@ant-design/icons#SwapOutlined JavaScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @ant-design/icons#SwapOutlined. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: Relations.js    From label-studio-frontend with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
Relation = observer(({ rl }) => {
  if (!isValidReference(() => rl.node1) || !isValidReference(() => rl.node2)) {
    return null;

  const iconMap = {
    left: <ArrowLeftOutlined />,
    right: <ArrowRightOutlined />,
    bi: <SwapOutlined />,

  return (
      <div className={styles.section__blocks}>
          <NodeMinimal node={rl.node1} />
        <Button onClick={() => rl.rotateDirection()} size="small" className={styles.relationbtn}>
          <NodeMinimal node={rl.node2} />
Example #2
Source File: IssueAndRedeemAllTokens.js    From bonded-stablecoin-ui with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
IssueAndRedeemAllTokens = () => {
  const list = useSelector((state) => state.list.data);
  const balances = useSelector((state) => state.data.balances);
  const symbolList = useSelector((state) => state.symbols);
  const data = useSelector((state) => state.data.data);
  const prices = useSelector((state) => state.prices.prices);
  const { activeWallet, referrer } = useSelector((state) => state.settings);

  const { t } = useTranslation();

  const dispatch = useDispatch();

  const btnRef = useRef(null);

  const [width] = useWindowSize();

  const [input1, setInput1] = useState(undefined);
  const [input2, setInput2] = useState(undefined);
  const [meta, setMeta] = useState(undefined);
  const [error, setError] = useState(null);
  const [currentPairs, setCurrentPairs] = useState([]);
  const [pairs, setPairs] = useState({});
  const [changingDirection, setChangingDirection] = useState(false);
  const [toAsset, setToAsset] = useState(undefined);
  const [fromAsset, setFromAsset] = useState(undefined);
  const [address, setAddress] = useState(undefined);
  const [showInfo, setShowInfo] = useState(false);
  const [description, setDescription] = useState(undefined);
  const [infoForGetPrice, setInfoForGetPrice] = useState([]);
  const [visibleReserveNotification, setVisibleReserveNotification] = useState(false);
  const [toAssetInit, setTtoAssetInit] = useState(false);
  const [assetsType, setAssetsType] = useState({});

  const stable_aa = list[address]?.stable || {};
  const fund_aa = list[address]?.fund || {};

  const bonded_state = data[address] || {};
  const fund_balance = balances?.[fund_aa] || {};

  const initToAsset = config.TESTNET ? "IWwTGdT+S7+eJkNi/pSvlakG0Kpv3zE2L0eWAk1Kemk=" : "eCpmov+r6LOVNj8KD0EWTyfKPrqsG3i2GgxV4P+zE6A=";

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [list]);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (Object.keys(list).length > 0) {
  }, [list])

  const stable_state = data[stable_aa] || {};
  const fund_state = data[fund_aa] || {};

  const actualParams = useMemo(() => getParams(list[address]?.params, bonded_state), [address, bonded_state]);

  const oraclePrice = prices[address];

  const { reserve_asset, reserve_asset_decimals, decimals1, decimals2, m, n } = actualParams;
  const { asset, supply } = stable_state;
  const { asset1, asset2, reserve, supply2 } = bonded_state;
  const symbol1 = symbolList[asset1]?.symbol;
  const symbol2 = symbolList[asset2]?.symbol;
  const reserve_asset_symbol = symbolList[actualParams.reserve_asset]?.symbol;

  const { shares_asset, shares_supply } = fund_state;

  let fromAssetType;
  let toAssetType;

  if (fromAsset === asset2) {
    fromAssetType = "T2"
  } else if (fromAsset === asset) {
    fromAssetType = "STABLE"
  } else if (fromAsset === shares_asset) {
    fromAssetType = "FUND"
  } else if (fromAsset === reserve_asset) {
    fromAssetType = "RESERVE"

  if (toAsset === asset2) {
    toAssetType = "T2"
  } else if (toAsset === asset) {
    toAssetType = "STABLE"
  } else if (toAsset === shares_asset) {
    toAssetType = "FUND"
  } else if (toAsset === reserve_asset) {
    toAssetType = "RESERVE"

  let fromDecimals;
  let toDecimals;
  let currentAddress;
  let sendAmount;
  let sendPayload = {};

  if (fromAsset === reserve_asset || fromAsset === shares_asset) {
    fromDecimals = reserve_asset_decimals;
  } else if (fromAsset === asset2 || fromAsset === asset) {
    fromDecimals = decimals2;

  if (toAsset === reserve_asset || toAsset === shares_asset) {
    toDecimals = reserve_asset_decimals;
  } else if (toAsset === asset2 || toAsset === asset) {
    toDecimals = decimals2;

  if (fromAsset === reserve_asset) {
    if (toAsset === shares_asset) {
      currentAddress = bonded_state.decision_engine_aa;
      sendPayload = { ref: referrer }
      sendAmount = Math.round(input1 * 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals);
    } else if (toAsset === asset2) {
      currentAddress = address;
      sendPayload = { tokens2: Math.trunc(input2 * 10 ** decimals2), ref: referrer, max_fee_percent: meta?.max_fee_percent };
      sendAmount = Math.ceil(input1 * 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals);
    } else if (toAsset === asset) {
      sendPayload = { tokens2: Math.trunc(meta?.expect_t2), tokens2_to: toAsset === asset ? stable_aa : undefined, max_fee_percent: meta?.max_fee_percent }
      currentAddress = address;
      sendAmount = Math.ceil(input1 * 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals);

  } else if (fromAsset === asset2) {
    if (toAsset === asset) {
      currentAddress = stable_aa
    } else if (toAsset === reserve_asset) {
      currentAddress = address;
      sendPayload = { max_fee_percent: meta?.max_fee_percent }
    sendAmount = Math.round(input1 * 10 ** decimals2);
  } else if (fromAsset === shares_asset) {
    currentAddress = bonded_state.decision_engine_aa;
    sendAmount = Math.round(input1 * 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals);
    sendPayload = { max_fee_percent: meta?.max_fee_percent }
  } else if (fromAsset === asset) {
    currentAddress = stable_aa
    sendAmount = Math.round(input1 * 10 ** decimals2);
    if (toAsset === reserve_asset) {
      sendPayload = { to: address, max_fee_percent: meta?.max_fee_percent }

  useEffect(() => {
    if ((currentPairs?.length > 0)) {
      const address = currentPairs.find((item) => item.asset === toAsset)?.address
      if (address) {
  }, [currentPairs, toAsset, pairs, address]);

  useEffect(() => {
    let fullPairs = {};
    let assets = [];
    const infoForGetPrice = [];
    const assetsType = {};
    for (const address in list) {
      const coin = list[address];
      if ("fund" in coin) {
        const reserve_asset = coin.params.reserve_asset;
        const actualParams = getParams(coin.params, coin.bonded_state)
        const peggedToCurrency = getTargetCurrency(coin.params, coin.bonded_state);
        const apy = actualParams.interest_rate * 100;

        infoForGetPrice.push({ address, bonded_state: coin.bonded_state, params: coin.params });

        assetsType[coin.asset_2] = { type: 2, peggedToCurrency, apy, info: `— ${peggedToCurrency} ${apy}% APY` };
        assetsType[coin.asset_fund] = { type: 1, peggedToCurrency, info: `— ${peggedToCurrency} stability fund`, symbol2: coin.symbol };
        assetsType[coin.asset_stable] = { type: 3, peggedToCurrency, info: `— ${peggedToCurrency}-pegged` };

        if (coin.reserve > 0) {
          fullPairs[reserve_asset] = [...(fullPairs?.[reserve_asset] || []), { asset: coin.asset_2, address }]
          fullPairs[reserve_asset] = [...(fullPairs?.[reserve_asset] || []), { asset: coin.asset_fund, address }]
          fullPairs[reserve_asset] = [...(fullPairs?.[reserve_asset] || []), { asset: coin.asset_stable, address }]

          fullPairs[coin.asset_2] = [...(fullPairs?.[coin.asset_2] || []), { asset: coin.asset_stable, address }]
          fullPairs[coin.asset_2] = [...(fullPairs?.[coin.asset_2] || []), { asset: reserve_asset, address }]

          fullPairs[coin.asset_fund] = [...(fullPairs?.[coin.asset_fund] || []), { asset: reserve_asset, address }]

          fullPairs[coin.asset_stable] = [...(fullPairs?.[coin.asset_stable] || []), { asset: coin.asset_2, address }]
          fullPairs[coin.asset_stable] = [...(fullPairs?.[coin.asset_stable] || []), { asset: reserve_asset, address }]

        } else {
          fullPairs[reserve_asset] = [...(fullPairs?.[coin.asset_fund] || []), { asset: coin.asset_fund, address }]
        assets = [...assets, reserve_asset, coin.asset_stable, coin.asset_fund, coin.asset_2]


    if (Object.keys(list).length > 0) {
  }, [list]);

  useEffect(() => {
    let intervalId;

    if (infoForGetPrice.length > 0) {
      intervalId = setInterval(() => {
      }, 30 * 1000)

    return () => intervalId && clearInterval(intervalId);
  }, [infoForGetPrice]);

  const fromList = useMemo(() => Object.keys(pairs), [pairs]);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [pairs, fromAsset])

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!changingDirection && currentPairs?.[0]) {
      setToAsset(toAssetInit ? currentPairs[0].asset : initToAsset)
      if (!toAssetInit) {
    } else if (changingDirection) {
  }, [currentPairs]);

  let bPriceInversed = false;
  if ("oracles" in actualParams) {
    if (actualParams.oracles[0].op === "*" && !actualParams.leverage)
      bPriceInversed = true;
  } else {
    if (actualParams.op1 === "*" && !actualParams.leverage)
      bPriceInversed = true;

  const p2Pair = (!bPriceInversed ? (symbol2 || "T2") + "/" + (reserve_asset_symbol || "RESERVE") : (reserve_asset_symbol || "RESERVE") + "/" + (symbol2 || "T2"));
  const p1Pair = ((symbol1 || "T1") + "/" + (reserve_asset_symbol || "RESERVE"));

  const old_p2 = bPriceInversed ? 1 / bonded_state.p2 : bonded_state.p2;

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!oraclePrice) setInput2(undefined);

    const commonData = {
      params: actualParams,
      vars: bonded_state,
      oracle_price: oraclePrice,
      timestamp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000),
      isV2: true
    let meta;
    let error;
    let isRedemption = false;

    if (fromAsset === reserve_asset) {
      if (toAsset === asset) {
        if (Number(input1)) {
          const exchange = $get_exchange_result({
            tokens1: 0,
            tokens2: 0,
            addReserve: input1 * 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals * 0.99,

          if (exchange) {
            meta = exchange;
            const expect = Math.abs(Math.trunc(exchange.expectNewT2));
            meta.expect_t2 = expect;
            setInput2(+Number((expect / 10 ** decimals2) * exchange.growth_factor).toFixed(decimals2));
        } else {

      } else if (toAsset === shares_asset) {
        if (Number(input1)) {
          const shares_supply = fund_state.shares_supply || 0;
          const s1 = bonded_state.supply1 / 10 ** decimals1;
          const s2 = bonded_state.supply2 / 10 ** decimals2;
          const p1_in_full_units = m * s1 ** (m - 1) * s2 ** n;
          const p1 = p1_in_full_units * 10 ** (reserve_asset_decimals - decimals1);

          const balance = (fund_balance?.[reserve_asset] || 0) + p1 * (fund_balance?.[asset1] || 0);

          const share_price = shares_supply ? balance / shares_supply : 1;
          setInput2(+Number(input1 / share_price).toFixed(toDecimals));
        } else {

      } else if (toAsset === asset2) {
        const exchange = $get_exchange_result({
          tokens1: 0,
          tokens2: 0,
          tokens_stable: 0,
          addReserve: input1 * 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals * 0.99,
        const expect = Math.abs(Math.trunc(exchange.expectNewT2));
        if (expect) {
          setInput2(+Number(expect / 10 ** decimals2).toFixed(decimals2));
          meta = exchange;
        } else {

    } else if (fromAsset === asset2) {
      if (Number(input1) && (input1 * 10 ** decimals2) < supply2) {
        const exchange = $get_exchange_result({
          tokens1: 0,
          tokens2: toAsset === reserve_asset ? -(input1 * 10 ** actualParams.decimals2) : 0,
          tokens_stable: 0,
        if (toAsset === reserve_asset) {
          isRedemption = true;
          if (!exchange?.payout || exchange.payout <= 0) {
            error = "big_change";
          } else {
            meta = exchange;
            setInput2(+Number(exchange.payout / 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals).toFixed(reserve_asset_decimals))
        } else if (toAsset === asset) {
          setInput2(+Number(input1 * exchange?.growth_factor).toFixed(toDecimals));
      } else {
        if ((input1 * 10 ** decimals2) > supply2) error = "exceeds_supply"

    } else if (fromAsset === asset) {
      if (toAsset === reserve_asset) {
        isRedemption = true;
        const exchange = $get_exchange_result({
          tokens1: 0,
          tokens2: 0,
          tokens_stable: -input1 * 10 ** decimals2,
        if (!exchange?.payout || exchange.payout <= 0 || (input1 * 10 ** decimals2) > supply) {
          if ((input1 * 10 ** decimals2) > supply) error = "exceeds_supply"
        } else {
          meta = exchange;
          setInput2(+Number(exchange.payout / 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals).toFixed(reserve_asset_decimals))
      } else if (toAsset === asset2) {
        const exchange = $get_exchange_result({
          tokens1: 0,
          tokens2: 0,
          tokens_stable: 0,
        if (input1 && Number(input1) > 0 && (input1 * 10 ** decimals2) < supply) {
          setInput2(+Number(input1 / exchange?.growth_factor).toFixed(toDecimals))
        } else {
          if ((input1 * 10 ** decimals2) > supply) error = "exceeds_supply"

    } else if (fromAsset === shares_asset) {
      const p1Balance = fund_balance?.[asset1] || 0;
      const my_share = input1 * 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals / fund_state.shares_supply;
      const reserve_amount = Math.floor(my_share * fund_balance?.[reserve_asset]);
      const t1_amount = Math.floor(my_share * p1Balance);

      const exchange = $get_exchange_result({
        tokens1: -t1_amount,
        tokens2: 0,
        tokens_stable: 0,

      const you_get_in_full_units = (reserve_amount - exchange.reserve_needed - (reserve_asset === "base" ? 4000 : 0));

      const you_get = +Number(you_get_in_full_units / 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals).toFixed(reserve_asset_decimals);
      const fee_percent = (exchange.fee / you_get_in_full_units) * 100;

      if (you_get && you_get > 0 && Number(exchange.payout) > 0 && Number(input1) < shares_supply / 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals) {
        meta = { ...exchange, fee_percent };
      } else {
        if (Number(input1) > 0) {
          error = "big_change";

    if (meta && Number(input1) > 0) {
      let bPriceInversed = false;
      if ("oracles" in actualParams) {
        if (actualParams.oracles[0].op === "*" && !actualParams.leverage)
          bPriceInversed = true;
      } else {
        if (actualParams.op1 === "*" && !actualParams.leverage)
          bPriceInversed = true;

      const new_p2 = (bPriceInversed ? 1 / meta.p2 : meta.p2);

      const t_p2 = (bPriceInversed ? 1 / meta.target_p2 : meta.target_p2);

      const priceChange = new_p2 - (old_p2 || 0);
      const changePricePercent = (priceChange / old_p2 || 0) * 100;
      const changeFinalPricePercent = ((new_p2 - t_p2) / t_p2) * 100;

      const priceChangeP1 = meta.p1 - meta.old_p1;
      const priceChangePercentP1 = ((priceChangeP1 / meta.old_p1 || 0) * 100);

      meta.p2Pair = p2Pair;
      meta.p1Pair = p1Pair;
      meta.priceChange = priceChange;
      meta.new_p2 = new_p2;
      meta.changePricePercent = changePricePercent;
      meta.changeFinalPricePercent = changeFinalPricePercent;
      meta.priceChangePercentP1 = priceChangePercentP1;
      meta.max_fee_percent = meta.fee_percent ? meta.fee_percent + 1 : 1;
      meta.isRedemption = isRedemption;
    } else {
    if (error) {
    } else {
  }, [address, toAsset, fromAsset, toDecimals, fromDecimals, input1, actualParams, oraclePrice]);

  let link = "";
  try {
    link = generateLink(
  } catch { }

  const handleInput1 = (ev) => {
    const value = ev.target.value;
    if (value === "") {
    } else {
      if (f(value) <= fromDecimals) {

  const handleInput2 = (ev) => {
    const value = ev.target.value;
    if (value === "") {
    } else {
      if (f(value) <= toDecimals) {

  const isDisabled = input1 === undefined || input2 === undefined || Number(input1) <= 0 || Number(input2) <= 0 || (meta?.isRedemption && meta?.fee_percent >= 100);

  const onEnter = (ev) => {
    if (ev.key === "Enter") {
      if (!isDisabled) {

  useEffect(() => {
    setVisibleReserveNotification(fromAsset === reserve_asset && (toAsset === asset || toAsset === asset2));
  }, [toAsset, fromAsset, asset, asset2, reserve_asset]);

  useEffect(() => {
    let description;
    if (assetsType[toAsset] && assetsType[toAsset].type === 2) {
      description = t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.desc_interest", "Interest token that earns {{currentInterestPercent}}% interest in {{currentPegged}} — a stable+ coin. For investors seeking predictable income.", { currentPegged: assetsType[toAsset].peggedToCurrency, currentInterestPercent: assetsType[toAsset].apy })
    } else if (assetsType[toAsset] && assetsType[toAsset].type === 1) {
      description = t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.desc_fund", "Fund token whose value is tied to the amount of {{symbol2}} issued. For investors seeking higher income, with higher risks.", { symbol2: assetsType[toAsset].symbol2 })
    } else if (assetsType[toAsset] && assetsType[toAsset].type === 3) {
      description = t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.desc_stable", "Stablecoin whose value is 1 {{currentPegged}}. For use in commerce and trading.", { currentPegged: assetsType[toAsset]?.peggedToCurrency })
    } else if (toAsset === "base") {
      description = t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.desc_gbyte", "The main token of Obyte network.")
  }, [toAsset, shares_asset])

  const changeDirection = () => {
    if (reserve > 0) {
      const oldFromAsset = `${fromAsset}`;
      const oldToAsset = `${toAsset}`;

  return <div style={{ paddingBottom: 50 }}>
    <Form size="large">
      <Row style={{ marginBottom: 70 }}>
        <Col lg={{ span: 8, offset: 3 }} sm={{ span: 17, offset: 3 }} xs={{ span: 24 }}>
          <Text>{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.you_send", "You send")}:</Text>
          <Input.Group compact size="large">
            <Form.Item style={{ width: "40%", marginBottom: 0 }}>
                value={input1} placeholder="Amount"
                style={{ width: "100%", borderColor: "#0137FF" }}
            <Form.Item style={{ width: "60%", marginBottom: 0 }}>
              <Select optionFilterProp="children" showSearch={true} size="large" placeholder={t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.select_token", "Select token")} value={fromAsset} onChange={(v) => setFromAsset(v)} style={{ width: "100%" }} dropdownStyle={{ fontWeight: 400 }} className="select-issue">
                {fromList.map((asset) => <Select.Option key={"send-" + asset} value={asset}> {asset in assetsType ? <CoinIcon width="1em" height="1em" style={{ marginRight: 5, marginBottom: -1.5 }} pegged={assetsType[asset].peggedToCurrency} type={assetsType[asset].type} /> : (asset === "base" ? <GbyteIcon width="1em" height="1em" style={{ marginRight: 3, marginBottom: -1.5 }} /> : null)} {symbolList[asset]?.symbol || asset}</Select.Option>)}
            <div style={{ minHeight: 22 }}>
              <span style={{ color: "#e74c3c" }}>{error ? (error === "exceeds_supply" ? <div>{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.exceeds_supply", "Enter a value less than the supply")}</div> : null) : null}</span>
          {visibleReserveNotification ? <Text style={{ fontSize: 10, lineHeight: "auto" }}>{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.protect_v2", "1% of this amount will be added to protect against price volatility, you will receive this amount back if prices do not change.")}</Text> : null}
        <Col lg={{ span: 2, offset: 0 }} sm={{ span: 24, offset: 0 }} xs={{ span: 24, offset: 0 }}>
          <div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "center", marginTop: 22 }}>
            <SwapOutlined onClick={changeDirection} style={{ fontSize: 28, padding: 5, display: "block", height: 40, cursor: "pointer", transform: width < 992 ? "rotate(90deg)" : "none" }} />
        <Col lg={{ span: 8, offset: 0 }} sm={{ span: 17, offset: 3 }} xs={{ span: 24, offset: 0 }}>
          <Text>{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.you_get", "You get")}:</Text>
          <Input.Group compact size="large" style={{ borderColor: "#0137FF" }}>
            <Form.Item style={{ width: "40%", marginBottom: 0 }}>
              <Input onKeyPress={onEnter} disabled={fromAsset !== reserve_asset || toAsset === shares_asset || toAsset === asset2 || toAsset === asset} autoFocus={true} placeholder="Amount" onChange={handleInput2} value={input2} style={{ width: "100%", borderColor: "#0137FF" }} />
            <Form.Item style={{ width: "60%", marginBottom: 0 }}>
              <Select optionFilterProp="children" showSearch={true} size="large" bordered={true} placeholder={t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.select_token", "Select token")} value={toAsset} onChange={(v) => setToAsset(v)} style={{ width: "100%", borderColor: "#0137FF" }} dropdownStyle={{}} className="select-issue">
                {currentPairs?.map((p, i) => <Select.Option key={"option" + i} value={p.asset}> {assetsType[p.asset] ? <CoinIcon width="1em" height="1em" style={{ marginRight: 5, marginBottom: -1.5 }} pegged={assetsType[p.asset].peggedToCurrency} type={assetsType[p.asset]?.type} /> : (p.asset === "base" ? <GbyteIcon width="1em" height="1em" style={{ marginRight: 3, marginBottom: -1.5 }} /> : null)} {symbolList[p.asset]?.symbol || p.asset} {assetsType[p.asset]?.info || null} </Select.Option>)}
            <div style={{ minHeight: 66 }}>
              <span style={{ color: "#e74c3c" }}>{(error && (error === "big_change" ? <div>{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.big_change", "The transaction would change the price too much, please try a smaller amount")}</div> : null)) || null}</span>
        <Col span="24">
          <div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "center", paddingTop: 5, paddingBottom: 10 }}>
            <span onClick={() => setShowInfo(!showInfo)} style={{ cursor: "pointer", borderBottom: "1px dashed #333" }}>{showInfo ? t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.hide_details", "hide details") : t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.show_details", "show details")}</span>
          {showInfo && <div>
              <Col lg={{ span: 12, offset: 6 }} sm={{ span: 24, offset: 0 }}>
                <div style={{ marginBottom: 25, textAlign: "center" }}>
                    <Text style={{ display: "block" }}>
                      <b>{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.fee", "Fee")}: </b>
                      {meta ? <span style={(meta.fee_percent > 1) ? ((meta.fee_percent > 3) ? { color: "red" } : { color: "orange" }) : { color: "inherit" }}>
                        {Number(meta.fee_percent).toFixed(2) || 0}%
                    </span> : 0}
                    <Text style={{ display: "block" }}>
                      <b>{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.reward", "Reward")}:</b>{" "}
                      {meta ? <span style={meta.reward_percent > 0 ? { color: "green" } : { color: "inherit" }}>
                        {(meta.reward !== 0 &&
                          !isNaN(meta.reward_percent) &&
                          Number(meta.reward_percent).toFixed(2)) ||
                    </span> : 0}
                      <b>{"p2" in bonded_state ? t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.price_change", "{{pair}} price change", { pair: p2Pair }) + ": " : t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.price", "{{pair}} price", { pair: p2Pair }) + ": "}</b>
                      {meta ? <>
                        {meta.priceChange > 0 ? "+" : ""}
                        {"p2" in bonded_state &&
                          " (" +
                          (meta.changePricePercent > 0 ? "+" : "") +
                          meta.changePricePercent.toFixed(2) +
                      </> : 0}
                      <b>{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.final_price", "Final {{pair}} price", { pair: p2Pair })}:</b>{" "}
                      {meta ? <>
                        ) + (meta.changeFinalPricePercent ?
                          ` (${Math.abs(meta.changeFinalPricePercent).toFixed(2)}% ${meta.changeFinalPricePercent > 0 ? t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.above_target", "above the target") : t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.below_target", "below the target")})` : "")}
                      </> : Number(old_p2 || 0).toFixed(reserve_asset_decimals)}
          <div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "center", marginTop: 20 }}>
            <QRButton onClick={() => {
              const action = `${fromAssetType} -> ${toAssetType}`;
              const label = `${symbolList[fromAsset]?.symbol} -> ${symbolList[toAsset]?.symbol}`;
              const category = "Exchange";

              dispatch(addTrackedExchanges({ aa: currentAddress, payload: sendPayload, activeWallet, action, label, category, fromAsset, amount: Math.round(sendAmount) }));
            }} disabled={isDisabled} type="primary" size="large" ref={btnRef} href={link}>{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.exchange", "Exchange")}</QRButton>
          {!activeWallet && <div style={{ textAlign: "center", marginTop: 10 }}>
            <Text type="secondary" style={{ fontSize: 14, display: "block" }}>
              <Trans i18nKey="trade.tabs.buy_redeem.open_wallet">
                Clicking "Exchange" will open your Obyte wallet. <a
                    () => {
                        category: "Stablecoin",
                        action: "Install wallet (Home page)"
                  }>Install</a> it if you don't have one yet.
Example #3
Source File: IssueAndRedeem.js    From bonded-stablecoin-ui with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
IssueAndRedeem = () => {
  const { t } = useTranslation();
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const [input1, setInput1] = useState(undefined);
  const [input2, setInput2] = useState(undefined);
  const btnRef = useRef(null);
  const [meta, setMeta] = useState(undefined);
  const [error, setError] = useState(null);
  const [currentPairs, setCurrentPairs] = useState([]);
  const [changingDirection, setChangingDirection] = useState(false);
  const { address, oraclePrice, params, reserve_asset_symbol, fund_balance, symbol1, symbol2, symbol3, symbol4, stable_state, bonded_state, fund_state, reservePrice, stable_aa, fund_aa } = useSelector((state) => state.active);
  const { activeWallet, referrer } = useSelector((state) => state.settings);
  const actualParams = getParams(params, bonded_state);
  const [width] = useWindowSize();
  const { reserve_asset, reserve_asset_decimals, decimals1, decimals2, m, n } = actualParams;
  const { asset, supply } = stable_state;
  const { asset1, asset2, reserve, supply2 } = bonded_state;
  const { shares_asset, shares_supply } = fund_state;
  const peggedCurrency = getTargetCurrency(actualParams, bonded_state);

  const pairs = reserve ? {
    [reserve_asset]: [
      { symbol: symbol2, asset: asset2, type: 2 },
      { symbol: symbol4, asset: shares_asset, type: 1 },
      { symbol: symbol3, asset: asset, type: 3 },
    [asset2]: [
      { symbol: symbol3, asset, type: 3 },
      { symbol: reserve_asset_symbol, asset: reserve_asset, type: 0 }
    [shares_asset]: [
      { symbol: reserve_asset_symbol, asset: reserve_asset, type: 0 },
    [asset]: [
      { symbol: symbol2, asset: asset2, type: 2 },
      { symbol: reserve_asset_symbol, asset: reserve_asset, type: 0 }
  } : {
    [reserve_asset]: [
      { symbol: symbol4, asset: shares_asset, type: 1 },

  const [toAsset, setToAsset] = useState(reserve ? asset2 : shares_asset);
  const [fromAsset, setFromAsset] = useState(reserve_asset);

  let fromDecimals;
  let fromInfo;
  let toDecimals;
  let toInfo;
  let currentAddress;
  let sendAmount;
  let sendPayload = {};

  if (fromAsset === reserve_asset || fromAsset === shares_asset) {
    fromDecimals = reserve_asset_decimals;
  } else if (fromAsset === asset2 || fromAsset === asset) {
    fromDecimals = decimals2;

  if (toAsset === reserve_asset || toAsset === shares_asset) {
    toDecimals = reserve_asset_decimals;
  } else if (toAsset === asset2 || toAsset === asset) {
    toDecimals = decimals2;

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [address, fromAsset])

  if (fromAsset === reserve_asset) {
    fromInfo = { symbol: reserve_asset_symbol, type: "RESERVE" }
    if (toAsset === shares_asset) {
      toInfo = { symbol: symbol4, type: "FUND" }
      currentAddress = bonded_state.decision_engine_aa;
      sendPayload = { ref: referrer }
      sendAmount = Math.round(input1 * 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals);
    } else if (toAsset === asset2) {
      toInfo = { symbol: symbol2, type: "T2" }
      currentAddress = address;
      sendPayload = { tokens2: Math.trunc(input2 * 10 ** decimals2), ref: referrer, max_fee_percent: meta?.max_fee_percent };
      sendAmount = Math.ceil(input1 * 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals);
    } else if (toAsset === asset) {
      toInfo = { symbol: symbol3, type: "STABLE" }
      sendPayload = { tokens2: Math.trunc(meta?.expect_t2), tokens2_to: toAsset === asset ? stable_aa : undefined, max_fee_percent: meta?.max_fee_percent }
      currentAddress = address;
      sendAmount = Math.ceil(input1 * 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals);

  } else if (fromAsset === asset2) {
    fromInfo = { symbol: symbol2, type: "T2" }
    if (toAsset === asset) {
      toInfo = { symbol: symbol3, type: "STABLE" }
      currentAddress = stable_aa;
    } else if (toAsset === reserve_asset) {
      toInfo = { symbol: reserve_asset_symbol, type: "RESERVE" }
      currentAddress = address;
      sendPayload = { max_fee_percent: meta?.max_fee_percent }
    sendAmount = Math.round(input1 * 10 ** decimals2);
  } else if (fromAsset === shares_asset) {
    fromInfo = { symbol: symbol4, type: "FUND" }
    currentAddress = bonded_state.decision_engine_aa;
    sendAmount = Math.round(input1 * 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals);
    sendPayload = { max_fee_percent: meta?.max_fee_percent }
  } else if (fromAsset === asset) {
    fromInfo = { symbol: symbol3, type: "STABLE" }
    currentAddress = stable_aa;
    sendAmount = Math.round(input1 * 10 ** decimals2);
    if (toAsset === reserve_asset) {
      toInfo = { symbol: reserve_asset_symbol, type: "RESERVE" }
      sendPayload = { to: address, max_fee_percent: meta?.max_fee_percent }
    } else {
      toInfo = { symbol: symbol2, type: "T2" }

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [address, reserve_asset])

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!changingDirection && currentPairs?.[0]) {
    } else if (changingDirection) {
  }, [currentPairs]);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (input1) {
  }, [fromDecimals])

  useEffect(() => {
    if (input2) {
  }, [toDecimals])

  const commonData = {
    params: actualParams,
    vars: bonded_state,
    oracle_price: oraclePrice,
    timestamp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000),
    isV2: !!fund_aa

  let bPriceInversed = false;
  if ("oracles" in actualParams) {
    if (actualParams.oracles[0].op === "*" && !actualParams.leverage)
      bPriceInversed = true;
  } else {
    if (actualParams.op1 === "*" && !actualParams.leverage)
      bPriceInversed = true;

  const p2Pair = (!bPriceInversed ? (symbol2 || "T2") + "/" + (reserve_asset_symbol || "RESERVE") : (reserve_asset_symbol || "RESERVE") + "/" + (symbol2 || "T2"));
  const p1Pair = ((symbol1 || "T1") + "/" + (reserve_asset_symbol || "RESERVE"));

  const old_p2 = bPriceInversed ? 1 / bonded_state.p2 : bonded_state.p2;

  useEffect(() => {
    let meta;
    let error;
    let isRedemption = false;

    if (fromAsset === reserve_asset) {
      if (toAsset === asset) {
        if (Number(input1)) {
          const exchange = $get_exchange_result({
            tokens1: 0,
            tokens2: 0,
            addReserve: input1 * 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals * 0.99,

          if (exchange) {
            meta = exchange;
            const expect = Math.abs(Math.trunc(exchange.expectNewT2));
            meta.expect_t2 = expect;
            setInput2(+Number((expect / 10 ** decimals2) * exchange.growth_factor).toFixed(decimals2));
        } else {

      } else if (toAsset === shares_asset) {
        if (Number(input1)) {
          const shares_supply = fund_state.shares_supply || 0;
          const s1 = bonded_state.supply1 / 10 ** decimals1;
          const s2 = bonded_state.supply2 / 10 ** decimals2;
          const p1_in_full_units = m * s1 ** (m - 1) * s2 ** n;
          const p1 = p1_in_full_units * 10 ** (reserve_asset_decimals - decimals1);

          const balance = (fund_balance?.[reserve_asset] || 0) + p1 * (fund_balance?.[asset1] || 0);

          const share_price = shares_supply ? balance / shares_supply : 1;
          setInput2(+Number(input1 / share_price).toFixed(toDecimals));
        } else {

      } else if (toAsset === asset2) {
        const exchange = $get_exchange_result({
          tokens1: 0,
          tokens2: 0,
          tokens_stable: 0,
          addReserve: input1 * 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals * 0.99,
        const expect = Math.abs(Math.trunc(exchange.expectNewT2));
        if (Number(input1) && expect) {
          setInput2(+Number(expect / 10 ** decimals2).toFixed(decimals2));
          meta = exchange;
        } else {

    } else if (fromAsset === asset2) {
      if (Number(input1) && (input1 * 10 ** decimals2) < supply2) {
        const exchange = $get_exchange_result({
          tokens1: 0,
          tokens2: toAsset === reserve_asset ? -(input1 * 10 ** actualParams.decimals2) : 0,
          tokens_stable: 0,
        if (toAsset === reserve_asset) {
          isRedemption = true;
          if (!exchange?.payout || exchange.payout <= 0) {
            error = "big_change";
          } else {
            meta = exchange;
            setInput2(+Number(exchange.payout / 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals).toFixed(reserve_asset_decimals))
        } else if (toAsset === asset) {
          setInput2(+Number(input1 * exchange?.growth_factor).toFixed(toDecimals));
      } else {
        if ((input1 * 10 ** decimals2) > supply2) error = "exceeds_supply"

    } else if (fromAsset === asset) {
      if (toAsset === reserve_asset) {
        isRedemption = true;
        const exchange = $get_exchange_result({
          tokens1: 0,
          tokens2: 0,
          tokens_stable: -input1 * 10 ** decimals2,
        if (!exchange?.payout || exchange.payout <= 0 || (input1 * 10 ** decimals2) > supply) {
          if ((input1 * 10 ** decimals2) > supply) error = "exceeds_supply"
        } else {
          meta = exchange;
          setInput2(+Number(exchange.payout / 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals).toFixed(reserve_asset_decimals))
      } else if (toAsset === asset2) {
        const exchange = $get_exchange_result({
          tokens1: 0,
          tokens2: 0,
          tokens_stable: 0,
        if (input1 && Number(input1) > 0 && (input1 * 10 ** decimals2) < supply) {
          setInput2(+Number(input1 / exchange?.growth_factor).toFixed(toDecimals))
        } else {
          if ((input1 * 10 ** decimals2) > supply) error = "exceeds_supply"

    } else if (fromAsset === shares_asset) {
      const p1Balance = fund_balance?.[asset1] || 0;
      const my_share = input1 * 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals / fund_state.shares_supply;
      const reserve_amount = Math.floor(my_share * fund_balance?.[reserve_asset]);
      const t1_amount = Math.floor(my_share * p1Balance);

      const exchange = $get_exchange_result({
        tokens1: -t1_amount,
        tokens2: 0,
        tokens_stable: 0,

      const you_get_in_full_units = (reserve_amount - exchange.reserve_needed - (reserve_asset === "base" ? 4000 : 0));

      const you_get = +Number(you_get_in_full_units / 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals).toFixed(reserve_asset_decimals);
      const fee_percent = (exchange.fee / you_get_in_full_units) * 100;

      if (you_get && you_get > 0 && Number(exchange.payout) > 0 && Number(input1) < shares_supply / 10 ** reserve_asset_decimals) {
        meta = { ...exchange, fee_percent };
      } else {
        if (Number(input1) > 0) {
          error = "big_change";

    if (meta && Number(input1) > 0) {
      let bPriceInversed = false;
      if ("oracles" in actualParams) {
        if (actualParams.oracles[0].op === "*" && !actualParams.leverage)
          bPriceInversed = true;
      } else {
        if (actualParams.op1 === "*" && !actualParams.leverage)
          bPriceInversed = true;

      const new_p2 = (bPriceInversed ? 1 / meta.p2 : meta.p2);

      const t_p2 = (bPriceInversed ? 1 / meta.target_p2 : meta.target_p2);

      const priceChange = new_p2 - (old_p2 || 0);
      const changePricePercent = (priceChange / old_p2 || 0) * 100;
      const changeFinalPricePercent = ((new_p2 - t_p2) / t_p2) * 100;

      const priceChangeP1 = meta.p1 - meta.old_p1;
      const priceChangePercentP1 = ((priceChangeP1 / meta.old_p1 || 0) * 100);

      meta.p2Pair = p2Pair;
      meta.p1Pair = p1Pair;
      meta.priceChange = priceChange;
      meta.new_p2 = new_p2;
      meta.changePricePercent = changePricePercent;
      meta.changeFinalPricePercent = changeFinalPricePercent;
      meta.priceChangePercentP1 = priceChangePercentP1;
      meta.max_fee_percent = meta.fee_percent ? meta.fee_percent + 1 : 1;
      meta.isRedemption = isRedemption;
    } else {
    if (error) {
    } else {
  }, [address, toAsset, fromAsset, toDecimals, fromDecimals, input2, input1]);

  let link = "";
  try {
    link = generateLink(
  } catch { }

  const handleInput1 = (ev) => {
    const value = ev.target.value;
    if (value === "") {
    } else {
      if (f(value) <= fromDecimals) {

  const handleInput2 = (ev) => {
    const value = ev.target.value;
    if (value === "") {
    } else {
      if (f(value) <= toDecimals) {

  const isDisabled = input1 === undefined || input2 === undefined || Number(input1) <= 0 || Number(input2) <= 0 || (meta?.isRedemption && meta?.fee_percent >= 100);

  const onEnter = (ev) => {
    if (ev.key === "Enter") {
      if (!isDisabled) {

  const addProtect = fromAsset === reserve_asset && (toAsset === asset || toAsset === asset2);

  const changeDirection = () => {
    const oldFromAsset = `${fromAsset}`;
    const oldToAsset = `${toAsset}`;

  return <div>
    <Title level={3}>{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.title", "Buy and redeem")}</Title>
      <Row style={{ marginBottom: 50 }}>
        <Col lg={{ span: 7 }} sm={{ span: 16 }} xs={{ span: 24 }}>
          <Text type="secondary">{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.you_send", "You send")}:</Text>
          <Input.Group compact size="large">
            <Form.Item style={{ width: "50%", marginBottom: 0 }}>
                value={input1} placeholder="Amount"
                style={{ width: "100%" }}
            <Form.Item style={{ width: "50%", marginBottom: 0 }}>
              <Select size="large" placeholder="Select token" value={fromAsset} onChange={(v) => setFromAsset(v)} style={{ width: "100%" }} >
                {reserve ? (
                    <Select.Option value={reserve_asset}> {reserve_asset === "base" ? <GbyteIcon width="1em" height="1em" style={{ marginRight: 3, marginBottom: -1.5 }} /> : null} {reserve_asset_symbol}</Select.Option>
                    <Select.Option value={asset2}><CoinIcon width="1em" height="1em" style={{ marginRight: 5, marginBottom: -1.5 }} pegged={peggedCurrency} type={2} /> {symbol2 || "T2"}</Select.Option>
                    <Select.Option value={shares_asset}><CoinIcon width="1em" height="1em" style={{ marginRight: 5, marginBottom: -1.5 }} pegged={peggedCurrency} type={1} /> {symbol4 || "T_SF"}</Select.Option>
                    <Select.Option value={asset}><CoinIcon width="1em" height="1em" style={{ marginRight: 5, marginBottom: -1.5 }} pegged={peggedCurrency} type={3} /> {symbol3 || "T_STABLE"}</Select.Option>
                ) : <Select.Option value={reserve_asset}>{reserve_asset === "base" ? <GbyteIcon width="1em" height="1em" style={{ marginRight: 3, marginBottom: -1.5 }} /> : null} {reserve_asset_symbol}</Select.Option>}
            <div style={{ minHeight: 22 }}>
              <span style={{ color: "#e74c3c" }}>{error ? (error === "exceeds_supply" ? <div>{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.exceeds_supply", "Enter a value less than the supply")}</div> : null) : null}</span>
          {addProtect ? <Text type="secondary" style={{ fontSize: 10, lineHeight: "auto" }}>{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.protect_v2", "1% of this amount will be added to protect against price volatility, you will receive this amount back if prices do not change.")}</Text> : null}
        <Col lg={{ span: 2 }} sm={{ span: 16 }} xs={{ span: 24 }}>
          <div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "center", marginTop: 22 }}>
            <SwapOutlined onClick={changeDirection} style={{ fontSize: 28, padding: 5, display: "block", height: 40, cursor: "pointer", transform: width < 992 ? "rotate(90deg)" : "none" }} />
        <Col lg={{ span: 7 }} sm={{ span: 16, offset: 0 }} xs={{ span: 24, offset: 0 }}>
          <Text type="secondary">{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.you_get", "You get")}:</Text>
          <Input.Group compact size="large">
            <Form.Item style={{ width: "50%", marginBottom: 0 }}>
              <Input onKeyPress={onEnter} disabled={fromAsset !== reserve_asset || toAsset === shares_asset || toAsset === asset2 || toAsset === asset} autoFocus={true} placeholder="Amount" onChange={handleInput2} value={input2} style={{ width: "100%" }} />
            <Form.Item style={{ width: "50%", marginBottom: 0 }}>
              <Select size="large" placeholder="Select token" value={toAsset} onChange={(v) => setToAsset(v)} style={{ width: "100%" }}>
                {currentPairs?.map((p, i) => {
                  return <Select.Option key={"option" + i} value={p.asset}>{p.type > 0 ? <CoinIcon width="1em" height="1em" style={{ marginRight: 5, marginBottom: -1.5 }} pegged={peggedCurrency} type={p.type} /> : (p.asset === "base" ? <GbyteIcon width="1em" height="1em" style={{ marginRight: 3, marginBottom: -1.5 }} /> : null)} {p.symbol || p.asset}</Select.Option>
            <span style={{ color: "#e74c3c" }}>{(error && (error === "big_change" ? t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.big_change", "The transaction would change the price too much, please try a smaller amount") : null)) || null}</span>
        <Col span="24" >
          <div style={{ display: "flex", marginTop: 50 }}>
              <div style={{ marginBottom: 25 }}>
                  <Text type="secondary" style={{ display: "block" }}>
                    <b>{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.fee", "Fee")}: </b>
                    {meta ? <span style={(meta.fee_percent > 1) ? ((meta.fee_percent > 3) ? { color: "red" } : { color: "orange" }) : { color: "inherit" }}>
                      {Number(meta.fee_percent).toFixed(2) || 0}%
                    </span> : 0}
                  <Text type="secondary" style={{ display: "block" }}>
                    <b>{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.reward", "Reward")}:</b>{" "}
                    {meta ? <span style={meta.reward_percent > 0 ? { color: "green" } : { color: "inherit" }}>
                      {(meta.reward !== 0 &&
                        !isNaN(meta.reward_percent) &&
                        Number(meta.reward_percent).toFixed(2)) ||
                    </span> : 0}
                    <b>{"p2" in bonded_state ? t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.price_change", "{{pair}} price change", { pair: p2Pair }) + ": " : t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.price", "{{pair}} price", { pair: p2Pair }) + ": "}</b>
                    {meta ? <>
                      {meta.priceChange > 0 ? "+" : ""}
                      {"p2" in bonded_state &&
                        " (" +
                        (meta.changePricePercent > 0 ? "+" : "") +
                        meta.changePricePercent.toFixed(2) +
                    </> : 0}
                  <Text type="secondary">
                    <b>{t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.final_price", "Final {{pair}} price", { pair: p2Pair })}:</b>{" "}
                    {meta ? <>
                      ) + (meta.changeFinalPricePercent ?
                        ` (${Math.abs(meta.changeFinalPricePercent).toFixed(2)}% ${meta.changeFinalPricePercent > 0 ? t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.above_target", "above the target") : t("trade.tabs.buy_redeem.below_target", "below the target")})` : "")}
                    </> : Number(old_p2 || 0).toFixed(reserve_asset_decimals)}
                <QRButton onClick={() => {
                  const action = `${fromInfo.type} -> ${toInfo.type}`;
                  const label = `${fromInfo.symbol} -> ${toInfo.symbol}`;
                  const category = "Exchange (Trade page)";

                  dispatch(addTrackedExchanges({ aa: currentAddress, payload: sendPayload, activeWallet, action, label, category, fromAsset, amount: Math.round(sendAmount) }));
                }} disabled={isDisabled} type="primary" size="large" ref={btnRef} href={link}>Exchange</QRButton>