three#Scene JavaScript Examples

The following examples show how to use three#Scene. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: MarkerFileManager.js    From BlueMapWeb with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
     * @constructor
     * @param markerScene {Scene} - The scene to which all markers will be added
     * @param fileUrl {string} - The marker file from which this manager updates its markers
     * @param mapId {string} - The mapId of the map for which the markers should be loaded
     * @param events {EventTarget}
    constructor(markerScene, fileUrl, mapId, events = null) {
        super(markerScene, fileUrl, events);
        Object.defineProperty(this, 'isMarkerFileManager', {value: true});

        this.mapId = mapId;
Example #2
Source File: MarkerManager.js    From BlueMapWeb with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
     * @constructor
     * @param markerScene {Scene} - The scene to which all markers will be added
     * @param fileUrl {string} - The marker file from which this manager updates its markers
     * @param events {EventTarget}
    constructor(markerScene, fileUrl, events = null) {
        Object.defineProperty(this, 'isMarkerManager', {value: true});

        this.markerScene = markerScene;
        this.fileUrl = fileUrl; = events;

        /** @type {Map<string, MarkerSet>} */
        this.markerSets = new Map();
        /** @type {Map<string, Marker>} */
        this.markers = new Map();

        /** @type {NodeJS.Timeout} */
        this._updateInterval = null;
Example #3
Source File: Map.js    From BlueMapWeb with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
	 * Loads textures and materials for this map so it is ready to load map-tiles
	 * @param hiresVertexShader {string}
	 * @param hiresFragmentShader {string}
	 * @param lowresVertexShader {string}
	 * @param lowresFragmentShader {string}
	 * @param uniforms {object}
	 * @param tileCacheHash {number}
	 * @returns {Promise<void>}
	load(hiresVertexShader, hiresFragmentShader, lowresVertexShader, lowresFragmentShader, uniforms, tileCacheHash = 0) {

		let settingsPromise = this.loadSettings();
		let textureFilePromise = this.loadTexturesFile();

		this.lowresMaterial = this.createLowresMaterial(lowresVertexShader, lowresFragmentShader, uniforms);

		return Promise.all([settingsPromise, textureFilePromise])
            .then(values => {
                let textures = values[1];
                if (textures === null) throw new Error("Failed to parse textures.json!");

                this.hiresMaterial = this.createHiresMaterial(hiresVertexShader, hiresFragmentShader, uniforms, textures);

                this.hiresTileManager = new TileManager(new Scene(), new TileLoader(`${}hires/`, this.hiresMaterial,, tileCacheHash), this.onTileLoad("hires"), this.onTileUnload("hires"),;
                this.lowresTileManager = new TileManager(new Scene(), new TileLoader(`${}lowres/`, this.lowresMaterial,, tileCacheHash), this.onTileLoad("lowres"), this.onTileUnload("lowres"),;

                this.hiresTileManager.scene.autoUpdate = false;
                this.lowresTileManager.scene.autoUpdate = false;

                alert(, `Map '${}' is loaded.`, "fine");
Example #4
Source File: Pass.js    From three-viewer with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
	 * Sets the fullscreen material.
	 * The material will be assigned to a mesh that fills the screen. The mesh
	 * will be created once a material is assigned via this method.
	 * @protected
	 * @param {Material} material - A fullscreen material.

	setFullscreenMaterial(material) {

		let screen = this.screen;

		if(screen !== null) {

			screen.material = material;

		} else {

			screen = new Mesh(getFullscreenTriangle(), material);
			screen.frustumCulled = false;

			if(this.scene === null) {

				this.scene = new Scene();


			this.screen = screen;


Example #5
Source File: Waterpass.js    From r3f-website with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
WaterPass = function(dt_size) {
  if (WaterShader === undefined) console.error('THREE.WaterPass relies on THREE.WaterShader')
  var shader = WaterShader
  this.uniforms = UniformsUtils.clone(shader.uniforms)
  if (dt_size === undefined) dt_size = 64
  this.uniforms['resolution'].value = new Vector2(dt_size, dt_size)
  this.material = new ShaderMaterial({
    uniforms: this.uniforms,
    vertexShader: shader.vertexShader,
    fragmentShader: shader.fragmentShader
  }) = new OrthographicCamera(-1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 1)
  this.scene = new Scene()
  this.quad = new Mesh(new PlaneBufferGeometry(2, 2), null)
  this.quad.frustumCulled = false // Avoid getting clipped
  this.factor = 0
  this.time = 0
Example #6
Source File: Glitchpass.js    From r3f-website with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
GlitchPass = function(dt_size) {
  if (DigitalGlitch === undefined) console.error('THREE.GlitchPass relies on THREE.DigitalGlitch')
  var shader = DigitalGlitch
  this.uniforms = UniformsUtils.clone(shader.uniforms)
  if (dt_size === undefined) dt_size = 64
  this.uniforms['tDisp'].value = this.generateHeightmap(dt_size)
  this.material = new ShaderMaterial({
    uniforms: this.uniforms,
    vertexShader: shader.vertexShader,
    fragmentShader: shader.fragmentShader
  }) = new OrthographicCamera(-1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 1)
  this.scene = new Scene()
  this.quad = new Mesh(new PlaneBufferGeometry(2, 2), null)
  this.quad.frustumCulled = false // Avoid getting clipped
  this.factor = 0
Example #7
Source File: CubeTexturePass.js    From Computer-Graphics with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
constructor( camera, envMap, opacity = 1 ) {

		super(); = camera;

		this.needsSwap = false;

		this.cubeShader = ShaderLib[ 'cube' ];
		this.cubeMesh = new Mesh(
			new BoxGeometry( 10, 10, 10 ),
			new ShaderMaterial( {
				uniforms: UniformsUtils.clone( this.cubeShader.uniforms ),
				vertexShader: this.cubeShader.vertexShader,
				fragmentShader: this.cubeShader.fragmentShader,
				depthTest: false,
				depthWrite: false,
				side: BackSide
			} )

		Object.defineProperty( this.cubeMesh.material, 'envMap', {

			get: function () {

				return this.uniforms.envMap.value;


		} );

		this.envMap = envMap;
		this.opacity = opacity;

		this.cubeScene = new Scene();
		this.cubeCamera = new PerspectiveCamera();
		this.cubeScene.add( this.cubeMesh );

Example #8
Source File: PlayerInInventory.js    From webmc with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
constructor (game) { = game
    this.renderer = new WebGLRenderer({
      PixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio
    this.scene = new Scene()
    this.scene.background = new Color('black')
    const light = new AmbientLight(0xffffff)
Example #9
Source File: CubeTexturePass.js    From threejs-tutorial with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
CubeTexturePass = function (camera, envMap, opacity) {; = camera;

    this.needsSwap = false;

    this.cubeShader = ShaderLib["cube"];
    this.cubeMesh = new Mesh(
        new BoxBufferGeometry(10, 10, 10),
        new ShaderMaterial({
            uniforms: this.cubeShader.uniforms,
            vertexShader: this.cubeShader.vertexShader,
            fragmentShader: this.cubeShader.fragmentShader,
            depthTest: false,
            depthWrite: false,
            side: BackSide,

    Object.defineProperty(this.cubeMesh.material, "envMap", {
        get: function () {
            return this.uniforms.envMap.value;

    this.envMap = envMap;
    this.opacity = opacity !== undefined ? opacity : 1.0;

    this.cubeScene = new Scene();
    this.cubeCamera = new PerspectiveCamera();
Example #10
Source File: index.js    From sketch-webcam with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
sceneView = new Scene()
Example #11
Source File: index.js    From sketch-webcam with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
sceneView = new Scene()
Example #12
Source File: index.js    From map33.js with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
scene = new Scene()
Example #13
Source File: pntsExample.js    From 3DTilesRendererJS with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
function init() {

	scene = new Scene();

	// primary camera view
	renderer = new WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
	renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
	renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
	renderer.setClearColor( 0x151c1f );
	renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
	renderer.shadowMap.type = PCFSoftShadowMap;
	renderer.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding;

	document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );

	camera = new PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 4000 );
	camera.position.set( 2, 2, 2 );

	// controls
	controls = new OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
	controls.screenSpacePanning = false;
	controls.minDistance = 1;
	controls.maxDistance = 2000;

	// lights
	dirLight = new DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 1.25 );
	dirLight.position.set( 1, 2, 3 ).multiplyScalar( 40 );
	dirLight.castShadow = true;
	dirLight.shadow.bias = - 0.01;
	dirLight.shadow.mapSize.setScalar( 2048 );

	const shadowCam =;
	shadowCam.left = - 200;
	shadowCam.bottom = - 200;
	shadowCam.right = 200; = 200;

	scene.add( dirLight );

	const ambLight = new AmbientLight( 0xffffff, 0.05 );
	scene.add( ambLight );

	new PNTSLoader()
		.load( '' )
		.then( res => {

			console.log( res );
			scene.add( res.scene );

		} );

	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );

Example #14
Source File: offscreenShadows.js    From 3DTilesRendererJS with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
function init() {

	scene = new Scene();

	// primary camera view
	renderer = new WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
	renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
	renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
	renderer.setClearColor( 0x151c1f );
	renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
	renderer.shadowMap.type = PCFSoftShadowMap;
	renderer.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding;

	document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );

	camera = new PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 4000 );
	camera.position.set( - 56, 232, 260 );

	orthoCamera = new OrthographicCamera();

	// controls
	controls = new OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
	controls.screenSpacePanning = false;
	controls.minDistance = 1;
	controls.maxDistance = 2000;

	// lights
	dirLight = new DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 1.25 );
	dirLight.position.set( - 100, 40, 10 );
	dirLight.castShadow = true;
	dirLight.shadow.bias = - 1e-4;
	dirLight.shadow.normalBias = 0.2;
	dirLight.shadow.mapSize.setScalar( 2048 );

	const shadowCam =;
	shadowCam.left = - 120;
	shadowCam.bottom = - 120;
	shadowCam.right = 120; = 120;

	scene.add( dirLight );

	const ambLight = new AmbientLight( 0xffffff, 0.05 );
	scene.add( ambLight );

	box = new Box3();
	sphere = new Sphere();

	offsetParent = new Group();
	scene.add( offsetParent );

	// tiles
	const url = window.location.hash.replace( /^#/, '' ) || '../data/tileset.json';
	tiles = new TilesRenderer( url );
	tiles.onLoadModel = onLoadModel;
	tiles.onDisposeModel = onDisposeModel;
	offsetParent.add( );

	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );

	// GUI
	const gui = new GUI();
	gui.width = 300;
	gui.add( params, 'orthographic' );
	gui.add( params, 'errorTarget' ).min( 0 ).max( 25 ).step( 1 );
	gui.add( params, 'shadowStrategy', { NONE, DISPLAY_ACTIVE_TILES, USE_SHADOW_CAMERA } );;

	// Stats
	stats = new Stats();
	stats.showPanel( 0 );
	document.body.appendChild( stats.dom );

Example #15
Source File: mars.js    From 3DTilesRendererJS with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
function init() {

	const fog = new FogExp2( 0xd8cec0, .0075, 250 );
	scene = new Scene();

	// primary camera view
	renderer = new WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
	renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
	renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
	renderer.setClearColor( 0xd8cec0 );
	renderer.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding;

	document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
	renderer.domElement.tabIndex = 1;

	camera = new PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 4000 );
	camera.position.set( 20, 10, 20 );

	// controls
	controls = new FlyOrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
	controls.screenSpacePanning = false;
	controls.minDistance = 1;
	controls.maxDistance = 2000;
	controls.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI / 2;
	controls.baseSpeed = 0.1;
	controls.fastSpeed = 0.2;

	// lights
	const dirLight = new DirectionalLight( 0xffffff );
	dirLight.position.set( 1, 2, 3 );
	scene.add( dirLight );

	const ambLight = new AmbientLight( 0xffffff, 0.2 );
	scene.add( ambLight );

	const tilesParent = new Group();
	tilesParent.rotation.set( Math.PI / 2, 0, 0 );
	scene.add( tilesParent );

	groundTiles = new TilesRenderer( '' );
	groundTiles.fetchOptions.mode = 'cors';
	groundTiles.lruCache.minSize = 900;
	groundTiles.lruCache.maxSize = 1300;
	groundTiles.errorTarget = 12;

	skyTiles = new TilesRenderer( '' );
	skyTiles.fetchOptions.mode = 'cors';
	skyTiles.lruCache = groundTiles.lruCache;

	tilesParent.add(, );

	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );

	const gui = new GUI();
	gui.add( params, 'fog' ).onChange( v => {

		scene.fog = v ? fog : null;

	} );

	gui.add( params, 'displayBoxBounds' );
	gui.add( params, 'errorTarget', 0, 100 );;

Example #16
Source File: cmptExample.js    From 3DTilesRendererJS with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
function init() {

	scene = new Scene();

	// primary camera view
	renderer = new WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
	renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
	renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
	renderer.setClearColor( 0x151c1f );
	renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
	renderer.shadowMap.type = PCFSoftShadowMap;
	renderer.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding;

	document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );

	camera = new PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 4000 );
	camera.position.set( 400, 400, 400 );

	// controls
	controls = new OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
	controls.screenSpacePanning = false;
	controls.minDistance = 1;
	controls.maxDistance = 2000;

	// lights
	dirLight = new DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 1.25 );
	dirLight.position.set( 1, 2, 3 ).multiplyScalar( 40 );
	dirLight.castShadow = true;
	dirLight.shadow.bias = - 0.01;
	dirLight.shadow.mapSize.setScalar( 2048 );

	const shadowCam =;
	shadowCam.left = - 200;
	shadowCam.bottom = - 200;
	shadowCam.right = 200; = 200;

	scene.add( dirLight );

	const ambLight = new AmbientLight( 0xffffff, 0.05 );
	scene.add( ambLight );

	new CMPTLoader()
		.load( '...' )
		.then( res => {

			console.log( res );

			// console.log( res );
			// scene.add( res.scene );

		} );

	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );

Example #17
Source File: vr.js    From 3DTilesRendererJS with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
function init() {

	scene = new Scene();

	// primary camera view
	renderer = new WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
	renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
	renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
	renderer.setClearColor( 0xbbbbbb );
	renderer.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding;
	renderer.xr.enabled = true;

	document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
	renderer.domElement.tabIndex = 1;

	renderer.setAnimationLoop( animate );

	// create workspace
	workspace = new Group();
	scene.add( workspace );

	grid = new GridHelper( 10, 10, 0xffffff, 0xffffff );
	grid.material.transparent = true;
	grid.material.opacity = 0.5;
	grid.material.depthWrite = false;
	workspace.add( grid );

	camera = new PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 4000 );
	camera.position.set( 0, 1, 0 );
	workspace.add( camera );

	// lights
	const dirLight = new DirectionalLight( 0xffffff );
	dirLight.position.set( 1, 2, 3 );
	scene.add( dirLight );

	const ambLight = new AmbientLight( 0xffffff, 0.2 );
	scene.add( ambLight );

	// tile set
	box = new Box3();
	sphere = new Sphere();

	// parent for centering the tileset
	offsetParent = new Group();
	offsetParent.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2;
	offsetParent.position.y = 32;
	scene.add( offsetParent );

	tiles = new TilesRenderer( '' );
	offsetParent.add( );

	// We set camera for tileset
	tiles.setCamera( camera );
	tiles.setResolutionFromRenderer( camera, renderer );

	// We define a custom scheduling callback to handle also active WebXR sessions
	const tilesSchedulingCB = func => {

		tasks.push( func );


	// We set our scheduling callback for tiles downloading and parsing
	tiles.downloadQueue.schedulingCallback = tilesSchedulingCB;
	tiles.parseQueue.schedulingCallback = tilesSchedulingCB;

	tiles.lruCache.maxSize = 1200;
	tiles.lruCache.minSize = 900;

	// Raycasting init
	raycaster = new Raycaster();
	fwdVector = new Vector3( 0, 0, 1 );

	const rayIntersectMat = new MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xb2dfdb } );
	intersectRing = new Mesh( new TorusBufferGeometry( 1.5, 0.2, 16, 100 ), rayIntersectMat );
	intersectRing.visible = false;
	scene.add( intersectRing );

	// vr setup
	document.body.appendChild( VRButton.createButton( renderer ) );

	controller = renderer.xr.getController( 0 );
	controller.addEventListener( 'selectstart', () => {

		if ( intersectRing.visible ) {

			workspace.position.copy( intersectRing.position );


	} );
	controller.addEventListener( 'connected', function ( event ) {

		this.controllerActive = true;
		this.add( buildController( ) );

	} );
	controller.addEventListener( 'disconnected', function () {

		this.controllerActive = false;
		this.remove( this.children[ 0 ] );

	} );
	workspace.add( controller );

	// controller models
	const controllerModelFactory = new XRControllerModelFactory();
	controllerGrip = renderer.xr.getControllerGrip( 0 );
	controllerGrip.add( controllerModelFactory.createControllerModel( controllerGrip ) );
	workspace.add( controllerGrip );

	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );

	// GUI
	const gui = new GUI();
	gui.width = 300;
	gui.add( params, 'displayGrid' );
	gui.add( params, 'displayBoxBounds' );
	gui.add( params, 'colorMode', {


	} );;

Example #18
Source File: RoughnessMipmapper.js    From canvas with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
RoughnessMipmapper = ( function () {

	var _mipmapMaterial = _getMipmapMaterial();
	var _scene = new Scene();
	_scene.add( new Mesh( new PlaneBufferGeometry( 2, 2 ), _mipmapMaterial ) );

	var _flatCamera = new OrthographicCamera( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 );
	var _tempTarget = null;
	var _renderer = null;

	// constructor
	var RoughnessMipmapper = function ( renderer ) {

		_renderer = renderer;
		_renderer.compile( _scene, _flatCamera );


	RoughnessMipmapper.prototype = {

		constructor: RoughnessMipmapper,

		generateMipmaps: function ( material ) {

			var { roughnessMap, normalMap } = material;
			if ( roughnessMap == null || normalMap == null || ! roughnessMap.generateMipmaps ||
                material.userData.roughnessUpdated ) return;

			material.userData.roughnessUpdated = true;

			var width = Math.max( roughnessMap.image.width, normalMap.image.width );
			var height = Math.max( roughnessMap.image.height, normalMap.image.height );
			if ( ! MathUtils.isPowerOfTwo( width ) || ! MathUtils.isPowerOfTwo( height ) ) return;

			var oldTarget = _renderer.getRenderTarget();
			var autoClear = _renderer.autoClear;
			_renderer.autoClear = false;

			if ( _tempTarget == null || _tempTarget.width !== width || _tempTarget.height !== height ) {

				if ( _tempTarget != null ) _tempTarget.dispose();

				_tempTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( width, height, { depthBuffer: false, stencilBuffer: false } );
				_tempTarget.scissorTest = true;


			if ( width !== roughnessMap.image.width || height !== roughnessMap.image.height ) {

				var newRoughnessTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget( width, height, {
					minFilter: LinearMipMapLinearFilter,
					depthBuffer: false,
					stencilBuffer: false
				} );
				newRoughnessTarget.texture.generateMipmaps = true;
				// Setting the render target causes the memory to be allocated.
				_renderer.setRenderTarget( newRoughnessTarget );
				material.roughnessMap = newRoughnessTarget.texture;
				if ( material.metalnessMap == roughnessMap ) material.metalnessMap = material.roughnessMap;
				if ( material.aoMap == roughnessMap ) material.aoMap = material.roughnessMap;


			_mipmapMaterial.uniforms.roughnessMap.value = roughnessMap;
			_mipmapMaterial.uniforms.normalMap.value = normalMap;

			var position = new Vector2( 0, 0 );
			var texelSize = _mipmapMaterial.uniforms.texelSize.value;
			for ( var mip = 0; width >= 1 && height >= 1;
				++ mip, width /= 2, height /= 2 ) {

				// Rendering to a mip level is not allowed in webGL1. Instead we must set
				// up a secondary texture to write the result to, then copy it back to the
				// proper mipmap level.
				texelSize.set( 1.0 / width, 1.0 / height );
				if ( mip == 0 ) texelSize.set( 0.0, 0.0 );

				_tempTarget.viewport.set( position.x, position.y, width, height );
				_tempTarget.scissor.set( position.x, position.y, width, height );
				_renderer.setRenderTarget( _tempTarget );
				_renderer.render( _scene, _flatCamera );
				_renderer.copyFramebufferToTexture( position, material.roughnessMap, mip );
				_mipmapMaterial.uniforms.roughnessMap.value = material.roughnessMap;


			if ( roughnessMap !== material.roughnessMap ) roughnessMap.dispose();

			_renderer.setRenderTarget( oldTarget );
			_renderer.autoClear = autoClear;


		dispose: function ( ) {

			_scene.children[ 0 ].geometry.dispose();
			if ( _tempTarget != null ) _tempTarget.dispose();



	function _getMipmapMaterial() {

		var shaderMaterial = new RawShaderMaterial( {

			uniforms: {
				roughnessMap: { value: null },
				normalMap: { value: null },
				texelSize: { value: new Vector2( 1, 1 ) }

			vertexShader: `
precision mediump float;
precision mediump int;
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec2 uv;
varying vec2 vUv;
void main() {
    vUv = uv;
    gl_Position = vec4( position, 1.0 );

			fragmentShader: `
precision mediump float;
precision mediump int;
varying vec2 vUv;
uniform sampler2D roughnessMap;
uniform sampler2D normalMap;
uniform vec2 texelSize;

vec4 envMapTexelToLinear(vec4 a){return a;}
#include <cube_uv_reflection_fragment>

float roughnessToVariance(float roughness) {
  float variance = 0.0;
  if (roughness >= r1) {
    variance = (r0 - roughness) * (v1 - v0) / (r0 - r1) + v0;
  } else if (roughness >= r4) {
    variance = (r1 - roughness) * (v4 - v1) / (r1 - r4) + v1;
  } else if (roughness >= r5) {
    variance = (r4 - roughness) * (v5 - v4) / (r4 - r5) + v4;
  } else {
    float roughness2 = roughness * roughness;
    variance = 1.79 * roughness2 * roughness2;
  return variance;
float varianceToRoughness(float variance) {
  float roughness = 0.0;
  if (variance >= v1) {
    roughness = (v0 - variance) * (r1 - r0) / (v0 - v1) + r0;
  } else if (variance >= v4) {
    roughness = (v1 - variance) * (r4 - r1) / (v1 - v4) + r1;
  } else if (variance >= v5) {
    roughness = (v4 - variance) * (r5 - r4) / (v4 - v5) + r4;
  } else {
    roughness = pow(0.559 * variance, 0.25);// 0.559 = 1.0 / 1.79
  return roughness;

void main() {
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(roughnessMap, vUv, -1.0);
    if (texelSize.x == 0.0) return;
    float roughness = gl_FragColor.g;
    float variance = roughnessToVariance(roughness);
    vec3 avgNormal;
    for (float x = -1.0; x < 2.0; x += 2.0) {
    for (float y = -1.0; y < 2.0; y += 2.0) {
        vec2 uv = vUv + vec2(x, y) * 0.25 * texelSize;
        avgNormal += normalize(texture2D(normalMap, uv, -1.0).xyz - 0.5);
    variance += 1.0 - 0.25 * length(avgNormal);
    gl_FragColor.g = varianceToRoughness(variance);

			blending: NoBlending,
			depthTest: false,
			depthWrite: false

		} );

		shaderMaterial.type = 'RoughnessMipmapper';

		return shaderMaterial;


	return RoughnessMipmapper;

} )()
Example #19
Source File: ionExample.js    From 3DTilesRendererJS with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
function init() {

	scene = new Scene();

	// primary camera view
	renderer = new WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
	renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
	renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
	renderer.setClearColor( 0x151c1f );
	renderer.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding;

	document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
	renderer.domElement.tabIndex = 1;

	camera = new PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 4000 );
	camera.position.set( 400, 400, 400 );
	cameraHelper = new CameraHelper( camera );
	scene.add( cameraHelper );

	orthoCamera = new OrthographicCamera();
	orthoCameraHelper = new CameraHelper( orthoCamera );
	scene.add( orthoCameraHelper );

	// secondary camera view
	secondCamera = new PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 4000 );
	secondCamera.position.set( 400, 400, - 400 );
	secondCamera.lookAt( 0, 0, 0 );

	secondRenderer = new WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
	secondRenderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
	secondRenderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
	secondRenderer.setClearColor( 0x151c1f );
	secondRenderer.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding;

	document.body.appendChild( secondRenderer.domElement ); = 'absolute'; = '0'; = '0'; = '#0f1416 solid 2px';
	secondRenderer.domElement.tabIndex = 1;

	secondControls = new FlyOrbitControls( secondCamera, secondRenderer.domElement );
	secondControls.screenSpacePanning = false;
	secondControls.minDistance = 1;
	secondControls.maxDistance = 2000;

	secondCameraHelper = new CameraHelper( secondCamera );
	scene.add( secondCameraHelper );

	// Third person camera view
	thirdPersonCamera = new PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 4000 );
	thirdPersonCamera.position.set( 50, 40, 40 );
	thirdPersonCamera.lookAt( 0, 0, 0 );

	thirdPersonRenderer = new WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
	thirdPersonRenderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
	thirdPersonRenderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
	thirdPersonRenderer.setClearColor( 0x0f1416 );
	thirdPersonRenderer.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding;

	document.body.appendChild( thirdPersonRenderer.domElement ); = 'fixed'; = '5px'; = '5px';
	thirdPersonRenderer.domElement.tabIndex = 1;

	thirdPersonControls = new FlyOrbitControls( thirdPersonCamera, thirdPersonRenderer.domElement );
	thirdPersonControls.screenSpacePanning = false;
	thirdPersonControls.minDistance = 1;
	thirdPersonControls.maxDistance = 2000;

	// controls
	controls = new FlyOrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
	controls.screenSpacePanning = false;
	controls.minDistance = 1;
	controls.maxDistance = 2000;

	// lights
	const dirLight = new DirectionalLight( 0xffffff );
	dirLight.position.set( 1, 2, 3 );
	scene.add( dirLight );

	const ambLight = new AmbientLight( 0xffffff, 0.2 );
	scene.add( ambLight );

	offsetParent = new Group();
	scene.add( offsetParent );

	// Raycasting init
	raycaster = new Raycaster();
	mouse = new Vector2();

	rayIntersect = new Group();

	const rayIntersectMat = new MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xe91e63 } );
	const rayMesh = new Mesh( new CylinderBufferGeometry( 0.25, 0.25, 6 ), rayIntersectMat );
	rayMesh.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2;
	rayMesh.position.z += 3;
	rayIntersect.add( rayMesh );

	const rayRing = new Mesh( new TorusBufferGeometry( 1.5, 0.2, 16, 100 ), rayIntersectMat );
	rayIntersect.add( rayRing );
	scene.add( rayIntersect );
	rayIntersect.visible = false;


	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );
	renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onMouseMove, false );
	renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onMouseDown, false );
	renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mouseup', onMouseUp, false );
	renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', onMouseLeave, false );

	secondRenderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onMouseMove, false );
	secondRenderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onMouseDown, false );
	secondRenderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mouseup', onMouseUp, false );
	secondRenderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', onMouseLeave, false );

	// GUI
	const gui = new GUI();
	gui.width = 300;

	const ionOptions = gui.addFolder( 'Ion' );
	ionOptions.add( params, 'ionAssetId' );
	ionOptions.add( params, 'ionAccessToken' );
	ionOptions.add( params, 'reload' );;

	const tileOptions = gui.addFolder( 'Tiles Options' );
	tileOptions.add( params, 'loadSiblings' );
	tileOptions.add( params, 'stopAtEmptyTiles' );
	tileOptions.add( params, 'displayActiveTiles' );
	tileOptions.add( params, 'errorTarget' ).min( 0 ).max( 50 );
	tileOptions.add( params, 'errorThreshold' ).min( 0 ).max( 1000 );
	tileOptions.add( params, 'maxDepth' ).min( 1 ).max( 100 );
	tileOptions.add( params, 'up', [ '+Y', '+Z', '-Z' ] );

	const debug = gui.addFolder( 'Debug Options' );
	debug.add( params, 'displayBoxBounds' );
	debug.add( params, 'colorMode', {


	} );

	const exampleOptions = gui.addFolder( 'Example Options' );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'resolutionScale' ).min( 0.01 ).max( 2.0 ).step( 0.01 ).onChange( onWindowResize );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'orthographic' );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'showThirdPerson' );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'showSecondView' ).onChange( onWindowResize );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'enableUpdate' ).onChange( v => {

		tiles.parseQueue.autoUpdate = v;
		tiles.downloadQueue.autoUpdate = v;

		if ( v ) {



	} );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'raycast', { NONE, ALL_HITS, FIRST_HIT_ONLY } );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'enableCacheDisplay' );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'enableRendererStats' );;

	statsContainer = document.createElement( 'div' );
	document.getElementById( 'info' ).appendChild( statsContainer );

	// Stats
	stats = new Stats();
	stats.showPanel( 0 );
	document.body.appendChild( stats.dom );

Example #20
Source File: Setup.js    From webmc with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
function Setup (game) {
  game.canvas = document.querySelector('#c')
  game.pcanvas = document.querySelector('#c_player')
  game.renderer = new WebGLRenderer({
    canvas: game.canvas,
    PixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio
  game.renderer.sortObjects = true
  game.scene = new Scene() = new PerspectiveCamera(game.fov.normal, 2, 0.1, 1000) = 'YXZ', 26, 26)
  game.scene.add(new AmbientLight(0xdddddd))
  if (!game.production) {
    game.stats = new Stats()
    game.drawcalls = game.stats.addPanel(
      new Stats.Panel('calls', '#ff8', '#221')
  game.distanceBasedFog = new DistanceBasedFog(game)
  game.servers = {
  game.socket = new Socket(game)
  game.pii = new PlayerInInventory(game) = new BlockBreak(game)
  game.bp = new BlockPlace(game) = new World(game)
  game.ent = new Entities(game) = new Chat(game)
  game.inv_bar = new InventoryBar(game) = new TabList(game) = new LoadingScreen(game)'Waiting for proxy...')
  let hostname, port, pars
  if (game.proxy === 'local') {
    hostname = document.location.hostname
    port = document.location.port
  } else if (game.proxy === 'production') {
    pars ='config').proxy.split(':')
    hostname = pars[0]
    port = pars[1]
  } else {
    pars = game.proxy.split(':')
    hostname = pars[0]
    port = pars[1]
    .then(response => response.text())
    .then(data => {
      if (data === 'OK') {`Connecting to ${game.server}...`)

        // PLAYER UUID
          .then(response => response.text())
          .then(id => {
            if (id !== 'ERR') {
              console.log(`UUID: ${id}`)
              // SKIN
              game.skinUrl = `${document.location.protocol}//${hostname}:${port}/getSkin?id=${id}`
              new TextureLoader().load(game.skinUrl, (texture) => {
            } else {
              console.log('UUID not found!')

  const gui = new dat.GUI()
  game.params = {
    chunkdist: 4,
    frustumtest: false
    .add(game.params, 'chunkdist', 2, 10, 1)
    .name('Render distance')
    .onChange(function (val) {
      if (game.distanceBasedFog.visible) {
    .add(game.fov, 'normal', 30, 110, 1)
    .onChange(function (val) {
      game.fov.sprint = game.fov.normal + 10 = game.fov.normal
    .add(game.distanceBasedFog, 'visible')
    .name('Enable fog')
    .onChange(function (val) {
      if (val) {
      } else {
    .add(, 'smooth')
    .name('Smooth chunks')
    .add(, 'wireframe')
    .add(game.params, 'frustumtest')
    .name('Frustum test')
    .listen() = new EventHandler(game)
Example #21
Source File: index.js    From 3DTilesRendererJS with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
function init() {

	scene = new Scene();

	// primary camera view
	renderer = new WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
	renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
	renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
	renderer.setClearColor( 0x151c1f );
	renderer.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding;

	document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
	renderer.domElement.tabIndex = 1;

	camera = new PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 4000 );
	camera.position.set( 400, 400, 400 );
	cameraHelper = new CameraHelper( camera );
	scene.add( cameraHelper );

	orthoCamera = new OrthographicCamera();
	orthoCameraHelper = new CameraHelper( orthoCamera );
	scene.add( orthoCameraHelper );

	// secondary camera view
	secondCamera = new PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 4000 );
	secondCamera.position.set( 400, 400, - 400 );
	secondCamera.lookAt( 0, 0, 0 );

	secondRenderer = new WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
	secondRenderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
	secondRenderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
	secondRenderer.setClearColor( 0x151c1f );
	secondRenderer.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding;

	document.body.appendChild( secondRenderer.domElement ); = 'absolute'; = '0'; = '0'; = '#0f1416 solid 2px';
	secondRenderer.domElement.tabIndex = 1;

	secondControls = new FlyOrbitControls( secondCamera, secondRenderer.domElement );
	secondControls.screenSpacePanning = false;
	secondControls.minDistance = 1;
	secondControls.maxDistance = 2000;

	secondCameraHelper = new CameraHelper( secondCamera );
	scene.add( secondCameraHelper );

	// Third person camera view
	thirdPersonCamera = new PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 4000 );
	thirdPersonCamera.position.set( 50, 40, 40 );
	thirdPersonCamera.lookAt( 0, 0, 0 );

	thirdPersonRenderer = new WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
	thirdPersonRenderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
	thirdPersonRenderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
	thirdPersonRenderer.setClearColor( 0x0f1416 );
	thirdPersonRenderer.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding;

	document.body.appendChild( thirdPersonRenderer.domElement ); = 'fixed'; = '5px'; = '5px';
	thirdPersonRenderer.domElement.tabIndex = 1;

	thirdPersonControls = new FlyOrbitControls( thirdPersonCamera, thirdPersonRenderer.domElement );
	thirdPersonControls.screenSpacePanning = false;
	thirdPersonControls.minDistance = 1;
	thirdPersonControls.maxDistance = 2000;

	// controls
	controls = new FlyOrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
	controls.screenSpacePanning = false;
	controls.minDistance = 1;
	controls.maxDistance = 2000;

	// lights
	const dirLight = new DirectionalLight( 0xffffff );
	dirLight.position.set( 1, 2, 3 );
	scene.add( dirLight );

	const ambLight = new AmbientLight( 0xffffff, 0.2 );
	scene.add( ambLight );

	box = new Box3();
	sphere = new Sphere();

	offsetParent = new Group();
	scene.add( offsetParent );

	// Raycasting init
	raycaster = new Raycaster();
	mouse = new Vector2();

	rayIntersect = new Group();

	const rayIntersectMat = new MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xe91e63 } );
	const rayMesh = new Mesh( new CylinderBufferGeometry( 0.25, 0.25, 6 ), rayIntersectMat );
	rayMesh.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2;
	rayMesh.position.z += 3;
	rayIntersect.add( rayMesh );

	const rayRing = new Mesh( new TorusBufferGeometry( 1.5, 0.2, 16, 100 ), rayIntersectMat );
	rayIntersect.add( rayRing );
	scene.add( rayIntersect );
	rayIntersect.visible = false;


	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );
	renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'pointermove', onPointerMove, false );
	renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'pointerdown', onPointerDown, false );
	renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'pointerup', onPointerUp, false );
	renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'pointerleave', onPointerLeave, false );

	secondRenderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'pointermove', onPointerMove, false );
	secondRenderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'pointerdown', onPointerDown, false );
	secondRenderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'pointerup', onPointerUp, false );
	secondRenderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'pointerleave', onPointerLeave, false );

	// GUI
	const gui = new GUI();
	gui.width = 300;

	const tileOptions = gui.addFolder( 'Tiles Options' );
	tileOptions.add( params, 'loadSiblings' );
	tileOptions.add( params, 'stopAtEmptyTiles' );
	tileOptions.add( params, 'displayActiveTiles' );
	tileOptions.add( params, 'errorTarget' ).min( 0 ).max( 50 );
	tileOptions.add( params, 'errorThreshold' ).min( 0 ).max( 1000 );
	tileOptions.add( params, 'maxDepth' ).min( 1 ).max( 100 );
	tileOptions.add( params, 'up', [ '+Y', '+Z', '-Z' ] );;

	const debug = gui.addFolder( 'Debug Options' );
	debug.add( params, 'displayBoxBounds' );
	debug.add( params, 'colorMode', {


	} );;

	const exampleOptions = gui.addFolder( 'Example Options' );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'resolutionScale' ).min( 0.01 ).max( 2.0 ).step( 0.01 ).onChange( onWindowResize );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'orthographic' );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'showThirdPerson' );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'showSecondView' ).onChange( onWindowResize );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'enableUpdate' ).onChange( v => {

		tiles.parseQueue.autoUpdate = v;
		tiles.downloadQueue.autoUpdate = v;

		if ( v ) {



	} );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'raycast', { NONE, ALL_HITS, FIRST_HIT_ONLY } );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'optimizeRaycast', );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'enableCacheDisplay' );
	exampleOptions.add( params, 'enableRendererStats' );;

	gui.add( params, 'reload' );;

	statsContainer = document.createElement( 'div' ); = 'absolute'; = 0; = 0; = 'white'; = '100%'; = 'center'; = '5px'; = 'none'; = '1.5em';
	document.body.appendChild( statsContainer );

	// Stats
	stats = new Stats();
	stats.showPanel( 0 );
	document.body.appendChild( stats.dom );

Example #22
Source File: ColladaLoader.js    From Computer-Graphics with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
parse( text, path ) {

		function getElementsByTagName( xml, name ) {

			// Non recursive xml.getElementsByTagName() ...

			const array = [];
			const childNodes = xml.childNodes;

			for ( let i = 0, l = childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeName === name ) {

					array.push( child );



			return array;


		function parseStrings( text ) {

			if ( text.length === 0 ) return [];

			const parts = text.trim().split( /\s+/ );
			const array = new Array( parts.length );

			for ( let i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				array[ i ] = parts[ i ];


			return array;


		function parseFloats( text ) {

			if ( text.length === 0 ) return [];

			const parts = text.trim().split( /\s+/ );
			const array = new Array( parts.length );

			for ( let i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				array[ i ] = parseFloat( parts[ i ] );


			return array;


		function parseInts( text ) {

			if ( text.length === 0 ) return [];

			const parts = text.trim().split( /\s+/ );
			const array = new Array( parts.length );

			for ( let i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				array[ i ] = parseInt( parts[ i ] );


			return array;


		function parseId( text ) {

			return text.substring( 1 );


		function generateId() {

			return 'three_default_' + ( count ++ );


		function isEmpty( object ) {

			return Object.keys( object ).length === 0;


		// asset

		function parseAsset( xml ) {

			return {
				unit: parseAssetUnit( getElementsByTagName( xml, 'unit' )[ 0 ] ),
				upAxis: parseAssetUpAxis( getElementsByTagName( xml, 'up_axis' )[ 0 ] )


		function parseAssetUnit( xml ) {

			if ( ( xml !== undefined ) && ( xml.hasAttribute( 'meter' ) === true ) ) {

				return parseFloat( xml.getAttribute( 'meter' ) );

			} else {

				return 1; // default 1 meter



		function parseAssetUpAxis( xml ) {

			return xml !== undefined ? xml.textContent : 'Y_UP';


		// library

		function parseLibrary( xml, libraryName, nodeName, parser ) {

			const library = getElementsByTagName( xml, libraryName )[ 0 ];

			if ( library !== undefined ) {

				const elements = getElementsByTagName( library, nodeName );

				for ( let i = 0; i < elements.length; i ++ ) {

					parser( elements[ i ] );




		function buildLibrary( data, builder ) {

			for ( const name in data ) {

				const object = data[ name ]; = builder( data[ name ] );



		// get

		function getBuild( data, builder ) {

			if ( !== undefined ) return; = builder( data );



		// animation

		function parseAnimation( xml ) {

			const data = {
				sources: {},
				samplers: {},
				channels: {}

			let hasChildren = false;

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				let id;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'source':
						id = child.getAttribute( 'id' );
						data.sources[ id ] = parseSource( child );

					case 'sampler':
						id = child.getAttribute( 'id' );
						data.samplers[ id ] = parseAnimationSampler( child );

					case 'channel':
						id = child.getAttribute( 'target' );
						data.channels[ id ] = parseAnimationChannel( child );

					case 'animation':
						// hierarchy of related animations
						parseAnimation( child );
						hasChildren = true;

						console.log( child );



			if ( hasChildren === false ) {

				// since 'id' attributes can be optional, it's necessary to generate a UUID for unqiue assignment

				library.animations[ xml.getAttribute( 'id' ) || MathUtils.generateUUID() ] = data;



		function parseAnimationSampler( xml ) {

			const data = {
				inputs: {},

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'input':
						const id = parseId( child.getAttribute( 'source' ) );
						const semantic = child.getAttribute( 'semantic' );
						data.inputs[ semantic ] = id;



			return data;


		function parseAnimationChannel( xml ) {

			const data = {};

			const target = xml.getAttribute( 'target' );

			// parsing SID Addressing Syntax

			let parts = target.split( '/' );

			const id = parts.shift();
			let sid = parts.shift();

			// check selection syntax

			const arraySyntax = ( sid.indexOf( '(' ) !== - 1 );
			const memberSyntax = ( sid.indexOf( '.' ) !== - 1 );

			if ( memberSyntax ) {

				//  member selection access

				parts = sid.split( '.' );
				sid = parts.shift();
				data.member = parts.shift();

			} else if ( arraySyntax ) {

				// array-access syntax. can be used to express fields in one-dimensional vectors or two-dimensional matrices.

				const indices = sid.split( '(' );
				sid = indices.shift();

				for ( let i = 0; i < indices.length; i ++ ) {

					indices[ i ] = parseInt( indices[ i ].replace( /\)/, '' ) );


				data.indices = indices;

			} = id;
			data.sid = sid;

			data.arraySyntax = arraySyntax;
			data.memberSyntax = memberSyntax;

			data.sampler = parseId( xml.getAttribute( 'source' ) );

			return data;


		function buildAnimation( data ) {

			const tracks = [];

			const channels = data.channels;
			const samplers = data.samplers;
			const sources = data.sources;

			for ( const target in channels ) {

				if ( channels.hasOwnProperty( target ) ) {

					const channel = channels[ target ];
					const sampler = samplers[ channel.sampler ];

					const inputId = sampler.inputs.INPUT;
					const outputId = sampler.inputs.OUTPUT;

					const inputSource = sources[ inputId ];
					const outputSource = sources[ outputId ];

					const animation = buildAnimationChannel( channel, inputSource, outputSource );

					createKeyframeTracks( animation, tracks );



			return tracks;


		function getAnimation( id ) {

			return getBuild( library.animations[ id ], buildAnimation );


		function buildAnimationChannel( channel, inputSource, outputSource ) {

			const node = library.nodes[ ];
			const object3D = getNode( );

			const transform = node.transforms[ channel.sid ];
			const defaultMatrix = node.matrix.clone().transpose();

			let time, stride;
			let i, il, j, jl;

			const data = {};

			// the collada spec allows the animation of data in various ways.
			// depending on the transform type (matrix, translate, rotate, scale), we execute different logic

			switch ( transform ) {

				case 'matrix':

					for ( i = 0, il = inputSource.array.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

						time = inputSource.array[ i ];
						stride = i * outputSource.stride;

						if ( data[ time ] === undefined ) data[ time ] = {};

						if ( channel.arraySyntax === true ) {

							const value = outputSource.array[ stride ];
							const index = channel.indices[ 0 ] + 4 * channel.indices[ 1 ];

							data[ time ][ index ] = value;

						} else {

							for ( j = 0, jl = outputSource.stride; j < jl; j ++ ) {

								data[ time ][ j ] = outputSource.array[ stride + j ];





				case 'translate':
					console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Animation transform type "%s" not yet implemented.', transform );

				case 'rotate':
					console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Animation transform type "%s" not yet implemented.', transform );

				case 'scale':
					console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Animation transform type "%s" not yet implemented.', transform );


			const keyframes = prepareAnimationData( data, defaultMatrix );

			const animation = {
				name: object3D.uuid,
				keyframes: keyframes

			return animation;


		function prepareAnimationData( data, defaultMatrix ) {

			const keyframes = [];

			// transfer data into a sortable array

			for ( const time in data ) {

				keyframes.push( { time: parseFloat( time ), value: data[ time ] } );


			// ensure keyframes are sorted by time

			keyframes.sort( ascending );

			// now we clean up all animation data, so we can use them for keyframe tracks

			for ( let i = 0; i < 16; i ++ ) {

				transformAnimationData( keyframes, i, defaultMatrix.elements[ i ] );


			return keyframes;

			// array sort function

			function ascending( a, b ) {

				return a.time - b.time;



		const position = new Vector3();
		const scale = new Vector3();
		const quaternion = new Quaternion();

		function createKeyframeTracks( animation, tracks ) {

			const keyframes = animation.keyframes;
			const name =;

			const times = [];
			const positionData = [];
			const quaternionData = [];
			const scaleData = [];

			for ( let i = 0, l = keyframes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const keyframe = keyframes[ i ];

				const time = keyframe.time;
				const value = keyframe.value;

				matrix.fromArray( value ).transpose();
				matrix.decompose( position, quaternion, scale );

				times.push( time );
				positionData.push( position.x, position.y, position.z );
				quaternionData.push( quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w );
				scaleData.push( scale.x, scale.y, scale.z );


			if ( positionData.length > 0 ) tracks.push( new VectorKeyframeTrack( name + '.position', times, positionData ) );
			if ( quaternionData.length > 0 ) tracks.push( new QuaternionKeyframeTrack( name + '.quaternion', times, quaternionData ) );
			if ( scaleData.length > 0 ) tracks.push( new VectorKeyframeTrack( name + '.scale', times, scaleData ) );

			return tracks;


		function transformAnimationData( keyframes, property, defaultValue ) {

			let keyframe;

			let empty = true;
			let i, l;

			// check, if values of a property are missing in our keyframes

			for ( i = 0, l = keyframes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				keyframe = keyframes[ i ];

				if ( keyframe.value[ property ] === undefined ) {

					keyframe.value[ property ] = null; // mark as missing

				} else {

					empty = false;



			if ( empty === true ) {

				// no values at all, so we set a default value

				for ( i = 0, l = keyframes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					keyframe = keyframes[ i ];

					keyframe.value[ property ] = defaultValue;


			} else {

				// filling gaps

				createMissingKeyframes( keyframes, property );



		function createMissingKeyframes( keyframes, property ) {

			let prev, next;

			for ( let i = 0, l = keyframes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const keyframe = keyframes[ i ];

				if ( keyframe.value[ property ] === null ) {

					prev = getPrev( keyframes, i, property );
					next = getNext( keyframes, i, property );

					if ( prev === null ) {

						keyframe.value[ property ] = next.value[ property ];


					if ( next === null ) {

						keyframe.value[ property ] = prev.value[ property ];


					interpolate( keyframe, prev, next, property );




		function getPrev( keyframes, i, property ) {

			while ( i >= 0 ) {

				const keyframe = keyframes[ i ];

				if ( keyframe.value[ property ] !== null ) return keyframe;

				i --;


			return null;


		function getNext( keyframes, i, property ) {

			while ( i < keyframes.length ) {

				const keyframe = keyframes[ i ];

				if ( keyframe.value[ property ] !== null ) return keyframe;

				i ++;


			return null;


		function interpolate( key, prev, next, property ) {

			if ( ( next.time - prev.time ) === 0 ) {

				key.value[ property ] = prev.value[ property ];


			key.value[ property ] = ( ( key.time - prev.time ) * ( next.value[ property ] - prev.value[ property ] ) / ( next.time - prev.time ) ) + prev.value[ property ];


		// animation clips

		function parseAnimationClip( xml ) {

			const data = {
				name: xml.getAttribute( 'id' ) || 'default',
				start: parseFloat( xml.getAttribute( 'start' ) || 0 ),
				end: parseFloat( xml.getAttribute( 'end' ) || 0 ),
				animations: []

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'instance_animation':
						data.animations.push( parseId( child.getAttribute( 'url' ) ) );



			library.clips[ xml.getAttribute( 'id' ) ] = data;


		function buildAnimationClip( data ) {

			const tracks = [];

			const name =;
			const duration = ( data.end - data.start ) || - 1;
			const animations = data.animations;

			for ( let i = 0, il = animations.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				const animationTracks = getAnimation( animations[ i ] );

				for ( let j = 0, jl = animationTracks.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

					tracks.push( animationTracks[ j ] );



			return new AnimationClip( name, duration, tracks );


		function getAnimationClip( id ) {

			return getBuild( library.clips[ id ], buildAnimationClip );


		// controller

		function parseController( xml ) {

			const data = {};

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'skin':
						// there is exactly one skin per controller = parseId( child.getAttribute( 'source' ) ); = parseSkin( child );

					case 'morph': = parseId( child.getAttribute( 'source' ) );
						console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Morph target animation not supported yet.' );



			library.controllers[ xml.getAttribute( 'id' ) ] = data;


		function parseSkin( xml ) {

			const data = {
				sources: {}

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'bind_shape_matrix':
						data.bindShapeMatrix = parseFloats( child.textContent );

					case 'source':
						const id = child.getAttribute( 'id' );
						data.sources[ id ] = parseSource( child );

					case 'joints':
						data.joints = parseJoints( child );

					case 'vertex_weights':
						data.vertexWeights = parseVertexWeights( child );



			return data;


		function parseJoints( xml ) {

			const data = {
				inputs: {}

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'input':
						const semantic = child.getAttribute( 'semantic' );
						const id = parseId( child.getAttribute( 'source' ) );
						data.inputs[ semantic ] = id;



			return data;


		function parseVertexWeights( xml ) {

			const data = {
				inputs: {}

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'input':
						const semantic = child.getAttribute( 'semantic' );
						const id = parseId( child.getAttribute( 'source' ) );
						const offset = parseInt( child.getAttribute( 'offset' ) );
						data.inputs[ semantic ] = { id: id, offset: offset };

					case 'vcount':
						data.vcount = parseInts( child.textContent );

					case 'v':
						data.v = parseInts( child.textContent );



			return data;


		function buildController( data ) {

			const build = {

			const geometry = library.geometries[ ];

			if ( !== undefined ) { = buildSkin( );

				// we enhance the 'sources' property of the corresponding geometry with our skin data

				geometry.sources.skinIndices =;
				geometry.sources.skinWeights =;


			return build;


		function buildSkin( data ) {

			const BONE_LIMIT = 4;

			const build = {
				joints: [], // this must be an array to preserve the joint order
				indices: {
					array: [],
					stride: BONE_LIMIT
				weights: {
					array: [],
					stride: BONE_LIMIT

			const sources = data.sources;
			const vertexWeights = data.vertexWeights;

			const vcount = vertexWeights.vcount;
			const v = vertexWeights.v;
			const jointOffset = vertexWeights.inputs.JOINT.offset;
			const weightOffset = vertexWeights.inputs.WEIGHT.offset;

			const jointSource = data.sources[ data.joints.inputs.JOINT ];
			const inverseSource = data.sources[ data.joints.inputs.INV_BIND_MATRIX ];

			const weights = sources[ ].array;
			let stride = 0;

			let i, j, l;

			// procces skin data for each vertex

			for ( i = 0, l = vcount.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const jointCount = vcount[ i ]; // this is the amount of joints that affect a single vertex
				const vertexSkinData = [];

				for ( j = 0; j < jointCount; j ++ ) {

					const skinIndex = v[ stride + jointOffset ];
					const weightId = v[ stride + weightOffset ];
					const skinWeight = weights[ weightId ];

					vertexSkinData.push( { index: skinIndex, weight: skinWeight } );

					stride += 2;


				// we sort the joints in descending order based on the weights.
				// this ensures, we only procced the most important joints of the vertex

				vertexSkinData.sort( descending );

				// now we provide for each vertex a set of four index and weight values.
				// the order of the skin data matches the order of vertices

				for ( j = 0; j < BONE_LIMIT; j ++ ) {

					const d = vertexSkinData[ j ];

					if ( d !== undefined ) {

						build.indices.array.push( d.index );
						build.weights.array.push( d.weight );

					} else {

						build.indices.array.push( 0 );
						build.weights.array.push( 0 );




			// setup bind matrix

			if ( data.bindShapeMatrix ) {

				build.bindMatrix = new Matrix4().fromArray( data.bindShapeMatrix ).transpose();

			} else {

				build.bindMatrix = new Matrix4().identity();


			// process bones and inverse bind matrix data

			for ( i = 0, l = jointSource.array.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const name = jointSource.array[ i ];
				const boneInverse = new Matrix4().fromArray( inverseSource.array, i * inverseSource.stride ).transpose();

				build.joints.push( { name: name, boneInverse: boneInverse } );


			return build;

			// array sort function

			function descending( a, b ) {

				return b.weight - a.weight;



		function getController( id ) {

			return getBuild( library.controllers[ id ], buildController );


		// image

		function parseImage( xml ) {

			const data = {
				init_from: getElementsByTagName( xml, 'init_from' )[ 0 ].textContent

			library.images[ xml.getAttribute( 'id' ) ] = data;


		function buildImage( data ) {

			if ( !== undefined ) return;

			return data.init_from;


		function getImage( id ) {

			const data = library.images[ id ];

			if ( data !== undefined ) {

				return getBuild( data, buildImage );


			console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Couldn\'t find image with ID:', id );

			return null;


		// effect

		function parseEffect( xml ) {

			const data = {};

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'profile_COMMON':
						data.profile = parseEffectProfileCOMMON( child );



			library.effects[ xml.getAttribute( 'id' ) ] = data;


		function parseEffectProfileCOMMON( xml ) {

			const data = {
				surfaces: {},
				samplers: {}

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'newparam':
						parseEffectNewparam( child, data );

					case 'technique':
						data.technique = parseEffectTechnique( child );

					case 'extra':
						data.extra = parseEffectExtra( child );



			return data;


		function parseEffectNewparam( xml, data ) {

			const sid = xml.getAttribute( 'sid' );

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'surface':
						data.surfaces[ sid ] = parseEffectSurface( child );

					case 'sampler2D':
						data.samplers[ sid ] = parseEffectSampler( child );




		function parseEffectSurface( xml ) {

			const data = {};

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'init_from':
						data.init_from = child.textContent;



			return data;


		function parseEffectSampler( xml ) {

			const data = {};

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'source':
						data.source = child.textContent;



			return data;


		function parseEffectTechnique( xml ) {

			const data = {};

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'constant':
					case 'lambert':
					case 'blinn':
					case 'phong':
						data.type = child.nodeName;
						data.parameters = parseEffectParameters( child );

					case 'extra':
						data.extra = parseEffectExtra( child );



			return data;


		function parseEffectParameters( xml ) {

			const data = {};

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'emission':
					case 'diffuse':
					case 'specular':
					case 'bump':
					case 'ambient':
					case 'shininess':
					case 'transparency':
						data[ child.nodeName ] = parseEffectParameter( child );
					case 'transparent':
						data[ child.nodeName ] = {
							opaque: child.hasAttribute( 'opaque' ) ? child.getAttribute( 'opaque' ) : 'A_ONE',
							data: parseEffectParameter( child )



			return data;


		function parseEffectParameter( xml ) {

			const data = {};

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'color':
						data[ child.nodeName ] = parseFloats( child.textContent );

					case 'float':
						data[ child.nodeName ] = parseFloat( child.textContent );

					case 'texture':
						data[ child.nodeName ] = { id: child.getAttribute( 'texture' ), extra: parseEffectParameterTexture( child ) };



			return data;


		function parseEffectParameterTexture( xml ) {

			const data = {
				technique: {}

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'extra':
						parseEffectParameterTextureExtra( child, data );



			return data;


		function parseEffectParameterTextureExtra( xml, data ) {

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'technique':
						parseEffectParameterTextureExtraTechnique( child, data );




		function parseEffectParameterTextureExtraTechnique( xml, data ) {

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'repeatU':
					case 'repeatV':
					case 'offsetU':
					case 'offsetV':
						data.technique[ child.nodeName ] = parseFloat( child.textContent );

					case 'wrapU':
					case 'wrapV':

						// some files have values for wrapU/wrapV which become NaN via parseInt

						if ( child.textContent.toUpperCase() === 'TRUE' ) {

							data.technique[ child.nodeName ] = 1;

						} else if ( child.textContent.toUpperCase() === 'FALSE' ) {

							data.technique[ child.nodeName ] = 0;

						} else {

							data.technique[ child.nodeName ] = parseInt( child.textContent );



					case 'bump':
						data[ child.nodeName ] = parseEffectExtraTechniqueBump( child );




		function parseEffectExtra( xml ) {

			const data = {};

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'technique':
						data.technique = parseEffectExtraTechnique( child );



			return data;


		function parseEffectExtraTechnique( xml ) {

			const data = {};

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'double_sided':
						data[ child.nodeName ] = parseInt( child.textContent );

					case 'bump':
						data[ child.nodeName ] = parseEffectExtraTechniqueBump( child );



			return data;


		function parseEffectExtraTechniqueBump( xml ) {

			const data = {};

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'texture':
						data[ child.nodeName ] = { id: child.getAttribute( 'texture' ), texcoord: child.getAttribute( 'texcoord' ), extra: parseEffectParameterTexture( child ) };



			return data;


		function buildEffect( data ) {

			return data;


		function getEffect( id ) {

			return getBuild( library.effects[ id ], buildEffect );


		// material

		function parseMaterial( xml ) {

			const data = {
				name: xml.getAttribute( 'name' )

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'instance_effect':
						data.url = parseId( child.getAttribute( 'url' ) );



			library.materials[ xml.getAttribute( 'id' ) ] = data;


		function getTextureLoader( image ) {

			let loader;

			let extension = image.slice( ( image.lastIndexOf( '.' ) - 1 >>> 0 ) + 2 ); //
			extension = extension.toLowerCase();

			switch ( extension ) {

				case 'tga':
					loader = tgaLoader;

					loader = textureLoader;


			return loader;


		function buildMaterial( data ) {

			const effect = getEffect( data.url );
			const technique = effect.profile.technique;

			let material;

			switch ( technique.type ) {

				case 'phong':
				case 'blinn':
					material = new MeshPhongMaterial();

				case 'lambert':
					material = new MeshLambertMaterial();

					material = new MeshBasicMaterial();

			} = || '';

			function getTexture( textureObject, encoding = null ) {

				const sampler = effect.profile.samplers[ ];
				let image = null;

				// get image

				if ( sampler !== undefined ) {

					const surface = effect.profile.surfaces[ sampler.source ];
					image = getImage( surface.init_from );

				} else {

					console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Undefined sampler. Access image directly (see #12530).' );
					image = getImage( );


				// create texture if image is avaiable

				if ( image !== null ) {

					const loader = getTextureLoader( image );

					if ( loader !== undefined ) {

						const texture = loader.load( image );

						const extra = textureObject.extra;

						if ( extra !== undefined && extra.technique !== undefined && isEmpty( extra.technique ) === false ) {

							const technique = extra.technique;

							texture.wrapS = technique.wrapU ? RepeatWrapping : ClampToEdgeWrapping;
							texture.wrapT = technique.wrapV ? RepeatWrapping : ClampToEdgeWrapping;

							texture.offset.set( technique.offsetU || 0, technique.offsetV || 0 );
							texture.repeat.set( technique.repeatU || 1, technique.repeatV || 1 );

						} else {

							texture.wrapS = RepeatWrapping;
							texture.wrapT = RepeatWrapping;


						if ( encoding !== null ) {

							texture.encoding = encoding;


						return texture;

					} else {

						console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Loader for texture %s not found.', image );

						return null;


				} else {

					console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Couldn\'t create texture with ID:', );

					return null;



			const parameters = technique.parameters;

			for ( const key in parameters ) {

				const parameter = parameters[ key ];

				switch ( key ) {

					case 'diffuse':
						if ( parameter.color ) material.color.fromArray( parameter.color );
						if ( parameter.texture ) = getTexture( parameter.texture, sRGBEncoding );
					case 'specular':
						if ( parameter.color && material.specular ) material.specular.fromArray( parameter.color );
						if ( parameter.texture ) material.specularMap = getTexture( parameter.texture );
					case 'bump':
						if ( parameter.texture ) material.normalMap = getTexture( parameter.texture );
					case 'ambient':
						if ( parameter.texture ) material.lightMap = getTexture( parameter.texture, sRGBEncoding );
					case 'shininess':
						if ( parameter.float && material.shininess ) material.shininess = parameter.float;
					case 'emission':
						if ( parameter.color && material.emissive ) material.emissive.fromArray( parameter.color );
						if ( parameter.texture ) material.emissiveMap = getTexture( parameter.texture, sRGBEncoding );



			if ( material.specular ) material.specular.convertSRGBToLinear();
			if ( material.emissive ) material.emissive.convertSRGBToLinear();


			let transparent = parameters[ 'transparent' ];
			let transparency = parameters[ 'transparency' ];

			// <transparency> does not exist but <transparent>

			if ( transparency === undefined && transparent ) {

				transparency = {
					float: 1


			// <transparent> does not exist but <transparency>

			if ( transparent === undefined && transparency ) {

				transparent = {
					opaque: 'A_ONE',
					data: {
						color: [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
					} };


			if ( transparent && transparency ) {

				// handle case if a texture exists but no color

				if ( ) {

					// we do not set an alpha map (see #13792)

					material.transparent = true;

				} else {

					const color =;

					switch ( transparent.opaque ) {

						case 'A_ONE':
							material.opacity = color[ 3 ] * transparency.float;
						case 'RGB_ZERO':
							material.opacity = 1 - ( color[ 0 ] * transparency.float );
						case 'A_ZERO':
							material.opacity = 1 - ( color[ 3 ] * transparency.float );
						case 'RGB_ONE':
							material.opacity = color[ 0 ] * transparency.float;
							console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Invalid opaque type "%s" of transparent tag.', transparent.opaque );


					if ( material.opacity < 1 ) material.transparent = true;




			if ( technique.extra !== undefined && technique.extra.technique !== undefined ) {

				const techniques = technique.extra.technique;

				for ( const k in techniques ) {

					const v = techniques[ k ];

					switch ( k ) {

						case 'double_sided':
							material.side = ( v === 1 ? DoubleSide : FrontSide );

						case 'bump':
							material.normalMap = getTexture( v.texture );
							material.normalScale = new Vector2( 1, 1 );




			return material;


		function getMaterial( id ) {

			return getBuild( library.materials[ id ], buildMaterial );


		// camera

		function parseCamera( xml ) {

			const data = {
				name: xml.getAttribute( 'name' )

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'optics':
						data.optics = parseCameraOptics( child );



			library.cameras[ xml.getAttribute( 'id' ) ] = data;


		function parseCameraOptics( xml ) {

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'technique_common':
						return parseCameraTechnique( child );



			return {};


		function parseCameraTechnique( xml ) {

			const data = {};

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'perspective':
					case 'orthographic':

						data.technique = child.nodeName;
						data.parameters = parseCameraParameters( child );




			return data;


		function parseCameraParameters( xml ) {

			const data = {};

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'xfov':
					case 'yfov':
					case 'xmag':
					case 'ymag':
					case 'znear':
					case 'zfar':
					case 'aspect_ratio':
						data[ child.nodeName ] = parseFloat( child.textContent );



			return data;


		function buildCamera( data ) {

			let camera;

			switch ( data.optics.technique ) {

				case 'perspective':
					camera = new PerspectiveCamera(

				case 'orthographic':
					let ymag = data.optics.parameters.ymag;
					let xmag = data.optics.parameters.xmag;
					const aspectRatio = data.optics.parameters.aspect_ratio;

					xmag = ( xmag === undefined ) ? ( ymag * aspectRatio ) : xmag;
					ymag = ( ymag === undefined ) ? ( xmag / aspectRatio ) : ymag;

					xmag *= 0.5;
					ymag *= 0.5;

					camera = new OrthographicCamera(
						- xmag, xmag, ymag, - ymag, // left, right, top, bottom

					camera = new PerspectiveCamera();

			} = || '';

			return camera;


		function getCamera( id ) {

			const data = library.cameras[ id ];

			if ( data !== undefined ) {

				return getBuild( data, buildCamera );


			console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Couldn\'t find camera with ID:', id );

			return null;


		// light

		function parseLight( xml ) {

			let data = {};

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'technique_common':
						data = parseLightTechnique( child );



			library.lights[ xml.getAttribute( 'id' ) ] = data;


		function parseLightTechnique( xml ) {

			const data = {};

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'directional':
					case 'point':
					case 'spot':
					case 'ambient':

						data.technique = child.nodeName;
						data.parameters = parseLightParameters( child );



			return data;


		function parseLightParameters( xml ) {

			const data = {};

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'color':
						const array = parseFloats( child.textContent );
						data.color = new Color().fromArray( array ).convertSRGBToLinear();

					case 'falloff_angle':
						data.falloffAngle = parseFloat( child.textContent );

					case 'quadratic_attenuation':
						const f = parseFloat( child.textContent );
						data.distance = f ? Math.sqrt( 1 / f ) : 0;



			return data;


		function buildLight( data ) {

			let light;

			switch ( data.technique ) {

				case 'directional':
					light = new DirectionalLight();

				case 'point':
					light = new PointLight();

				case 'spot':
					light = new SpotLight();

				case 'ambient':
					light = new AmbientLight();


			if ( data.parameters.color ) light.color.copy( data.parameters.color );
			if ( data.parameters.distance ) light.distance = data.parameters.distance;

			return light;


		function getLight( id ) {

			const data = library.lights[ id ];

			if ( data !== undefined ) {

				return getBuild( data, buildLight );


			console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Couldn\'t find light with ID:', id );

			return null;


		// geometry

		function parseGeometry( xml ) {

			const data = {
				name: xml.getAttribute( 'name' ),
				sources: {},
				vertices: {},
				primitives: []

			const mesh = getElementsByTagName( xml, 'mesh' )[ 0 ];

			// the following tags inside geometry are not supported yet (see convex_mesh, spline, brep
			if ( mesh === undefined ) return;

			for ( let i = 0; i < mesh.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = mesh.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				const id = child.getAttribute( 'id' );

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'source':
						data.sources[ id ] = parseSource( child );

					case 'vertices':
						// data.sources[ id ] = data.sources[ parseId( getElementsByTagName( child, 'input' )[ 0 ].getAttribute( 'source' ) ) ];
						data.vertices = parseGeometryVertices( child );

					case 'polygons':
						console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Unsupported primitive type: ', child.nodeName );

					case 'lines':
					case 'linestrips':
					case 'polylist':
					case 'triangles':
						data.primitives.push( parseGeometryPrimitive( child ) );

						console.log( child );



			library.geometries[ xml.getAttribute( 'id' ) ] = data;


		function parseSource( xml ) {

			const data = {
				array: [],
				stride: 3

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'float_array':
						data.array = parseFloats( child.textContent );

					case 'Name_array':
						data.array = parseStrings( child.textContent );

					case 'technique_common':
						const accessor = getElementsByTagName( child, 'accessor' )[ 0 ];

						if ( accessor !== undefined ) {

							data.stride = parseInt( accessor.getAttribute( 'stride' ) );





			return data;


		function parseGeometryVertices( xml ) {

			const data = {};

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				data[ child.getAttribute( 'semantic' ) ] = parseId( child.getAttribute( 'source' ) );


			return data;


		function parseGeometryPrimitive( xml ) {

			const primitive = {
				type: xml.nodeName,
				material: xml.getAttribute( 'material' ),
				count: parseInt( xml.getAttribute( 'count' ) ),
				inputs: {},
				stride: 0,
				hasUV: false

			for ( let i = 0, l = xml.childNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'input':
						const id = parseId( child.getAttribute( 'source' ) );
						const semantic = child.getAttribute( 'semantic' );
						const offset = parseInt( child.getAttribute( 'offset' ) );
						const set = parseInt( child.getAttribute( 'set' ) );
						const inputname = ( set > 0 ? semantic + set : semantic );
						primitive.inputs[ inputname ] = { id: id, offset: offset };
						primitive.stride = Math.max( primitive.stride, offset + 1 );
						if ( semantic === 'TEXCOORD' ) primitive.hasUV = true;

					case 'vcount':
						primitive.vcount = parseInts( child.textContent );

					case 'p':
						primitive.p = parseInts( child.textContent );



			return primitive;


		function groupPrimitives( primitives ) {

			const build = {};

			for ( let i = 0; i < primitives.length; i ++ ) {

				const primitive = primitives[ i ];

				if ( build[ primitive.type ] === undefined ) build[ primitive.type ] = [];

				build[ primitive.type ].push( primitive );


			return build;


		function checkUVCoordinates( primitives ) {

			let count = 0;

			for ( let i = 0, l = primitives.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const primitive = primitives[ i ];

				if ( primitive.hasUV === true ) {

					count ++;



			if ( count > 0 && count < primitives.length ) {

				primitives.uvsNeedsFix = true;



		function buildGeometry( data ) {

			const build = {};

			const sources = data.sources;
			const vertices = data.vertices;
			const primitives = data.primitives;

			if ( primitives.length === 0 ) return {};

			// our goal is to create one buffer geometry for a single type of primitives
			// first, we group all primitives by their type

			const groupedPrimitives = groupPrimitives( primitives );

			for ( const type in groupedPrimitives ) {

				const primitiveType = groupedPrimitives[ type ];

				// second, ensure consistent uv coordinates for each type of primitives (polylist,triangles or lines)

				checkUVCoordinates( primitiveType );

				// third, create a buffer geometry for each type of primitives

				build[ type ] = buildGeometryType( primitiveType, sources, vertices );


			return build;


		function buildGeometryType( primitives, sources, vertices ) {

			const build = {};

			const position = { array: [], stride: 0 };
			const normal = { array: [], stride: 0 };
			const uv = { array: [], stride: 0 };
			const uv2 = { array: [], stride: 0 };
			const color = { array: [], stride: 0 };

			const skinIndex = { array: [], stride: 4 };
			const skinWeight = { array: [], stride: 4 };

			const geometry = new BufferGeometry();

			const materialKeys = [];

			let start = 0;

			for ( let p = 0; p < primitives.length; p ++ ) {

				const primitive = primitives[ p ];
				const inputs = primitive.inputs;

				// groups

				let count = 0;

				switch ( primitive.type ) {

					case 'lines':
					case 'linestrips':
						count = primitive.count * 2;

					case 'triangles':
						count = primitive.count * 3;

					case 'polylist':

						for ( let g = 0; g < primitive.count; g ++ ) {

							const vc = primitive.vcount[ g ];

							switch ( vc ) {

								case 3:
									count += 3; // single triangle

								case 4:
									count += 6; // quad, subdivided into two triangles

									count += ( vc - 2 ) * 3; // polylist with more than four vertices




						console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Unknow primitive type:', primitive.type );


				geometry.addGroup( start, count, p );
				start += count;

				// material

				if ( primitive.material ) {

					materialKeys.push( primitive.material );


				// geometry data

				for ( const name in inputs ) {

					const input = inputs[ name ];

					switch ( name )	{

						case 'VERTEX':
							for ( const key in vertices ) {

								const id = vertices[ key ];

								switch ( key ) {

									case 'POSITION':
										const prevLength = position.array.length;
										buildGeometryData( primitive, sources[ id ], input.offset, position.array );
										position.stride = sources[ id ].stride;

										if ( sources.skinWeights && sources.skinIndices ) {

											buildGeometryData( primitive, sources.skinIndices, input.offset, skinIndex.array );
											buildGeometryData( primitive, sources.skinWeights, input.offset, skinWeight.array );


										// see #3803

										if ( primitive.hasUV === false && primitives.uvsNeedsFix === true ) {

											const count = ( position.array.length - prevLength ) / position.stride;

											for ( let i = 0; i < count; i ++ ) {

												// fill missing uv coordinates

												uv.array.push( 0, 0 );




									case 'NORMAL':
										buildGeometryData( primitive, sources[ id ], input.offset, normal.array );
										normal.stride = sources[ id ].stride;

									case 'COLOR':
										buildGeometryData( primitive, sources[ id ], input.offset, color.array );
										color.stride = sources[ id ].stride;

									case 'TEXCOORD':
										buildGeometryData( primitive, sources[ id ], input.offset, uv.array );
										uv.stride = sources[ id ].stride;

									case 'TEXCOORD1':
										buildGeometryData( primitive, sources[ id ], input.offset, uv2.array );
										uv.stride = sources[ id ].stride;

										console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Semantic "%s" not handled in geometry build process.', key );




						case 'NORMAL':
							buildGeometryData( primitive, sources[ ], input.offset, normal.array );
							normal.stride = sources[ ].stride;

						case 'COLOR':
							buildGeometryData( primitive, sources[ ], input.offset, color.array, true );
							color.stride = sources[ ].stride;

						case 'TEXCOORD':
							buildGeometryData( primitive, sources[ ], input.offset, uv.array );
							uv.stride = sources[ ].stride;

						case 'TEXCOORD1':
							buildGeometryData( primitive, sources[ ], input.offset, uv2.array );
							uv2.stride = sources[ ].stride;




			// build geometry

			if ( position.array.length > 0 ) geometry.setAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( position.array, position.stride ) );
			if ( normal.array.length > 0 ) geometry.setAttribute( 'normal', new Float32BufferAttribute( normal.array, normal.stride ) );
			if ( color.array.length > 0 ) geometry.setAttribute( 'color', new Float32BufferAttribute( color.array, color.stride ) );
			if ( uv.array.length > 0 ) geometry.setAttribute( 'uv', new Float32BufferAttribute( uv.array, uv.stride ) );
			if ( uv2.array.length > 0 ) geometry.setAttribute( 'uv2', new Float32BufferAttribute( uv2.array, uv2.stride ) );

			if ( skinIndex.array.length > 0 ) geometry.setAttribute( 'skinIndex', new Float32BufferAttribute( skinIndex.array, skinIndex.stride ) );
			if ( skinWeight.array.length > 0 ) geometry.setAttribute( 'skinWeight', new Float32BufferAttribute( skinWeight.array, skinWeight.stride ) ); = geometry;
			build.type = primitives[ 0 ].type;
			build.materialKeys = materialKeys;

			return build;


		function buildGeometryData( primitive, source, offset, array, isColor = false ) {

			const indices = primitive.p;
			const stride = primitive.stride;
			const vcount = primitive.vcount;

			function pushVector( i ) {

				let index = indices[ i + offset ] * sourceStride;
				const length = index + sourceStride;

				for ( ; index < length; index ++ ) {

					array.push( sourceArray[ index ] );


				if ( isColor ) {

					// convert the vertex colors from srgb to linear if present
					const startIndex = array.length - sourceStride - 1;
						array[ startIndex + 0 ],
						array[ startIndex + 1 ],
						array[ startIndex + 2 ]

					array[ startIndex + 0 ] = tempColor.r;
					array[ startIndex + 1 ] = tempColor.g;
					array[ startIndex + 2 ] = tempColor.b;



			const sourceArray = source.array;
			const sourceStride = source.stride;

			if ( primitive.vcount !== undefined ) {

				let index = 0;

				for ( let i = 0, l = vcount.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const count = vcount[ i ];

					if ( count === 4 ) {

						const a = index + stride * 0;
						const b = index + stride * 1;
						const c = index + stride * 2;
						const d = index + stride * 3;

						pushVector( a ); pushVector( b ); pushVector( d );
						pushVector( b ); pushVector( c ); pushVector( d );

					} else if ( count === 3 ) {

						const a = index + stride * 0;
						const b = index + stride * 1;
						const c = index + stride * 2;

						pushVector( a ); pushVector( b ); pushVector( c );

					} else if ( count > 4 ) {

						for ( let k = 1, kl = ( count - 2 ); k <= kl; k ++ ) {

							const a = index + stride * 0;
							const b = index + stride * k;
							const c = index + stride * ( k + 1 );

							pushVector( a ); pushVector( b ); pushVector( c );



					index += stride * count;


			} else {

				for ( let i = 0, l = indices.length; i < l; i += stride ) {

					pushVector( i );




		function getGeometry( id ) {

			return getBuild( library.geometries[ id ], buildGeometry );


		// kinematics

		function parseKinematicsModel( xml ) {

			const data = {
				name: xml.getAttribute( 'name' ) || '',
				joints: {},
				links: []

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'technique_common':
						parseKinematicsTechniqueCommon( child, data );



			library.kinematicsModels[ xml.getAttribute( 'id' ) ] = data;


		function buildKinematicsModel( data ) {

			if ( !== undefined ) return;

			return data;


		function getKinematicsModel( id ) {

			return getBuild( library.kinematicsModels[ id ], buildKinematicsModel );


		function parseKinematicsTechniqueCommon( xml, data ) {

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'joint':
						data.joints[ child.getAttribute( 'sid' ) ] = parseKinematicsJoint( child );

					case 'link':
						data.links.push( parseKinematicsLink( child ) );




		function parseKinematicsJoint( xml ) {

			let data;

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'prismatic':
					case 'revolute':
						data = parseKinematicsJointParameter( child );



			return data;


		function parseKinematicsJointParameter( xml ) {

			const data = {
				sid: xml.getAttribute( 'sid' ),
				name: xml.getAttribute( 'name' ) || '',
				axis: new Vector3(),
				limits: {
					min: 0,
					max: 0
				type: xml.nodeName,
				static: false,
				zeroPosition: 0,
				middlePosition: 0

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'axis':
						const array = parseFloats( child.textContent );
						data.axis.fromArray( array );
					case 'limits':
						const max = child.getElementsByTagName( 'max' )[ 0 ];
						const min = child.getElementsByTagName( 'min' )[ 0 ];

						data.limits.max = parseFloat( max.textContent );
						data.limits.min = parseFloat( min.textContent );



			// if min is equal to or greater than max, consider the joint static

			if ( data.limits.min >= data.limits.max ) {

				data.static = true;


			// calculate middle position

			data.middlePosition = ( data.limits.min + data.limits.max ) / 2.0;

			return data;


		function parseKinematicsLink( xml ) {

			const data = {
				sid: xml.getAttribute( 'sid' ),
				name: xml.getAttribute( 'name' ) || '',
				attachments: [],
				transforms: []

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'attachment_full':
						data.attachments.push( parseKinematicsAttachment( child ) );

					case 'matrix':
					case 'translate':
					case 'rotate':
						data.transforms.push( parseKinematicsTransform( child ) );



			return data;


		function parseKinematicsAttachment( xml ) {

			const data = {
				joint: xml.getAttribute( 'joint' ).split( '/' ).pop(),
				transforms: [],
				links: []

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'link':
						data.links.push( parseKinematicsLink( child ) );

					case 'matrix':
					case 'translate':
					case 'rotate':
						data.transforms.push( parseKinematicsTransform( child ) );



			return data;


		function parseKinematicsTransform( xml ) {

			const data = {
				type: xml.nodeName

			const array = parseFloats( xml.textContent );

			switch ( data.type ) {

				case 'matrix':
					data.obj = new Matrix4();
					data.obj.fromArray( array ).transpose();

				case 'translate':
					data.obj = new Vector3();
					data.obj.fromArray( array );

				case 'rotate':
					data.obj = new Vector3();
					data.obj.fromArray( array );
					data.angle = MathUtils.degToRad( array[ 3 ] );


			return data;


		// physics

		function parsePhysicsModel( xml ) {

			const data = {
				name: xml.getAttribute( 'name' ) || '',
				rigidBodies: {}

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'rigid_body':
						data.rigidBodies[ child.getAttribute( 'name' ) ] = {};
						parsePhysicsRigidBody( child, data.rigidBodies[ child.getAttribute( 'name' ) ] );



			library.physicsModels[ xml.getAttribute( 'id' ) ] = data;


		function parsePhysicsRigidBody( xml, data ) {

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'technique_common':
						parsePhysicsTechniqueCommon( child, data );




		function parsePhysicsTechniqueCommon( xml, data ) {

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'inertia':
						data.inertia = parseFloats( child.textContent );

					case 'mass':
						data.mass = parseFloats( child.textContent )[ 0 ];




		// scene

		function parseKinematicsScene( xml ) {

			const data = {
				bindJointAxis: []

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'bind_joint_axis':
						data.bindJointAxis.push( parseKinematicsBindJointAxis( child ) );



			library.kinematicsScenes[ parseId( xml.getAttribute( 'url' ) ) ] = data;


		function parseKinematicsBindJointAxis( xml ) {

			const data = {
				target: xml.getAttribute( 'target' ).split( '/' ).pop()

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'axis':
						const param = child.getElementsByTagName( 'param' )[ 0 ];
						data.axis = param.textContent;
						const tmpJointIndex = data.axis.split( 'inst_' ).pop().split( 'axis' )[ 0 ];
						data.jointIndex = tmpJointIndex.substr( 0, tmpJointIndex.length - 1 );



			return data;


		function buildKinematicsScene( data ) {

			if ( !== undefined ) return;

			return data;


		function getKinematicsScene( id ) {

			return getBuild( library.kinematicsScenes[ id ], buildKinematicsScene );


		function setupKinematics() {

			const kinematicsModelId = Object.keys( library.kinematicsModels )[ 0 ];
			const kinematicsSceneId = Object.keys( library.kinematicsScenes )[ 0 ];
			const visualSceneId = Object.keys( library.visualScenes )[ 0 ];

			if ( kinematicsModelId === undefined || kinematicsSceneId === undefined ) return;

			const kinematicsModel = getKinematicsModel( kinematicsModelId );
			const kinematicsScene = getKinematicsScene( kinematicsSceneId );
			const visualScene = getVisualScene( visualSceneId );

			const bindJointAxis = kinematicsScene.bindJointAxis;
			const jointMap = {};

			for ( let i = 0, l = bindJointAxis.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const axis = bindJointAxis[ i ];

				// the result of the following query is an element of type 'translate', 'rotate','scale' or 'matrix'

				const targetElement = collada.querySelector( '[sid="' + + '"]' );

				if ( targetElement ) {

					// get the parent of the transform element

					const parentVisualElement = targetElement.parentElement;

					// connect the joint of the kinematics model with the element in the visual scene

					connect( axis.jointIndex, parentVisualElement );



			function connect( jointIndex, visualElement ) {

				const visualElementName = visualElement.getAttribute( 'name' );
				const joint = kinematicsModel.joints[ jointIndex ];

				visualScene.traverse( function ( object ) {

					if ( === visualElementName ) {

						jointMap[ jointIndex ] = {
							object: object,
							transforms: buildTransformList( visualElement ),
							joint: joint,
							position: joint.zeroPosition


				} );


			const m0 = new Matrix4();

			kinematics = {

				joints: kinematicsModel && kinematicsModel.joints,

				getJointValue: function ( jointIndex ) {

					const jointData = jointMap[ jointIndex ];

					if ( jointData ) {

						return jointData.position;

					} else {

						console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Joint ' + jointIndex + ' doesn\'t exist.' );



				setJointValue: function ( jointIndex, value ) {

					const jointData = jointMap[ jointIndex ];

					if ( jointData ) {

						const joint = jointData.joint;

						if ( value > joint.limits.max || value < joint.limits.min ) {

							console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Joint ' + jointIndex + ' value ' + value + ' outside of limits (min: ' + joint.limits.min + ', max: ' + joint.limits.max + ').' );

						} else if ( joint.static ) {

							console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Joint ' + jointIndex + ' is static.' );

						} else {

							const object = jointData.object;
							const axis = joint.axis;
							const transforms = jointData.transforms;


							// each update, we have to apply all transforms in the correct order

							for ( let i = 0; i < transforms.length; i ++ ) {

								const transform = transforms[ i ];

								// if there is a connection of the transform node with a joint, apply the joint value

								if ( transform.sid && transform.sid.indexOf( jointIndex ) !== - 1 ) {

									switch ( joint.type ) {

										case 'revolute':
											matrix.multiply( m0.makeRotationAxis( axis, MathUtils.degToRad( value ) ) );

										case 'prismatic':
											matrix.multiply( m0.makeTranslation( axis.x * value, axis.y * value, axis.z * value ) );

											console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Unknown joint type: ' + joint.type );


								} else {

									switch ( transform.type ) {

										case 'matrix':
											matrix.multiply( transform.obj );

										case 'translate':
											matrix.multiply( m0.makeTranslation( transform.obj.x, transform.obj.y, transform.obj.z ) );

										case 'scale':
											matrix.scale( transform.obj );

										case 'rotate':
											matrix.multiply( m0.makeRotationAxis( transform.obj, transform.angle ) );




							object.matrix.copy( matrix );
							object.matrix.decompose( object.position, object.quaternion, object.scale );

							jointMap[ jointIndex ].position = value;


					} else {

						console.log( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: ' + jointIndex + ' does not exist.' );





		function buildTransformList( node ) {

			const transforms = [];

			const xml = collada.querySelector( '[id="' + + '"]' );

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				let array, vector;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'matrix':
						array = parseFloats( child.textContent );
						const matrix = new Matrix4().fromArray( array ).transpose();
						transforms.push( {
							sid: child.getAttribute( 'sid' ),
							type: child.nodeName,
							obj: matrix
						} );

					case 'translate':
					case 'scale':
						array = parseFloats( child.textContent );
						vector = new Vector3().fromArray( array );
						transforms.push( {
							sid: child.getAttribute( 'sid' ),
							type: child.nodeName,
							obj: vector
						} );

					case 'rotate':
						array = parseFloats( child.textContent );
						vector = new Vector3().fromArray( array );
						const angle = MathUtils.degToRad( array[ 3 ] );
						transforms.push( {
							sid: child.getAttribute( 'sid' ),
							type: child.nodeName,
							obj: vector,
							angle: angle
						} );



			return transforms;


		// nodes

		function prepareNodes( xml ) {

			const elements = xml.getElementsByTagName( 'node' );

			// ensure all node elements have id attributes

			for ( let i = 0; i < elements.length; i ++ ) {

				const element = elements[ i ];

				if ( element.hasAttribute( 'id' ) === false ) {

					element.setAttribute( 'id', generateId() );




		const matrix = new Matrix4();
		const vector = new Vector3();

		function parseNode( xml ) {

			const data = {
				name: xml.getAttribute( 'name' ) || '',
				type: xml.getAttribute( 'type' ),
				id: xml.getAttribute( 'id' ),
				sid: xml.getAttribute( 'sid' ),
				matrix: new Matrix4(),
				nodes: [],
				instanceCameras: [],
				instanceControllers: [],
				instanceLights: [],
				instanceGeometries: [],
				instanceNodes: [],
				transforms: {}

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				if ( child.nodeType !== 1 ) continue;

				let array;

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'node':
						data.nodes.push( child.getAttribute( 'id' ) );
						parseNode( child );

					case 'instance_camera':
						data.instanceCameras.push( parseId( child.getAttribute( 'url' ) ) );

					case 'instance_controller':
						data.instanceControllers.push( parseNodeInstance( child ) );

					case 'instance_light':
						data.instanceLights.push( parseId( child.getAttribute( 'url' ) ) );

					case 'instance_geometry':
						data.instanceGeometries.push( parseNodeInstance( child ) );

					case 'instance_node':
						data.instanceNodes.push( parseId( child.getAttribute( 'url' ) ) );

					case 'matrix':
						array = parseFloats( child.textContent );
						data.matrix.multiply( matrix.fromArray( array ).transpose() );
						data.transforms[ child.getAttribute( 'sid' ) ] = child.nodeName;

					case 'translate':
						array = parseFloats( child.textContent );
						vector.fromArray( array );
						data.matrix.multiply( matrix.makeTranslation( vector.x, vector.y, vector.z ) );
						data.transforms[ child.getAttribute( 'sid' ) ] = child.nodeName;

					case 'rotate':
						array = parseFloats( child.textContent );
						const angle = MathUtils.degToRad( array[ 3 ] );
						data.matrix.multiply( matrix.makeRotationAxis( vector.fromArray( array ), angle ) );
						data.transforms[ child.getAttribute( 'sid' ) ] = child.nodeName;

					case 'scale':
						array = parseFloats( child.textContent );
						data.matrix.scale( vector.fromArray( array ) );
						data.transforms[ child.getAttribute( 'sid' ) ] = child.nodeName;

					case 'extra':

						console.log( child );



			if ( hasNode( ) ) {

				console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: There is already a node with ID %s. Exclude current node from further processing.', );

			} else {

				library.nodes[ ] = data;


			return data;


		function parseNodeInstance( xml ) {

			const data = {
				id: parseId( xml.getAttribute( 'url' ) ),
				materials: {},
				skeletons: []

			for ( let i = 0; i < xml.childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = xml.childNodes[ i ];

				switch ( child.nodeName ) {

					case 'bind_material':
						const instances = child.getElementsByTagName( 'instance_material' );

						for ( let j = 0; j < instances.length; j ++ ) {

							const instance = instances[ j ];
							const symbol = instance.getAttribute( 'symbol' );
							const target = instance.getAttribute( 'target' );

							data.materials[ symbol ] = parseId( target );



					case 'skeleton':
						data.skeletons.push( parseId( child.textContent ) );




			return data;


		function buildSkeleton( skeletons, joints ) {

			const boneData = [];
			const sortedBoneData = [];

			let i, j, data;

			// a skeleton can have multiple root bones. collada expresses this
			// situtation with multiple "skeleton" tags per controller instance

			for ( i = 0; i < skeletons.length; i ++ ) {

				const skeleton = skeletons[ i ];

				let root;

				if ( hasNode( skeleton ) ) {

					root = getNode( skeleton );
					buildBoneHierarchy( root, joints, boneData );

				} else if ( hasVisualScene( skeleton ) ) {

					// handle case where the skeleton refers to the visual scene (#13335)

					const visualScene = library.visualScenes[ skeleton ];
					const children = visualScene.children;

					for ( let j = 0; j < children.length; j ++ ) {

						const child = children[ j ];

						if ( child.type === 'JOINT' ) {

							const root = getNode( );
							buildBoneHierarchy( root, joints, boneData );



				} else {

					console.error( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Unable to find root bone of skeleton with ID:', skeleton );



			// sort bone data (the order is defined in the corresponding controller)

			for ( i = 0; i < joints.length; i ++ ) {

				for ( j = 0; j < boneData.length; j ++ ) {

					data = boneData[ j ];

					if ( === joints[ i ].name ) {

						sortedBoneData[ i ] = data;
						data.processed = true;




			// add unprocessed bone data at the end of the list

			for ( i = 0; i < boneData.length; i ++ ) {

				data = boneData[ i ];

				if ( data.processed === false ) {

					sortedBoneData.push( data );
					data.processed = true;



			// setup arrays for skeleton creation

			const bones = [];
			const boneInverses = [];

			for ( i = 0; i < sortedBoneData.length; i ++ ) {

				data = sortedBoneData[ i ];

				bones.push( data.bone );
				boneInverses.push( data.boneInverse );


			return new Skeleton( bones, boneInverses );


		function buildBoneHierarchy( root, joints, boneData ) {

			// setup bone data from visual scene

			root.traverse( function ( object ) {

				if ( object.isBone === true ) {

					let boneInverse;

					// retrieve the boneInverse from the controller data

					for ( let i = 0; i < joints.length; i ++ ) {

						const joint = joints[ i ];

						if ( === ) {

							boneInverse = joint.boneInverse;



					if ( boneInverse === undefined ) {

						// Unfortunately, there can be joints in the visual scene that are not part of the
						// corresponding controller. In this case, we have to create a dummy boneInverse matrix
						// for the respective bone. This bone won't affect any vertices, because there are no skin indices
						// and weights defined for it. But we still have to add the bone to the sorted bone list in order to
						// ensure a correct animation of the model.

						boneInverse = new Matrix4();


					boneData.push( { bone: object, boneInverse: boneInverse, processed: false } );


			} );


		function buildNode( data ) {

			const objects = [];

			const matrix = data.matrix;
			const nodes = data.nodes;
			const type = data.type;
			const instanceCameras = data.instanceCameras;
			const instanceControllers = data.instanceControllers;
			const instanceLights = data.instanceLights;
			const instanceGeometries = data.instanceGeometries;
			const instanceNodes = data.instanceNodes;

			// nodes

			for ( let i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				objects.push( getNode( nodes[ i ] ) );


			// instance cameras

			for ( let i = 0, l = instanceCameras.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const instanceCamera = getCamera( instanceCameras[ i ] );

				if ( instanceCamera !== null ) {

					objects.push( instanceCamera.clone() );



			// instance controllers

			for ( let i = 0, l = instanceControllers.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const instance = instanceControllers[ i ];
				const controller = getController( );
				const geometries = getGeometry( );
				const newObjects = buildObjects( geometries, instance.materials );

				const skeletons = instance.skeletons;
				const joints =;

				const skeleton = buildSkeleton( skeletons, joints );

				for ( let j = 0, jl = newObjects.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

					const object = newObjects[ j ];

					if ( object.isSkinnedMesh ) {

						object.bind( skeleton, );


					objects.push( object );



			// instance lights

			for ( let i = 0, l = instanceLights.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const instanceLight = getLight( instanceLights[ i ] );

				if ( instanceLight !== null ) {

					objects.push( instanceLight.clone() );



			// instance geometries

			for ( let i = 0, l = instanceGeometries.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const instance = instanceGeometries[ i ];

				// a single geometry instance in collada can lead to multiple object3Ds.
				// this is the case when primitives are combined like triangles and lines

				const geometries = getGeometry( );
				const newObjects = buildObjects( geometries, instance.materials );

				for ( let j = 0, jl = newObjects.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

					objects.push( newObjects[ j ] );



			// instance nodes

			for ( let i = 0, l = instanceNodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				objects.push( getNode( instanceNodes[ i ] ).clone() );


			let object;

			if ( nodes.length === 0 && objects.length === 1 ) {

				object = objects[ 0 ];

			} else {

				object = ( type === 'JOINT' ) ? new Bone() : new Group();

				for ( let i = 0; i < objects.length; i ++ ) {

					object.add( objects[ i ] );


			} = ( type === 'JOINT' ) ? data.sid :;
			object.matrix.copy( matrix );
			object.matrix.decompose( object.position, object.quaternion, object.scale );

			return object;


		const fallbackMaterial = new MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xff00ff } );

		function resolveMaterialBinding( keys, instanceMaterials ) {

			const materials = [];

			for ( let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

				const id = instanceMaterials[ keys[ i ] ];

				if ( id === undefined ) {

					console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Material with key %s not found. Apply fallback material.', keys[ i ] );
					materials.push( fallbackMaterial );

				} else {

					materials.push( getMaterial( id ) );



			return materials;


		function buildObjects( geometries, instanceMaterials ) {

			const objects = [];

			for ( const type in geometries ) {

				const geometry = geometries[ type ];

				const materials = resolveMaterialBinding( geometry.materialKeys, instanceMaterials );

				// handle case if no materials are defined

				if ( materials.length === 0 ) {

					if ( type === 'lines' || type === 'linestrips' ) {

						materials.push( new LineBasicMaterial() );

					} else {

						materials.push( new MeshPhongMaterial() );



				// regard skinning

				const skinning = ( !== undefined );

				// choose between a single or multi materials (material array)

				const material = ( materials.length === 1 ) ? materials[ 0 ] : materials;

				// now create a specific 3D object

				let object;

				switch ( type ) {

					case 'lines':
						object = new LineSegments(, material );

					case 'linestrips':
						object = new Line(, material );

					case 'triangles':
					case 'polylist':
						if ( skinning ) {

							object = new SkinnedMesh(, material );

						} else {

							object = new Mesh(, material );




				objects.push( object );


			return objects;


		function hasNode( id ) {

			return library.nodes[ id ] !== undefined;


		function getNode( id ) {

			return getBuild( library.nodes[ id ], buildNode );


		// visual scenes

		function parseVisualScene( xml ) {

			const data = {
				name: xml.getAttribute( 'name' ),
				children: []

			prepareNodes( xml );

			const elements = getElementsByTagName( xml, 'node' );

			for ( let i = 0; i < elements.length; i ++ ) {

				data.children.push( parseNode( elements[ i ] ) );


			library.visualScenes[ xml.getAttribute( 'id' ) ] = data;


		function buildVisualScene( data ) {

			const group = new Group(); =;

			const children = data.children;

			for ( let i = 0; i < children.length; i ++ ) {

				const child = children[ i ];

				group.add( getNode( ) );


			return group;


		function hasVisualScene( id ) {

			return library.visualScenes[ id ] !== undefined;


		function getVisualScene( id ) {

			return getBuild( library.visualScenes[ id ], buildVisualScene );


		// scenes

		function parseScene( xml ) {

			const instance = getElementsByTagName( xml, 'instance_visual_scene' )[ 0 ];
			return getVisualScene( parseId( instance.getAttribute( 'url' ) ) );


		function setupAnimations() {

			const clips = library.clips;

			if ( isEmpty( clips ) === true ) {

				if ( isEmpty( library.animations ) === false ) {

					// if there are animations but no clips, we create a default clip for playback

					const tracks = [];

					for ( const id in library.animations ) {

						const animationTracks = getAnimation( id );

						for ( let i = 0, l = animationTracks.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

							tracks.push( animationTracks[ i ] );



					animations.push( new AnimationClip( 'default', - 1, tracks ) );


			} else {

				for ( const id in clips ) {

					animations.push( getAnimationClip( id ) );




		// convert the parser error element into text with each child elements text
		// separated by new lines.

		function parserErrorToText( parserError ) {

			let result = '';
			const stack = [ parserError ];

			while ( stack.length ) {

				const node = stack.shift();

				if ( node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) {

					result += node.textContent;

				} else {

					result += '\n';
					stack.push.apply( stack, node.childNodes );



			return result.trim();


		if ( text.length === 0 ) {

			return { scene: new Scene() };


		const xml = new DOMParser().parseFromString( text, 'application/xml' );

		const collada = getElementsByTagName( xml, 'COLLADA' )[ 0 ];

		const parserError = xml.getElementsByTagName( 'parsererror' )[ 0 ];
		if ( parserError !== undefined ) {

			// Chrome will return parser error with a div in it

			const errorElement = getElementsByTagName( parserError, 'div' )[ 0 ];
			let errorText;

			if ( errorElement ) {

				errorText = errorElement.textContent;

			} else {

				errorText = parserErrorToText( parserError );


			console.error( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Failed to parse collada file.\n', errorText );

			return null;


		// metadata

		const version = collada.getAttribute( 'version' );
		console.log( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: File version', version );

		const asset = parseAsset( getElementsByTagName( collada, 'asset' )[ 0 ] );
		const textureLoader = new TextureLoader( this.manager );
		textureLoader.setPath( this.resourcePath || path ).setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );

		let tgaLoader;

		if ( TGALoader ) {

			tgaLoader = new TGALoader( this.manager );
			tgaLoader.setPath( this.resourcePath || path );



		const tempColor = new Color();
		const animations = [];
		let kinematics = {};
		let count = 0;


		const library = {
			animations: {},
			clips: {},
			controllers: {},
			images: {},
			effects: {},
			materials: {},
			cameras: {},
			lights: {},
			geometries: {},
			nodes: {},
			visualScenes: {},
			kinematicsModels: {},
			physicsModels: {},
			kinematicsScenes: {}

		parseLibrary( collada, 'library_animations', 'animation', parseAnimation );
		parseLibrary( collada, 'library_animation_clips', 'animation_clip', parseAnimationClip );
		parseLibrary( collada, 'library_controllers', 'controller', parseController );
		parseLibrary( collada, 'library_images', 'image', parseImage );
		parseLibrary( collada, 'library_effects', 'effect', parseEffect );
		parseLibrary( collada, 'library_materials', 'material', parseMaterial );
		parseLibrary( collada, 'library_cameras', 'camera', parseCamera );
		parseLibrary( collada, 'library_lights', 'light', parseLight );
		parseLibrary( collada, 'library_geometries', 'geometry', parseGeometry );
		parseLibrary( collada, 'library_nodes', 'node', parseNode );
		parseLibrary( collada, 'library_visual_scenes', 'visual_scene', parseVisualScene );
		parseLibrary( collada, 'library_kinematics_models', 'kinematics_model', parseKinematicsModel );
		parseLibrary( collada, 'library_physics_models', 'physics_model', parsePhysicsModel );
		parseLibrary( collada, 'scene', 'instance_kinematics_scene', parseKinematicsScene );

		buildLibrary( library.animations, buildAnimation );
		buildLibrary( library.clips, buildAnimationClip );
		buildLibrary( library.controllers, buildController );
		buildLibrary( library.images, buildImage );
		buildLibrary( library.effects, buildEffect );
		buildLibrary( library.materials, buildMaterial );
		buildLibrary( library.cameras, buildCamera );
		buildLibrary( library.lights, buildLight );
		buildLibrary( library.geometries, buildGeometry );
		buildLibrary( library.visualScenes, buildVisualScene );


		const scene = parseScene( getElementsByTagName( collada, 'scene' )[ 0 ] );
		scene.animations = animations;

		if ( asset.upAxis === 'Z_UP' ) {

			scene.quaternion.setFromEuler( new Euler( - Math.PI / 2, 0, 0 ) );


		scene.scale.multiplyScalar( asset.unit );

		return {
			get animations() {

				console.warn( 'THREE.ColladaLoader: Please access animations over scene.animations now.' );
				return animations;

			kinematics: kinematics,
			library: library,
			scene: scene

Example #23
Source File: i3dmExample.js    From 3DTilesRendererJS with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
function init() {

	scene = new Scene();

	// primary camera view
	renderer = new WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
	renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
	renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
	renderer.setClearColor( 0x151c1f );
	renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
	renderer.shadowMap.type = PCFSoftShadowMap;
	renderer.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding;

	document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );

	camera = new PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 4000 );
	camera.position.set( 100, 100, 100 );

	// controls
	controls = new OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
	controls.screenSpacePanning = false;
	controls.minDistance = 1;
	controls.maxDistance = 2000;

	// lights
	dirLight = new DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 1.25 );
	dirLight.position.set( 1, 2, 3 ).multiplyScalar( 40 );
	dirLight.castShadow = true;
	dirLight.shadow.bias = - 0.01;
	dirLight.shadow.mapSize.setScalar( 2048 );

	const shadowCam =;
	shadowCam.left = - 200;
	shadowCam.bottom = - 200;
	shadowCam.right = 200; = 200;

	scene.add( dirLight );

	const ambLight = new AmbientLight( 0xffffff, 0.05 );
	scene.add( ambLight );

	new I3DMLoader()
		.load( '' )
		.then( res => {

			let instance = null;
			res.scene.traverse( c => {

				if ( ! instance && c.isInstancedMesh ) {

					instance = c;


			} );

			if ( instance ) {

				res.scene.updateMatrixWorld( true );

				const pos = new Vector3();
				const quat = new Quaternion();
				const sca = new Vector3();
				const mat = new Matrix4();
				const averagePos = new Vector3();

				for ( let i = 0, l = instance.count; i < l; i ++ ) {

					instance.getMatrixAt( i, mat );
					mat.premultiply( instance.matrixWorld );
					mat.decompose( pos, quat, sca );
					averagePos.add( pos );


				averagePos.divideScalar( instance.count ); averagePos );
				camera.position.add( averagePos );


			console.log( res );
			scene.add( res.scene );

		} );

	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );

Example #24
Source File: gltf.js    From 3DTilesRendererJS with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
function init() {

	scene = new Scene();

	// primary camera view
	renderer = new WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
	renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
	renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
	renderer.setClearColor( 0x151c1f );
	renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
	renderer.shadowMap.type = PCFSoftShadowMap;
	renderer.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding;

	document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );

	camera = new PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 4000 );
	camera.position.set( 3, 10, 20 );

	// controls
	controls = new OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
	controls.screenSpacePanning = false;
	controls.minDistance = 1;
	controls.maxDistance = 2000;

	// lights
	dirLight = new DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 1.25 );
	dirLight.position.set( 1, 2, 3 ).multiplyScalar( 40 );
	dirLight.castShadow = true;
	dirLight.shadow.bias = - 0.01;
	dirLight.shadow.mapSize.setScalar( 2048 );

	const shadowCam =;
	shadowCam.left = - 200;
	shadowCam.bottom = - 200;
	shadowCam.right = 200; = 200;
	scene.add( dirLight );

	const ambLight = new AmbientLight( 0xffffff, 0.05 );
	scene.add( ambLight );

	// basic gltf test files
	let insertPosition = 0;
	const gltfModelTests = [

	for ( const url of gltfModelTests ) {

		const loader = new GLTFExtensionLoader();
		loader.workingPath = loader.workingPathForURL( url );
		loader.load( url )
			.then( res => {

				res.scene.position.set( insertPosition += 5, 0, 0 ); insertPosition / 2, 0, 0 );
				console.log( 'default loader:', { gltf: res, url } );
				scene.add( res.scene );

			} );


	// gltf with extensions
	const delegatedLoaderTests = [

	const manager = new LoadingManager();
	const gltfLoader = new GLTFLoader( manager );
	const dracoLoader = new DRACOLoader( manager );
	dracoLoader.setDecoderPath( '[email protected]/examples/js/libs/draco/gltf/' );
	gltfLoader.setDRACOLoader( dracoLoader );
	manager.addHandler( /\.gltf$/, gltfLoader );
	manager.addHandler( /\.glb$/, gltfLoader );

	for ( const url of delegatedLoaderTests ) {

		const loader = new GLTFExtensionLoader( manager );
		loader.workingPath = loader.workingPathForURL( url );
		loader.load( url )
			.then( res => {

				res.scene.position.set( insertPosition += 5, 0, 0 ); insertPosition / 2, 0, 0 );
				console.log( 'custom loader:', { gltf: res, url } );
				scene.add( res.scene );

			} );


	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );

Example #25
Source File: customMaterial.js    From 3DTilesRendererJS with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
function init() {

	scene = new Scene();

	// primary camera view
	renderer = new WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
	renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
	renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
	renderer.setClearColor( 0x151c1f );
	renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
	renderer.shadowMap.type = PCFSoftShadowMap;
	renderer.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding;

	document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );

	camera = new PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 4000 );
	camera.position.set( 400, 400, 400 );

	orthoCamera = new OrthographicCamera();

	// controls
	controls = new OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
	controls.screenSpacePanning = false;
	controls.minDistance = 1;
	controls.maxDistance = 2000;

	// lights
	dirLight = new DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 1.25 );
	dirLight.position.set( 1, 2, 3 ).multiplyScalar( 40 );
	dirLight.castShadow = true;
	dirLight.shadow.bias = - 0.01;
	dirLight.shadow.mapSize.setScalar( 2048 );

	const shadowCam =;
	shadowCam.left = - 200;
	shadowCam.bottom = - 200;
	shadowCam.right = 200; = 200;

	scene.add( dirLight );

	const ambLight = new AmbientLight( 0xffffff, 0.05 );
	scene.add( ambLight );

	box = new Box3();
	sphere = new Sphere();

	offsetParent = new Group();
	scene.add( offsetParent );


	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );

	// GUI
	const gui = new GUI();
	gui.width = 300;
	gui.add( params, 'orthographic' );
	gui.add( params, 'material', { DEFAULT, GRADIENT, TOPOGRAPHIC_LINES, LIGHTING } )
		.onChange( () => {

			tiles.forEachLoadedModel( updateMaterial );

		} );
	gui.add( params, 'rebuild' );;

	// Stats
	stats = new Stats();
	stats.showPanel( 0 );
	document.body.appendChild( stats.dom );

	statsContainer = document.createElement( 'div' ); = 'absolute'; = 0; = 0; = 'white'; = '100%'; = 'center'; = '5px'; = 'none'; = '1.5em';
	document.body.appendChild( statsContainer );

Example #26
Source File: Pass.js    From three-viewer with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
	 * Constructs a new pass.
	 * @param {String} [name] - The name of this pass. Does not have to be unique.
	 * @param {Scene} [scene] - The scene to render. The default scene contains a single mesh that fills the screen.
	 * @param {Camera} [camera] - A camera. Fullscreen effect passes don't require a camera.

	constructor(name = "Pass", scene = new Scene(), camera = dummyCamera) {

		 * The name of this pass.
		 * @type {String}
		 */ = name;

		 * The scene to render.
		 * @type {Scene}
		 * @protected

		this.scene = scene;

		 * The camera.
		 * @type {Camera}
		 * @protected
		 */ = camera;

		 * A mesh that fills the screen.
		 * @type {Mesh}
		 * @private

		this.screen = null;

		 * Indicates whether this pass should render to texture.
		 * @type {Boolean}
		 * @private

		this.rtt = true;

		 * Only relevant for subclassing.
		 * Indicates whether the {@link EffectComposer} should swap the frame
		 * buffers after this pass has finished rendering.
		 * Set this to `false` if this pass doesn't render to the output buffer or
		 * the screen. Otherwise, the contents of the input buffer will be lost.
		 * @type {Boolean}

		this.needsSwap = true;

		 * Indicates whether the {@link EffectComposer} should prepare a depth
		 * texture for this pass.
		 * Set this to `true` if this pass relies on depth information from a
		 * preceding {@link RenderPass}.
		 * @type {Boolean}

		this.needsDepthTexture = false;

		 * Indicates whether this pass should be executed.
		 * @type {Boolean}

		this.enabled = true;

Example #27
Source File: b3dmExample.js    From 3DTilesRendererJS with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
function init() {

	infoEl = document.getElementById( 'info' );

	scene = new Scene();

	// primary camera view
	renderer = new WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
	renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
	renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
	renderer.setClearColor( 0x151c1f );
	renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
	renderer.shadowMap.type = PCFSoftShadowMap;
	renderer.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding;

	document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );

	camera = new PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 4000 );
	camera.position.set( 400, 400, 400 );

	// controls
	controls = new OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
	controls.screenSpacePanning = false;
	controls.minDistance = 1;
	controls.maxDistance = 2000;

	// lights
	dirLight = new DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 1.25 );
	dirLight.position.set( 1, 2, 3 ).multiplyScalar( 40 );
	dirLight.castShadow = true;
	dirLight.shadow.bias = - 0.01;
	dirLight.shadow.mapSize.setScalar( 2048 );

	const shadowCam =;
	shadowCam.left = - 200;
	shadowCam.bottom = - 200;
	shadowCam.right = 200; = 200;

	scene.add( dirLight );

	const ambLight = new AmbientLight( 0xffffff, 0.05 );
	scene.add( ambLight );

	offsetGroup = new Group();
	scene.add( offsetGroup );

	new B3DMLoader()
		.load( '' )
		.then( res => {

			console.log( res );
			model = res.scene;
			offsetGroup.add( model );

			const box = new Box3();
			box.setFromObject( model );
			box.getCenter( offsetGroup.position ).multiplyScalar( - 1 );

			// reassign the material to use the batchid highlight variant.
			// in practice this should copy over any needed uniforms from the
			// original material.
			model.traverse( c => {

				if ( c.isMesh ) {

					c.material = new ShaderMaterial( batchIdHighlightShaderMixin( ShaderLib.standard ) );


			} );

		} );

	raycaster = new Raycaster();
	mouse = new Vector2();

	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );
	renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onMouseMove, false );

Example #28
Source File: DisplacementSphere.js    From personal-website-react with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
DisplacementSphere = (props) => {
    const { theme } = useContext(ThemeContext);
    const rgbBackground = theme === "light" ? "250 250 250" : "17 17 17";
    const width = useRef(window.innerWidth);
    const height = useRef(window.innerHeight);
    const start = useRef(;
    const canvasRef = useRef();
    const mouse = useRef();
    const renderer = useRef();
    const camera = useRef();
    const scene = useRef();
    const lights = useRef();
    const uniforms = useRef();
    const material = useRef();
    const geometry = useRef();
    const sphere = useRef();
    const tweenRef = useRef();
    const sphereSpring = useRef();
    const prefersReducedMotion = Boolean(usePrefersReducedMotion() && false); //disabled until switching themes fixed
    const isInViewport = useInViewport(canvasRef);

    useEffect(() => {
        mouse.current = new Vector2(0.8, 0.5);
        renderer.current = new WebGLRenderer({
            canvas: canvasRef.current,
            powerPreference: "high-performance",
        renderer.current.setSize(width.current, height.current);
        renderer.current.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding;

        camera.current = new PerspectiveCamera(
            width.current / height.current,
        camera.current.position.z = 52;

        scene.current = new Scene();

        material.current = new MeshPhongMaterial();
        material.current.onBeforeCompile = (shader) => {
            uniforms.current = UniformsUtils.merge([
                { time: { type: "f", value: 0 } },

            shader.uniforms = uniforms.current;
            shader.vertexShader = vertShader;
            shader.fragmentShader = fragShader;
            shader.lights = true;

        geometry.current = new SphereBufferGeometry(32, 128, 128);

        sphere.current = new Mesh(geometry.current, material.current);
        sphere.current.position.z = 0;
        sphere.current.modifier = Math.random();

        return () => {
    }, []);

    useEffect(() => {
        const dirLight = new DirectionalLight(
            rgbToThreeColor("250 250 250"),
        const ambientLight = new AmbientLight(
            rgbToThreeColor("250 250 250"),
            theme === "light" ? 0.8 : 0.1

        dirLight.position.z = 200;
        dirLight.position.x = 100;
        dirLight.position.y = 100;

        lights.current = [dirLight, ambientLight];
        scene.current.background = rgbToThreeColor(rgbBackground);
        lights.current.forEach((light) => scene.current.add(light));

        return () => {
    }, [rgbBackground, theme]);

    useEffect(() => {
        const handleResize = () => {
            const canvasHeight = innerHeight();
            const windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
            const fullHeight = canvasHeight + canvasHeight * 0.3;
   = fullHeight;
            renderer.current.setSize(windowWidth, fullHeight);
            camera.current.aspect = windowWidth / fullHeight;

            // Render a single frame on resize when not animating
            if (prefersReducedMotion) {
                renderer.current.render(scene.current, camera.current);

            if (windowWidth <= {
                sphere.current.position.x = 14;
                sphere.current.position.y = 10;
            } else if (windowWidth <= media.tablet) {
                sphere.current.position.x = 18;
                sphere.current.position.y = 14;
            } else {
                sphere.current.position.x = 22;
                sphere.current.position.y = 16;

        window.addEventListener("resize", handleResize);

        return () => {
            window.removeEventListener("resize", handleResize);
    }, [prefersReducedMotion]);

    useEffect(() => {
        const onMouseMove = (event) => {
            const { rotation } = sphere.current;

            const position = {
                x: event.clientX / window.innerWidth,
                y: event.clientY / window.innerHeight,

            if (!sphereSpring.current) {
                sphereSpring.current = value(rotation.toArray(), (values) =>

            tweenRef.current = spring({
                from: sphereSpring.current.get(),
                to: [position.y / 2, position.x / 2],
                stiffness: 30,
                damping: 20,
                velocity: sphereSpring.current.getVelocity(),
                mass: 2,
                restSpeed: 0.0001,

        if (!prefersReducedMotion && isInViewport) {
            window.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove);

        return () => {
            window.removeEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove);

            if (tweenRef.current) {
    }, [isInViewport, prefersReducedMotion]);

    useEffect(() => {
        let animation;

        const animate = () => {
            animation = requestAnimationFrame(animate);

            if (uniforms.current !== undefined) {
                uniforms.current.time.value =
                    0.00005 * ( - start.current);

            sphere.current.rotation.z += 0.001;
            renderer.current.render(scene.current, camera.current);

        if (!prefersReducedMotion && isInViewport) {
        } else {
            renderer.current.render(scene.current, camera.current);

        return () => {
    }, [isInViewport, prefersReducedMotion]);

    return (
        <Transition appear in onEnter={reflow} timeout={3000}>
            {(status) => (