import PageWrapper from "../../components/PageWrapper";
import MetaTags from "../../components/MetaTags";
import styles from "../../styles/apps.module.scss";
import PackPreview from "../../components/PackPreview";
import Link from "next/link";
import { FiChevronLeft, FiPlus, FiChevronRight, FiArrowLeftCircle, FiArrowRightCircle } from "react-icons/fi";
import FeaturePromoter from "../../components/FeaturePromoter";
import { useState} from "react";
import fetchWinstallAPI from "../../utils/fetchWinstallAPI";
import Error from "../../components/Error";

export default function Packs({ packs, error }) {
    if(error) return <Error title="Oops!" subtitle={error}/>
    const [offset, setOffset] = useState(0);

    const itemsPerPage = 60;
    const totalPages = Math.ceil(packs.length / itemsPerPage);

    let handleNext = () => {
        window.scrollTo(0, 0)
        setOffset(offset => offset + itemsPerPage);
    let handlePrevious = () => {
        window.scrollTo(0, 0)
        setOffset(offset => offset - itemsPerPage);

    const Pagination = ({ small, disable }) => {
        return (
          <div className={small ? styles.minPagination : styles.pagbtn}>
              className={`button ${small ? styles.smallBtn : null}`}
              id={!small ? "previous": ""}
              title="Previous page of packs"
              disabled={offset > 0 ? (disable ? "disabled" : null) : "disabled"}
              <FiChevronLeft />
              {!small ? "Previous" : ""}
              className={`button ${small ? styles.smallBtn : null}`}
              id={!small ? "next" : ""}
              title="Next page of packs"
              disabled={offset + itemsPerPage < packs.length ? ( disable ? "disabled" : null ) : "disabled"}
              {!small ? "Next" : ""}
              <FiChevronRight />

    return (
            <MetaTags title="Packs - winstall" desc="Checkout the community's app collections for your new Windows 10 machine." />

                <FeaturePromoter art="/assets/packsPromo.svg" promoId="packs" disableHide={true}>
                    <h3>Introducing Packs</h3>
                    <h1>Curate and share the apps you use daily.</h1>
                    <div className="box2">
                        <Link href="/packs/create"><button className="button spacer accent" id="starWine"><FiPlus/> Create a pack</button></Link>

                <div className={styles.controls}> 
                        <h1>All packs {`(${packs.length})`}</h1>
                            Showing {packs.slice(offset, offset + itemsPerPage).length} packs
                            (page {Math.round((offset + itemsPerPage - 1) / itemsPerPage)} of{" "}
                    <Pagination small/> 

                <ul className={`${styles.all} ${styles.storeList}`}>
                    {packs.slice(offset, offset + itemsPerPage).map(pack => <li key={pack._id}><PackPreview pack={pack} /></li>)}

                <div className={styles.pagination}>
                        Hit the <FiArrowLeftCircle /> and <FiArrowRightCircle /> keys
                        on your keyboard to navigate between pages quickly.


export async function getStaticProps() {
    let { response: packs, error } = await fetchWinstallAPI(`/packs`);

    if(error) {
      return { props: { error }};

    const officialPacks = process.env.NEXT_OFFICIAL_PACKS_CREATOR;

    packs = packs.sort((a, b) => b.updatedAt.localeCompare(a.updatedAt));
    packs = packs.sort((a, b) => a.creator === officialPacks ? -1 : 1)

    return {
        props: {
        revalidate: 600