@ant-design/icons#FilterOutlined JavaScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @ant-design/icons#FilterOutlined. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: filter.js    From ant-simple-pro with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
Filter = memo(function Filter({ tablecolumns, filterColunsFunc, className }) {
  const onChange = (checkedValue) => {
    const filterColunsData = tablecolumns.filter((item) => checkedValue.includes(item.key));

  const filterComponent = (
      <Checkbox.Group onChange={onChange} defaultValue={tablecolumns.map((item) => item.key)}>
            tablecolumns.length ? tablecolumns.map((item, index) => (
              <li key={index}><Checkbox value={item.key}><span style={{ paddingLeft: '6px' }}>{item.title}</span></Checkbox></li>
            )) : null

  return (
      <Popover placement="bottom" content={filterComponent}>
        <Tooltip title='过滤' placement="left">
          <FilterOutlined className={className} />
Example #2
Source File: index.js    From ant-simple-pro with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
EverUse = memo(function EverUse(props) {
  const fileList = [
      uid: '-1',
      status: 'success',
      response: {
        code: requestCode.successCode,
        data: { url: 'https://antd-simple-pro.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/image/1618975957299.jpg' },
      url: 'https://antd-simple-pro.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/image/1618975957299.jpg',
      uid: '-2',
      status: 'error',
      thumbUrl: 'https://antd-simple-pro.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/image/1618975957299.jpg',
      response: '服务异常'
  const selectList = [
    { name: 'react', id: 1 },
    { name: 'vue', id: 2 },
    { name: 'angular', id: 3 }
  const handChange = (val) => {
    console.log('handChange', val)
  return (
    <div className='bgW'>
      <ul className={`${style.everUser}`}>
            <Button title='新增' />
            <Button iconClass='add' className='left-10px' />
            <Button iconClass='add' className='left-10px' title='新增' />
            <Button icon={<FilterOutlined />} className='left-10px' title='新增' />
            <Button icon={<FilterOutlined />} className='left-10px' title='新增' size='small' type='dashed' danger />
          <p><span className={style.toast}>温馨提示</span>:我们在antd <code>Button</code> 组件的基础上进行了二次封装,新增了
                    <code>title,iconClass等属性</code> 具体的请看源码 ,antd <code>Button</code> 原有的属性依旧支持,具体请查看antd官网。</p>
            <SvgIcon iconClass='add' fontSize='30px' fill='red' />
            <SvgIcon iconClass='chart' fontSize='30px' fill='blue' className='left-10px' />
            <SvgIcon iconClass='qp' fontSize='30px' fill='#1890ff' className='left-10px' />
          <p><span className={style.toast}>温馨提示</span>:我们内置了对svg的支持,并且写了 <code>SvgIcon</code> 组件,你只需
                    按照我们的要求,将svg组件下载下来,放到项目文件夹 <code>icons/svg</code> 中去即可,<span className={style.toast}>如果你下载的svg名字是中文,建议你改成英文/拼音</span>,组件对应的属性
                    请查看 <code>SvgIcon</code> 的源码。</p>
            <ImgUpload fileList={[...fileList]} typeModule={2} onChange={handChange} />
          <p><span className={style.toast}>温馨提示</span>:我们在antd <code>Upload</code> 组件的基础上进行了二次封装,新增了
                    <code>limit,typeModule等属性</code> 具体的请看源码,和提供的案例 ,antd <code>Upload</code> 原有的属性依旧支持,具体请查看antd官网。</p>
            <Select data={selectList} valKey='id' valName='name' style={{ width: '200px', marginRight: '10px' }} />
            <Select data={selectList} valKey='id' valName='name' style={{ width: '200px' }} value={2} size='large' />
          <p><span className={style.toast}>温馨提示</span>:我们在antd <code>Select</code> 组件的基础上进行了二次封装,新增了
                    <code>data,valKey,valName等属性</code> 具体的请看源码,和提供的案例 ,antd <code>Select</code> 原有的属性依旧支持,具体请查看antd官网。</p>
        <li className={style.toast}>