import React from 'react';
import {
  ResponsiveContainer, Tooltip,
  Line, Area, Legend,
  YAxis, XAxis, CartesianGrid,
} from 'recharts';
import { Typography } from '@material-ui/core';
import Grid from '@material-ui/core/Grid';
import { myShortNumber } from '../Util';
import { AntSwitch } from "./AntSwitch.js"
import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import { mergeDataSeries, makeDataSeriesFromTotal } from "./DataSeries";
const Util = require('covidmodule').Util;

const moment = require("moment");

const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
  customtooltip: {
    backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",

const DeathTooltip = (props) => {
  const classes = useStyles();
  const { active } = props;
  if (active) {
    const { payload, label } = props;
    let deaths_mean;
    let deathsTotal_mean;
    let actualDeath_total;
    let actualDeath_daily; => {
      p = p.payload;
      if ("deaths_mean" in p) {
        deaths_mean = p.deaths_mean;
      if ("deathsTotal_mean" in p) {
        deathsTotal_mean = p.deathsTotal_mean;
      if ("actualDeath_total" in p) {
        actualDeath_total = p.actualDeath_total;
      if ("actualDeath_daily" in p) {
        actualDeath_daily = p.actualDeath_daily;
      return null;
    return (
      <div className={classes.customtooltip}>
        <Typography variant="body1" noWrap>
        {deaths_mean &&
          <Typography variant="body2" noWrap>
            {`Projected Daily Death: ${deaths_mean}`}
        {deathsTotal_mean &&
          <Typography variant="body2" noWrap>
            {`Projected Total: ${deathsTotal_mean}`}
        {actualDeath_daily &&
          <Typography variant="body2" noWrap>
            {`Actual Daily: ${actualDeath_daily}`}
        {actualDeath_total &&
          <Typography variant="body2" noWrap>
            {`Actual Total: ${actualDeath_total}`}
  return null;

const keydeath = {
  key_lower: "deaths_lower",
  key_upper: "deaths_upper",
  key_delta: "delta",
  key_mean: "deaths_mean",
  key_upper_cumulative: "deathsTotal_upper",
  key_lower_cumulative: "deathsTotal_lower",
  key_delta_cumulative: "deathsTotal_delta",
  key_mean_cumulative: "deathsTotal_mean",

const GraphDeathProjection = (props) => {

  const [sourceData, setSourceData] = React.useState(null);
  const [actual_deaths_total, setActualDeath] = React.useState(null);
  React.useEffect(() => {
    if (props.source.projectionsAsync) {
        .then(data => setSourceData(data));

      .then(data => setActualDeath(data));
  }, [props.source])

  if (props.source.projectionsAsync && (!sourceData || sourceData.length === 0)) {
    return <div> Loading</div>;
  if (!actual_deaths_total) {
    return <div> Loading</div>;

  let death_entrys = makeDataSeriesFromTotal(
    "actualDeath_total", "actualDeath_daily", "actualDeath_moving_avg")

  let max_date = null;
  if (props.source.projectionsAsync) {
    const [formateddata, max_date2] =
      formatData(sourceData, keydeath);
    max_date = max_date2;
    for (let item of formateddata) {
      let entry = actual_deaths_total[item.fulldate];
      if (entry) {
        item.actualDeath_total = entry;
        let lastday = moment(item.fulldate, "MM/DD/YYYY").subtract(1, "days").format("MM/DD/YYYY");
        let lastentry = actual_deaths_total[lastday];
        if (lastentry !== null) {
          item.actualDeath_daily = entry - lastentry;
    death_entrys = mergeDataSeries(death_entrys, formateddata);

  return <GraphDeathProjectionRender
    max_label="Peak Death"
    tooltip={<DeathTooltip />}

const formatData = (data, keys) => {
  data = => {
    d.fulldate = Util.normalize_date(; = moment(d.fulldate, "MM/DD/YYYY").format("M/D");
    return d;
  data = data.sort((a, b) => moment(a.fulldate, "MM/DD/YYYY").toDate() - (moment(b.fulldate, "MM/DD/YYYY")).toDate());
  let deathsTotal_mean = 0;
  let deathsTotal_upper = 0;
  let deathsTotal_lower = 0;
  let max_death = 0;
  let max_date = 0;
  data = => {
    let r = {};
    let mean = Math.round(d[keys.key_mean]);
    let lower = Math.round(d[keys.key_lower]);
    let upper = Math.round(d[keys.key_upper]);
    r[keys.key_mean] = mean;
    r[keys.key_lower] = lower;
    r[keys.key_upper] = upper;
    r[keys.key_delta] = upper - lower;
    if (max_death < mean) {
      max_death = mean;
      max_date = d.fulldate;
    deathsTotal_mean += mean;
    r[keys.key_mean_cumulative] = deathsTotal_mean;

    deathsTotal_upper += upper;
    deathsTotal_lower += lower;

    r[keys.key_lower_cumulative] = deathsTotal_lower;
    r[keys.key_delta_cumulative] = deathsTotal_upper - deathsTotal_lower;

    r.fulldate = d.fulldate; =;

    return r;
  return [data, max_date];

const GraphDeathProjectionRender = (props) => {
  let data =;
  const max_date = props.max_date;
  const data_keys = props.data_keys;

  data = => { = moment(d.fulldate, "MM/DD/YYYY").format("M/D");
    return d;
  data = data.sort((a, b) => moment(a.fulldate, "MM/DD/YYYY").toDate() - (moment(b.fulldate, "MM/DD/YYYY")).toDate());

  const [state, setState] = React.useState({
    showall: false,

  const handleLogScaleToggle = event => {
    setState({ ...state, showall: !state.showall });
  const cutoff = moment().subtract(30, 'days')
  const future = moment().add(30, 'days')
  data = data.filter(d => {
    let day = moment(d.fulldate, "MM/DD/YYYY");
    return day.isAfter(cutoff) && day.isBefore(future);
  const formatYAxis = (tickItem) => {
    return myShortNumber(tickItem);

  return <>
    <Grid container alignItems="center" spacing={1}>
      <Grid item onClick={handleLogScaleToggle}>
      <Grid item>
        <AntSwitch checked={state.showall} onClick={handleLogScaleToggle} />
      <Grid item onClick={handleLogScaleToggle}>
      <Grid item></Grid>
    <ResponsiveContainer height={300} >
      <ComposedChart data={data} margin={{ top: 5, right: 30, left: 5, bottom: 5 }} >
        <XAxis dataKey="name" />
        <YAxis yAxisId={0} tickFormatter={formatYAxis} />
        <ReferenceLine x={moment(max_date, "MM/DD/YYYY").format("M/D")} label={{ value: props.max_label, fill: '#a3a3a3' }} stroke="#e3e3e3" strokeWidth={3} />
        <CartesianGrid stroke="#d5d5d5" strokeDasharray="5 5" />
        <Line type="monotone" dataKey={data_keys.key_mean} stroke="#000000" dot={{ r: 1 }} yAxisId={0} strokeWidth={2} />
        <Area type='monotone' dataKey={data_keys.key_lower} stackId="1" stroke='#8884d8' fill='#FFFFFF' />
        <Area type='monotone' dataKey={data_keys.key_delta} stackId="1" stroke='#82ca9d' fill='#82ca9d' />
        <Line type="monotone" dataKey="actualDeath_daily" stroke="#FF0000" dot={{ r: 1 }} strokeDasharray="2 2" yAxisId={0} strokeWidth={2} />
        <Line type="monotone" dataKey="actualDeath_moving_avg" stroke="#FF0000" dot={{ r: 1 }} yAxisId={0} strokeWidth={3} />
        {state.showall && <Line type="monotone" dataKey={data_keys.key_mean_cumulative} dot={{ r: 1 }} stroke="#000000" yAxisId={0} strokeWidth={1} />}
        {state.showall && <Line type="monotone" dataKey="actualDeath_total" dot={{ r: 1 }} stroke="#ff0000" yAxisId={0} strokeWidth={2} />}
        {state.showall && <Area type='monotone' dataKey={data_keys.key_lower_cumulative} stackId="2" stroke='#8884d8' fill='#FFFFFF' />}
        {state.showall && <Area type='monotone' dataKey={data_keys.key_delta_cumulative} stackId="2" stroke='#82ca9d' fill='#82ca9d' />}
        <Tooltip content={props.tooltip} />
        <Legend verticalAlign="top" payload={[
          { value: 'Actual Death', type: 'line', color: '#ff0000' },
          { value: 'Projection', type: 'line', color: '#000000' },
        ]} />
    <Typography variant="body2">
      Source: The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

function maybeDeathProjectionTabFor(source) {
  if (source.deathsAsync) {
    return {
      id: 'peakdeath',
      label: 'Death',
      graph: GraphDeathProjection,
  } else {
    return undefined;

export {