Java Examples

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Example #1
Source File:    From DataHubSystem with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public ODataResponse getEntityMedia (ODataSingleProcessor processor)
      throws ODataException
   initNode ();
   if (hasStream ())
         User u = Security.getCurrentUser();
         String user_name = (u == null ? null : u.getUsername ());
         InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream (getStream());
         RegulatedInputStream.Builder builder = 
            new RegulatedInputStream.Builder (is, TrafficDirection.OUTBOUND);
         builder.userName (user_name);

         CopyStreamAdapter adapter = new CopyStreamAdapter ();
         CopyStreamListener recorder = new DownloadActionRecordListener (
               this.getId (), this.getName (), u);
         CopyStreamListener closer = new DownloadStreamCloserListener (is);
         adapter.addCopyStreamListener (recorder);
         adapter.addCopyStreamListener (closer);
         builder.copyStreamListener (adapter);
         if (getContentLength ()>0) builder.streamSize(getContentLength());
         is =;

         String etag = getName () + "-" + getContentLength ();

         // A priori Node never change, so the lastModified should be as
         // far as possible than today.
         long last_modified =  System.currentTimeMillis () - ONE_YEAR_MS;

         // If node is not a data file, it cannot be downloaded and set to -1
         // As a stream exists, this control is probably obsolete.
         long content_length = getContentLength ()==0?-1:getContentLength ();

         return MediaResponseBuilder.prepareMediaResponse(etag, getName(),
            getContentType (), last_modified, content_length,
            processor.getContext (), is);
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new ODataException (
            "An exception occured while creating the stream for node " + 
            getName(), e);
      throw new ODataException ("No stream for node " + getName ());