@ant-design/icons#UpOutlined JavaScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @ant-design/icons#UpOutlined. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: index.jsx    From prometheusPro with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
render() {
    const { value, expand } = this.state;
    const { children, hideCheckAll, className, style, expandable, actionsText = {} } = this.props;
    const checkedAll = this.getAllTags().length === value.length;
    const { expandText = '展开', collapseText = '收起', selectAllText = '全部' } = actionsText;
    const cls = classNames(styles.tagSelect, className, {
      [styles.hasExpandTag]: expandable,
      [styles.expanded]: expand,
    return (
      <div className={cls} style={style}>
        {hideCheckAll ? null : (
          <CheckableTag checked={checkedAll} key="tag-select-__all__" onChange={this.onSelectAll}>
        {value &&
          children &&
          React.Children.map(children, child => {
            if (this.isTagSelectOption(child)) {
              return React.cloneElement(child, {
                key: `tag-select-${child.props.value}`,
                value: child.props.value,
                checked: value.indexOf(child.props.value) > -1,
                onChange: this.handleTagChange,

            return child;
        {expandable && (
          <a className={styles.trigger} onClick={this.handleExpand}>
            {expand ? (
                {collapseText} <UpOutlined />
            ) : (
                <DownOutlined />
Example #2
Source File: Statistics.js    From bonded-stablecoin-ui with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
Statistics = ({ windowWidth }) => {
  const {
  } = useSelector((state) => state.active);
  const actualParams = getParams(params, bonded_state);
  const [timestamp, setTimestamp] = useState(Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000));
  const [showBlock, setShowBlock] = useState(false);
  const { t } = useTranslation();
  const { supply1, supply2, asset1 } = bonded_state;
  const { decimals1, decimals2, reserve_asset, m, n,reserve_asset_decimals } = actualParams;
  const supply = stable_state?.supply || deposit_state?.supply;
  const fund_supply = fund_state?.shares_supply;
  const s1 = supply1 / 10 ** decimals1;
  const s2 = supply2 / 10 ** decimals2;
  const p1 =
    params.m *
    s1 ** (params.m - 1) *
    s2 ** params.n *

  const target_p2 =
    oraclePrice &&
    !isEmpty(bonded_state) &&

  useEffect(() => {
    const interval = setInterval(() => {
      setTimestamp(Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000));
    }, 1000);

    return () => {
  }, [address]);

  if (!address) return null;
  let currentPrice = 0;
  let targetPrice = 0;

  if ("p2" in bonded_state) {
    if ("oracles" in actualParams) {
      if (actualParams.oracles[0].op === "*" && !actualParams.leverage) {
        currentPrice = 1 / bonded_state.p2;
      } else {
        currentPrice = bonded_state.p2;
    } else {
      if (actualParams.op1 === "*" && !actualParams.leverage) {
        currentPrice = 1 / bonded_state.p2;
      } else {
        currentPrice = bonded_state.p2;

  let bPriceInversed = false;
  if ("oracles" in actualParams) {
    if (actualParams.oracles[0].op === "*" && !actualParams.leverage) {
      bPriceInversed = true;
      targetPrice = 1 / target_p2;
    } else {
      targetPrice = target_p2;
  } else {
    if (actualParams.op1 === "*" && !actualParams.leverage) {
      bPriceInversed = true;
      targetPrice = 1 / target_p2;
    } else {
      targetPrice = target_p2;

  const displayOraclePrice = (bPriceInversed || actualParams.leverage) ? oraclePrice : 1 / oraclePrice;
  const reserve_symbol = reserve_asset in config.reserves ? config.reserves[reserve_asset].name : reserve_asset_symbol || "";
  const p2UnitsText = bPriceInversed
    ? t("trade.statistic.p2UnitsText.inversed", "The shown price is the price of the reserve asset {{reserveSymbolOrAsset}} in terms of Token2 ({{symbol2orAsset}}).", { reserveSymbolOrAsset: reserve_symbol || '', symbol2orAsset: symbol2 || bonded_state.asset2 })
    : t("trade.statistic.p2UnitsText.not_inversed", "The shown price is the price of Token2 ({{symbol2OrAsset}}) in terms of the reserve asset {{reserveSymbol}}.", { symbol2OrAsset: symbol2 || bonded_state.asset2, reserveSymbol: reserve_symbol || '' });
  const p2Unit = bPriceInversed ? symbol2 : reserve_symbol;

  const currentPriceDifference = bonded_state.p2
    ? (currentPrice - targetPrice) / targetPrice
    : 0;

  const shares_supply = fund_state?.shares_supply || 0
  const p1_in_full_units = m * s1 ** (m - 1) * s2 ** n;
  const p1_for_fund = p1_in_full_units * 10 ** (reserve_asset_decimals - decimals1);

  const balance = fund_balance?.[reserve_asset] + p1_for_fund * fund_balance?.[asset1];

  const share_price = shares_supply ? balance / shares_supply : 1;

  const statisticsData = [
      title: fund_aa ? t("trade.statistic.fund_supply.name", "Fund tokens supply") : t("trade.statistic.token1_supply.name", "Tokens1 supply"),
      currency: fund_aa ? symbol4 : symbol1,
      descr: fund_aa ? t("trade.statistic.fund_supply.desc", "Total supply of fund tokens") : t("trade.statistic.token1_supply.desc", "Total supply of Token1 (growth tokens)"),
      value: fund_aa ? fund_supply : supply1,
      decimals: fund_aa ? reserve_asset_decimals : decimals1,
      title: t("trade.statistic.token2_supply.name", "Tokens2 supply"),
      currency: symbol2,
      descr: t("trade.statistic.token2_supply.desc", "Total supply of Token2 (interest tokens)"),
      value: supply2,
      decimals: decimals2,
      title: t("trade.statistic.token_stable_supply.name", "Stable tokens supply"),
      currency: symbol3,
      descr: t("trade.statistic.token_stable_supply.desc", "Total supply of the stable tokens"),
      value: supply,
      decimals: decimals2,
      title: t("trade.statistic.reserve.name", "Reserve"),
      descr: t("trade.statistic.reserve.desc", "Total amount of reserve locked to back the issuance of T1 and T2 tokens"),
      value: "reserve" in bonded_state ? bonded_state.reserve : 0,
      decimals: actualParams.reserve_asset_decimals,
        reserve_asset in config.reserves ? config.reserves[reserve_asset].name : reserve_asset_symbol || '',
      title: fund_aa
      ? t("trade.statistic.fund_price.name", "{{symbol4}} price", { symbol4: symbol4 || "T_SF" })
      : t("trade.statistic.token1_price.name", "{{symbol1}} price", { symbol1: symbol1 || "T1" }),
      descr: fund_aa
      ? t("trade.statistic.fund_price.desc", "The current price of fund tokens.")
      : t("trade.statistic.token1_price.desc", "The current price of Token1 according to the bonding curve. It depends on the supplies of Token1 and Token2. The price is shown in terms of the reserve currency."),
      value: fund_aa ? share_price : p1,
      precision: 6,
      currency: reserve_asset in config.reserves ? config.reserves[reserve_asset].name : reserve_asset_symbol || "",
      title: t("trade.statistic.current_price.name", "Current price"),
      descr: t("trade.statistic.current_price.desc", "The current price according to the bonding curve. It depends on the supplies of Token1 and Token2. ") + " " + p2UnitsText,
      value: currentPrice,
      precision: 9,
      percent: currentPriceDifference,
      title: t("trade.statistic.target_price.name", "Target price"),
      descr: t("trade.statistic.target_price.desc", "The price Token2 is pegged to. It is the oracle price plus interest. ") + " " + p2UnitsText,
      value: targetPrice,
      precision: 9,
      currency: p2Unit,
      showZeros: true
      title: t("trade.statistic.oracle_price.name", "Oracle price"),
      descr: t("trade.statistic.oracle_price.desc", "Latest price reported by the oracle"),
      value: displayOraclePrice,
      precision: 9,

  const rowStyle = !showBlock && windowWidth <= 640 ? {
    height: 40,
    opacity: 0.3,
    overflow: "hidden",
    paddingBottom: 0
  } : { marginBottom: -15 }

  return (
        marginBottom: 20,
        background: "#fff",
        padding: 20,
        display: "block",
        boxSizing: "border-box",
        paddingBottom: !showBlock && windowWidth <= 640 ? 0 : 20
      <Row justify="start" style={rowStyle}>
        {statisticsData.map((s, i) => (
            xs={{ span: 20 }}
            sm={{ span: 12 }}
            lg={{ span: 6, offset: 0 }}
            style={{ marginBottom: 15 }}
            key={"stat-" + i}
            <div className={styles.statisticsItem}>
              <Text type="secondary">
                <Label label={s.title} descr={s.descr} />
              <div style={{ marginTop: 3 }}>
                <span style={{ fontSize: 18 }}>
                  {s.decimals ? (
                      value={Number(s.value || 0)}
                  ) : (
                    s.precision ? (s.showZeros ?  Number(s.value || 0).toPrecision(s.precision) : +Number(s.value || 0).toPrecision(s.precision)) : +Number(s.value || 0).toFixed(9)
                  )}{" "}
                  <span style={{ fontSize: 12, fontWeight: "normal" }}>
                      fontSize: 12,
                      fontWeight: "normal",
                    {"percent" in s &&
                      "(" +
                      (s.percent > 0 ? "+" : "") +
                      ((s.percent || 0) * 100).toFixed(4) +
      {windowWidth <= 640 && !showBlock && <div
        onClick={() => setShowBlock(true)}
        style={{ paddingTop: 10, paddingBottom: 10, textAlign: "center", cursor: "pointer" }}
        <Trans defaults="Show info" i18nKey="trade.statistic.show" /> <DownOutlined />
      {windowWidth <= 640 && showBlock && <div
        onClick={() => setShowBlock(false)}
        style={{ paddingTop: 10, textAlign: "center", cursor: "pointer" }}
        <Trans defaults="Hide info" i18nKey="trade.statistic.hide" /> <UpOutlined />
Example #3
Source File: ReorderableList.jsx    From ui with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
ReorderableList = (props) => {
  const {
    onChange, defaultList, listData, leftItem, rightItem,
  } = props;
  const [reorderableList, setReorderableList] = useState(listData ?? defaultList ?? []);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [listData]);

  const moveUp = (source, id) => {
    const index = source.findIndex((e) => e.key === id);

    const arr = [...source];

    if (index <= 0) {
      return arr;

    const el = arr[index];
    arr[index] = arr[index - 1];
    arr[index - 1] = el;


    return arr;

  const moveDown = (source, id) => {
    const index = source.findIndex((e) => e.key === id);

    const arr = [...source];

    if (index === -1 || index >= source.length - 1) {
      return arr;

    const el = arr[index];
    arr[index] = arr[index + 1];
    arr[index + 1] = el;


    return arr;

  const upButton = (key, currentPosition) => (
        || currentPosition === 0
        || reorderableList[currentPosition - 1].disabledReorder
      icon={<UpOutlined />}
      style={{ marginLeft: '5px' }}
      onClick={() => {
        onChange(moveUp(reorderableList, key));

  const downButton = (key, currentPosition) => (
        || currentPosition === reorderableList.length - 1
        || reorderableList[currentPosition + 1].disabledReorder
      icon={<DownOutlined />}
      style={{ marginRight: '5px' }}
      onClick={() => {
        onChange(moveDown(reorderableList, key));

  const composeItem = (itemData, i) => (
    <div data-testid='reorderableListItem' key={i}>
      {leftItem(itemData, i)}

      {upButton(itemData.key, i)}
      {downButton(itemData.key, i)}

      {rightItem(itemData, i)}
  return (
    <Space direction='vertical'>
      {reorderableList.map((itemData, i) => (
        composeItem(itemData, i)