os#freemem JavaScript Examples

The following examples show how to use os#freemem. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: bot-info.js    From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
handler = async (m, { conn, usedPrefix, __dirname, text, command }) => {
    let date = moment.tz('Asia/Jakarta').format("dddd, Do MMMM, YYYY")
    let time = moment.tz('Asia/Jakarta').format('HH:mm:ss')
    let _package = JSON.parse(await promises.readFile(join(__dirname, '../package.json')).catch(_ => ({}))) || {}
    let _uptime = process.uptime() * 1000
    let uptime = clockString(_uptime)
    let totalreg = Object.keys(global.db.data.users).length
    let rtotalreg = Object.values(global.db.data.users).filter(user => user.registered == true).length
  const chats = Object.entries(conn.chats).filter(([id, data]) => id && data.isChats)
  const groupsIn = chats.filter(([id]) => id.endsWith('@g.us')) //groups.filter(v => !v.read_only)
  const used = process.memoryUsage()
  const cpus = _cpus().map(cpu => {
    cpu.total = Object.keys(cpu.times).reduce((last, type) => last + cpu.times[type], 0)
    return cpu
  const cpu = cpus.reduce((last, cpu, _, { length }) => {
    last.total += cpu.total
    last.speed += cpu.speed / length
    last.times.user += cpu.times.user
    last.times.nice += cpu.times.nice
    last.times.sys += cpu.times.sys
    last.times.idle += cpu.times.idle
    last.times.irq += cpu.times.irq
    return last
  }, {
    speed: 0,
    total: 0,
    times: {
      user: 0,
      nice: 0,
      sys: 0,
      idle: 0,
      irq: 0
  let old = performance.now()
  let neww = performance.now()
  let speed = neww - old
    '*––––––『 BOT INFO 』––––––*', 
`? ɴᴀᴍᴇ: ${_package.name}
? ᴠᴇʀsɪᴏɴ: ${_package.version}
? ʟɪʙʀᴀʀʏ: ${_package.description}

⏳ ᴜᴩᴛɪᴍᴇ: ${uptime}
? ᴅᴀᴛᴀʙᴀsᴇ: ${totalreg}

? ᴅᴀᴛᴇ: ${date}
⌚ ᴛɪᴍᴇ: ${time} ﹙ɢᴍᴛ +5:30﹚

? sᴇʀᴠᴇʀ ɪɴғᴏ :
⮕ ᴩɪɴɢ: ${speed} ᴍs
⮕ ʀᴀᴍ: ${format(totalmem() - freemem())} / ${format(totalmem())}

? ᴡʜᴀᴛsᴀᴩᴩ sᴛᴀᴛᴜs :
⮕ ${groupsIn.length} - Group Chats
⮕ ${groupsIn.length} - Groups Joined
⮕ ${groupsIn.length - groupsIn.length} - Groups Left
⮕ ${chats.length - groupsIn.length} - Personal Chats
⮕ ${chats.length} - Total Chats
`.trim(), './media/botinfo.jpg', 'https://github.com/FahriAdison/Sad-Multi-Device', 'ʙᴏᴛ sᴄʀɪᴩᴛ', null, null, [
[`ᴏᴡɴᴇʀ`, `${usedPrefix}owner`],
[`ᴅᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ`, `${usedPrefix}donate`]
], m, {asLocation: true})
Example #2
Source File: speed.js    From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
handler = async (m, { conn }) => {
  const chats = Object.entries(conn.chats).filter(([id, data]) => id && data.isChats)
  const groupsIn = chats.filter(([id]) => id.endsWith('@g.us')) //groups.filter(v => !v.read_only)
  const used = process.memoryUsage()
  const cpus = _cpus().map(cpu => {
    cpu.total = Object.keys(cpu.times).reduce((last, type) => last + cpu.times[type], 0)
    return cpu
  const cpu = cpus.reduce((last, cpu, _, { length }) => {
    last.total += cpu.total
    last.speed += cpu.speed / length
    last.times.user += cpu.times.user
    last.times.nice += cpu.times.nice
    last.times.sys += cpu.times.sys
    last.times.idle += cpu.times.idle
    last.times.irq += cpu.times.irq
    return last
  }, {
    speed: 0,
    total: 0,
    times: {
      user: 0,
      nice: 0,
      sys: 0,
      idle: 0,
      irq: 0
  let old = performance.now()
  await m.reply('_Testing speed..._')
  let neww = performance.now()
  let speed = neww - old
Merespon dalam ${speed} millidetik

? Status :
- *${groupsIn.length}* Group Chats
- *${groupsIn.length}* Groups Joined
- *${groupsIn.length - groupsIn.length}* Groups Left
- *${chats.length - groupsIn.length}* Personal Chats
- *${chats.length}* Total Chats

? *Server Info* :
RAM: ${format(totalmem() - freemem())} / ${format(totalmem())}

_NodeJS Memory Usage_
${'```' + Object.keys(used).map((key, _, arr) => `${key.padEnd(Math.max(...arr.map(v => v.length)), ' ')}: ${format(used[key])}`).join('\n') + '```'}

${cpus[0] ? `_Total CPU Usage_
${cpus[0].model.trim()} (${cpu.speed} MHZ)\n${Object.keys(cpu.times).map(type => `- *${(type + '*').padEnd(6)}: ${(100 * cpu.times[type] / cpu.total).toFixed(2)}%`).join('\n')}

_CPU Core(s) Usage (${cpus.length} Core CPU)_
${cpus.map((cpu, i) => `${i + 1}. ${cpu.model.trim()} (${cpu.speed} MHZ)\n${Object.keys(cpu.times).map(type => `- *${(type + '*').padEnd(6)}: ${(100 * cpu.times[type] / cpu.total).toFixed(2)}%`).join('\n')}`).join('\n\n')}` : ''}