params.znear, params.zfar );


		if ( ) =;

		assignExtrasToUserData( camera, cameraDef );

		return Promise.resolve( camera );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} skinIndex
	 * @return {Promise<Object>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadSkin = function ( skinIndex ) {

		var skinDef = this.json.skins[ skinIndex ];

		var skinEntry = { joints: skinDef.joints };

		if ( skinDef.inverseBindMatrices === undefined ) {

			return Promise.resolve( skinEntry );


		return this.getDependency( 'accessor', skinDef.inverseBindMatrices ).then( function ( accessor ) {

			skinEntry.inverseBindMatrices = accessor;

			return skinEntry;

		} );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} animationIndex
	 * @return {Promise<AnimationClip>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadAnimation = function ( animationIndex ) {

		var json = this.json;

		var animationDef = json.animations[ animationIndex ];

		var pendingNodes = [];
		var pendingInputAccessors = [];
		var pendingOutputAccessors = [];
		var pendingSamplers = [];
		var pendingTargets = [];

		for ( var i = 0, il = animationDef.channels.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var channel = animationDef.channels[ i ];
			var sampler = animationDef.samplers[ channel.sampler ];
			var target =;
			var name = target.node !== undefined ? target.node :; // NOTE: is deprecated.
			var input = animationDef.parameters !== undefined ? animationDef.parameters[ sampler.input ] : sampler.input;
			var output = animationDef.parameters !== undefined ? animationDef.parameters[ sampler.output ] : sampler.output;

			pendingNodes.push( this.getDependency( 'node', name ) );
			pendingInputAccessors.push( this.getDependency( 'accessor', input ) );
			pendingOutputAccessors.push( this.getDependency( 'accessor', output ) );
			pendingSamplers.push( sampler );
			pendingTargets.push( target );


		return Promise.all( [

			Promise.all( pendingNodes ),
			Promise.all( pendingInputAccessors ),
			Promise.all( pendingOutputAccessors ),
			Promise.all( pendingSamplers ),
			Promise.all( pendingTargets )

		] ).then( function ( dependencies ) {

			var nodes = dependencies[ 0 ];
			var inputAccessors = dependencies[ 1 ];
			var outputAccessors = dependencies[ 2 ];
			var samplers = dependencies[ 3 ];
			var targets = dependencies[ 4 ];

			var tracks = [];

			for ( var i = 0, il = nodes.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				var node = nodes[ i ];
				var inputAccessor = inputAccessors[ i ];
				var outputAccessor = outputAccessors[ i ];
				var sampler = samplers[ i ];
				var target = targets[ i ];

				if ( node === undefined ) continue;

				node.matrixAutoUpdate = true;

				var TypedKeyframeTrack;

				switch ( PATH_PROPERTIES[ target.path ] ) {

					case PATH_PROPERTIES.weights:

						TypedKeyframeTrack = NumberKeyframeTrack;

					case PATH_PROPERTIES.rotation:

						TypedKeyframeTrack = QuaternionKeyframeTrack;

					case PATH_PROPERTIES.position:
					case PATH_PROPERTIES.scale:

						TypedKeyframeTrack = VectorKeyframeTrack;


				var targetName = ? : node.uuid;

				var interpolation = sampler.interpolation !== undefined ? INTERPOLATION[ sampler.interpolation ] : InterpolateLinear;

				var targetNames = [];

				if ( PATH_PROPERTIES[ target.path ] === PATH_PROPERTIES.weights ) {

					// Node may be a Group (glTF mesh with several primitives) or a Mesh.
					node.traverse( function ( object ) {

						if ( object.isMesh === true && object.morphTargetInfluences ) {

							targetNames.push( ? : object.uuid );


					} );

				} else {

					targetNames.push( targetName );


				var outputArray = outputAccessor.array;

				if ( outputAccessor.normalized ) {

					var scale;

					if ( outputArray.constructor === Int8Array ) {

						scale = 1 / 127;

					} else if ( outputArray.constructor === Uint8Array ) {

						scale = 1 / 255;

					} else if ( outputArray.constructor == Int16Array ) {

						scale = 1 / 32767;

					} else if ( outputArray.constructor === Uint16Array ) {

						scale = 1 / 65535;

					} else {

						throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Unsupported output accessor component type.' );


					var scaled = new Float32Array( outputArray.length );

					for ( var j = 0, jl = outputArray.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

						scaled[ j ] = outputArray[ j ] * scale;


					outputArray = scaled;


				for ( var j = 0, jl = targetNames.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

					var track = new TypedKeyframeTrack(
						targetNames[ j ] + '.' + PATH_PROPERTIES[ target.path ],

					// Override interpolation with custom factory method.
					if ( sampler.interpolation === 'CUBICSPLINE' ) {

						track.createInterpolant = function InterpolantFactoryMethodGLTFCubicSpline( result ) {

							// A CUBICSPLINE keyframe in glTF has three output values for each input value,
							// representing inTangent, splineVertex, and outTangent. As a result, track.getValueSize()
							// must be divided by three to get the interpolant's sampleSize argument.

							return new GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant( this.times, this.values, this.getValueSize() / 3, result );


						// Mark as CUBICSPLINE. `track.getInterpolation()` doesn't support custom interpolants.
						track.createInterpolant.isInterpolantFactoryMethodGLTFCubicSpline = true;


					tracks.push( track );



			var name = ? : 'animation_' + animationIndex;

			return new AnimationClip( name, undefined, tracks );

		} );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} nodeIndex
	 * @return {Promise<Object3D>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadNode = function ( nodeIndex ) {

		var json = this.json;
		var extensions = this.extensions;
		var parser = this;

		var meshReferences = json.meshReferences;
		var meshUses = json.meshUses;

		var nodeDef = json.nodes[ nodeIndex ];

		return ( function () {

			var pending = [];

			if ( nodeDef.mesh !== undefined ) {

				pending.push( parser.getDependency( 'mesh', nodeDef.mesh ).then( function ( mesh ) {

					var node;

					if ( meshReferences[ nodeDef.mesh ] > 1 ) {

						var instanceNum = meshUses[ nodeDef.mesh ] ++;

						node = mesh.clone(); += '_instance_' + instanceNum;

					} else {

						node = mesh;


					// if weights are provided on the node, override weights on the mesh.
					if ( nodeDef.weights !== undefined ) {

						node.traverse( function ( o ) {

							if ( ! o.isMesh ) return;

							for ( var i = 0, il = nodeDef.weights.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

								o.morphTargetInfluences[ i ] = nodeDef.weights[ i ];


						} );


					return node;

				} ) );


			if ( !== undefined ) {

				pending.push( parser.getDependency( 'camera', ) );


			if ( nodeDef.extensions
				&& nodeDef.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL ]
				&& nodeDef.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL ].light !== undefined ) {

				pending.push( parser.getDependency( 'light', nodeDef.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL ].light ) );


			return Promise.all( pending );

		}() ).then( function ( objects ) {

			var node;

			// .isBone isn't in glTF spec. See .markDefs
			if ( nodeDef.isBone === true ) {

				node = new Bone();

			} else if ( objects.length > 1 ) {

				node = new Group();

			} else if ( objects.length === 1 ) {

				node = objects[ 0 ];

			} else {

				node = new Object3D();


			if ( node !== objects[ 0 ] ) {

				for ( var i = 0, il = objects.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

					node.add( objects[ i ] );



			if ( ) { =; = PropertyBinding.sanitizeNodeName( );


			assignExtrasToUserData( node, nodeDef );

			if ( nodeDef.extensions ) addUnknownExtensionsToUserData( extensions, node, nodeDef );

			if ( nodeDef.matrix !== undefined ) {

				var matrix = new Matrix4();
				matrix.fromArray( nodeDef.matrix );
				node.applyMatrix4( matrix );

			} else {

				if ( nodeDef.translation !== undefined ) {

					node.position.fromArray( nodeDef.translation );


				if ( nodeDef.rotation !== undefined ) {

					node.quaternion.fromArray( nodeDef.rotation );


				if ( nodeDef.scale !== undefined ) {

					node.scale.fromArray( nodeDef.scale );



			return node;

		} );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} sceneIndex
	 * @return {Promise<Group>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadScene = function () {

		// scene node hierachy builder

		function buildNodeHierachy( nodeId, parentObject, json, parser ) {

			var nodeDef = json.nodes[ nodeId ];

			return parser.getDependency( 'node', nodeId ).then( function ( node ) {

				if ( === undefined ) return node;

				// build skeleton here as well

				var skinEntry;

				return parser.getDependency( 'skin', ).then( function ( skin ) {

					skinEntry = skin;

					var pendingJoints = [];

					for ( var i = 0, il = skinEntry.joints.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

						pendingJoints.push( parser.getDependency( 'node', skinEntry.joints[ i ] ) );


					return Promise.all( pendingJoints );

				} ).then( function ( jointNodes ) {

					node.traverse( function ( mesh ) {

						if ( ! mesh.isMesh ) return;

						var bones = [];
						var boneInverses = [];

						for ( var j = 0, jl = jointNodes.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

							var jointNode = jointNodes[ j ];

							if ( jointNode ) {

								bones.push( jointNode );

								var mat = new Matrix4();

								if ( skinEntry.inverseBindMatrices !== undefined ) {

									mat.fromArray( skinEntry.inverseBindMatrices.array, j * 16 );


								boneInverses.push( mat );

							} else {

								console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Joint "%s" could not be found.', skinEntry.joints[ j ] );



						mesh.bind( new Skeleton( bones, boneInverses ), mesh.matrixWorld );

					} );

					return node;

				} );

			} ).then( function ( node ) {

				// build node hierachy

				parentObject.add( node );

				var pending = [];

				if ( nodeDef.children ) {

					var children = nodeDef.children;

					for ( var i = 0, il = children.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

						var child = children[ i ];
						pending.push( buildNodeHierachy( child, node, json, parser ) );



				return Promise.all( pending );

			} );


		return function loadScene( sceneIndex ) {

			var json = this.json;
			var extensions = this.extensions;
			var sceneDef = this.json.scenes[ sceneIndex ];
			var parser = this;

			// Loader returns Group, not Scene.
			// See:
			var scene = new Group();
			if ( ) =;

			assignExtrasToUserData( scene, sceneDef );

			if ( sceneDef.extensions ) addUnknownExtensionsToUserData( extensions, scene, sceneDef );

			var nodeIds = sceneDef.nodes || [];

			var pending = [];

			for ( var i = 0, il = nodeIds.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				pending.push( buildNodeHierachy( nodeIds[ i ], scene, json, parser ) );


			return Promise.all( pending ).then( function () {

				return scene;

			} );



	return GLTFLoader;

} )()
Example #8
Source File: GLTFLoader.js    From FirstPersonCameraControl with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
GLTFLoader = ( function () {

	function GLTFLoader( manager ) { this, manager );

		this.dracoLoader = null;
		this.ddsLoader = null;


	GLTFLoader.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Loader.prototype ), {

		constructor: GLTFLoader,

		load: function ( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

			var scope = this;

			var resourcePath;

			if ( this.resourcePath !== '' ) {

				resourcePath = this.resourcePath;

			} else if ( this.path !== '' ) {

				resourcePath = this.path;

			} else {

				resourcePath = LoaderUtils.extractUrlBase( url );


			// Tells the LoadingManager to track an extra item, which resolves after
			// the model is fully loaded. This means the count of items loaded will
			// be incorrect, but ensures manager.onLoad() does not fire early.
			scope.manager.itemStart( url );

			var _onError = function ( e ) {

				if ( onError ) {

					onError( e );

				} else {

					console.error( e );


				scope.manager.itemError( url );
				scope.manager.itemEnd( url );


			var loader = new FileLoader( scope.manager );

			loader.setPath( this.path );
			loader.setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' );

			if ( scope.crossOrigin === 'use-credentials' ) {

				loader.setWithCredentials( true );


			loader.load( url, function ( data ) {

				try {

					scope.parse( data, resourcePath, function ( gltf ) {

						onLoad( gltf );

						scope.manager.itemEnd( url );

					}, _onError );

				} catch ( e ) {

					_onError( e );


			}, onProgress, _onError );


		setDRACOLoader: function ( dracoLoader ) {

			this.dracoLoader = dracoLoader;
			return this;


		setDDSLoader: function ( ddsLoader ) {

			this.ddsLoader = ddsLoader;
			return this;


		parse: function ( data, path, onLoad, onError ) {

			var content;
			var extensions = {};

			if ( typeof data === 'string' ) {

				content = data;

			} else {

				var magic = LoaderUtils.decodeText( new Uint8Array( data, 0, 4 ) );

				if ( magic === BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_MAGIC ) {

					try {

						extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_BINARY_GLTF ] = new GLTFBinaryExtension( data );

					} catch ( error ) {

						if ( onError ) onError( error );


					content = extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_BINARY_GLTF ].content;

				} else {

					content = LoaderUtils.decodeText( new Uint8Array( data ) );



			var json = JSON.parse( content );

			if ( json.asset === undefined || json.asset.version[ 0 ] < 2 ) {

				if ( onError ) onError( new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Unsupported asset. glTF versions >=2.0 are supported.' ) );


			if ( json.extensionsUsed ) {

				for ( var i = 0; i < json.extensionsUsed.length; ++ i ) {

					var extensionName = json.extensionsUsed[ i ];
					var extensionsRequired = json.extensionsRequired || [];

					switch ( extensionName ) {

							extensions[ extensionName ] = new GLTFLightsExtension( json );

							extensions[ extensionName ] = new GLTFMaterialsClearcoatExtension();

							extensions[ extensionName ] = new GLTFMaterialsUnlitExtension();

							extensions[ extensionName ] = new GLTFMaterialsPbrSpecularGlossinessExtension();

							extensions[ extensionName ] = new GLTFDracoMeshCompressionExtension( json, this.dracoLoader );

							extensions[ extensionName ] = new GLTFTextureDDSExtension( this.ddsLoader );

							extensions[ extensionName ] = new GLTFTextureTransformExtension();

							extensions[ extensionName ] = new GLTFMeshQuantizationExtension();


							if ( extensionsRequired.indexOf( extensionName ) >= 0 ) {

								console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Unknown extension "' + extensionName + '".' );





			var parser = new GLTFParser( json, extensions, {

				path: path || this.resourcePath || '',
				crossOrigin: this.crossOrigin,
				manager: this.manager

			} );

			parser.parse( onLoad, onError );


	} );


	function GLTFRegistry() {

		var objects = {};

		return	{

			get: function ( key ) {

				return objects[ key ];


			add: function ( key, object ) {

				objects[ key ] = object;


			remove: function ( key ) {

				delete objects[ key ];


			removeAll: function () {

				objects = {};




	/********** EXTENSIONS ***********/

		KHR_BINARY_GLTF: 'KHR_binary_glTF',
		KHR_DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION: 'KHR_draco_mesh_compression',
		KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL: 'KHR_lights_punctual',
		KHR_MATERIALS_CLEARCOAT: 'KHR_materials_clearcoat',
		KHR_MATERIALS_PBR_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS: 'KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness',
		KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT: 'KHR_materials_unlit',
		KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM: 'KHR_texture_transform',
		KHR_MESH_QUANTIZATION: 'KHR_mesh_quantization',
		MSFT_TEXTURE_DDS: 'MSFT_texture_dds'

	 * DDS Texture Extension
	 * Specification:
	function GLTFTextureDDSExtension( ddsLoader ) {

		if ( ! ddsLoader ) {

			throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Attempting to load .dds texture without importing DDSLoader' );

		this.ddsLoader = ddsLoader;


	 * Punctual Lights Extension
	 * Specification:
	function GLTFLightsExtension( json ) { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL;

		var extension = ( json.extensions && json.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL ] ) || {};
		this.lightDefs = extension.lights || [];


	GLTFLightsExtension.prototype.loadLight = function ( lightIndex ) {

		var lightDef = this.lightDefs[ lightIndex ];
		var lightNode;

		var color = new Color( 0xffffff );
		if ( lightDef.color !== undefined ) color.fromArray( lightDef.color );

		var range = lightDef.range !== undefined ? lightDef.range : 0;

		switch ( lightDef.type ) {

			case 'directional':
				lightNode = new DirectionalLight( color ); 0, 0, - 1 );
				lightNode.add( );

			case 'point':
				lightNode = new PointLight( color );
				lightNode.distance = range;

			case 'spot':
				lightNode = new SpotLight( color );
				lightNode.distance = range;
				// Handle spotlight properties. = || {}; = !== undefined ? : 0; = !== undefined ? : Math.PI / 4.0;
				lightNode.angle =;
				lightNode.penumbra = 1.0 - /; 0, 0, - 1 );
				lightNode.add( );

				throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Unexpected light type, "' + lightDef.type + '".' );


		// Some lights (e.g. spot) default to a position other than the origin. Reset the position
		// here, because node-level parsing will only override position if explicitly specified.
		lightNode.position.set( 0, 0, 0 );

		lightNode.decay = 2;

		if ( lightDef.intensity !== undefined ) lightNode.intensity = lightDef.intensity; = || ( 'light_' + lightIndex );

		return Promise.resolve( lightNode );


	 * Unlit Materials Extension
	 * Specification:
	function GLTFMaterialsUnlitExtension() { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT;


	GLTFMaterialsUnlitExtension.prototype.getMaterialType = function () {

		return MeshBasicMaterial;


	GLTFMaterialsUnlitExtension.prototype.extendParams = function ( materialParams, materialDef, parser ) {

		var pending = [];

		materialParams.color = new Color( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
		materialParams.opacity = 1.0;

		var metallicRoughness = materialDef.pbrMetallicRoughness;

		if ( metallicRoughness ) {

			if ( Array.isArray( metallicRoughness.baseColorFactor ) ) {

				var array = metallicRoughness.baseColorFactor;

				materialParams.color.fromArray( array );
				materialParams.opacity = array[ 3 ];


			if ( metallicRoughness.baseColorTexture !== undefined ) {

				pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'map', metallicRoughness.baseColorTexture ) );



		return Promise.all( pending );


	 * Clearcoat Materials Extension
	 * Specification:
	function GLTFMaterialsClearcoatExtension() { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_CLEARCOAT;


	GLTFMaterialsClearcoatExtension.prototype.getMaterialType = function () {

		return MeshPhysicalMaterial;


	GLTFMaterialsClearcoatExtension.prototype.extendParams = function ( materialParams, materialDef, parser ) {

		var pending = [];

		var extension = materialDef.extensions[ ];

		if ( extension.clearcoatFactor !== undefined ) {

			materialParams.clearcoat = extension.clearcoatFactor;


		if ( extension.clearcoatTexture !== undefined ) {

			pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'clearcoatMap', extension.clearcoatTexture ) );


		if ( extension.clearcoatRoughnessFactor !== undefined ) {

			materialParams.clearcoatRoughness = extension.clearcoatRoughnessFactor;


		if ( extension.clearcoatRoughnessTexture !== undefined ) {

			pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'clearcoatRoughnessMap', extension.clearcoatRoughnessTexture ) );


		if ( extension.clearcoatNormalTexture !== undefined ) {

			pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'clearcoatNormalMap', extension.clearcoatNormalTexture ) );

			if ( extension.clearcoatNormalTexture.scale !== undefined ) {

				var scale = extension.clearcoatNormalTexture.scale;

				materialParams.clearcoatNormalScale = new Vector2( scale, scale );



		return Promise.all( pending );


	var BINARY_EXTENSION_CHUNK_TYPES = { JSON: 0x4E4F534A, BIN: 0x004E4942 };

	function GLTFBinaryExtension( data ) { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_BINARY_GLTF;
		this.content = null;
		this.body = null;

		var headerView = new DataView( data, 0, BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH );

		this.header = {
			magic: LoaderUtils.decodeText( new Uint8Array( data.slice( 0, 4 ) ) ),
			version: headerView.getUint32( 4, true ),
			length: headerView.getUint32( 8, true )

		if ( this.header.magic !== BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_MAGIC ) {

			throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Unsupported glTF-Binary header.' );

		} else if ( this.header.version < 2.0 ) {

			throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Legacy binary file detected.' );


		var chunkView = new DataView( data, BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH );
		var chunkIndex = 0;

		while ( chunkIndex < chunkView.byteLength ) {

			var chunkLength = chunkView.getUint32( chunkIndex, true );
			chunkIndex += 4;

			var chunkType = chunkView.getUint32( chunkIndex, true );
			chunkIndex += 4;


				var contentArray = new Uint8Array( data, BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH + chunkIndex, chunkLength );
				this.content = LoaderUtils.decodeText( contentArray );

			} else if ( chunkType === BINARY_EXTENSION_CHUNK_TYPES.BIN ) {

				var byteOffset = BINARY_EXTENSION_HEADER_LENGTH + chunkIndex;
				this.body = data.slice( byteOffset, byteOffset + chunkLength );


			// Clients must ignore chunks with unknown types.

			chunkIndex += chunkLength;


		if ( this.content === null ) {

			throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: JSON content not found.' );



	 * DRACO Mesh Compression Extension
	 * Specification:
	function GLTFDracoMeshCompressionExtension( json, dracoLoader ) {

		if ( ! dracoLoader ) {

			throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: No DRACOLoader instance provided.' );

		this.json = json;
		this.dracoLoader = dracoLoader;


	GLTFDracoMeshCompressionExtension.prototype.decodePrimitive = function ( primitive, parser ) {

		var json = this.json;
		var dracoLoader = this.dracoLoader;
		var bufferViewIndex = primitive.extensions[ ].bufferView;
		var gltfAttributeMap = primitive.extensions[ ].attributes;
		var threeAttributeMap = {};
		var attributeNormalizedMap = {};
		var attributeTypeMap = {};

		for ( var attributeName in gltfAttributeMap ) {

			var threeAttributeName = ATTRIBUTES[ attributeName ] || attributeName.toLowerCase();

			threeAttributeMap[ threeAttributeName ] = gltfAttributeMap[ attributeName ];


		for ( attributeName in primitive.attributes ) {

			var threeAttributeName = ATTRIBUTES[ attributeName ] || attributeName.toLowerCase();

			if ( gltfAttributeMap[ attributeName ] !== undefined ) {

				var accessorDef = json.accessors[ primitive.attributes[ attributeName ] ];
				var componentType = WEBGL_COMPONENT_TYPES[ accessorDef.componentType ];

				attributeTypeMap[ threeAttributeName ] = componentType;
				attributeNormalizedMap[ threeAttributeName ] = accessorDef.normalized === true;



		return parser.getDependency( 'bufferView', bufferViewIndex ).then( function ( bufferView ) {

			return new Promise( function ( resolve ) {

				dracoLoader.decodeDracoFile( bufferView, function ( geometry ) {

					for ( var attributeName in geometry.attributes ) {

						var attribute = geometry.attributes[ attributeName ];
						var normalized = attributeNormalizedMap[ attributeName ];

						if ( normalized !== undefined ) attribute.normalized = normalized;


					resolve( geometry );

				}, threeAttributeMap, attributeTypeMap );

			} );

		} );


	 * Texture Transform Extension
	 * Specification:
	function GLTFTextureTransformExtension() { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM;


	GLTFTextureTransformExtension.prototype.extendTexture = function ( texture, transform ) {

		texture = texture.clone();

		if ( transform.offset !== undefined ) {

			texture.offset.fromArray( transform.offset );


		if ( transform.rotation !== undefined ) {

			texture.rotation = transform.rotation;


		if ( transform.scale !== undefined ) {

			texture.repeat.fromArray( transform.scale );


		if ( transform.texCoord !== undefined ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Custom UV sets in "' + + '" extension not yet supported.' );


		texture.needsUpdate = true;

		return texture;


	 * Specular-Glossiness Extension
	 * Specification:

	 * A sub class of StandardMaterial with some of the functionality
	 * changed via the `onBeforeCompile` callback
	 * @pailhead

	function GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial( params ) { this );

		this.isGLTFSpecularGlossinessMaterial = true;

		//various chunks that need replacing
		var specularMapParsFragmentChunk = [
			'#ifdef USE_SPECULARMAP',
			'	uniform sampler2D specularMap;',
		].join( '\n' );

		var glossinessMapParsFragmentChunk = [
			'	uniform sampler2D glossinessMap;',
		].join( '\n' );

		var specularMapFragmentChunk = [
			'vec3 specularFactor = specular;',
			'#ifdef USE_SPECULARMAP',
			'	vec4 texelSpecular = texture2D( specularMap, vUv );',
			'	texelSpecular = sRGBToLinear( texelSpecular );',
			'	// reads channel RGB, compatible with a glTF Specular-Glossiness (RGBA) texture',
			'	specularFactor *= texelSpecular.rgb;',
		].join( '\n' );

		var glossinessMapFragmentChunk = [
			'float glossinessFactor = glossiness;',
			'	vec4 texelGlossiness = texture2D( glossinessMap, vUv );',
			'	// reads channel A, compatible with a glTF Specular-Glossiness (RGBA) texture',
			'	glossinessFactor *= texelGlossiness.a;',
		].join( '\n' );

		var lightPhysicalFragmentChunk = [
			'PhysicalMaterial material;',
			'material.diffuseColor = diffuseColor.rgb;',
			'vec3 dxy = max( abs( dFdx( geometryNormal ) ), abs( dFdy( geometryNormal ) ) );',
			'float geometryRoughness = max( max( dxy.x, dxy.y ), dxy.z );',
			'material.specularRoughness = max( 1.0 - glossinessFactor, 0.0525 );// 0.0525 corresponds to the base mip of a 256 cubemap.',
			'material.specularRoughness += geometryRoughness;',
			'material.specularRoughness = min( material.specularRoughness, 1.0 );',
			'material.specularColor = specularFactor.rgb;',
		].join( '\n' );

		var uniforms = {
			specular: { value: new Color().setHex( 0xffffff ) },
			glossiness: { value: 1 },
			specularMap: { value: null },
			glossinessMap: { value: null }

		this._extraUniforms = uniforms;

		// please see #14031 or #13198 for an alternate approach
		this.onBeforeCompile = function ( shader ) {

			for ( var uniformName in uniforms ) {

				shader.uniforms[ uniformName ] = uniforms[ uniformName ];


			shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace( 'uniform float roughness;', 'uniform vec3 specular;' );
			shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace( 'uniform float metalness;', 'uniform float glossiness;' );
			shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace( '#include <roughnessmap_pars_fragment>', specularMapParsFragmentChunk );
			shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace( '#include <metalnessmap_pars_fragment>', glossinessMapParsFragmentChunk );
			shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace( '#include <roughnessmap_fragment>', specularMapFragmentChunk );
			shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace( '#include <metalnessmap_fragment>', glossinessMapFragmentChunk );
			shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace( '#include <lights_physical_fragment>', lightPhysicalFragmentChunk );


				specular: {
					get: function () { return uniforms.specular.value; },
					set: function ( v ) { uniforms.specular.value = v; }
				specularMap: {
					get: function () { return uniforms.specularMap.value; },
					set: function ( v ) { uniforms.specularMap.value = v; }
				glossiness: {
					get: function () { return uniforms.glossiness.value; },
					set: function ( v ) { uniforms.glossiness.value = v; }
				glossinessMap: {
					get: function () { return uniforms.glossinessMap.value; },
					set: function ( v ) {

						uniforms.glossinessMap.value = v;
						//how about something like this - @pailhead
						if ( v ) {

							this.defines.USE_GLOSSINESSMAP = '';
							// set USE_ROUGHNESSMAP to enable vUv
							this.defines.USE_ROUGHNESSMAP = '';

						} else {

							delete this.defines.USE_ROUGHNESSMAP;
							delete this.defines.USE_GLOSSINESSMAP;



		delete this.metalness;
		delete this.roughness;
		delete this.metalnessMap;
		delete this.roughnessMap;

		this.setValues( params );


	GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial.prototype = Object.create( MeshStandardMaterial.prototype );
	GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial.prototype.constructor = GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial;

	GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial.prototype.copy = function ( source ) { this, source );
		this.specularMap = source.specularMap;
		this.specular.copy( source.specular );
		this.glossinessMap = source.glossinessMap;
		this.glossiness = source.glossiness;
		delete this.metalness;
		delete this.roughness;
		delete this.metalnessMap;
		delete this.roughnessMap;
		return this;


	function GLTFMaterialsPbrSpecularGlossinessExtension() {

		return {


			specularGlossinessParams: [

			getMaterialType: function () {

				return GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial;


			extendParams: function ( materialParams, materialDef, parser ) {

				var pbrSpecularGlossiness = materialDef.extensions[ ];

				materialParams.color = new Color( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
				materialParams.opacity = 1.0;

				var pending = [];

				if ( Array.isArray( pbrSpecularGlossiness.diffuseFactor ) ) {

					var array = pbrSpecularGlossiness.diffuseFactor;

					materialParams.color.fromArray( array );
					materialParams.opacity = array[ 3 ];


				if ( pbrSpecularGlossiness.diffuseTexture !== undefined ) {

					pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'map', pbrSpecularGlossiness.diffuseTexture ) );


				materialParams.emissive = new Color( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
				materialParams.glossiness = pbrSpecularGlossiness.glossinessFactor !== undefined ? pbrSpecularGlossiness.glossinessFactor : 1.0;
				materialParams.specular = new Color( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );

				if ( Array.isArray( pbrSpecularGlossiness.specularFactor ) ) {

					materialParams.specular.fromArray( pbrSpecularGlossiness.specularFactor );


				if ( pbrSpecularGlossiness.specularGlossinessTexture !== undefined ) {

					var specGlossMapDef = pbrSpecularGlossiness.specularGlossinessTexture;
					pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'glossinessMap', specGlossMapDef ) );
					pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'specularMap', specGlossMapDef ) );


				return Promise.all( pending );


			createMaterial: function ( materialParams ) {

				var material = new GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial( materialParams );
				material.fog = true;

				material.color = materialParams.color; = === undefined ? null :;

				material.lightMap = null;
				material.lightMapIntensity = 1.0;

				material.aoMap = materialParams.aoMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.aoMap;
				material.aoMapIntensity = 1.0;

				material.emissive = materialParams.emissive;
				material.emissiveIntensity = 1.0;
				material.emissiveMap = materialParams.emissiveMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.emissiveMap;

				material.bumpMap = materialParams.bumpMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.bumpMap;
				material.bumpScale = 1;

				material.normalMap = materialParams.normalMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.normalMap;
				material.normalMapType = TangentSpaceNormalMap;

				if ( materialParams.normalScale ) material.normalScale = materialParams.normalScale;

				material.displacementMap = null;
				material.displacementScale = 1;
				material.displacementBias = 0;

				material.specularMap = materialParams.specularMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.specularMap;
				material.specular = materialParams.specular;

				material.glossinessMap = materialParams.glossinessMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.glossinessMap;
				material.glossiness = materialParams.glossiness;

				material.alphaMap = null;

				material.envMap = materialParams.envMap === undefined ? null : materialParams.envMap;
				material.envMapIntensity = 1.0;

				material.refractionRatio = 0.98;

				return material;




	 * Mesh Quantization Extension
	 * Specification:
	function GLTFMeshQuantizationExtension() { = EXTENSIONS.KHR_MESH_QUANTIZATION;


	/********** INTERPOLATION ********/

	// Spline Interpolation
	// Specification:
	function GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer ) { this, parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer );


	GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant.prototype = Object.create( Interpolant.prototype );
	GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant.prototype.constructor = GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant;

	GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant.prototype.copySampleValue_ = function ( index ) {

		// Copies a sample value to the result buffer. See description of glTF
		// CUBICSPLINE values layout in interpolate_() function below.

		var result = this.resultBuffer,
			values = this.sampleValues,
			valueSize = this.valueSize,
			offset = index * valueSize * 3 + valueSize;

		for ( var i = 0; i !== valueSize; i ++ ) {

			result[ i ] = values[ offset + i ];


		return result;


	GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant.prototype.beforeStart_ = GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant.prototype.copySampleValue_;

	GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant.prototype.afterEnd_ = GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant.prototype.copySampleValue_;

	GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant.prototype.interpolate_ = function ( i1, t0, t, t1 ) {

		var result = this.resultBuffer;
		var values = this.sampleValues;
		var stride = this.valueSize;

		var stride2 = stride * 2;
		var stride3 = stride * 3;

		var td = t1 - t0;

		var p = ( t - t0 ) / td;
		var pp = p * p;
		var ppp = pp * p;

		var offset1 = i1 * stride3;
		var offset0 = offset1 - stride3;

		var s2 = - 2 * ppp + 3 * pp;
		var s3 = ppp - pp;
		var s0 = 1 - s2;
		var s1 = s3 - pp + p;

		// Layout of keyframe output values for CUBICSPLINE animations:
		//   [ inTangent_1, splineVertex_1, outTangent_1, inTangent_2, splineVertex_2, ... ]
		for ( var i = 0; i !== stride; i ++ ) {

			var p0 = values[ offset0 + i + stride ]; // splineVertex_k
			var m0 = values[ offset0 + i + stride2 ] * td; // outTangent_k * (t_k+1 - t_k)
			var p1 = values[ offset1 + i + stride ]; // splineVertex_k+1
			var m1 = values[ offset1 + i ] * td; // inTangent_k+1 * (t_k+1 - t_k)

			result[ i ] = s0 * p0 + s1 * m0 + s2 * p1 + s3 * m1;


		return result;


	/********** INTERNALS ************/


		FLOAT: 5126,
		//FLOAT_MAT2: 35674,
		FLOAT_MAT3: 35675,
		FLOAT_MAT4: 35676,
		FLOAT_VEC2: 35664,
		FLOAT_VEC3: 35665,
		FLOAT_VEC4: 35666,
		LINEAR: 9729,
		REPEAT: 10497,
		SAMPLER_2D: 35678,
		POINTS: 0,
		LINES: 1,

		5120: Int8Array,
		5121: Uint8Array,
		5122: Int16Array,
		5123: Uint16Array,
		5125: Uint32Array,
		5126: Float32Array

		9728: NearestFilter,
		9729: LinearFilter,
		9984: NearestMipmapNearestFilter,
		9985: LinearMipmapNearestFilter,
		9986: NearestMipmapLinearFilter,
		9987: LinearMipmapLinearFilter

		33071: ClampToEdgeWrapping,
		33648: MirroredRepeatWrapping,
		10497: RepeatWrapping

		'SCALAR': 1,
		'VEC2': 2,
		'VEC3': 3,
		'VEC4': 4,
		'MAT2': 4,
		'MAT3': 9,
		'MAT4': 16

		POSITION: 'position',
		NORMAL: 'normal',
		TANGENT: 'tangent',
		TEXCOORD_0: 'uv',
		TEXCOORD_1: 'uv2',
		COLOR_0: 'color',
		WEIGHTS_0: 'skinWeight',
		JOINTS_0: 'skinIndex',

		scale: 'scale',
		translation: 'position',
		rotation: 'quaternion',
		weights: 'morphTargetInfluences'

		CUBICSPLINE: undefined, // We use a custom interpolant (GLTFCubicSplineInterpolation) for CUBICSPLINE tracks. Each
		                        // keyframe track will be initialized with a default interpolation type, then modified.
		LINEAR: InterpolateLinear,
		STEP: InterpolateDiscrete

	var ALPHA_MODES = {

		'image/png': RGBAFormat,
		'image/jpeg': RGBFormat


	function resolveURL( url, path ) {

		// Invalid URL
		if ( typeof url !== 'string' || url === '' ) return '';

		// Host Relative URL
		if ( /^https?:\/\//i.test( path ) && /^\//.test( url ) ) {

			path = path.replace( /(^https?:\/\/[^\/]+).*/i, '$1' );


		// Absolute URL http://,https://,//
		if ( /^(https?:)?\/\//i.test( url ) ) return url;

		// Data URI
		if ( /^data:.*,.*$/i.test( url ) ) return url;

		// Blob URL
		if ( /^blob:.*$/i.test( url ) ) return url;

		// Relative URL
		return path + url;


	 * Specification:
	function createDefaultMaterial( cache ) {

		if ( cache[ 'DefaultMaterial' ] === undefined ) {

			cache[ 'DefaultMaterial' ] = new MeshStandardMaterial( {
				color: 0xFFFFFF,
				emissive: 0x000000,
				metalness: 1,
				roughness: 1,
				transparent: false,
				depthTest: true,
				side: FrontSide
			} );


		return cache[ 'DefaultMaterial' ];


	function addUnknownExtensionsToUserData( knownExtensions, object, objectDef ) {

		// Add unknown glTF extensions to an object's userData.

		for ( var name in objectDef.extensions ) {

			if ( knownExtensions[ name ] === undefined ) {

				object.userData.gltfExtensions = object.userData.gltfExtensions || {};
				object.userData.gltfExtensions[ name ] = objectDef.extensions[ name ];




	 * @param {Object3D|Material|BufferGeometry} object
	 * @param {GLTF.definition} gltfDef
	function assignExtrasToUserData( object, gltfDef ) {

		if ( gltfDef.extras !== undefined ) {

			if ( typeof gltfDef.extras === 'object' ) {

				Object.assign( object.userData, gltfDef.extras );

			} else {

				console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Ignoring primitive type .extras, ' + gltfDef.extras );




	 * Specification:
	 * @param {BufferGeometry} geometry
	 * @param {Array<GLTF.Target>} targets
	 * @param {GLTFParser} parser
	 * @return {Promise<BufferGeometry>}
	function addMorphTargets( geometry, targets, parser ) {

		var hasMorphPosition = false;
		var hasMorphNormal = false;

		for ( var i = 0, il = targets.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var target = targets[ i ];

			if ( target.POSITION !== undefined ) hasMorphPosition = true;
			if ( target.NORMAL !== undefined ) hasMorphNormal = true;

			if ( hasMorphPosition && hasMorphNormal ) break;


		if ( ! hasMorphPosition && ! hasMorphNormal ) return Promise.resolve( geometry );

		var pendingPositionAccessors = [];
		var pendingNormalAccessors = [];

		for ( var i = 0, il = targets.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var target = targets[ i ];

			if ( hasMorphPosition ) {

				var pendingAccessor = target.POSITION !== undefined
					? parser.getDependency( 'accessor', target.POSITION )
					: geometry.attributes.position;

				pendingPositionAccessors.push( pendingAccessor );


			if ( hasMorphNormal ) {

				var pendingAccessor = target.NORMAL !== undefined
					? parser.getDependency( 'accessor', target.NORMAL )
					: geometry.attributes.normal;

				pendingNormalAccessors.push( pendingAccessor );



		return Promise.all( [
			Promise.all( pendingPositionAccessors ),
			Promise.all( pendingNormalAccessors )
		] ).then( function ( accessors ) {

			var morphPositions = accessors[ 0 ];
			var morphNormals = accessors[ 1 ];

			if ( hasMorphPosition ) geometry.morphAttributes.position = morphPositions;
			if ( hasMorphNormal ) geometry.morphAttributes.normal = morphNormals;
			geometry.morphTargetsRelative = true;

			return geometry;

		} );


	 * @param {Mesh} mesh
	 * @param {GLTF.Mesh} meshDef
	function updateMorphTargets( mesh, meshDef ) {


		if ( meshDef.weights !== undefined ) {

			for ( var i = 0, il = meshDef.weights.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				mesh.morphTargetInfluences[ i ] = meshDef.weights[ i ];



		// .extras has user-defined data, so check that .extras.targetNames is an array.
		if ( meshDef.extras && Array.isArray( meshDef.extras.targetNames ) ) {

			var targetNames = meshDef.extras.targetNames;

			if ( mesh.morphTargetInfluences.length === targetNames.length ) {

				mesh.morphTargetDictionary = {};

				for ( var i = 0, il = targetNames.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

					mesh.morphTargetDictionary[ targetNames[ i ] ] = i;


			} else {

				console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Invalid extras.targetNames length. Ignoring names.' );




	function createPrimitiveKey( primitiveDef ) {

		var dracoExtension = primitiveDef.extensions && primitiveDef.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION ];
		var geometryKey;

		if ( dracoExtension ) {

			geometryKey = 'draco:' + dracoExtension.bufferView
				+ ':' + dracoExtension.indices
				+ ':' + createAttributesKey( dracoExtension.attributes );

		} else {

			geometryKey = primitiveDef.indices + ':' + createAttributesKey( primitiveDef.attributes ) + ':' + primitiveDef.mode;


		return geometryKey;


	function createAttributesKey( attributes ) {

		var attributesKey = '';

		var keys = Object.keys( attributes ).sort();

		for ( var i = 0, il = keys.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			attributesKey += keys[ i ] + ':' + attributes[ keys[ i ] ] + ';';


		return attributesKey;



	function GLTFParser( json, extensions, options ) {

		this.json = json || {};
		this.extensions = extensions || {};
		this.options = options || {};

		// loader object cache
		this.cache = new GLTFRegistry();

		// BufferGeometry caching
		this.primitiveCache = {};

		this.textureLoader = new TextureLoader( this.options.manager );
		this.textureLoader.setCrossOrigin( this.options.crossOrigin );

		this.fileLoader = new FileLoader( this.options.manager );
		this.fileLoader.setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' );

		if ( this.options.crossOrigin === 'use-credentials' ) {

			this.fileLoader.setWithCredentials( true );



	GLTFParser.prototype.parse = function ( onLoad, onError ) {

		var parser = this;
		var json = this.json;
		var extensions = this.extensions;

		// Clear the loader cache

		// Mark the special nodes/meshes in json for efficient parse

		Promise.all( [

			this.getDependencies( 'scene' ),
			this.getDependencies( 'animation' ),
			this.getDependencies( 'camera' ),

		] ).then( function ( dependencies ) {

			var result = {
				scene: dependencies[ 0 ][ json.scene || 0 ],
				scenes: dependencies[ 0 ],
				animations: dependencies[ 1 ],
				cameras: dependencies[ 2 ],
				asset: json.asset,
				parser: parser,
				userData: {}

			addUnknownExtensionsToUserData( extensions, result, json );

			assignExtrasToUserData( result, json );

			onLoad( result );

		} ).catch( onError );


	 * Marks the special nodes/meshes in json for efficient parse.
	GLTFParser.prototype.markDefs = function () {

		var nodeDefs = this.json.nodes || [];
		var skinDefs = this.json.skins || [];
		var meshDefs = this.json.meshes || [];

		var meshReferences = {};
		var meshUses = {};

		// Nothing in the node definition indicates whether it is a Bone or an
		// Object3D. Use the skins' joint references to mark bones.
		for ( var skinIndex = 0, skinLength = skinDefs.length; skinIndex < skinLength; skinIndex ++ ) {

			var joints = skinDefs[ skinIndex ].joints;

			for ( var i = 0, il = joints.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				nodeDefs[ joints[ i ] ].isBone = true;



		// Meshes can (and should) be reused by multiple nodes in a glTF asset. To
		// avoid having more than one Mesh with the same name, count
		// references and rename instances below.
		// Example: CesiumMilkTruck sample model reuses "Wheel" meshes.
		for ( var nodeIndex = 0, nodeLength = nodeDefs.length; nodeIndex < nodeLength; nodeIndex ++ ) {

			var nodeDef = nodeDefs[ nodeIndex ];

			if ( nodeDef.mesh !== undefined ) {

				if ( meshReferences[ nodeDef.mesh ] === undefined ) {

					meshReferences[ nodeDef.mesh ] = meshUses[ nodeDef.mesh ] = 0;


				meshReferences[ nodeDef.mesh ] ++;

				// Nothing in the mesh definition indicates whether it is
				// a SkinnedMesh or Mesh. Use the node's mesh reference
				// to mark SkinnedMesh if node has skin.
				if ( !== undefined ) {

					meshDefs[ nodeDef.mesh ].isSkinnedMesh = true;




		this.json.meshReferences = meshReferences;
		this.json.meshUses = meshUses;


	 * Requests the specified dependency asynchronously, with caching.
	 * @param {string} type
	 * @param {number} index
	 * @return {Promise<Object3D|Material|THREE.Texture|AnimationClip|ArrayBuffer|Object>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.getDependency = function ( type, index ) {

		var cacheKey = type + ':' + index;
		var dependency = this.cache.get( cacheKey );

		if ( ! dependency ) {

			switch ( type ) {

				case 'scene':
					dependency = this.loadScene( index );

				case 'node':
					dependency = this.loadNode( index );

				case 'mesh':
					dependency = this.loadMesh( index );

				case 'accessor':
					dependency = this.loadAccessor( index );

				case 'bufferView':
					dependency = this.loadBufferView( index );

				case 'buffer':
					dependency = this.loadBuffer( index );

				case 'material':
					dependency = this.loadMaterial( index );

				case 'texture':
					dependency = this.loadTexture( index );

				case 'skin':
					dependency = this.loadSkin( index );

				case 'animation':
					dependency = this.loadAnimation( index );

				case 'camera':
					dependency = this.loadCamera( index );

				case 'light':
					dependency = this.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL ].loadLight( index );

					throw new Error( 'Unknown type: ' + type );


			this.cache.add( cacheKey, dependency );


		return dependency;


	 * Requests all dependencies of the specified type asynchronously, with caching.
	 * @param {string} type
	 * @return {Promise<Array<Object>>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.getDependencies = function ( type ) {

		var dependencies = this.cache.get( type );

		if ( ! dependencies ) {

			var parser = this;
			var defs = this.json[ type + ( type === 'mesh' ? 'es' : 's' ) ] || [];

			dependencies = Promise.all( function ( def, index ) {

				return parser.getDependency( type, index );

			} ) );

			this.cache.add( type, dependencies );


		return dependencies;


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} bufferIndex
	 * @return {Promise<ArrayBuffer>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadBuffer = function ( bufferIndex ) {

		var bufferDef = this.json.buffers[ bufferIndex ];
		var loader = this.fileLoader;

		if ( bufferDef.type && bufferDef.type !== 'arraybuffer' ) {

			throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: ' + bufferDef.type + ' buffer type is not supported.' );


		// If present, GLB container is required to be the first buffer.
		if ( bufferDef.uri === undefined && bufferIndex === 0 ) {

			return Promise.resolve( this.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_BINARY_GLTF ].body );


		var options = this.options;

		return new Promise( function ( resolve, reject ) {

			loader.load( resolveURL( bufferDef.uri, options.path ), resolve, undefined, function () {

				reject( new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Failed to load buffer "' + bufferDef.uri + '".' ) );

			} );

		} );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} bufferViewIndex
	 * @return {Promise<ArrayBuffer>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadBufferView = function ( bufferViewIndex ) {

		var bufferViewDef = this.json.bufferViews[ bufferViewIndex ];

		return this.getDependency( 'buffer', bufferViewDef.buffer ).then( function ( buffer ) {

			var byteLength = bufferViewDef.byteLength || 0;
			var byteOffset = bufferViewDef.byteOffset || 0;
			return buffer.slice( byteOffset, byteOffset + byteLength );

		} );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} accessorIndex
	 * @return {Promise<BufferAttribute|InterleavedBufferAttribute>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadAccessor = function ( accessorIndex ) {

		var parser = this;
		var json = this.json;

		var accessorDef = this.json.accessors[ accessorIndex ];

		if ( accessorDef.bufferView === undefined && accessorDef.sparse === undefined ) {

			// Ignore empty accessors, which may be used to declare runtime
			// information about attributes coming from another source (e.g. Draco
			// compression extension).
			return Promise.resolve( null );


		var pendingBufferViews = [];

		if ( accessorDef.bufferView !== undefined ) {

			pendingBufferViews.push( this.getDependency( 'bufferView', accessorDef.bufferView ) );

		} else {

			pendingBufferViews.push( null );


		if ( accessorDef.sparse !== undefined ) {

			pendingBufferViews.push( this.getDependency( 'bufferView', accessorDef.sparse.indices.bufferView ) );
			pendingBufferViews.push( this.getDependency( 'bufferView', accessorDef.sparse.values.bufferView ) );


		return Promise.all( pendingBufferViews ).then( function ( bufferViews ) {

			var bufferView = bufferViews[ 0 ];

			var itemSize = WEBGL_TYPE_SIZES[ accessorDef.type ];
			var TypedArray = WEBGL_COMPONENT_TYPES[ accessorDef.componentType ];

			// For VEC3: itemSize is 3, elementBytes is 4, itemBytes is 12.
			var elementBytes = TypedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
			var itemBytes = elementBytes * itemSize;
			var byteOffset = accessorDef.byteOffset || 0;
			var byteStride = accessorDef.bufferView !== undefined ? json.bufferViews[ accessorDef.bufferView ].byteStride : undefined;
			var normalized = accessorDef.normalized === true;
			var array, bufferAttribute;

			// The buffer is not interleaved if the stride is the item size in bytes.
			if ( byteStride && byteStride !== itemBytes ) {

				// Each "slice" of the buffer, as defined by 'count' elements of 'byteStride' bytes, gets its own InterleavedBuffer
				// This makes sure that IBA.count reflects accessor.count properly
				var ibSlice = Math.floor( byteOffset / byteStride );
				var ibCacheKey = 'InterleavedBuffer:' + accessorDef.bufferView + ':' + accessorDef.componentType + ':' + ibSlice + ':' + accessorDef.count;
				var ib = parser.cache.get( ibCacheKey );

				if ( ! ib ) {

					array = new TypedArray( bufferView, ibSlice * byteStride, accessorDef.count * byteStride / elementBytes );

					// Integer parameters to IB/IBA are in array elements, not bytes.
					ib = new InterleavedBuffer( array, byteStride / elementBytes );

					parser.cache.add( ibCacheKey, ib );


				bufferAttribute = new InterleavedBufferAttribute( ib, itemSize, ( byteOffset % byteStride ) / elementBytes, normalized );

			} else {

				if ( bufferView === null ) {

					array = new TypedArray( accessorDef.count * itemSize );

				} else {

					array = new TypedArray( bufferView, byteOffset, accessorDef.count * itemSize );


				bufferAttribute = new BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized );


			if ( accessorDef.sparse !== undefined ) {

				var itemSizeIndices = WEBGL_TYPE_SIZES.SCALAR;
				var TypedArrayIndices = WEBGL_COMPONENT_TYPES[ accessorDef.sparse.indices.componentType ];

				var byteOffsetIndices = accessorDef.sparse.indices.byteOffset || 0;
				var byteOffsetValues = accessorDef.sparse.values.byteOffset || 0;

				var sparseIndices = new TypedArrayIndices( bufferViews[ 1 ], byteOffsetIndices, accessorDef.sparse.count * itemSizeIndices );
				var sparseValues = new TypedArray( bufferViews[ 2 ], byteOffsetValues, accessorDef.sparse.count * itemSize );

				if ( bufferView !== null ) {

					// Avoid modifying the original ArrayBuffer, if the bufferView wasn't initialized with zeroes.
					bufferAttribute = new BufferAttribute( bufferAttribute.array.slice(), bufferAttribute.itemSize, bufferAttribute.normalized );


				for ( var i = 0, il = sparseIndices.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

					var index = sparseIndices[ i ];

					bufferAttribute.setX( index, sparseValues[ i * itemSize ] );
					if ( itemSize >= 2 ) bufferAttribute.setY( index, sparseValues[ i * itemSize + 1 ] );
					if ( itemSize >= 3 ) bufferAttribute.setZ( index, sparseValues[ i * itemSize + 2 ] );
					if ( itemSize >= 4 ) bufferAttribute.setW( index, sparseValues[ i * itemSize + 3 ] );
					if ( itemSize >= 5 ) throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Unsupported itemSize in sparse BufferAttribute.' );



			return bufferAttribute;

		} );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} textureIndex
	 * @return {Promise<THREE.Texture>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadTexture = function ( textureIndex ) {

		var parser = this;
		var json = this.json;
		var options = this.options;
		var textureLoader = this.textureLoader;

		var URL = self.URL || self.webkitURL;

		var textureDef = json.textures[ textureIndex ];

		var textureExtensions = textureDef.extensions || {};

		var source;

		if ( textureExtensions[ EXTENSIONS.MSFT_TEXTURE_DDS ] ) {

			source = json.images[ textureExtensions[ EXTENSIONS.MSFT_TEXTURE_DDS ].source ];

		} else {

			source = json.images[ textureDef.source ];


		var sourceURI = source.uri;
		var isObjectURL = false;

		if ( source.bufferView !== undefined ) {

			// Load binary image data from bufferView, if provided.

			sourceURI = parser.getDependency( 'bufferView', source.bufferView ).then( function ( bufferView ) {

				isObjectURL = true;
				var blob = new Blob( [ bufferView ], { type: source.mimeType } );
				sourceURI = URL.createObjectURL( blob );
				return sourceURI;

			} );


		return Promise.resolve( sourceURI ).then( function ( sourceURI ) {

			// Load Texture resource.

			var loader = options.manager.getHandler( sourceURI );

			if ( ! loader ) {

				loader = textureExtensions[ EXTENSIONS.MSFT_TEXTURE_DDS ]
					? parser.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.MSFT_TEXTURE_DDS ].ddsLoader
					: textureLoader;


			return new Promise( function ( resolve, reject ) {

				loader.load( resolveURL( sourceURI, options.path ), resolve, undefined, reject );

			} );

		} ).then( function ( texture ) {

			// Clean up resources and configure Texture.

			if ( isObjectURL === true ) {

				URL.revokeObjectURL( sourceURI );


			texture.flipY = false;

			if ( ) =;

			// Ignore unknown mime types, like DDS files.
			if ( source.mimeType in MIME_TYPE_FORMATS ) {

				texture.format = MIME_TYPE_FORMATS[ source.mimeType ];


			var samplers = json.samplers || {};
			var sampler = samplers[ textureDef.sampler ] || {};

			texture.magFilter = WEBGL_FILTERS[ sampler.magFilter ] || LinearFilter;
			texture.minFilter = WEBGL_FILTERS[ sampler.minFilter ] || LinearMipmapLinearFilter;
			texture.wrapS = WEBGL_WRAPPINGS[ sampler.wrapS ] || RepeatWrapping;
			texture.wrapT = WEBGL_WRAPPINGS[ sampler.wrapT ] || RepeatWrapping;

			return texture;

		} );


	 * Asynchronously assigns a texture to the given material parameters.
	 * @param {Object} materialParams
	 * @param {string} mapName
	 * @param {Object} mapDef
	 * @return {Promise}
	GLTFParser.prototype.assignTexture = function ( materialParams, mapName, mapDef ) {

		var parser = this;

		return this.getDependency( 'texture', mapDef.index ).then( function ( texture ) {

			if ( ! texture.isCompressedTexture ) {

				switch ( mapName ) {

					case 'aoMap':
					case 'emissiveMap':
					case 'metalnessMap':
					case 'normalMap':
					case 'roughnessMap':
						texture.format = RGBFormat;



			// Materials sample aoMap from UV set 1 and other maps from UV set 0 - this can't be configured
			// However, we will copy UV set 0 to UV set 1 on demand for aoMap
			if ( mapDef.texCoord !== undefined && mapDef.texCoord != 0 && ! ( mapName === 'aoMap' && mapDef.texCoord == 1 ) ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Custom UV set ' + mapDef.texCoord + ' for texture ' + mapName + ' not yet supported.' );


			if ( parser.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM ] ) {

				var transform = mapDef.extensions !== undefined ? mapDef.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM ] : undefined;

				if ( transform ) {

					texture = parser.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM ].extendTexture( texture, transform );



			materialParams[ mapName ] = texture;

		} );


	 * Assigns final material to a Mesh, Line, or Points instance. The instance
	 * already has a material (generated from the glTF material options alone)
	 * but reuse of the same glTF material may require multiple threejs materials
	 * to accomodate different primitive types, defines, etc. New materials will
	 * be created if necessary, and reused from a cache.
	 * @param  {Object3D} mesh Mesh, Line, or Points instance.
	GLTFParser.prototype.assignFinalMaterial = function ( mesh ) {

		var geometry = mesh.geometry;
		var material = mesh.material;

		var useVertexTangents = geometry.attributes.tangent !== undefined;
		var useVertexColors = geometry.attributes.color !== undefined;
		var useFlatShading = geometry.attributes.normal === undefined;
		var useSkinning = mesh.isSkinnedMesh === true;
		var useMorphTargets = Object.keys( geometry.morphAttributes ).length > 0;
		var useMorphNormals = useMorphTargets && geometry.morphAttributes.normal !== undefined;

		if ( mesh.isPoints ) {

			var cacheKey = 'PointsMaterial:' + material.uuid;

			var pointsMaterial = this.cache.get( cacheKey );

			if ( ! pointsMaterial ) {

				pointsMaterial = new PointsMaterial(); pointsMaterial, material );
				pointsMaterial.color.copy( material.color ); =;
				pointsMaterial.sizeAttenuation = false; // glTF spec says points should be 1px

				this.cache.add( cacheKey, pointsMaterial );


			material = pointsMaterial;

		} else if ( mesh.isLine ) {

			var cacheKey = 'LineBasicMaterial:' + material.uuid;

			var lineMaterial = this.cache.get( cacheKey );

			if ( ! lineMaterial ) {

				lineMaterial = new LineBasicMaterial(); lineMaterial, material );
				lineMaterial.color.copy( material.color );

				this.cache.add( cacheKey, lineMaterial );


			material = lineMaterial;


		// Clone the material if it will be modified
		if ( useVertexTangents || useVertexColors || useFlatShading || useSkinning || useMorphTargets ) {

			var cacheKey = 'ClonedMaterial:' + material.uuid + ':';

			if ( material.isGLTFSpecularGlossinessMaterial ) cacheKey += 'specular-glossiness:';
			if ( useSkinning ) cacheKey += 'skinning:';
			if ( useVertexTangents ) cacheKey += 'vertex-tangents:';
			if ( useVertexColors ) cacheKey += 'vertex-colors:';
			if ( useFlatShading ) cacheKey += 'flat-shading:';
			if ( useMorphTargets ) cacheKey += 'morph-targets:';
			if ( useMorphNormals ) cacheKey += 'morph-normals:';

			var cachedMaterial = this.cache.get( cacheKey );

			if ( ! cachedMaterial ) {

				cachedMaterial = material.clone();

				if ( useSkinning ) cachedMaterial.skinning = true;
				if ( useVertexTangents ) cachedMaterial.vertexTangents = true;
				if ( useVertexColors ) cachedMaterial.vertexColors = true;
				if ( useFlatShading ) cachedMaterial.flatShading = true;
				if ( useMorphTargets ) cachedMaterial.morphTargets = true;
				if ( useMorphNormals ) cachedMaterial.morphNormals = true;

				this.cache.add( cacheKey, cachedMaterial );


			material = cachedMaterial;


		// workarounds for mesh and geometry

		if ( material.aoMap && geometry.attributes.uv2 === undefined && geometry.attributes.uv !== undefined ) {

			geometry.setAttribute( 'uv2', new BufferAttribute( geometry.attributes.uv.array, 2 ) );


		if ( material.normalScale && ! useVertexTangents ) {

			material.normalScale.y = - material.normalScale.y;


		if ( material.clearcoatNormalScale && ! useVertexTangents ) {

			material.clearcoatNormalScale.y = - material.clearcoatNormalScale.y;


		mesh.material = material;


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} materialIndex
	 * @return {Promise<Material>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadMaterial = function ( materialIndex ) {

		var parser = this;
		var json = this.json;
		var extensions = this.extensions;
		var materialDef = json.materials[ materialIndex ];

		var materialType;
		var materialParams = {};
		var materialExtensions = materialDef.extensions || {};

		var pending = [];


			materialType = sgExtension.getMaterialType();
			pending.push( sgExtension.extendParams( materialParams, materialDef, parser ) );

		} else if ( materialExtensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT ] ) {

			var kmuExtension = extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_UNLIT ];
			materialType = kmuExtension.getMaterialType();
			pending.push( kmuExtension.extendParams( materialParams, materialDef, parser ) );

		} else {

			// Specification:

			materialType = MeshStandardMaterial;

			var metallicRoughness = materialDef.pbrMetallicRoughness || {};

			materialParams.color = new Color( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
			materialParams.opacity = 1.0;

			if ( Array.isArray( metallicRoughness.baseColorFactor ) ) {

				var array = metallicRoughness.baseColorFactor;

				materialParams.color.fromArray( array );
				materialParams.opacity = array[ 3 ];


			if ( metallicRoughness.baseColorTexture !== undefined ) {

				pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'map', metallicRoughness.baseColorTexture ) );


			materialParams.metalness = metallicRoughness.metallicFactor !== undefined ? metallicRoughness.metallicFactor : 1.0;
			materialParams.roughness = metallicRoughness.roughnessFactor !== undefined ? metallicRoughness.roughnessFactor : 1.0;

			if ( metallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture !== undefined ) {

				pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'metalnessMap', metallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture ) );
				pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'roughnessMap', metallicRoughness.metallicRoughnessTexture ) );



		if ( materialDef.doubleSided === true ) {

			materialParams.side = DoubleSide;


		var alphaMode = materialDef.alphaMode || ALPHA_MODES.OPAQUE;

		if ( alphaMode === ALPHA_MODES.BLEND ) {

			materialParams.transparent = true;

			// See:
			materialParams.depthWrite = false;

		} else {

			materialParams.transparent = false;

			if ( alphaMode === ALPHA_MODES.MASK ) {

				materialParams.alphaTest = materialDef.alphaCutoff !== undefined ? materialDef.alphaCutoff : 0.5;



		if ( materialDef.normalTexture !== undefined && materialType !== MeshBasicMaterial ) {

			pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'normalMap', materialDef.normalTexture ) );

			materialParams.normalScale = new Vector2( 1, 1 );

			if ( materialDef.normalTexture.scale !== undefined ) {

				materialParams.normalScale.set( materialDef.normalTexture.scale, materialDef.normalTexture.scale );



		if ( materialDef.occlusionTexture !== undefined && materialType !== MeshBasicMaterial ) {

			pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'aoMap', materialDef.occlusionTexture ) );

			if ( materialDef.occlusionTexture.strength !== undefined ) {

				materialParams.aoMapIntensity = materialDef.occlusionTexture.strength;



		if ( materialDef.emissiveFactor !== undefined && materialType !== MeshBasicMaterial ) {

			materialParams.emissive = new Color().fromArray( materialDef.emissiveFactor );


		if ( materialDef.emissiveTexture !== undefined && materialType !== MeshBasicMaterial ) {

			pending.push( parser.assignTexture( materialParams, 'emissiveMap', materialDef.emissiveTexture ) );


		if ( materialExtensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_CLEARCOAT ] ) {

			var clearcoatExtension = extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_CLEARCOAT ];
			materialType = clearcoatExtension.getMaterialType();
			pending.push( clearcoatExtension.extendParams( materialParams, { extensions: materialExtensions }, parser ) );


		return Promise.all( pending ).then( function () {

			var material;

			if ( materialType === GLTFMeshStandardSGMaterial ) {

				material = extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_MATERIALS_PBR_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS ].createMaterial( materialParams );

			} else {

				material = new materialType( materialParams );


			if ( ) =;

			// baseColorTexture, emissiveTexture, and specularGlossinessTexture use sRGB encoding.
			if ( ) = sRGBEncoding;
			if ( material.emissiveMap ) material.emissiveMap.encoding = sRGBEncoding;

			assignExtrasToUserData( material, materialDef );

			if ( materialDef.extensions ) addUnknownExtensionsToUserData( extensions, material, materialDef );

			return material;

		} );


	 * @param {BufferGeometry} geometry
	 * @param {GLTF.Primitive} primitiveDef
	 * @param {GLTFParser} parser
	function computeBounds( geometry, primitiveDef, parser ) {

		var attributes = primitiveDef.attributes;

		var box = new Box3();

		if ( attributes.POSITION !== undefined ) {

			var accessor = parser.json.accessors[ attributes.POSITION ];

			var min = accessor.min;
			var max = accessor.max;

			// glTF requires 'min' and 'max', but VRM (which extends glTF) currently ignores that requirement.

			if ( min !== undefined && max !== undefined ) {

					new Vector3( min[ 0 ], min[ 1 ], min[ 2 ] ),
					new Vector3( max[ 0 ], max[ 1 ], max[ 2 ] ) );

			} else {

				console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Missing min/max properties for accessor POSITION.' );



		} else {



		var targets = primitiveDef.targets;

		if ( targets !== undefined ) {

			var maxDisplacement = new Vector3();
			var vector = new Vector3();

			for ( var i = 0, il = targets.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				var target = targets[ i ];

				if ( target.POSITION !== undefined ) {

					var accessor = parser.json.accessors[ target.POSITION ];
					var min = accessor.min;
					var max = accessor.max;

					// glTF requires 'min' and 'max', but VRM (which extends glTF) currently ignores that requirement.

					if ( min !== undefined && max !== undefined ) {

						// we need to get max of absolute components because target weight is [-1,1]
						vector.setX( Math.max( Math.abs( min[ 0 ] ), Math.abs( max[ 0 ] ) ) );
						vector.setY( Math.max( Math.abs( min[ 1 ] ), Math.abs( max[ 1 ] ) ) );
						vector.setZ( Math.max( Math.abs( min[ 2 ] ), Math.abs( max[ 2 ] ) ) );

						// Note: this assumes that the sum of all weights is at most 1. This isn't quite correct - it's more conservative
						// to assume that each target can have a max weight of 1. However, for some use cases - notably, when morph targets
						// are used to implement key-frame animations and as such only two are active at a time - this results in very large
						// boxes. So for now we make a box that's sometimes a touch too small but is hopefully mostly of reasonable size.
						maxDisplacement.max( vector );

					} else {

						console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Missing min/max properties for accessor POSITION.' );




			// As per comment above this box isn't conservative, but has a reasonable size for a very large number of morph targets.
			box.expandByVector( maxDisplacement );


		geometry.boundingBox = box;

		var sphere = new Sphere();

		box.getCenter( );
		sphere.radius = box.min.distanceTo( box.max ) / 2;

		geometry.boundingSphere = sphere;


	 * @param {BufferGeometry} geometry
	 * @param {GLTF.Primitive} primitiveDef
	 * @param {GLTFParser} parser
	 * @return {Promise<BufferGeometry>}
	function addPrimitiveAttributes( geometry, primitiveDef, parser ) {

		var attributes = primitiveDef.attributes;

		var pending = [];

		function assignAttributeAccessor( accessorIndex, attributeName ) {

			return parser.getDependency( 'accessor', accessorIndex )
				.then( function ( accessor ) {

					geometry.setAttribute( attributeName, accessor );

				} );


		for ( var gltfAttributeName in attributes ) {

			var threeAttributeName = ATTRIBUTES[ gltfAttributeName ] || gltfAttributeName.toLowerCase();

			// Skip attributes already provided by e.g. Draco extension.
			if ( threeAttributeName in geometry.attributes ) continue;

			pending.push( assignAttributeAccessor( attributes[ gltfAttributeName ], threeAttributeName ) );


		if ( primitiveDef.indices !== undefined && ! geometry.index ) {

			var accessor = parser.getDependency( 'accessor', primitiveDef.indices ).then( function ( accessor ) {

				geometry.setIndex( accessor );

			} );

			pending.push( accessor );


		assignExtrasToUserData( geometry, primitiveDef );

		computeBounds( geometry, primitiveDef, parser );

		return Promise.all( pending ).then( function () {

			return primitiveDef.targets !== undefined
				? addMorphTargets( geometry, primitiveDef.targets, parser )
				: geometry;

		} );


	 * @param {BufferGeometry} geometry
	 * @param {Number} drawMode
	 * @return {BufferGeometry}
	function toTrianglesDrawMode( geometry, drawMode ) {

		var index = geometry.getIndex();

		// generate index if not present

		if ( index === null ) {

			var indices = [];

			var position = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' );

			if ( position !== undefined ) {

				for ( var i = 0; i < position.count; i ++ ) {

					indices.push( i );


				geometry.setIndex( indices );
				index = geometry.getIndex();

			} else {

				console.error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader.toTrianglesDrawMode(): Undefined position attribute. Processing not possible.' );
				return geometry;




		var numberOfTriangles = index.count - 2;
		var newIndices = [];

		if ( drawMode === TriangleFanDrawMode ) {


			for ( var i = 1; i <= numberOfTriangles; i ++ ) {

				newIndices.push( index.getX( 0 ) );
				newIndices.push( index.getX( i ) );
				newIndices.push( index.getX( i + 1 ) );


		} else {


			for ( var i = 0; i < numberOfTriangles; i ++ ) {

				if ( i % 2 === 0 ) {

					newIndices.push( index.getX( i ) );
					newIndices.push( index.getX( i + 1 ) );
					newIndices.push( index.getX( i + 2 ) );

				} else {

					newIndices.push( index.getX( i + 2 ) );
					newIndices.push( index.getX( i + 1 ) );
					newIndices.push( index.getX( i ) );




		if ( ( newIndices.length / 3 ) !== numberOfTriangles ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader.toTrianglesDrawMode(): Unable to generate correct amount of triangles.' );


		// build final geometry

		var newGeometry = geometry.clone();
		newGeometry.setIndex( newIndices );

		return newGeometry;


	 * Specification:
	 * Creates BufferGeometries from primitives.
	 * @param {Array<GLTF.Primitive>} primitives
	 * @return {Promise<Array<BufferGeometry>>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadGeometries = function ( primitives ) {

		var parser = this;
		var extensions = this.extensions;
		var cache = this.primitiveCache;

		function createDracoPrimitive( primitive ) {

				.decodePrimitive( primitive, parser )
				.then( function ( geometry ) {

					return addPrimitiveAttributes( geometry, primitive, parser );

				} );


		var pending = [];

		for ( var i = 0, il = primitives.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var primitive = primitives[ i ];
			var cacheKey = createPrimitiveKey( primitive );

			// See if we've already created this geometry
			var cached = cache[ cacheKey ];

			if ( cached ) {

				// Use the cached geometry if it exists
				pending.push( cached.promise );

			} else {

				var geometryPromise;

				if ( primitive.extensions && primitive.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_DRACO_MESH_COMPRESSION ] ) {

					// Use DRACO geometry if available
					geometryPromise = createDracoPrimitive( primitive );

				} else {

					// Otherwise create a new geometry
					geometryPromise = addPrimitiveAttributes( new BufferGeometry(), primitive, parser );


				// Cache this geometry
				cache[ cacheKey ] = { primitive: primitive, promise: geometryPromise };

				pending.push( geometryPromise );



		return Promise.all( pending );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} meshIndex
	 * @return {Promise<Group|Mesh|SkinnedMesh>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadMesh = function ( meshIndex ) {

		var parser = this;
		var json = this.json;

		var meshDef = json.meshes[ meshIndex ];
		var primitives = meshDef.primitives;

		var pending = [];

		for ( var i = 0, il = primitives.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var material = primitives[ i ].material === undefined
				? createDefaultMaterial( this.cache )
				: this.getDependency( 'material', primitives[ i ].material );

			pending.push( material );


		pending.push( parser.loadGeometries( primitives ) );

		return Promise.all( pending ).then( function ( results ) {

			var materials = results.slice( 0, results.length - 1 );
			var geometries = results[ results.length - 1 ];

			var meshes = [];

			for ( var i = 0, il = geometries.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				var geometry = geometries[ i ];
				var primitive = primitives[ i ];

				// 1. create Mesh

				var mesh;

				var material = materials[ i ];

				if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.TRIANGLES ||
					primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.TRIANGLE_STRIP ||
					primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.TRIANGLE_FAN ||
					primitive.mode === undefined ) {

					// .isSkinnedMesh isn't in glTF spec. See .markDefs()
					mesh = meshDef.isSkinnedMesh === true
						? new SkinnedMesh( geometry, material )
						: new Mesh( geometry, material );

					if ( mesh.isSkinnedMesh === true && ! mesh.geometry.attributes.skinWeight.normalized ) {

						// we normalize floating point skin weight array to fix malformed assets (see #15319)
						// it's important to skip this for non-float32 data since normalizeSkinWeights assumes non-normalized inputs


					if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.TRIANGLE_STRIP ) {

						mesh.geometry = toTrianglesDrawMode( mesh.geometry, TriangleStripDrawMode );

					} else if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.TRIANGLE_FAN ) {

						mesh.geometry = toTrianglesDrawMode( mesh.geometry, TriangleFanDrawMode );


				} else if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINES ) {

					mesh = new LineSegments( geometry, material );

				} else if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINE_STRIP ) {

					mesh = new Line( geometry, material );

				} else if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.LINE_LOOP ) {

					mesh = new LineLoop( geometry, material );

				} else if ( primitive.mode === WEBGL_CONSTANTS.POINTS ) {

					mesh = new Points( geometry, material );

				} else {

					throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Primitive mode unsupported: ' + primitive.mode );


				if ( Object.keys( mesh.geometry.morphAttributes ).length > 0 ) {

					updateMorphTargets( mesh, meshDef );

				} = || ( 'mesh_' + meshIndex );

				if ( geometries.length > 1 ) += '_' + i;

				assignExtrasToUserData( mesh, meshDef );

				parser.assignFinalMaterial( mesh );

				meshes.push( mesh );


			if ( meshes.length === 1 ) {

				return meshes[ 0 ];


			var group = new Group();

			for ( var i = 0, il = meshes.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				group.add( meshes[ i ] );


			return group;

		} );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} cameraIndex
	 * @return {Promise<THREE.Camera>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadCamera = function ( cameraIndex ) {

		var camera;
		var cameraDef = this.json.cameras[ cameraIndex ];
		var params = cameraDef[ cameraDef.type ];

		if ( ! params ) {

			console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Missing camera parameters.' );


		if ( cameraDef.type === 'perspective' ) {

			camera = new PerspectiveCamera( MathUtils.radToDeg( params.yfov ), params.aspectRatio || 1, params.znear || 1, params.zfar || 2e6 );

		} else if ( cameraDef.type === 'orthographic' ) {

			camera = new OrthographicCamera( params.xmag / - 2, params.xmag / 2, params.ymag / 2, params.ymag / - 2, params.znear, params.zfar );


		if ( ) =;

		assignExtrasToUserData( camera, cameraDef );

		return Promise.resolve( camera );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} skinIndex
	 * @return {Promise<Object>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadSkin = function ( skinIndex ) {

		var skinDef = this.json.skins[ skinIndex ];

		var skinEntry = { joints: skinDef.joints };

		if ( skinDef.inverseBindMatrices === undefined ) {

			return Promise.resolve( skinEntry );


		return this.getDependency( 'accessor', skinDef.inverseBindMatrices ).then( function ( accessor ) {

			skinEntry.inverseBindMatrices = accessor;

			return skinEntry;

		} );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} animationIndex
	 * @return {Promise<AnimationClip>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadAnimation = function ( animationIndex ) {

		var json = this.json;

		var animationDef = json.animations[ animationIndex ];

		var pendingNodes = [];
		var pendingInputAccessors = [];
		var pendingOutputAccessors = [];
		var pendingSamplers = [];
		var pendingTargets = [];

		for ( var i = 0, il = animationDef.channels.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

			var channel = animationDef.channels[ i ];
			var sampler = animationDef.samplers[ channel.sampler ];
			var target =;
			var name = target.node !== undefined ? target.node :; // NOTE: is deprecated.
			var input = animationDef.parameters !== undefined ? animationDef.parameters[ sampler.input ] : sampler.input;
			var output = animationDef.parameters !== undefined ? animationDef.parameters[ sampler.output ] : sampler.output;

			pendingNodes.push( this.getDependency( 'node', name ) );
			pendingInputAccessors.push( this.getDependency( 'accessor', input ) );
			pendingOutputAccessors.push( this.getDependency( 'accessor', output ) );
			pendingSamplers.push( sampler );
			pendingTargets.push( target );


		return Promise.all( [

			Promise.all( pendingNodes ),
			Promise.all( pendingInputAccessors ),
			Promise.all( pendingOutputAccessors ),
			Promise.all( pendingSamplers ),
			Promise.all( pendingTargets )

		] ).then( function ( dependencies ) {

			var nodes = dependencies[ 0 ];
			var inputAccessors = dependencies[ 1 ];
			var outputAccessors = dependencies[ 2 ];
			var samplers = dependencies[ 3 ];
			var targets = dependencies[ 4 ];

			var tracks = [];

			for ( var i = 0, il = nodes.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				var node = nodes[ i ];
				var inputAccessor = inputAccessors[ i ];
				var outputAccessor = outputAccessors[ i ];
				var sampler = samplers[ i ];
				var target = targets[ i ];

				if ( node === undefined ) continue;

				node.matrixAutoUpdate = true;

				var TypedKeyframeTrack;

				switch ( PATH_PROPERTIES[ target.path ] ) {

					case PATH_PROPERTIES.weights:

						TypedKeyframeTrack = NumberKeyframeTrack;

					case PATH_PROPERTIES.rotation:

						TypedKeyframeTrack = QuaternionKeyframeTrack;

					case PATH_PROPERTIES.position:
					case PATH_PROPERTIES.scale:

						TypedKeyframeTrack = VectorKeyframeTrack;


				var targetName = ? : node.uuid;

				var interpolation = sampler.interpolation !== undefined ? INTERPOLATION[ sampler.interpolation ] : InterpolateLinear;

				var targetNames = [];

				if ( PATH_PROPERTIES[ target.path ] === PATH_PROPERTIES.weights ) {

					// Node may be a Group (glTF mesh with several primitives) or a Mesh.
					node.traverse( function ( object ) {

						if ( object.isMesh === true && object.morphTargetInfluences ) {

							targetNames.push( ? : object.uuid );


					} );

				} else {

					targetNames.push( targetName );


				var outputArray = outputAccessor.array;

				if ( outputAccessor.normalized ) {

					var scale;

					if ( outputArray.constructor === Int8Array ) {

						scale = 1 / 127;

					} else if ( outputArray.constructor === Uint8Array ) {

						scale = 1 / 255;

					} else if ( outputArray.constructor == Int16Array ) {

						scale = 1 / 32767;

					} else if ( outputArray.constructor === Uint16Array ) {

						scale = 1 / 65535;

					} else {

						throw new Error( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Unsupported output accessor component type.' );


					var scaled = new Float32Array( outputArray.length );

					for ( var j = 0, jl = outputArray.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

						scaled[ j ] = outputArray[ j ] * scale;


					outputArray = scaled;


				for ( var j = 0, jl = targetNames.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

					var track = new TypedKeyframeTrack(
						targetNames[ j ] + '.' + PATH_PROPERTIES[ target.path ],

					// Override interpolation with custom factory method.
					if ( sampler.interpolation === 'CUBICSPLINE' ) {

						track.createInterpolant = function InterpolantFactoryMethodGLTFCubicSpline( result ) {

							// A CUBICSPLINE keyframe in glTF has three output values for each input value,
							// representing inTangent, splineVertex, and outTangent. As a result, track.getValueSize()
							// must be divided by three to get the interpolant's sampleSize argument.

							return new GLTFCubicSplineInterpolant( this.times, this.values, this.getValueSize() / 3, result );


						// Mark as CUBICSPLINE. `track.getInterpolation()` doesn't support custom interpolants.
						track.createInterpolant.isInterpolantFactoryMethodGLTFCubicSpline = true;


					tracks.push( track );



			var name = ? : 'animation_' + animationIndex;

			return new AnimationClip( name, undefined, tracks );

		} );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} nodeIndex
	 * @return {Promise<Object3D>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadNode = function ( nodeIndex ) {

		var json = this.json;
		var extensions = this.extensions;
		var parser = this;

		var meshReferences = json.meshReferences;
		var meshUses = json.meshUses;

		var nodeDef = json.nodes[ nodeIndex ];

		return ( function () {

			var pending = [];

			if ( nodeDef.mesh !== undefined ) {

				pending.push( parser.getDependency( 'mesh', nodeDef.mesh ).then( function ( mesh ) {

					var node;

					if ( meshReferences[ nodeDef.mesh ] > 1 ) {

						var instanceNum = meshUses[ nodeDef.mesh ] ++;

						node = mesh.clone(); += '_instance_' + instanceNum;

					} else {

						node = mesh;


					// if weights are provided on the node, override weights on the mesh.
					if ( nodeDef.weights !== undefined ) {

						node.traverse( function ( o ) {

							if ( ! o.isMesh ) return;

							for ( var i = 0, il = nodeDef.weights.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

								o.morphTargetInfluences[ i ] = nodeDef.weights[ i ];


						} );


					return node;

				} ) );


			if ( !== undefined ) {

				pending.push( parser.getDependency( 'camera', ) );


			if ( nodeDef.extensions
				&& nodeDef.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL ]
				&& nodeDef.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL ].light !== undefined ) {

				pending.push( parser.getDependency( 'light', nodeDef.extensions[ EXTENSIONS.KHR_LIGHTS_PUNCTUAL ].light ) );


			return Promise.all( pending );

		}() ).then( function ( objects ) {

			var node;

			// .isBone isn't in glTF spec. See .markDefs
			if ( nodeDef.isBone === true ) {

				node = new Bone();

			} else if ( objects.length > 1 ) {

				node = new Group();

			} else if ( objects.length === 1 ) {

				node = objects[ 0 ];

			} else {

				node = new Object3D();


			if ( node !== objects[ 0 ] ) {

				for ( var i = 0, il = objects.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

					node.add( objects[ i ] );



			if ( ) { =; = PropertyBinding.sanitizeNodeName( );


			assignExtrasToUserData( node, nodeDef );

			if ( nodeDef.extensions ) addUnknownExtensionsToUserData( extensions, node, nodeDef );

			if ( nodeDef.matrix !== undefined ) {

				var matrix = new Matrix4();
				matrix.fromArray( nodeDef.matrix );
				node.applyMatrix4( matrix );

			} else {

				if ( nodeDef.translation !== undefined ) {

					node.position.fromArray( nodeDef.translation );


				if ( nodeDef.rotation !== undefined ) {

					node.quaternion.fromArray( nodeDef.rotation );


				if ( nodeDef.scale !== undefined ) {

					node.scale.fromArray( nodeDef.scale );



			return node;

		} );


	 * Specification:
	 * @param {number} sceneIndex
	 * @return {Promise<Group>}
	GLTFParser.prototype.loadScene = function () {

		// scene node hierachy builder

		function buildNodeHierachy( nodeId, parentObject, json, parser ) {

			var nodeDef = json.nodes[ nodeId ];

			return parser.getDependency( 'node', nodeId ).then( function ( node ) {

				if ( === undefined ) return node;

				// build skeleton here as well

				var skinEntry;

				return parser.getDependency( 'skin', ).then( function ( skin ) {

					skinEntry = skin;

					var pendingJoints = [];

					for ( var i = 0, il = skinEntry.joints.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

						pendingJoints.push( parser.getDependency( 'node', skinEntry.joints[ i ] ) );


					return Promise.all( pendingJoints );

				} ).then( function ( jointNodes ) {

					node.traverse( function ( mesh ) {

						if ( ! mesh.isMesh ) return;

						var bones = [];
						var boneInverses = [];

						for ( var j = 0, jl = jointNodes.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

							var jointNode = jointNodes[ j ];

							if ( jointNode ) {

								bones.push( jointNode );

								var mat = new Matrix4();

								if ( skinEntry.inverseBindMatrices !== undefined ) {

									mat.fromArray( skinEntry.inverseBindMatrices.array, j * 16 );


								boneInverses.push( mat );

							} else {

								console.warn( 'THREE.GLTFLoader: Joint "%s" could not be found.', skinEntry.joints[ j ] );



						mesh.bind( new Skeleton( bones, boneInverses ), mesh.matrixWorld );

					} );

					return node;

				} );

			} ).then( function ( node ) {

				// build node hierachy

				parentObject.add( node );

				var pending = [];

				if ( nodeDef.children ) {

					var children = nodeDef.children;

					for ( var i = 0, il = children.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

						var child = children[ i ];
						pending.push( buildNodeHierachy( child, node, json, parser ) );



				return Promise.all( pending );

			} );


		return function loadScene( sceneIndex ) {

			var json = this.json;
			var extensions = this.extensions;
			var sceneDef = this.json.scenes[ sceneIndex ];
			var parser = this;

			// Loader returns Group, not Scene.
			// See:
			var scene = new Group();
			if ( ) =;

			assignExtrasToUserData( scene, sceneDef );

			if ( sceneDef.extensions ) addUnknownExtensionsToUserData( extensions, scene, sceneDef );

			var nodeIds = sceneDef.nodes || [];

			var pending = [];

			for ( var i = 0, il = nodeIds.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				pending.push( buildNodeHierachy( nodeIds[ i ], scene, json, parser ) );


			return Promise.all( pending ).then( function () {

				return scene;

			} );



	return GLTFLoader;

} )()
Example #9
Source File: DDSLoader.js    From threejs-tutorial with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
DDSLoader.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( CompressedTextureLoader.prototype ), {

	constructor: DDSLoader,

	parse: function ( buffer, loadMipmaps ) {

		var dds = { mipmaps: [], width: 0, height: 0, format: null, mipmapCount: 1 };

		// Adapted from @toji's DDS utils

		// All values and structures referenced from:

		var DDS_MAGIC = 0x20534444;

		var DDSD_CAPS = 0x1,
			DDSD_HEIGHT = 0x2,
			DDSD_WIDTH = 0x4,
			DDSD_PITCH = 0x8,
			DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT = 0x20000,
			DDSD_LINEARSIZE = 0x80000,
			DDSD_DEPTH = 0x800000;

		var DDSCAPS_COMPLEX = 0x8,
			DDSCAPS_MIPMAP = 0x400000,
			DDSCAPS_TEXTURE = 0x1000;

		var DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP = 0x200,
			DDSCAPS2_VOLUME = 0x200000;

			DDPF_ALPHA = 0x2,
			DDPF_FOURCC = 0x4,
			DDPF_RGB = 0x40,
			DDPF_YUV = 0x200,
			DDPF_LUMINANCE = 0x20000;

		function fourCCToInt32( value ) {

			return value.charCodeAt( 0 ) +
				( value.charCodeAt( 1 ) << 8 ) +
				( value.charCodeAt( 2 ) << 16 ) +
				( value.charCodeAt( 3 ) << 24 );


		function int32ToFourCC( value ) {

			return String.fromCharCode(
				value & 0xff,
				( value >> 8 ) & 0xff,
				( value >> 16 ) & 0xff,
				( value >> 24 ) & 0xff


		function loadARGBMip( buffer, dataOffset, width, height ) {

			var dataLength = width * height * 4;
			var srcBuffer = new Uint8Array( buffer, dataOffset, dataLength );
			var byteArray = new Uint8Array( dataLength );
			var dst = 0;
			var src = 0;
			for ( var y = 0; y < height; y ++ ) {

				for ( var x = 0; x < width; x ++ ) {

					var b = srcBuffer[ src ]; src ++;
					var g = srcBuffer[ src ]; src ++;
					var r = srcBuffer[ src ]; src ++;
					var a = srcBuffer[ src ]; src ++;
					byteArray[ dst ] = r; dst ++;	//r
					byteArray[ dst ] = g; dst ++;	//g
					byteArray[ dst ] = b; dst ++;	//b
					byteArray[ dst ] = a; dst ++;	//a


			return byteArray;


		var FOURCC_DXT1 = fourCCToInt32( "DXT1" );
		var FOURCC_DXT3 = fourCCToInt32( "DXT3" );
		var FOURCC_DXT5 = fourCCToInt32( "DXT5" );
		var FOURCC_ETC1 = fourCCToInt32( "ETC1" );

		var headerLengthInt = 31; // The header length in 32 bit ints

		// Offsets into the header array

		var off_magic = 0;

		var off_size = 1;
		var off_flags = 2;
		var off_height = 3;
		var off_width = 4;

		var off_mipmapCount = 7;

		var off_pfFlags = 20;
		var off_pfFourCC = 21;
		var off_RGBBitCount = 22;
		var off_RBitMask = 23;
		var off_GBitMask = 24;
		var off_BBitMask = 25;
		var off_ABitMask = 26;

		var off_caps = 27;
		var off_caps2 = 28;
		var off_caps3 = 29;
		var off_caps4 = 30;

		// Parse header

		var header = new Int32Array( buffer, 0, headerLengthInt );

		if ( header[ off_magic ] !== DDS_MAGIC ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.DDSLoader.parse: Invalid magic number in DDS header.' );
			return dds;


		if ( ! header[ off_pfFlags ] & DDPF_FOURCC ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.DDSLoader.parse: Unsupported format, must contain a FourCC code.' );
			return dds;


		var blockBytes;

		var fourCC = header[ off_pfFourCC ];

		var isRGBAUncompressed = false;

		switch ( fourCC ) {

			case FOURCC_DXT1:

				blockBytes = 8;
				dds.format = RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format;

			case FOURCC_DXT3:

				blockBytes = 16;
				dds.format = RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format;

			case FOURCC_DXT5:

				blockBytes = 16;
				dds.format = RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format;

			case FOURCC_ETC1:

				blockBytes = 8;
				dds.format = RGB_ETC1_Format;


				if ( header[ off_RGBBitCount ] === 32
					&& header[ off_RBitMask ] & 0xff0000
					&& header[ off_GBitMask ] & 0xff00
					&& header[ off_BBitMask ] & 0xff
					&& header[ off_ABitMask ] & 0xff000000 ) {

					isRGBAUncompressed = true;
					blockBytes = 64;
					dds.format = RGBAFormat;

				} else {

					console.error( 'THREE.DDSLoader.parse: Unsupported FourCC code ', int32ToFourCC( fourCC ) );
					return dds;



		dds.mipmapCount = 1;

		if ( header[ off_flags ] & DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT && loadMipmaps !== false ) {

			dds.mipmapCount = Math.max( 1, header[ off_mipmapCount ] );


		var caps2 = header[ off_caps2 ];
		dds.isCubemap = caps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP ? true : false;
		if ( dds.isCubemap && (
			! ( caps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEX ) ||
			! ( caps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEX ) ||
			! ( caps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEY ) ||
			! ( caps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEY ) ||
			! ( caps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEZ ) ||
		) ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.DDSLoader.parse: Incomplete cubemap faces' );
			return dds;


		dds.width = header[ off_width ];
		dds.height = header[ off_height ];

		var dataOffset = header[ off_size ] + 4;

		// Extract mipmaps buffers

		var faces = dds.isCubemap ? 6 : 1;

		for ( var face = 0; face < faces; face ++ ) {

			var width = dds.width;
			var height = dds.height;

			for ( var i = 0; i < dds.mipmapCount; i ++ ) {

				if ( isRGBAUncompressed ) {

					var byteArray = loadARGBMip( buffer, dataOffset, width, height );
					var dataLength = byteArray.length;

				} else {

					var dataLength = Math.max( 4, width ) / 4 * Math.max( 4, height ) / 4 * blockBytes;
					var byteArray = new Uint8Array( buffer, dataOffset, dataLength );


				var mipmap = { "data": byteArray, "width": width, "height": height };
				dds.mipmaps.push( mipmap );

				dataOffset += dataLength;

				width = Math.max( width >> 1, 1 );
				height = Math.max( height >> 1, 1 );



		return dds;


} );
Example #10
Source File: OutlinePass.js    From Computer-Graphics with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
constructor( resolution, scene, camera, selectedObjects ) {


		this.renderScene = scene;
		this.renderCamera = camera;
		this.selectedObjects = selectedObjects !== undefined ? selectedObjects : [];
		this.visibleEdgeColor = new Color( 1, 1, 1 );
		this.hiddenEdgeColor = new Color( 0.1, 0.04, 0.02 );
		this.edgeGlow = 0.0;
		this.usePatternTexture = false;
		this.edgeThickness = 1.0;
		this.edgeStrength = 3.0;
		this.downSampleRatio = 2;
		this.pulsePeriod = 0;

		this._visibilityCache = new Map();

		this.resolution = ( resolution !== undefined ) ? new Vector2( resolution.x, resolution.y ) : new Vector2( 256, 256 );

		const pars = { minFilter: LinearFilter, magFilter: LinearFilter, format: RGBAFormat };

		const resx = Math.round( this.resolution.x / this.downSampleRatio );
		const resy = Math.round( this.resolution.y / this.downSampleRatio );

		this.renderTargetMaskBuffer = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.resolution.x, this.resolution.y, pars ); = 'OutlinePass.mask';
		this.renderTargetMaskBuffer.texture.generateMipmaps = false;

		this.depthMaterial = new MeshDepthMaterial();
		this.depthMaterial.side = DoubleSide;
		this.depthMaterial.depthPacking = RGBADepthPacking;
		this.depthMaterial.blending = NoBlending;

		this.prepareMaskMaterial = this.getPrepareMaskMaterial();
		this.prepareMaskMaterial.side = DoubleSide;
		this.prepareMaskMaterial.fragmentShader = replaceDepthToViewZ( this.prepareMaskMaterial.fragmentShader, this.renderCamera );

		this.renderTargetDepthBuffer = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.resolution.x, this.resolution.y, pars ); = 'OutlinePass.depth';
		this.renderTargetDepthBuffer.texture.generateMipmaps = false;

		this.renderTargetMaskDownSampleBuffer = new WebGLRenderTarget( resx, resy, pars ); = 'OutlinePass.depthDownSample';
		this.renderTargetMaskDownSampleBuffer.texture.generateMipmaps = false;

		this.renderTargetBlurBuffer1 = new WebGLRenderTarget( resx, resy, pars ); = 'OutlinePass.blur1';
		this.renderTargetBlurBuffer1.texture.generateMipmaps = false;
		this.renderTargetBlurBuffer2 = new WebGLRenderTarget( Math.round( resx / 2 ), Math.round( resy / 2 ), pars ); = 'OutlinePass.blur2';
		this.renderTargetBlurBuffer2.texture.generateMipmaps = false;

		this.edgeDetectionMaterial = this.getEdgeDetectionMaterial();
		this.renderTargetEdgeBuffer1 = new WebGLRenderTarget( resx, resy, pars ); = 'OutlinePass.edge1';
		this.renderTargetEdgeBuffer1.texture.generateMipmaps = false;
		this.renderTargetEdgeBuffer2 = new WebGLRenderTarget( Math.round( resx / 2 ), Math.round( resy / 2 ), pars ); = 'OutlinePass.edge2';
		this.renderTargetEdgeBuffer2.texture.generateMipmaps = false;

		const MAX_EDGE_GLOW = 4;

		this.separableBlurMaterial1 = this.getSeperableBlurMaterial( MAX_EDGE_THICKNESS );
		this.separableBlurMaterial1.uniforms[ 'texSize' ].value.set( resx, resy );
		this.separableBlurMaterial1.uniforms[ 'kernelRadius' ].value = 1;
		this.separableBlurMaterial2 = this.getSeperableBlurMaterial( MAX_EDGE_GLOW );
		this.separableBlurMaterial2.uniforms[ 'texSize' ].value.set( Math.round( resx / 2 ), Math.round( resy / 2 ) );
		this.separableBlurMaterial2.uniforms[ 'kernelRadius' ].value = MAX_EDGE_GLOW;

		// Overlay material
		this.overlayMaterial = this.getOverlayMaterial();

		// copy material
		if ( CopyShader === undefined ) console.error( 'THREE.OutlinePass relies on CopyShader' );

		const copyShader = CopyShader;

		this.copyUniforms = UniformsUtils.clone( copyShader.uniforms );
		this.copyUniforms[ 'opacity' ].value = 1.0;

		this.materialCopy = new ShaderMaterial( {
			uniforms: this.copyUniforms,
			vertexShader: copyShader.vertexShader,
			fragmentShader: copyShader.fragmentShader,
			blending: NoBlending,
			depthTest: false,
			depthWrite: false,
			transparent: true
		} );

		this.enabled = true;
		this.needsSwap = false;

		this._oldClearColor = new Color();
		this.oldClearAlpha = 1;

		this.fsQuad = new FullScreenQuad( null );

		this.tempPulseColor1 = new Color();
		this.tempPulseColor2 = new Color();
		this.textureMatrix = new Matrix4();

		function replaceDepthToViewZ( string, camera ) {

			const type = camera.isPerspectiveCamera ? 'perspective' : 'orthographic';

			return string.replace( /DEPTH_TO_VIEW_Z/g, type + 'DepthToViewZ' );


Example #11
Source File: SAOPass.js    From Computer-Graphics with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
constructor( scene, camera, useDepthTexture = false, useNormals = false, resolution = new Vector2( 256, 256 ) ) {


		this.scene = scene; = camera;

		this.clear = true;
		this.needsSwap = false;

		this.supportsDepthTextureExtension = useDepthTexture;
		this.supportsNormalTexture = useNormals;

		this.originalClearColor = new Color();
		this._oldClearColor = new Color();
		this.oldClearAlpha = 1;

		this.params = {
			output: 0,
			saoBias: 0.5,
			saoIntensity: 0.18,
			saoScale: 1,
			saoKernelRadius: 100,
			saoMinResolution: 0,
			saoBlur: true,
			saoBlurRadius: 8,
			saoBlurStdDev: 4,
			saoBlurDepthCutoff: 0.01

		this.resolution = new Vector2( resolution.x, resolution.y );

		this.saoRenderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.resolution.x, this.resolution.y, {
			minFilter: LinearFilter,
			magFilter: LinearFilter,
			format: RGBAFormat
		} );
		this.blurIntermediateRenderTarget = this.saoRenderTarget.clone();
		this.beautyRenderTarget = this.saoRenderTarget.clone();

		this.normalRenderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.resolution.x, this.resolution.y, {
			minFilter: NearestFilter,
			magFilter: NearestFilter,
			format: RGBAFormat
		} );
		this.depthRenderTarget = this.normalRenderTarget.clone();

		let depthTexture;

		if ( this.supportsDepthTextureExtension ) {

			depthTexture = new DepthTexture();
			depthTexture.type = UnsignedShortType;

			this.beautyRenderTarget.depthTexture = depthTexture;
			this.beautyRenderTarget.depthBuffer = true;


		this.depthMaterial = new MeshDepthMaterial();
		this.depthMaterial.depthPacking = RGBADepthPacking;
		this.depthMaterial.blending = NoBlending;

		this.normalMaterial = new MeshNormalMaterial();
		this.normalMaterial.blending = NoBlending;

		if ( SAOShader === undefined ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.SAOPass relies on SAOShader' );


		this.saoMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( {
			defines: Object.assign( {}, SAOShader.defines ),
			fragmentShader: SAOShader.fragmentShader,
			vertexShader: SAOShader.vertexShader,
			uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( SAOShader.uniforms )
		} );
		this.saoMaterial.extensions.derivatives = true;
		this.saoMaterial.defines[ 'DEPTH_PACKING' ] = this.supportsDepthTextureExtension ? 0 : 1;
		this.saoMaterial.defines[ 'NORMAL_TEXTURE' ] = this.supportsNormalTexture ? 1 : 0;
		this.saoMaterial.defines[ 'PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA' ] = ? 1 : 0;
		this.saoMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDepth' ].value = ( this.supportsDepthTextureExtension ) ? depthTexture : this.depthRenderTarget.texture;
		this.saoMaterial.uniforms[ 'tNormal' ].value = this.normalRenderTarget.texture;
		this.saoMaterial.uniforms[ 'size' ].value.set( this.resolution.x, this.resolution.y );
		this.saoMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraInverseProjectionMatrix' ].value.copy( );
		this.saoMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraProjectionMatrix' ].value =;
		this.saoMaterial.blending = NoBlending;

		if ( DepthLimitedBlurShader === undefined ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.SAOPass relies on DepthLimitedBlurShader' );


		this.vBlurMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( {
			uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( DepthLimitedBlurShader.uniforms ),
			defines: Object.assign( {}, DepthLimitedBlurShader.defines ),
			vertexShader: DepthLimitedBlurShader.vertexShader,
			fragmentShader: DepthLimitedBlurShader.fragmentShader
		} );
		this.vBlurMaterial.defines[ 'DEPTH_PACKING' ] = this.supportsDepthTextureExtension ? 0 : 1;
		this.vBlurMaterial.defines[ 'PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA' ] = ? 1 : 0;
		this.vBlurMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDiffuse' ].value = this.saoRenderTarget.texture;
		this.vBlurMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDepth' ].value = ( this.supportsDepthTextureExtension ) ? depthTexture : this.depthRenderTarget.texture;
		this.vBlurMaterial.uniforms[ 'size' ].value.set( this.resolution.x, this.resolution.y );
		this.vBlurMaterial.blending = NoBlending;

		this.hBlurMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( {
			uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( DepthLimitedBlurShader.uniforms ),
			defines: Object.assign( {}, DepthLimitedBlurShader.defines ),
			vertexShader: DepthLimitedBlurShader.vertexShader,
			fragmentShader: DepthLimitedBlurShader.fragmentShader
		} );
		this.hBlurMaterial.defines[ 'DEPTH_PACKING' ] = this.supportsDepthTextureExtension ? 0 : 1;
		this.hBlurMaterial.defines[ 'PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA' ] = ? 1 : 0;
		this.hBlurMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDiffuse' ].value = this.blurIntermediateRenderTarget.texture;
		this.hBlurMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDepth' ].value = ( this.supportsDepthTextureExtension ) ? depthTexture : this.depthRenderTarget.texture;
		this.hBlurMaterial.uniforms[ 'size' ].value.set( this.resolution.x, this.resolution.y );
		this.hBlurMaterial.blending = NoBlending;

		if ( CopyShader === undefined ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.SAOPass relies on CopyShader' );


		this.materialCopy = new ShaderMaterial( {
			uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( CopyShader.uniforms ),
			vertexShader: CopyShader.vertexShader,
			fragmentShader: CopyShader.fragmentShader,
			blending: NoBlending
		} );
		this.materialCopy.transparent = true;
		this.materialCopy.depthTest = false;
		this.materialCopy.depthWrite = false;
		this.materialCopy.blending = CustomBlending;
		this.materialCopy.blendSrc = DstColorFactor;
		this.materialCopy.blendDst = ZeroFactor;
		this.materialCopy.blendEquation = AddEquation;
		this.materialCopy.blendSrcAlpha = DstAlphaFactor;
		this.materialCopy.blendDstAlpha = ZeroFactor;
		this.materialCopy.blendEquationAlpha = AddEquation;

		if ( UnpackDepthRGBAShader === undefined ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.SAOPass relies on UnpackDepthRGBAShader' );


		this.depthCopy = new ShaderMaterial( {
			uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( UnpackDepthRGBAShader.uniforms ),
			vertexShader: UnpackDepthRGBAShader.vertexShader,
			fragmentShader: UnpackDepthRGBAShader.fragmentShader,
			blending: NoBlending
		} );

		this.fsQuad = new FullScreenQuad( null );

Example #12
Source File: SSAARenderPass.js    From Computer-Graphics with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
render( renderer, writeBuffer, readBuffer ) {

		if ( ! this.sampleRenderTarget ) {

			this.sampleRenderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( readBuffer.width, readBuffer.height, { minFilter: LinearFilter, magFilter: LinearFilter, format: RGBAFormat } ); = 'SSAARenderPass.sample';


		const jitterOffsets = _JitterVectors[ Math.max( 0, Math.min( this.sampleLevel, 5 ) ) ];

		const autoClear = renderer.autoClear;
		renderer.autoClear = false;

		renderer.getClearColor( this._oldClearColor );
		const oldClearAlpha = renderer.getClearAlpha();

		const baseSampleWeight = 1.0 / jitterOffsets.length;
		const roundingRange = 1 / 32;
		this.copyUniforms[ 'tDiffuse' ].value = this.sampleRenderTarget.texture;

		const viewOffset = {

			fullWidth: readBuffer.width,
			fullHeight: readBuffer.height,
			offsetX: 0,
			offsetY: 0,
			width: readBuffer.width,
			height: readBuffer.height


		const originalViewOffset = Object.assign( {}, );

		if ( originalViewOffset.enabled ) Object.assign( viewOffset, originalViewOffset );

		// render the scene multiple times, each slightly jitter offset from the last and accumulate the results.
		for ( let i = 0; i < jitterOffsets.length; i ++ ) {

			const jitterOffset = jitterOffsets[ i ];

			if ( ) {

					viewOffset.fullWidth, viewOffset.fullHeight,

					viewOffset.offsetX + jitterOffset[ 0 ] * 0.0625, viewOffset.offsetY + jitterOffset[ 1 ] * 0.0625, // 0.0625 = 1 / 16

					viewOffset.width, viewOffset.height



			let sampleWeight = baseSampleWeight;

			if ( this.unbiased ) {

				// the theory is that equal weights for each sample lead to an accumulation of rounding errors.
				// The following equation varies the sampleWeight per sample so that it is uniformly distributed
				// across a range of values whose rounding errors cancel each other out.

				const uniformCenteredDistribution = ( - 0.5 + ( i + 0.5 ) / jitterOffsets.length );
				sampleWeight += roundingRange * uniformCenteredDistribution;


			this.copyUniforms[ 'opacity' ].value = sampleWeight;
			renderer.setClearColor( this.clearColor, this.clearAlpha );
			renderer.setRenderTarget( this.sampleRenderTarget );
			renderer.render( this.scene, );

			renderer.setRenderTarget( this.renderToScreen ? null : writeBuffer );

			if ( i === 0 ) {

				renderer.setClearColor( 0x000000, 0.0 );


			this.fsQuad.render( renderer );


		if ( && originalViewOffset.enabled ) {

				originalViewOffset.fullWidth, originalViewOffset.fullHeight,

				originalViewOffset.offsetX, originalViewOffset.offsetY,

				originalViewOffset.width, originalViewOffset.height


		} else if ( ) {;


		renderer.autoClear = autoClear;
		renderer.setClearColor( this._oldClearColor, oldClearAlpha );

Example #13
Source File: SSRPass.js    From Computer-Graphics with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
constructor( { renderer, scene, camera, width, height, selects, bouncing = false, groundReflector } ) {


		this.width = ( width !== undefined ) ? width : 512;
		this.height = ( height !== undefined ) ? height : 512;

		this.clear = true;

		this.renderer = renderer;
		this.scene = scene; = camera;
		this.groundReflector = groundReflector;

		this.opacity = SSRShader.uniforms.opacity.value;
		this.output = 0;

		this.maxDistance = SSRShader.uniforms.maxDistance.value;
		this.thickness = SSRShader.uniforms.thickness.value;

		this.tempColor = new Color();

		this._selects = selects;
		this.selective = Array.isArray( this._selects );
		Object.defineProperty( this, 'selects', {
			get() {

				return this._selects;

			set( val ) {

				if ( this._selects === val ) return;
				this._selects = val;
				if ( Array.isArray( val ) ) {

					this.selective = true;
					this.ssrMaterial.defines.SELECTIVE = true;
					this.ssrMaterial.needsUpdate = true;

				} else {

					this.selective = false;
					this.ssrMaterial.defines.SELECTIVE = false;
					this.ssrMaterial.needsUpdate = true;


		} );

		this._bouncing = bouncing;
		Object.defineProperty( this, 'bouncing', {
			get() {

				return this._bouncing;

			set( val ) {

				if ( this._bouncing === val ) return;
				this._bouncing = val;
				if ( val ) {

					this.ssrMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDiffuse' ].value = this.prevRenderTarget.texture;

				} else {

					this.ssrMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDiffuse' ].value = this.beautyRenderTarget.texture;


		} );

		this.blur = true;

		this._distanceAttenuation = SSRShader.defines.DISTANCE_ATTENUATION;
		Object.defineProperty( this, 'distanceAttenuation', {
			get() {

				return this._distanceAttenuation;

			set( val ) {

				if ( this._distanceAttenuation === val ) return;
				this._distanceAttenuation = val;
				this.ssrMaterial.defines.DISTANCE_ATTENUATION = val;
				this.ssrMaterial.needsUpdate = true;

		} );

		this._fresnel = SSRShader.defines.FRESNEL;
		Object.defineProperty( this, 'fresnel', {
			get() {

				return this._fresnel;

			set( val ) {

				if ( this._fresnel === val ) return;
				this._fresnel = val;
				this.ssrMaterial.defines.FRESNEL = val;
				this.ssrMaterial.needsUpdate = true;

		} );

		this._infiniteThick = SSRShader.defines.INFINITE_THICK;
		Object.defineProperty( this, 'infiniteThick', {
			get() {

				return this._infiniteThick;

			set( val ) {

				if ( this._infiniteThick === val ) return;
				this._infiniteThick = val;
				this.ssrMaterial.defines.INFINITE_THICK = val;
				this.ssrMaterial.needsUpdate = true;

		} );

		// beauty render target with depth buffer

		const depthTexture = new DepthTexture();
		depthTexture.type = UnsignedShortType;
		depthTexture.minFilter = NearestFilter;
		depthTexture.magFilter = NearestFilter;

		this.beautyRenderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.width, this.height, {
			minFilter: NearestFilter,
			magFilter: NearestFilter,
			format: RGBAFormat,
			depthTexture: depthTexture,
			depthBuffer: true
		} );

		//for bouncing
		this.prevRenderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.width, this.height, {
			minFilter: NearestFilter,
			magFilter: NearestFilter,
			format: RGBAFormat,
		} );

		// normal render target

		this.normalRenderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.width, this.height, {
			minFilter: NearestFilter,
			magFilter: NearestFilter,
			format: RGBAFormat,
			type: HalfFloatType,
		} );

		// metalness render target

		this.metalnessRenderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.width, this.height, {
			minFilter: NearestFilter,
			magFilter: NearestFilter,
			format: RGBAFormat
		} );

		// ssr render target

		this.ssrRenderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.width, this.height, {
			minFilter: NearestFilter,
			magFilter: NearestFilter,
			format: RGBAFormat
		} );

		this.blurRenderTarget = this.ssrRenderTarget.clone();
		this.blurRenderTarget2 = this.ssrRenderTarget.clone();
		// this.blurRenderTarget3 = this.ssrRenderTarget.clone();

		// ssr material

		if ( SSRShader === undefined ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.SSRPass: The pass relies on SSRShader.' );


		this.ssrMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( {
			defines: Object.assign( {}, SSRShader.defines, {
				MAX_STEP: Math.sqrt( this.width * this.width + this.height * this.height )
			} ),
			uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( SSRShader.uniforms ),
			vertexShader: SSRShader.vertexShader,
			fragmentShader: SSRShader.fragmentShader,
			blending: NoBlending
		} );

		this.ssrMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDiffuse' ].value = this.beautyRenderTarget.texture;
		this.ssrMaterial.uniforms[ 'tNormal' ].value = this.normalRenderTarget.texture;
		this.ssrMaterial.defines.SELECTIVE = this.selective;
		this.ssrMaterial.needsUpdate = true;
		this.ssrMaterial.uniforms[ 'tMetalness' ].value = this.metalnessRenderTarget.texture;
		this.ssrMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDepth' ].value = this.beautyRenderTarget.depthTexture;
		this.ssrMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraNear' ].value =;
		this.ssrMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraFar' ].value =;
		this.ssrMaterial.uniforms[ 'thickness' ].value = this.thickness;
		this.ssrMaterial.uniforms[ 'resolution' ].value.set( this.width, this.height );
		this.ssrMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraProjectionMatrix' ].value.copy( );
		this.ssrMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraInverseProjectionMatrix' ].value.copy( );

		// normal material

		this.normalMaterial = new MeshNormalMaterial();
		this.normalMaterial.blending = NoBlending;

		// metalnessOn material

		this.metalnessOnMaterial = new MeshBasicMaterial( {
			color: 'white'
		} );

		// metalnessOff material

		this.metalnessOffMaterial = new MeshBasicMaterial( {
			color: 'black'
		} );

		// blur material

		this.blurMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( {
			defines: Object.assign( {}, SSRBlurShader.defines ),
			uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( SSRBlurShader.uniforms ),
			vertexShader: SSRBlurShader.vertexShader,
			fragmentShader: SSRBlurShader.fragmentShader
		} );
		this.blurMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDiffuse' ].value = this.ssrRenderTarget.texture;
		this.blurMaterial.uniforms[ 'resolution' ].value.set( this.width, this.height );

		// blur material 2

		this.blurMaterial2 = new ShaderMaterial( {
			defines: Object.assign( {}, SSRBlurShader.defines ),
			uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( SSRBlurShader.uniforms ),
			vertexShader: SSRBlurShader.vertexShader,
			fragmentShader: SSRBlurShader.fragmentShader
		} );
		this.blurMaterial2.uniforms[ 'tDiffuse' ].value = this.blurRenderTarget.texture;
		this.blurMaterial2.uniforms[ 'resolution' ].value.set( this.width, this.height );

		// // blur material 3

		// this.blurMaterial3 = new ShaderMaterial({
		//   defines: Object.assign({}, SSRBlurShader.defines),
		//   uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone(SSRBlurShader.uniforms),
		//   vertexShader: SSRBlurShader.vertexShader,
		//   fragmentShader: SSRBlurShader.fragmentShader
		// });
		// this.blurMaterial3.uniforms['tDiffuse'].value = this.blurRenderTarget2.texture;
		// this.blurMaterial3.uniforms['resolution'].value.set(this.width, this.height);

		// material for rendering the depth

		this.depthRenderMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( {
			defines: Object.assign( {}, SSRDepthShader.defines ),
			uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( SSRDepthShader.uniforms ),
			vertexShader: SSRDepthShader.vertexShader,
			fragmentShader: SSRDepthShader.fragmentShader,
			blending: NoBlending
		} );
		this.depthRenderMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDepth' ].value = this.beautyRenderTarget.depthTexture;
		this.depthRenderMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraNear' ].value =;
		this.depthRenderMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraFar' ].value =;

		// material for rendering the content of a render target

		this.copyMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( {
			uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( CopyShader.uniforms ),
			vertexShader: CopyShader.vertexShader,
			fragmentShader: CopyShader.fragmentShader,
			transparent: true,
			depthTest: false,
			depthWrite: false,
			blendSrc: SrcAlphaFactor,
			blendDst: OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor,
			blendEquation: AddEquation,
			blendSrcAlpha: SrcAlphaFactor,
			blendDstAlpha: OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor,
			blendEquationAlpha: AddEquation,
			// premultipliedAlpha:true,
		} );

		this.fsQuad = new FullScreenQuad( null );

		this.originalClearColor = new Color();

Example #14
Source File: SSRrPass.js    From Computer-Graphics with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
constructor( { renderer, scene, camera, width, height, selects } ) {


		this.width = ( width !== undefined ) ? width : 512;
		this.height = ( height !== undefined ) ? height : 512;

		this.clear = true;

		this.renderer = renderer;
		this.scene = scene; = camera;

		this.output = 0;
		// this.output = 1;

		this.ior = SSRrShader.uniforms.ior.value;
		this.maxDistance = SSRrShader.uniforms.maxDistance.value;
		this.surfDist = SSRrShader.uniforms.surfDist.value;

		this.tempColor = new Color();

		this.selects = selects;

		this._specular = SSRrShader.defines.SPECULAR;
		Object.defineProperty( this, 'specular', {
			get() {

				return this._specular;

			set( val ) {

				if ( this._specular === val ) return;
				this._specular = val;
				this.ssrrMaterial.defines.SPECULAR = val;
				this.ssrrMaterial.needsUpdate = true;

		} );

		this._fillHole = SSRrShader.defines.FILL_HOLE;
		Object.defineProperty( this, 'fillHole', {
			get() {

				return this._fillHole;

			set( val ) {

				if ( this._fillHole === val ) return;
				this._fillHole = val;
				this.ssrrMaterial.defines.FILL_HOLE = val;
				this.ssrrMaterial.needsUpdate = true;

		} );

		this._infiniteThick = SSRrShader.defines.INFINITE_THICK;
		Object.defineProperty( this, 'infiniteThick', {
			get() {

				return this._infiniteThick;

			set( val ) {

				if ( this._infiniteThick === val ) return;
				this._infiniteThick = val;
				this.ssrrMaterial.defines.INFINITE_THICK = val;
				this.ssrrMaterial.needsUpdate = true;

		} );

		// beauty render target with depth buffer

		const depthTexture = new DepthTexture();
		depthTexture.type = UnsignedShortType;
		depthTexture.minFilter = NearestFilter;
		depthTexture.magFilter = NearestFilter;

		this.beautyRenderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.width, this.height, {
			minFilter: NearestFilter,
			magFilter: NearestFilter,
			format: RGBAFormat,
			depthTexture: depthTexture,
			depthBuffer: true
		} );

		this.specularRenderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.width, this.height, { // TODO: Can merge with refractiveRenderTarget?
			minFilter: NearestFilter,
			magFilter: NearestFilter,
			format: RGBAFormat,
		} );

		// normalSelects render target

		const depthTextureSelects = new DepthTexture();
		depthTextureSelects.type = UnsignedShortType;
		depthTextureSelects.minFilter = NearestFilter;
		depthTextureSelects.magFilter = NearestFilter;

		this.normalSelectsRenderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.width, this.height, {
			minFilter: NearestFilter,
			magFilter: NearestFilter,
			format: RGBAFormat,
			type: HalfFloatType,
			depthTexture: depthTextureSelects,
			depthBuffer: true
		} );

		// refractive render target

		this.refractiveRenderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.width, this.height, {
			minFilter: NearestFilter,
			magFilter: NearestFilter,
			format: RGBAFormat
		} );

		// ssrr render target

		this.ssrrRenderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( this.width, this.height, {
			minFilter: NearestFilter,
			magFilter: NearestFilter,
			format: RGBAFormat
		} );

		// ssrr material

		if ( SSRrShader === undefined ) {

			console.error( 'THREE.SSRrPass: The pass relies on SSRrShader.' );


		this.ssrrMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( {
			defines: Object.assign( {}, SSRrShader.defines, {
				MAX_STEP: Math.sqrt( this.width * this.width + this.height * this.height )
			} ),
			uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( SSRrShader.uniforms ),
			vertexShader: SSRrShader.vertexShader,
			fragmentShader: SSRrShader.fragmentShader,
			blending: NoBlending
		} );

		this.ssrrMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDiffuse' ].value = this.beautyRenderTarget.texture;
		this.ssrrMaterial.uniforms[ 'tSpecular' ].value = this.specularRenderTarget.texture;
		this.ssrrMaterial.uniforms[ 'tNormalSelects' ].value = this.normalSelectsRenderTarget.texture;
		this.ssrrMaterial.needsUpdate = true;
		this.ssrrMaterial.uniforms[ 'tRefractive' ].value = this.refractiveRenderTarget.texture;
		this.ssrrMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDepth' ].value = this.beautyRenderTarget.depthTexture;
		this.ssrrMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDepthSelects' ].value = this.normalSelectsRenderTarget.depthTexture;
		this.ssrrMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraNear' ].value =;
		this.ssrrMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraFar' ].value =;
		this.ssrrMaterial.uniforms[ 'resolution' ].value.set( this.width, this.height );
		this.ssrrMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraProjectionMatrix' ].value.copy( );
		this.ssrrMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraInverseProjectionMatrix' ].value.copy( );

		// normal material

		this.normalMaterial = new MeshNormalMaterial();
		this.normalMaterial.blending = NoBlending;

		// refractiveOn material

		this.refractiveOnMaterial = new MeshBasicMaterial( {
			color: 'white'
		} );

		// refractiveOff material

		this.refractiveOffMaterial = new MeshBasicMaterial( {
			color: 'black'
		} );

		// specular material
		this.specularMaterial = new MeshStandardMaterial( {
			color: 'black',
			metalness: 0,
			roughness: .2,
		} );

		// material for rendering the depth

		this.depthRenderMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( {
			defines: Object.assign( {}, SSRrDepthShader.defines ),
			uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( SSRrDepthShader.uniforms ),
			vertexShader: SSRrDepthShader.vertexShader,
			fragmentShader: SSRrDepthShader.fragmentShader,
			blending: NoBlending
		} );
		this.depthRenderMaterial.uniforms[ 'tDepth' ].value = this.beautyRenderTarget.depthTexture;
		this.depthRenderMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraNear' ].value =;
		this.depthRenderMaterial.uniforms[ 'cameraFar' ].value =;

		// material for rendering the content of a render target

		this.copyMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( {
			uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( CopyShader.uniforms ),
			vertexShader: CopyShader.vertexShader,
			fragmentShader: CopyShader.fragmentShader,
			transparent: true,
			depthTest: false,
			depthWrite: false,
			blendSrc: SrcAlphaFactor,
			blendDst: OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor,
			blendEquation: AddEquation,
			blendSrcAlpha: SrcAlphaFactor,
			blendDstAlpha: OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor,
			blendEquationAlpha: AddEquation,
			// premultipliedAlpha:true,
		} );

		this.fsQuad = new FullScreenQuad( null );

		this.originalClearColor = new Color();
