import { readFileSync } from "fs";
import { test } from "uvu";
import * as assert from "uvu/assert";
import { dirname, resolve } from "path";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
import cheerio from "cheerio";
import { stackoverflow } from "../src/services/laodeai/handlers/stackoverflow.js";
import { gist } from "../src/services/laodeai/handlers/gist.js";
import { wikipedia } from "../src/services/laodeai/handlers/wikipedia.js";
import { wikihow } from "../src/services/laodeai/handlers/wikihow.js";
import { stackexchange } from "../src/services/laodeai/handlers/stackexchange.js";
import { foodnetwork } from "../src/services/laodeai/handlers/foodnetwork.js";
import { knowyourmeme } from "../src/services/laodeai/handlers/knowyourmeme.js";
import { urbandictionary } from "../src/services/laodeai/handlers/urbandictionary.js";
import { bonappetit } from "#services/laodeai/handlers/bonappetit.js";
import { cookingNytimes } from "#services/laodeai/handlers/cooking_nytimes.js";
import { zeroclick } from "#services/laodeai/handlers/zeroclick.js";
import { caniuse } from "#services/laodeai/handlers/caniuse.js";
import { manpage } from "#services/laodeai/handlers/manpage.js";

const readFile = (path) =>
  readFileSync(resolve(dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), path), {
    encoding: "utf-8"

test("should be able to parse a stackoverflow code output", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/stackoverflow_code.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = stackoverflow(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "image");

test("should be able to parse a stackoverflow text output", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/stackoverflow_text.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = stackoverflow(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "text");

test("should be able to output stackoverflow text if code is deemed too short", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/stackoverflow_next.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = stackoverflow(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "text");

test("should return error on empty stackoverflow html", () => {
  const html = cheerio.load("<body></body>");
  const output = stackoverflow(html);
  assert.equal(output, { type: "error", content: "" });

test("should be able to parse github gist code output", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/gist_code.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = gist(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "image");
  assert.fixture(output.content, readFile("./laodeai_snapshot/gist_code"));

test("should be able to parse github gist markdown output", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/gist_markdown.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = gist(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "text");
  assert.fixture(output.content, readFile("./laodeai_snapshot/gist_markdown"));

test("should return error on empty github gist html", () => {
  const html = cheerio.load("<body></body>");
  const output = gist(html);

  assert.equal(output, { type: "error", content: "" });

test("should be able to parse wikipedia output", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/wikipedia.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = wikipedia(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "text");
  assert.fixture(output.content, readFile("./laodeai_snapshot/wikipedia"));

test("should return error on empty wikipedia html", () => {
  const html = cheerio.load("<body></body>");
  const output = wikipedia(html);

  assert.equal(output, { type: "error", content: "" });

test("should be able to parse wikihow output", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/wikihow.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = wikihow(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "text");
  assert.fixture(output.content, readFile("./laodeai_snapshot/wikihow"));

test("should return error on empty wikihow html", () => {
  const html = cheerio.load("<body></body>");
  const output = wikihow(html);

  assert.equal(output, { type: "error", content: "" });

test("should be able to parse stackexchange output", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/stackexchange.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = stackexchange(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "text");
  assert.fixture(output.content, readFile("./laodeai_snapshot/stackexchange"));

test("should return error on empty stackexchange html", () => {
  const html = cheerio.load("<body></body>");
  const output = stackexchange(html);

  assert.equal(output, { type: "error", content: "" });

test("should be able to parse foodnetwork output", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/foodnetwork.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = foodnetwork(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "text");
  assert.fixture(output.content, readFile("./laodeai_snapshot/foodnetwork"));

test("should return error on empty foodnetwork html", () => {
  const html = cheerio.load("<body></body>");
  const output = foodnetwork(html);

  assert.equal(output, { type: "error", content: "" });

test("should be able to parse knowyourmeme output", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/knowyourmeme.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = knowyourmeme(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "text");
  assert.fixture(output.content, readFile("./laodeai_snapshot/knowyourmeme"));

test("should return error on empty knowyourmeme html", () => {
  const html = cheerio.load("<body></body>");
  const output = knowyourmeme(html);
  assert.equal(output, { type: "error", content: "" });

test("should be able to parse urban dictionary output", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/urbandictionary.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = urbandictionary(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "text");

test("should return error on empty urban dictionary html", () => {
  const html = cheerio.load("<body></body>");
  const output = urbandictionary(html);

  assert.equal(output, { type: "error", content: "" });

test("should be able to parse bonappetit output", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/bonappetit.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = bonappetit(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "text");
  assert.fixture(output.content, readFile("./laodeai_snapshot/bonappetit"));

test("should return error on empty bonappetit html", () => {
  const html = cheerio.load("<body></body>");
  const output = bonappetit(html);

  assert.equal(output, { type: "error", content: "" });

test("should be able to parse cooking nytimes output", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/cooking_nytimes.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = cookingNytimes(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "text");

test("should return error on empty cooking nytimes html", () => {
  const html = cheerio.load("<body></body>");
  const output = cookingNytimes(html);

  assert.equal(output, { type: "error", content: "" });

test("should be able to parse zeroclick output", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/zeroclick.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = zeroclick(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "text");
  assert.fixture(output.content, readFile("./laodeai_snapshot/zeroclick"));

test("should return error on empty zeroclick html", () => {
  const html = cheerio.load("<body></body>");
  const output = zeroclick(html);

  assert.equal(output, { type: "error", content: "" });

test("should be able to parse caniuse output", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/caniuse.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = caniuse(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "text");
  assert.equal(output.content, readFile("./laodeai_snapshot/caniuse"));

test("should return error on empty caniuse html", () => {
  const html = cheerio.load("<body></body>");
  const output = caniuse(html);

  assert.equal(output, { type: "error", content: "" });

test("should be able to parse manpage output", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/manpage.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = manpage(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "text");
  assert.fixture(output.content, readFile("./laodeai_snapshot/manpage"));

test("should return error on empty manpage html", () => {
  const html = cheerio.load("<body></body>");
  const output = manpage(html);

  assert.equal(output, { type: "error", content: "" });

test("should be able to parse esolangs output", () => {
  const file = readFile("./laodeai_fixture/esolangs.html");
  const html = cheerio.load(file);
  const output = wikipedia(html);

  assert.equal(output.type, "text");
  assert.fixture(output.content, readFile("./laodeai_snapshot/esolangs"));