com.structurizr.model.Container Java Examples

The following examples show how to use com.structurizr.model.Container. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From tutorials with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
private static void addContainers(Workspace workspace) {
    Model model = workspace.getModel();

    SoftwareSystem paymentTerminal = model.getSoftwareSystemWithName(PAYMENT_TERMINAL);
    Container f5 = paymentTerminal.addContainer("Payment Load Balancer", "Payment Load Balancer", "F5");
    Container jvm1 = paymentTerminal.addContainer("JVM-1", "JVM-1", "Java Virtual Machine");
    Container jvm2 = paymentTerminal.addContainer("JVM-2", "JVM-2", "Java Virtual Machine");
    Container jvm3 = paymentTerminal.addContainer("JVM-3", "JVM-3", "Java Virtual Machine");
    Container oracle = paymentTerminal.addContainer("oracleDB", "Oracle Database", "RDBMS");

    f5.uses(jvm1, "route");
    f5.uses(jvm2, "route");
    f5.uses(jvm3, "route");

    jvm1.uses(oracle, "storage");
    jvm2.uses(oracle, "storage");
    jvm3.uses(oracle, "storage");

    ContainerView view = workspace.getViews().createContainerView(paymentTerminal, CONTAINER_VIEW, "Container View");
Example #2
Source File:    From tutorials with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
private static void addComponents(Workspace workspace) {
    Model model = workspace.getModel();

    SoftwareSystem paymentTerminal = model.getSoftwareSystemWithName(PAYMENT_TERMINAL);
    Container jvm1 = paymentTerminal.getContainerWithName("JVM-1");

    Component jaxrs = jvm1.addComponent("jaxrs-jersey", "restful webservice implementation", "rest");
    Component gemfire = jvm1.addComponent("gemfire", "Clustered Cache Gemfire", "cache");
    Component hibernate = jvm1.addComponent("hibernate", "Data Access Layer", "jpa");

    jaxrs.uses(gemfire, "");
    gemfire.uses(hibernate, "");

    ComponentView componentView = workspace.getViews().createComponentView(jvm1, COMPONENT_VIEW, "JVM Components");
Example #3
Source File:    From java with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void test_countAndLogWarnings() {
    Workspace workspace = new Workspace("Name", "Description");
    SoftwareSystem softwareSystem1 = workspace.getModel().addSoftwareSystem("Software System 1", null);
    SoftwareSystem softwareSystem2 = workspace.getModel().addSoftwareSystem("Software System 2", " ");
    Container container1 = softwareSystem1.addContainer("Name", "Description", null);
    Container container2 = softwareSystem2.addContainer("Name", "Description", " ");
    container1.uses(container2, null, null);
    container2.uses(container1, " ", " ");

    Component component1A = container1.addComponent("A", null, null);
    Component component1B = container1.addComponent("B", "", "");
    component1A.uses(component1B, null);
    component1B.uses(component1A, "");

    assertEquals(10, workspace.countAndLogWarnings());
Example #4
Source File:    From java with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Adds the default set of elements to this view.
public void addDefaultElements() {
    for (Container container : getSoftwareSystem().getContainers()) {
        addNearestNeighbours(container, Person.class);
        addNearestNeighbours(container, SoftwareSystem.class);
Example #5
Source File:    From tutorials with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void findComponents(Container jvm) throws Exception {
    ComponentFinder componentFinder = new ComponentFinder(
            new SpringComponentFinderStrategy(
                    new ReferencedTypesSupportingTypesStrategy()
            new SourceCodeComponentFinderStrategy(new File("."), 150));

Example #6
Source File:    From tutorials with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void addSpringComponents(Workspace workspace) throws Exception {
    Container jvm2 = workspace.getModel().getSoftwareSystemWithName(PAYMENT_TERMINAL).getContainerWithName("JVM-2");

    ComponentView view = workspace.getViews().createComponentView(jvm2, JVM2_COMPONENT_VIEW, "JVM2ComponentView");

Example #7
Source File:    From java with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Adds all people, software systems and containers that are directly connected to the specified element.
 * @param element   an Element
public void addNearestNeighbours(@Nonnull Element element) {
    super.addNearestNeighbours(element, Person.class);
    super.addNearestNeighbours(element, SoftwareSystem.class);
    super.addNearestNeighbours(element, Container.class);
Example #8
Source File:    From architecture-guild with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void setupComponentView(Workspace workspace, Container oldBackend) {
    Function<ViewSet, StaticView> componentViewCreator = views ->
                    "Car sharing monolith components",
                    "Car sharing monolith components");
    setupView(workspace, componentViewCreator, PaperSize.A2_Landscape);
Example #9
Source File:    From java with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Workspace workspace = new Workspace("Styling Relationships", "This is a model of my software system.");
        Model model = workspace.getModel();

        Person user = model.addPerson("User", "A user of my software system.");
        SoftwareSystem softwareSystem = model.addSoftwareSystem("Software System", "My software system.");
        Container webApplication = softwareSystem.addContainer("Web Application", "My web application.", "Java and Spring MVC");
        Container database = softwareSystem.addContainer("Database", "My database.", "Relational database schema");
        user.uses(webApplication, "Uses", "HTTPS");
        webApplication.uses(database, "Reads from and writes to", "JDBC");

        ViewSet views = workspace.getViews();
        ContainerView containerView = views.createContainerView(softwareSystem, "containers", "An example of a container diagram.");

        Styles styles = workspace.getViews().getConfiguration().getStyles();

        // example 1
//        styles.addRelationshipStyle(Tags.RELATIONSHIP).color("#ff0000");

        // example 2
//        model.getRelationships().stream().filter(r -> "HTTPS".equals(r.getTechnology())).forEach(r -> r.addTags("HTTPS"));
//        model.getRelationships().stream().filter(r -> "JDBC".equals(r.getTechnology())).forEach(r -> r.addTags("JDBC"));
//        styles.addRelationshipStyle("HTTPS").color("#ff0000");
//        styles.addRelationshipStyle("JDBC").color("#0000ff");

        StructurizrClient structurizrClient = new StructurizrClient(API_KEY, API_SECRET);
        structurizrClient.putWorkspace(WORKSPACE_ID, workspace);
Example #10
Source File:    From java with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Workspace workspace = new Workspace("Styling Elements", "This is a model of my software system.");
        Model model = workspace.getModel();

        Person user = model.addPerson("User", "A user of my software system.");
        SoftwareSystem softwareSystem = model.addSoftwareSystem("Software System", "My software system.");
        Container webApplication = softwareSystem.addContainer("Web Application", "My web application.", "Java and Spring MVC");
        Container database = softwareSystem.addContainer("Database", "My database.", "Relational database schema");
        user.uses(webApplication, "Uses", "HTTPS");
        webApplication.uses(database, "Reads from and writes to", "JDBC");

        ViewSet views = workspace.getViews();
        ContainerView containerView = views.createContainerView(softwareSystem, "containers", "An example of a container diagram.");

        Styles styles = workspace.getViews().getConfiguration().getStyles();

        // example 1
//        styles.addElementStyle(Tags.ELEMENT).background("#438dd5").color("#ffffff");

        // example 2
//        styles.addElementStyle(Tags.ELEMENT).color("#ffffff");
//        styles.addElementStyle(Tags.PERSON).background("#08427b");
//        styles.addElementStyle(Tags.CONTAINER).background("#438dd5");

        // example 3
//        styles.addElementStyle(Tags.ELEMENT).color("#ffffff");
//        styles.addElementStyle(Tags.PERSON).background("#08427b").shape(Shape.Person);
//        styles.addElementStyle(Tags.CONTAINER).background("#438dd5");
//        database.addTags("Database");
//        styles.addElementStyle("Database").shape(Shape.Cylinder);

        StructurizrClient structurizrClient = new StructurizrClient(API_KEY, API_SECRET);
        structurizrClient.putWorkspace(WORKSPACE_ID, workspace);
Example #11
Source File:    From structurizr-extensions with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public WebShop(Model model, Personas personas, Sap sap) {
    webShop = model.addSoftwareSystem(Location.Internal, "WebShop", "Web-based application to buy our products");

    final Container webServer = webShop.addContainer("WebShop", "The web application of the web shop", "Tomcat");
    personas.getCustomer().uses(webServer, "Buys products", "Browser");
    personas.getAdmin().uses(webServer, "enters new products", "Browser");

    webServer.uses(sap.getSap(), "places orders", "WebService");
Example #12
Source File:    From cia with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * The main method.
 * @param args
 *            the arguments
 * @throws Exception
 *             the exception
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
	final Workspace workspace = new Workspace("Citizen Intelligence Agency", "Public Aws System Documentation");
	final Model model = workspace.getModel();
	final ViewSet viewSet = workspace.getViews();

	final SoftwareSystem ciaSystem = model.addSoftwareSystem("Citizen Intelligence Agency",
			"Tracking politicians like bugs!");

	final DeploymentNode masterAccountNode = model.addDeploymentNode("Master Account", "AWS", "Aws Account");
	final Container awsAccountContainer = ciaSystem.addContainer("Master Account", "AWS", "Aws Account");

	final DeploymentNode iamAccountNode = model.addDeploymentNode("IAM Account", "AWS", "Aws Account");
	final Container iamAccountContainer = ciaSystem.addContainer("IAM Account", "AWS", "Aws Account");
	final DeploymentNode devAccountNode = model.addDeploymentNode("Development Account", "AWS", "Aws Account");
	final Container devAccountContainer = ciaSystem.addContainer("Development Account", "AWS", "Aws Account");

	final DeploymentNode opCenterAccountNode = model.addDeploymentNode("Operation Center Account", "AWS", "Aws Account");
	final Container opCenterAccountContainer = ciaSystem.addContainer("Operation Center Account", "AWS", "Aws Account");

	final DeploymentNode auditAccountNode = model.addDeploymentNode("Audit Account", "AWS", "Aws Account");
	final Container auditAccountContainer = ciaSystem.addContainer("Audit Account", "AWS", "Aws Account");
	final DeploymentNode appAccountNode = model.addDeploymentNode("Application Account", "AWS", "Aws Account");
	final Container appAccountContainer = ciaSystem.addContainer("Application Account", "AWS", "Aws Account");
	awsAccountContainer.uses(iamAccountContainer, "create/restrict");
	awsAccountContainer.uses(devAccountContainer, "create/restrict");
	awsAccountContainer.uses(opCenterAccountContainer, "create/restrict");
	awsAccountContainer.uses(auditAccountContainer, "create/restrict");
	awsAccountContainer.uses(appAccountContainer, "create/restrict");
	awsAccountContainer.uses(auditAccountContainer, "publish event/audit");
	iamAccountContainer.uses(auditAccountContainer, "publish event/audit");
	devAccountContainer.uses(auditAccountContainer, "publish event/audit");
	opCenterAccountContainer.uses(auditAccountContainer, "publish event/audit");
	appAccountContainer.uses(auditAccountContainer, "publish event/audit");
	opCenterAccountContainer.uses(auditAccountContainer, "Monitor event/audit");
	iamAccountContainer.uses(devAccountContainer, "manage access");
	iamAccountContainer.uses(appAccountContainer, "manage access");
	iamAccountContainer.uses(opCenterAccountContainer, "manage access");

	final DeploymentView developmentDeploymentView = viewSet.createDeploymentView(ciaSystem, "\"Production Aws Account structure\"",
			"\"Production Aws Account structure\"");


	final Styles styles = viewSet.getConfiguration().getStyles();

	System.setProperty("PLANTUML_LIMIT_SIZE", "8192");
	Run.main(new String[] { Paths.get(".").toAbsolutePath().normalize().toString() + File.separator + "target"
			+ File.separator + "site" + File.separator + "architecture" + File.separator });
Example #13
Source File:    From architecture-guild with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void createCallsFromInternalModules(Container bigApp) {
    sampleComponent1.uses(sampleComponent2, "a direct rest call", Protocols.REST, InteractionStyle.Synchronous);
Example #14
Source File:    From architecture-guild with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
SampleCarShareModules(Container carSharing) {
    sampleComponent1 = carSharing.addComponent("Sample component 1", "Sample component 1");
    sampleComponent2 = carSharing.addComponent("Sample component 2", "Sample component 2");
Example #15
Source File:    From java with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Adds an individual container (belonging to any software system) to this view.
 * @param container         the Container to add
 * @param addRelationships  whether to add relationships to/from the container
public void add(Container container, boolean addRelationships) {
    addElement(container, addRelationships);
Example #16
Source File:    From java with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Removes an individual container from this view.
 * @param container the Container to remove
public void remove(Container container) {
Example #17
Source File:    From java with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Adds an individual container (belonging to any software system) to this view, including relationships to/from that container.
 * @param container the Container to add
public void add(Container container) {
    add(container, true);
Example #18
Source File:    From java with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Adds a section relating to a {@link Container} from one or more files.
 * @param container     the {@link Container} the documentation content relates to
 * @param title             the section title
 * @param files         one or more File objects that point to the documentation content
 * @return              a documentation {@link Section}
 * @throws IOException      if there is an error reading the files
public Section addSection(Container container, String title, File... files) throws IOException {
    return add(container, title, files);
Example #19
Source File:    From java with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Adds a section relating to a {@link Container}.
 * @param container     the {@link Container} the documentation content relates to
 * @param title             the section title
 * @param format        the {@link Format} of the documentation content
 * @param content       a String containing the documentation content
 * @return              a documentation {@link Section}
public Section addSection(Container container, String title, Format format, String content) {
    return add(container, title, format, content);
Example #20
Source File:    From java with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Adds a "Components" section relating to a {@link Container} from one or more files.
 * @param container     the {@link Container} the documentation content relates to
 * @param files         one or more File objects that point to the documentation content
 * @return              a documentation {@link Section}
 * @throws IOException      if there is an error reading the files
public Section addComponentsSection(@Nullable Container container, File... files) throws IOException {
    return addSection(container, "Components", files);
Example #21
Source File:    From java with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Adds a "Components" section relating to a {@link Container}.
 * @param container     the {@link Container} the documentation content relates to
 * @param format        the {@link Format} of the documentation content
 * @param content       a String containing the documentation content
 * @return              a documentation {@link Section}
public Section addComponentsSection(@Nullable Container container, @Nonnull Format format, @Nonnull String content) {
    return addSection(container, "Components", format, content);