 * @author       Yannick Deubel (https://github.com/yandeu)
 * @copyright    Copyright (c) 2020 Yannick Deubel; Project Url: https://github.com/enable3d/enable3d
 * @description  This is a modified version of the original code from Kevin Lee

 * @author       Kevin Lee (https://github.com/InfiniteLee)
 * @copyright    Copyright (c) 2019 Kevin Lee; Project Url: https://github.com/InfiniteLee/ammo-debug-drawer
 * @license      {@link https://github.com/InfiniteLee/ammo-debug-drawer/blob/master/LICENSE|MPL-2.0}

 import { BufferAttribute, BufferGeometry, LineBasicMaterial, LineSegments, Scene, StaticDrawUsage } from 'three'

 const AmmoDebugConstants = {
   NoDebug: 0,
   DrawWireframe: 1,
   DrawAabb: 2,
   DrawFeaturesText: 4,
   DrawContactPoints: 8,
   NoDeactivation: 16,
   NoHelpText: 32,
   DrawText: 64,
   ProfileTimings: 128,
   EnableSatComparison: 256,
   DisableBulletLCP: 512,
   EnableCCD: 1024,
   DrawConstraints: 1 << 11, //2048
   DrawConstraintLimits: 1 << 12, //4096
   FastWireframe: 1 << 13, //8192
   DrawNormals: 1 << 14, //16384
   DrawOnTop: 1 << 15, //32768
   MAX_DEBUG_DRAW_MODE: 0xffffffff
  * An implementation of the btIDebugDraw interface in Ammo.js, for debug rendering of Ammo shapes
 class DebugDrawer {

   constructor(scene, world, options = {}) {
     this.scene = scene;
     this.world = world;
     this.options = options;
     this.debugDrawMode = options.debugDrawMode || AmmoDebugConstants.DrawWireframe;
     const drawOnTop = this.debugDrawMode & AmmoDebugConstants.DrawOnTop || false;
     const maxBufferSize = options.maxBufferSize || 1000000;
     this.geometry = new BufferGeometry()
     const vertices = new Float32Array(maxBufferSize * 3)
     const colors = new Float32Array(maxBufferSize * 3)
     I do not know the difference, just using the first one.
     export const StaticDrawUsage: Usage;
     export const DynamicDrawUsage: Usage;
     export const StreamDrawUsage: Usage;
     export const StaticReadUsage: Usage;
     export const DynamicReadUsage: Usage;
     export const StreamReadUsage: Usage;
     export const StaticCopyUsage: Usage;
     export const DynamicCopyUsage: Usage;
     export const StreamCopyUsage: Usage;
     this.geometry.setAttribute('position', new BufferAttribute(vertices, 3).setUsage(StaticDrawUsage))
     this.geometry.setAttribute('color', new BufferAttribute(colors, 3).setUsage(StaticDrawUsage))
     this.index = 0
     const material = new LineBasicMaterial({
       vertexColors: true,
       depthTest: !drawOnTop
     this.mesh = new LineSegments(this.geometry, material);
     if (drawOnTop) this.mesh.renderOrder = 999;
     this.mesh.frustumCulled = false;
     this.enabled = false;
     this.debugDrawer = new Ammo.DebugDrawer();
     this.debugDrawer.drawLine = this.drawLine.bind(this);
     this.debugDrawer.drawContactPoint = this.drawContactPoint.bind(this);
     this.debugDrawer.reportErrorWarning = this.reportErrorWarning.bind(this);
     this.debugDrawer.draw3dText = this.draw3dText.bind(this);
     this.debugDrawer.setDebugMode = this.setDebugMode.bind(this);
     this.debugDrawer.getDebugMode = this.getDebugMode.bind(this);
   enable() {
     this.enabled = true;
   disable() {
     this.enabled = false;
   update() {
     if (!this.enabled) {
     if (this.index != 0) {
       // @ts-ignore
       this.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true;
       // @ts-ignore
       this.geometry.attributes.color.needsUpdate = true;
     this.index = 0;
     this.geometry.setDrawRange(0, this.index);
   drawLine(from, to, color) {
     // @ts-ignore
     const heap = Ammo.HEAPF32;
     const r = heap[(color + 0) / 4];
     const g = heap[(color + 4) / 4];
     const b = heap[(color + 8) / 4];
     const fromX = heap[(from + 0) / 4];
     const fromY = heap[(from + 4) / 4];
     const fromZ = heap[(from + 8) / 4];
     this.geometry.attributes.position.setXYZ(this.index, fromX, fromY, fromZ);
     this.geometry.attributes.color.setXYZ(this.index++, r, g, b);
     const toX = heap[(to + 0) / 4];
     const toY = heap[(to + 4) / 4];
     const toZ = heap[(to + 8) / 4];
     this.geometry.attributes.position.setXYZ(this.index, toX, toY, toZ);
     this.geometry.attributes.color.setXYZ(this.index++, r, g, b);
   //TODO: figure out how to make lifeTime work
   drawContactPoint(pointOnB, normalOnB, distance, _lifeTime, color) {
     // @ts-ignore
     const heap = Ammo.HEAPF32;
     const r = heap[(color + 0) / 4];
     const g = heap[(color + 4) / 4];
     const b = heap[(color + 8) / 4];
     const x = heap[(pointOnB + 0) / 4];
     const y = heap[(pointOnB + 4) / 4];
     const z = heap[(pointOnB + 8) / 4];
     this.geometry.attributes.position.setXYZ(this.index, x, y, z);
     this.geometry.attributes.color.setXYZ(this.index++, r, g, b);
     const dx = heap[(normalOnB + 0) / 4] * distance;
     const dy = heap[(normalOnB + 4) / 4] * distance;
     const dz = heap[(normalOnB + 8) / 4] * distance;
     this.geometry.attributes.position.setXYZ(this.index, x + dx, y + dy, z + dz);
     this.geometry.attributes.color.setXYZ(this.index++, r, g, b);
   reportErrorWarning(warningString) {
     // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
     if (Ammo.hasOwnProperty('Pointer_stringify')) {
       // @ts-ignore
     } else if (!this.warnedOnce) {
       this.warnedOnce = true;
       console.warn("Cannot print warningString, please rebuild Ammo.js using 'debug' flag");
   draw3dText(_location, _textString) {
     console.warn('TODO: draw3dText');
   setDebugMode(debugMode) {
     this.debugDrawMode = debugMode;
   getDebugMode() {
     return this.debugDrawMode;
 export default DebugDrawer