import React from 'react';
import Deck from ""
import { StaticMap } from "react-map-gl";
import {JSONConverter} from '';
import {CSVLoader} from "";
import {registerLoaders} from "";
import * as core from '';
import * as layers from "";
import * as aggregationLayers from "";
import * as geoLayers from "";
import * as meshLayers from "";
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import GL from '';

import * as LumaGL from '../lumagl';
import makeTooltip from '../tooltip';

// CSV loader is needed to download and read CSV Files
// Configure the JSON converter to include all possible
// layers and views.
const configuration = {
  classes: Object.assign(
    // All the core elements of
    // Cherry picked exports relevant to deck
  enumerations: {
const jsonConverter = new JSONConverter({ configuration });

 * This component lets you visualizes PyDeck and deck/json files
 * directly in Dash. It also exposes various events (such as click,
 * hover and drag) inside callbacks.
export default class DeckGL extends React.Component {
    // This method sanitizes the info and event objects that are
    // output by onClick, onHover, etc. Then, it proceeds to call setProps.
    const propsToClean = ["layer", "target", "rootElement"];

    Object.keys(events).map(key => {
      const e = events[key];
      // Cleaning starts here: => {
        if (prop in e && e[prop] !== null){
          e[prop] = e[prop].toString();

    if ('setProps' in this.props){
    } else {
        "setProps is not a function of this.props, as a result the following object was not updated:", 

  componentDidMount() {
    const { disableContext } = this.props
    if (disableContext) {
            .addEventListener("contextmenu", evt => evt.preventDefault());

  render() {
    let {enableEvents, data} = this.props;
    const {id, mapboxKey, tooltip, style} = this.props;
    const getTooltip = makeTooltip(tooltip);

    // ******* PARSE AND CONVERT JSON *******
    // If data is a string, we need to convert into JSON format
    if (typeof(data) === "string"){
      data = JSON.parse(data);
    // Now, we can convert the JSON document to a deck object
    const deckProps = jsonConverter.convert(data);

    // ******** UPDATE DECK PROPS ********
    // Assign the ID to the deck object = id;
    // Extract the map style from JSON document, since the map style 
    // is sometimes located in data.views.length
    if (!("mapStyle" in deckProps) && "views" in data && data.views.length > 0){
      deckProps.mapStyle = data.views[0].mapStyle;

    // ******** STATIC MAP ******** 
    // Only render static map if a mapbox token was given
    let staticMap;
    if (mapboxKey !== null){
      staticMap = <StaticMap
    } else {
      staticMap = null;

    // ******** EVENT CALLBACKS ********
    // First, convert enableEvents to list if it was a boolean
    if (enableEvents === true){
      enableEvents = ['click', 'dragStart', 'dragEnd', 'hover'];
    else if (enableEvents === false){
      enableEvents = [];
    // Now, construct the respective functions
    const clickFn = (info, e) => this.safeSetProps({clickInfo: info, clickEvent: e});
    const dragStartFn = (info, e) => this.safeSetProps({dragStartInfo: info, dragStartEvent: e});
    const dragEndFn = (info, e) => this.safeSetProps({dragEndInfo: info, dragEndEvent: e});
    const hoverFn = (info, e) => this.safeSetProps({hoverInfo: info, hoverEvent: e});

    // Finally, assign them as prop to deckProps
    deckProps.onClick = enableEvents.includes("click") ? clickFn: null;
    deckProps.onDragStart = enableEvents.includes("dragStart") ? dragStartFn: null;
    deckProps.onDragEnd = enableEvents.includes("dragEnd") ? dragEndFn: null;
    deckProps.onHover = enableEvents.includes("hover") ? hoverFn: null;

    return (

DeckGL.defaultProps = {
    data: {},
    mapboxKey: null,
    tooltip: false,
    enableEvents: false,
    disableContext: false,
    style: {}

DeckGL.propTypes = {
     * Your map using the JSON format. This can be generated by calling
     * `pdk.Deck(...).to_json()`. Both a Python dictionary and a JSON-string your map is accepted.
    data: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.string]),

     * The ID used to identify this component in Dash callbacks.
    id: PropTypes.string,

     * Custom CSS for your map. This is useful for changing the height, width, and sometimes the background color.
    style: PropTypes.object,

     * Either a boolean indicating if all event callbacks should be enabled, or a list of strings
     * indicating which ones should be used. If it's a list, you will need to specify one of the
     * following gestures: `click`, `dragStart`, `dragEnd`, `hover`.
    enableEvents: PropTypes.oneOfType([
      PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), PropTypes.bool

     * This can be a boolean value (e.g. `True`, `False`) to display the default tooltip.
     * You can also give a dictionary specifying an `html` template and custom style using `css`. For more
     * information about templating, see:
    tooltip: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.bool]),

     * You will need a mapbox token to use Please create a mapbox
     * and follow the instructions here:
    mapboxKey: PropTypes.string,

     * This is a boolean value (e.g. `True`, `False`)  indicating whether or not to disable the default context menu
     * that shows up when right clicking on the map. If set to `True`, right clicking to rotate
     * a map or adjust its pitch will not trigger the default context menu.
    disableContext: PropTypes.bool,

     * Read-only prop. To use this, make sure that `enableEvents` is set to `True`, or that `enableEvents` is a list that contains this event type.
     * This prop is updated when an element in the map is clicked. This contains
     * the original gesture event (in JSON).
    clickEvent: PropTypes.object,

     * Read-only prop. To use this, make sure that `enableEvents` is set to `True`, or that `enableEvents` is a list that contains this event type.
     * This prop is updated when an element in the map is clicked. This contains
     * the picking info describing the object being clicked.
     * Complete description here:
    clickInfo: PropTypes.object,

     * Read-only prop. To use this, make sure that `enableEvents` is set to `True`, or that `enableEvents` is a list that contains this event type.
     * This prop is updated when an element in the map is hovered. This contains
     * the original gesture event (in JSON).
    hoverEvent: PropTypes.object,

     * Read-only prop. To use this, make sure that `enableEvents` is set to `True`, or that `enableEvents` is a list that contains this event type.
     * This prop is updated when an element in the map is hovered. This contains
     * the picking info describing the object being hovered.
     * Complete description here:
    hoverInfo: PropTypes.object,

     * Read-only prop. To use this, make sure that `enableEvents` is set to `True`, or that `enableEvents` is a list that contains this event type.
     * To use this, make sure that `enableEvents` is set to `True`, or that `enableEvents` is a list that contains this event type. 
     * This prop is updated when the user starts dragging on the canvas. This contains
     * the original gesture event (in JSON).
    dragStartEvent: PropTypes.object,

     * Read-only prop. To use this, make sure that `enableEvents` is set to `True`, or that `enableEvents` is a list that contains this event type.
     * This prop is updated when the user starts dragging on the canvas. This contains
     * the picking info describing the object being dragged.
     * Complete description here:
    dragStartInfo: PropTypes.object,

     * Read-only prop. To use this, make sure that `enableEvents` is set to `True`, or that `enableEvents` is a list that contains this event type.
     * This prop is updated when the user releases from dragging the canvas. This contains
     * the original gesture event (in JSON).
    dragEndEvent: PropTypes.object,

     * Read-only prop. To use this, make sure that `enableEvents` is set to `True`, or that `enableEvents` is a list that contains this event type.
     * This prop is updated when the user releases from dragging the canvas. This contains
     * the picking info describing the object being dragged.
     * Complete description here:
    dragEndInfo: PropTypes.object,

     * Dash-assigned callback that should be called to report property changes
     * to Dash, to make them available for callbacks.
    setProps: PropTypes.func