import React, { Component } from "react";
import { Layout, PageHeader, message, Statistic, Row, Col, Card, Select, Typography, Upload, Button, Space, Form, Radio, Divider, Collapse, Checkbox, Tabs, Steps } from 'antd';
import { FileOutlined, AimOutlined, ToolOutlined, ExportOutlined, ExperimentOutlined, SyncOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';

const { Content } = Layout;
const { Dragger } = Upload;
const { Option } = Select;
const { Title, Paragraph, Text, Link } = Typography;
const { Panel } = Collapse;
const { TabPane } = Tabs;
const { Step } = Steps;

class About extends Component {
	render() {
		return (
				<Content style={{ padding: '16px 24px' }}>
									hashcat.launcher is a cross-platform app that run and control hashcat
									it is designed to make it easier to use hashcat offering a friendly graphical user interface
							<Title level={5}>Contribute</Title>
									<Link target="_blank" href="">Report a bug / Request a feature</Link>
							<Title level={5}>License</Title>
									hashcat.launcher is licensed under the MIT License
									Copyright &copy; 2021 Abdelhafidh Belalia (s77rt)

export default About;