Java Code Examples for org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources#greaterThan()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources#greaterThan() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void validateInput(Plan plan, ReservationRequest rr,
    Resource totalCapacity) throws ContractValidationException {

  if (rr.getConcurrency() < 1) {
    throw new ContractValidationException("Gang Size should be >= 1");

  if (rr.getNumContainers() <= 0) {
    throw new ContractValidationException("Num containers should be >= 0");

  // check that gangSize and numContainers are compatible
  if (rr.getNumContainers() % rr.getConcurrency() != 0) {
    throw new ContractValidationException(
        "Parallelism must be an exact multiple of gang size");

  // check that the largest container request does not exceed
  // the cluster-wide limit for container sizes
  if (Resources.greaterThan(plan.getResourceCalculator(), totalCapacity,
      rr.getCapability(), plan.getMaximumAllocation())) {
    throw new ContractValidationException("Individual"
        + " capability requests should not exceed cluster's maxAlloc");
Example 2
Source File:    From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Check for queues that need tasks preempted, either because they have been
 * below their guaranteed share for minSharePreemptionTimeout or they have
 * been below their fair share threshold for the fairSharePreemptionTimeout. If
 * such queues exist, compute how many tasks of each type need to be preempted
 * and then select the right ones using preemptTasks.
protected synchronized void preemptTasksIfNecessary() {
  if (!shouldAttemptPreemption()) {

  long curTime = getClock().getTime();
  if (curTime - lastPreemptCheckTime < preemptionInterval) {
  lastPreemptCheckTime = curTime;

  Resource resToPreempt = Resources.clone(Resources.none());
  for (FSLeafQueue sched : queueMgr.getLeafQueues()) {
    Resources.addTo(resToPreempt, resToPreempt(sched, curTime));
  if (Resources.greaterThan(RESOURCE_CALCULATOR, clusterResource, resToPreempt,
      Resources.none())) {
Example 3
Source File:    From big-c with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void validateInput(Plan plan, ReservationRequest rr,
    Resource totalCapacity) throws ContractValidationException {

  if (rr.getConcurrency() < 1) {
    throw new ContractValidationException("Gang Size should be >= 1");

  if (rr.getNumContainers() <= 0) {
    throw new ContractValidationException("Num containers should be >= 0");

  // check that gangSize and numContainers are compatible
  if (rr.getNumContainers() % rr.getConcurrency() != 0) {
    throw new ContractValidationException(
        "Parallelism must be an exact multiple of gang size");

  // check that the largest container request does not exceed
  // the cluster-wide limit for container sizes
  if (Resources.greaterThan(plan.getResourceCalculator(), totalCapacity,
      rr.getCapability(), plan.getMaximumAllocation())) {
    throw new ContractValidationException("Individual"
        + " capability requests should not exceed cluster's maxAlloc");
Example 4
Source File:    From big-c with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Check for queues that need tasks preempted, either because they have been
 * below their guaranteed share for minSharePreemptionTimeout or they have
 * been below their fair share threshold for the fairSharePreemptionTimeout. If
 * such queues exist, compute how many tasks of each type need to be preempted
 * and then select the right ones using preemptTasks.
protected synchronized void preemptTasksIfNecessary() {
  if (!shouldAttemptPreemption()) {

  long curTime = getClock().getTime();
  if (curTime - lastPreemptCheckTime < preemptionInterval) {
  lastPreemptCheckTime = curTime;

  Resource resToPreempt = Resources.clone(Resources.none());
  for (FSLeafQueue sched : queueMgr.getLeafQueues()) {
    Resources.addTo(resToPreempt, resToPreempt(sched, curTime));
  if (Resources.greaterThan(RESOURCE_CALCULATOR, clusterResource, resToPreempt,
      Resources.none())) {
Example 5
Source File:    From big-c with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected boolean arePlanResourcesLessThanReservations(
    Resource clusterResources, Resource planResources,
    Resource reservedResources) {
  return Resources.greaterThan(cs.getResourceCalculator(),
      clusterResources, reservedResources, planResources);
Example 6
Source File:    From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void assignPreemption(float scalingFactor,
    ResourceCalculator rc, Resource clusterResource) {
  if (Resources.greaterThan(rc, clusterResource, current, idealAssigned)) {
      toBePreempted = Resources.multiply(
          Resources.subtract(current, idealAssigned), scalingFactor);
  } else {
    toBePreempted = Resource.newInstance(0, 0, 0);
Example 7
Source File:    From big-c with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void assignPreemption(float scalingFactor,
    ResourceCalculator rc, Resource clusterResource) {
  if (Resources.greaterThan(rc, clusterResource, current, idealAssigned)) {
	  //to avoid negative memory or cores
	  //we only prempte current.cores > idealAssigned.cores || current.memory > idealAssigned.memory
      toBePreempted = Resources.multiply(
          Resources.subtracts(current, idealAssigned), scalingFactor);
      //we still have resource left"assignPreemption queue  "+queueName+" toBePreempted  "+toBePreempted);
  } else {
    toBePreempted = Resource.newInstance(0, 0);
Example 8
Source File:    From big-c with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static void updateQueueStatistics(
    final ResourceCalculator calculator,
    final CSQueue childQueue, final CSQueue parentQueue, 
    final Resource clusterResource, final Resource minimumAllocation) {
  Resource queueLimit = Resources.none();
  Resource usedResources = childQueue.getUsedResources();
  float absoluteUsedCapacity = 0.0f;
  float usedCapacity = 0.0f;

  if (Resources.greaterThan(
      calculator, clusterResource, clusterResource, Resources.none())) {
    queueLimit = 
        Resources.multiply(clusterResource, childQueue.getAbsoluteCapacity());
    //absoluteUsedCapacity = 
    //    Resources.divide(calculator, clusterResource, 
    //        usedResources, clusterResource);
    absoluteUsedCapacity = (float) ((usedResources.getVirtualCores()*1.0)/(clusterResource.getVirtualCores()*1.0));
    usedCapacity = 
        Resources.equals(queueLimit, Resources.none()) ? 0 :
        Resources.divide(calculator, clusterResource, 
            usedResources, queueLimit);

  Resource available = Resources.subtract(queueLimit, usedResources);
Example 9
Source File:    From big-c with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected boolean arePlanResourcesLessThanReservations(Resource
    clusterResources, Resource planResources, Resource reservedResources) {
  return Resources.greaterThan(fs.getResourceCalculator(),
      clusterResources, reservedResources, planResources);
Example 10
Source File:    From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Based a resource preemption target drop reservations of containers and
 * if necessary select containers for preemption from applications in each
 * over-capacity queue. It uses {@link #NATURAL_TERMINATION_FACTOR} to
 * account for containers that will naturally complete.
 * @param queues set of leaf queues to preempt from
 * @param clusterResource total amount of cluster resources
 * @return a map of applciationID to set of containers to preempt
private Map<ApplicationAttemptId,Set<RMContainer>> getContainersToPreempt(
    List<TempQueue> queues, Resource clusterResource) {

  Map<ApplicationAttemptId,Set<RMContainer>> preemptMap =
      new HashMap<ApplicationAttemptId,Set<RMContainer>>();
  List<RMContainer> skippedAMContainerlist = new ArrayList<RMContainer>();

  for (TempQueue qT : queues) {
    if (qT.preemptionDisabled && qT.leafQueue != null) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        if (Resources.greaterThan(rc, clusterResource,
            qT.toBePreempted, Resource.newInstance(0, 0, 0))) {
          LOG.debug("Tried to preempt the following "
                    + "resources from non-preemptable queue: "
                    + qT.queueName + " - Resources: " + qT.toBePreempted);
    // we act only if we are violating balance by more than
    // maxIgnoredOverCapacity
    if (Resources.greaterThan(rc, clusterResource, qT.current,
        Resources.multiply(qT.guaranteed, 1.0 + maxIgnoredOverCapacity))) {
      // we introduce a dampening factor naturalTerminationFactor that
      // accounts for natural termination of containers
      Resource resToObtain =
        Resources.multiply(qT.toBePreempted, naturalTerminationFactor);
      Resource skippedAMSize = Resource.newInstance(0, 0, 0);

      // lock the leafqueue while we scan applications and unreserve
      synchronized (qT.leafQueue) {
        NavigableSet<FiCaSchedulerApp> ns = 
            (NavigableSet<FiCaSchedulerApp>) qT.leafQueue.getApplications();
        Iterator<FiCaSchedulerApp> desc = ns.descendingIterator();
        qT.actuallyPreempted = Resources.clone(resToObtain);
        while (desc.hasNext()) {
          FiCaSchedulerApp fc =;
          if (Resources.lessThanOrEqual(rc, clusterResource, resToObtain,
              Resources.none())) {
              preemptFrom(fc, clusterResource, resToObtain,
                  skippedAMContainerlist, skippedAMSize));
        Resource maxAMCapacityForThisQueue = Resources.multiply(

        // Can try preempting AMContainers (still saving atmost
        // maxAMCapacityForThisQueue AMResource's) if more resources are
        // required to be preempted from this Queue.
        preemptAMContainers(clusterResource, preemptMap,
            skippedAMContainerlist, resToObtain, skippedAMSize,
  return preemptMap;
Example 11
Source File:    From big-c with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void validateReservationDefinition(ReservationId reservationId,
    ReservationDefinition contract, Plan plan, String auditConstant)
    throws YarnException {
  String message = "";
  // check if deadline is in the past
  if (contract == null) {
    message =
        "Missing reservation definition."
            + " Please try again by specifying a reservation definition.";
    RMAuditLogger.logFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant,
        "validate reservation input definition", "ClientRMService", message);
    throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException(message);
  if (contract.getDeadline() <= clock.getTime()) {
    message =
        "The specified deadline: " + contract.getDeadline()
            + " is the past. Please try again with deadline in the future.";
    RMAuditLogger.logFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant,
        "validate reservation input definition", "ClientRMService", message);
    throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException(message);
  // Check if at least one RR has been specified
  ReservationRequests resReqs = contract.getReservationRequests();
  if (resReqs == null) {
    message =
        "No resources have been specified to reserve."
            + "Please try again by specifying the resources to reserve.";
    RMAuditLogger.logFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant,
        "validate reservation input definition", "ClientRMService", message);
    throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException(message);
  List<ReservationRequest> resReq = resReqs.getReservationResources();
  if (resReq == null || resReq.isEmpty()) {
    message =
        "No resources have been specified to reserve."
            + " Please try again by specifying the resources to reserve.";
    RMAuditLogger.logFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant,
        "validate reservation input definition", "ClientRMService", message);
    throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException(message);
  // compute minimum duration and max gang size
  long minDuration = 0;
  Resource maxGangSize = Resource.newInstance(0, 0);
  ReservationRequestInterpreter type =
  for (ReservationRequest rr : resReq) {
    if (type == ReservationRequestInterpreter.R_ALL
        || type == ReservationRequestInterpreter.R_ANY) {
      minDuration = Math.max(minDuration, rr.getDuration());
    } else {
      minDuration += rr.getDuration();
    maxGangSize =
        Resources.max(plan.getResourceCalculator(), plan.getTotalCapacity(),
            Resources.multiply(rr.getCapability(), rr.getConcurrency()));
  // verify the allocation is possible (skip for ANY)
  if (contract.getDeadline() - contract.getArrival() < minDuration
      && type != ReservationRequestInterpreter.R_ANY) {
    message =
        "The time difference ("
            + (contract.getDeadline() - contract.getArrival())
            + ") between arrival (" + contract.getArrival() + ") "
            + "and deadline (" + contract.getDeadline() + ") must "
            + " be greater or equal to the minimum resource duration ("
            + minDuration + ")";
    RMAuditLogger.logFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant,
        "validate reservation input definition", "ClientRMService", message);
    throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException(message);
  // check that the largest gang does not exceed the inventory available
  // capacity (skip for ANY)
  if (Resources.greaterThan(plan.getResourceCalculator(),
      plan.getTotalCapacity(), maxGangSize, plan.getTotalCapacity())
      && type != ReservationRequestInterpreter.R_ANY) {
    message =
        "The size of the largest gang in the reservation refinition ("
            + maxGangSize + ") exceed the capacity available ("
            + plan.getTotalCapacity() + " )";
    RMAuditLogger.logFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant,
        "validate reservation input definition", "ClientRMService", message);
    throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException(message);
Example 12
Source File:    From big-c with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
synchronized boolean canAssignToThisQueue(Resource clusterResource,
    Set<String> nodeLabels, ResourceLimits currentResourceLimits,
    Resource nowRequired, Resource resourceCouldBeUnreserved) {
  // Get label of this queue can access, it's (nodeLabel AND queueLabel)
  Set<String> labelCanAccess;
  if (null == nodeLabels || nodeLabels.isEmpty()) {
    labelCanAccess = new HashSet<String>();
    // Any queue can always access any node without label
  } else {
    labelCanAccess = new HashSet<String>(
        accessibleLabels.contains(CommonNodeLabelsManager.ANY) ? nodeLabels
            : Sets.intersection(accessibleLabels, nodeLabels));
  for (String label : labelCanAccess) {
    // New total resource = used + required
    Resource newTotalResource =
        Resources.add(queueUsage.getUsed(label), nowRequired);

    Resource currentLimitResource =
        getCurrentLimitResource(label, clusterResource, currentResourceLimits);

    //current resource is much more than currentlimit
    if (Resources.greaterThan(resourceCalculator, clusterResource,
        newTotalResource, currentLimitResource)) {

      // if reservation continous looking enabled, check to see if could we
      // potentially use this node instead of a reserved node if the application
      // has reserved containers.
      // TODO, now only consider reservation cases when the node has no label
      if (this.reservationsContinueLooking
          && label.equals(RMNodeLabelsManager.NO_LABEL)
          && Resources.greaterThan(resourceCalculator, clusterResource,
          resourceCouldBeUnreserved, Resources.none())) {
        // resource-without-reserved = used - reserved
        Resource newTotalWithoutReservedResource =
            Resources.subtract(newTotalResource, resourceCouldBeUnreserved);

        // when total-used-without-reserved-resource < currentLimit, we still
        // have chance to allocate on this node by unreserving some containers
        if (Resources.lessThan(resourceCalculator, clusterResource,
            newTotalWithoutReservedResource, currentLimitResource)) {
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("try to use reserved: " + getQueueName()
                + " usedResources: " + queueUsage.getUsed()
                + ", clusterResources: " + clusterResource
                + ", reservedResources: " + resourceCouldBeUnreserved
                + ", capacity-without-reserved: "
                + newTotalWithoutReservedResource + ", maxLimitCapacity: "
                + currentLimitResource);
          return true;
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            + "Check assign to queue, label=" + label
            + " usedResources: " + queueUsage.getUsed(label)
            + " clusterResources: " + clusterResource
            + " currentUsedCapacity "
            + Resources.divide(resourceCalculator, clusterResource,
            labelManager.getResourceByLabel(label, clusterResource))
            + " max-capacity: "
            + queueCapacities.getAbsoluteMaximumCapacity(label)
            + ")");
      return false;
    return true;
  // Actually, this will not happen, since labelCanAccess will be always
  // non-empty
  return false;
Example 13
Source File:    From big-c with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public boolean checkIfUsageOverFairShare(Resource usage, Resource fairShare) {
  return Resources.greaterThan(RESOURCE_CALCULATOR, null, usage, fairShare);
Example 14
Source File:    From big-c with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public synchronized CSAssignment assignContainers(Resource clusterResource,
    FiCaSchedulerNode node, ResourceLimits resourceLimits) {
  CSAssignment assignment = 
      new CSAssignment(Resources.createResource(0, 0), NodeType.NODE_LOCAL);
  Set<String> nodeLabels = node.getLabels();
  // if our queue cannot access this node, just return
  if (!SchedulerUtils.checkQueueAccessToNode(accessibleLabels, nodeLabels)) {
    return assignment;
  //每次分配一个container 给node节点上的应用,直到不能非配为止
  while (canAssign(clusterResource, node)) {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) 
    {"Trying to assign containers to child-queue of "
        + getQueueName());
    //"cluster resource:"+clusterResource.getMemory()+"node:"+node.getNodeName()+"resource limits:"+resourceLimits.getLimit().getMemory());
    // Are we over maximum-capacity for this queue?
    // This will also consider parent's limits and also continuous reservation
    // looking,try to allocate at minimumAllocation to see if it's can be allocated
    if (!super.canAssignToThisQueue(clusterResource, nodeLabels, resourceLimits,
        minimumAllocation, Resources.createResource(getMetrics()
            .getReservedMB(), getMetrics().getReservedVirtualCores()))) {"over maximum-capacity of this queue "+getQueueName());
    // Schedule
    CSAssignment assignedToChild = 
        assignContainersToChildQueues(clusterResource, node, resourceLimits);
    // Done if no child-queue assigned anything
    //if get allocated in child queue
    if (Resources.greaterThan(
            resourceCalculator, clusterResource, 
            assignedToChild.getResource(), Resources.none())) {
      // Track resource utilization for the parent-queue
  	if(assignedToChild.getContainersToResume().size() > 0){
      super.allocateResource(clusterResource, assignedToChild.getResource(),
  	super.allocateResource(clusterResource, assignedToChild.getResource(),
      // Track resource utilization in this pass of the scheduler
      //Resources.addTo(assignment.getResource(), assignedToChild.getResource());
      //we need to merge the resumed containers and accumulate the resource
   "assignedContainer" +
          " queue=" + getQueueName() + 
          " usedCapacity=" + getUsedCapacity() +
          " absoluteUsedCapacity=" + getAbsoluteUsedCapacity() +
          " used=" + queueUsage.getUsed() + 
          " cluster=" + clusterResource+
          " resume size="+assignment.getContainersToResume().size());

    } else {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
   {"ParentQ=" + getQueueName()
        + " assignedSoFarInThisIteration=" + assignment.getResource()
        + " usedCapacity=" + getUsedCapacity()
        + " absoluteUsedCapacity=" + getAbsoluteUsedCapacity());

    // Do not assign more than one container if this isn't the root queue
    // or if we've already assigned an off-switch container why?
    if (!rootQueue || assignment.getType() == NodeType.OFF_SWITCH) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        if (rootQueue && assignment.getType() == NodeType.OFF_SWITCH) {
          LOG.debug("Not assigning more than one off-switch container," +
              " assignments so far: " + assignment);
  return assignment;
Example 15
Source File:    From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private synchronized CSAssignment assignContainersToChildQueues(
    Resource cluster, FiCaSchedulerNode node, ResourceLimits limits) {
  CSAssignment assignment = 
      new CSAssignment(Resources.createResource(0, 0, 0), NodeType.NODE_LOCAL);

  // Try to assign to most 'under-served' sub-queue
  for (Iterator<CSQueue> iter = childQueues.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
    CSQueue childQueue =;
    if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Trying to assign to queue: " + childQueue.getQueuePath()
        + " stats: " + childQueue);
    // Get ResourceLimits of child queue before assign containers
    ResourceLimits childLimits =
        getResourceLimitsOfChild(childQueue, cluster, limits);
    assignment = childQueue.assignContainers(cluster, node, childLimits);
    if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Assigned to queue: " + childQueue.getQueuePath() +
        " stats: " + childQueue + " --> " + 
        assignment.getResource() + ", " + assignment.getType());

    // If we do assign, remove the queue and re-insert in-order to re-sort
    if (Resources.greaterThan(
            resourceCalculator, cluster, 
            assignment.getResource(), Resources.none())) {
      // Remove and re-insert to sort
      iter.remove();"Re-sorting assigned queue: " + childQueue.getQueuePath() + 
          " stats: " + childQueue);
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
  return assignment;
Example 16
Source File:    From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public synchronized CSAssignment assignContainers(Resource clusterResource,
    FiCaSchedulerNode node, ResourceLimits resourceLimits) {
  CSAssignment assignment = 
      new CSAssignment(Resources.createResource(0, 0, 0), NodeType.NODE_LOCAL);
  Set<String> nodeLabels = node.getLabels();
  // if our queue cannot access this node, just return
  if (!SchedulerUtils.checkQueueAccessToNode(accessibleLabels, nodeLabels)) {
    return assignment;
  while (canAssign(clusterResource, node)) {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Trying to assign containers to child-queue of "
        + getQueueName());
    // Are we over maximum-capacity for this queue?
    // This will also consider parent's limits and also continuous reservation
    // looking
    if (!super.canAssignToThisQueue(clusterResource, nodeLabels, resourceLimits,
        minimumAllocation, Resources.createResource(getMetrics()
            .getReservedMB(), getMetrics().getReservedVirtualCores(), getMetrics().getReservedGpuCores()))) {
    // Schedule
    CSAssignment assignedToChild = 
        assignContainersToChildQueues(clusterResource, node, resourceLimits);
    // Done if no child-queue assigned anything
    if (Resources.greaterThan(
            resourceCalculator, clusterResource, 
            assignedToChild.getResource(), Resources.none())) {
      // Track resource utilization for the parent-queue
      super.allocateResource(clusterResource, assignedToChild.getResource(),
      // Track resource utilization in this pass of the scheduler
      Resources.addTo(assignment.getResource(), assignedToChild.getResource());
   "assignedContainer" +
          " queue=" + getQueueName() + 
          " usedCapacity=" + getUsedCapacity() +
          " absoluteUsedCapacity=" + getAbsoluteUsedCapacity() +
          " used=" + queueUsage.getUsed() + 
          " cluster=" + clusterResource);

    } else {

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("ParentQ=" + getQueueName()
        + " assignedSoFarInThisIteration=" + assignment.getResource()
        + " usedCapacity=" + getUsedCapacity()
        + " absoluteUsedCapacity=" + getAbsoluteUsedCapacity());

    // Do not assign more than one container if this isn't the root queue
    // or if we've already assigned an off-switch container
    if (!rootQueue || assignment.getType() == NodeType.OFF_SWITCH) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        if (rootQueue && assignment.getType() == NodeType.OFF_SWITCH) {
          LOG.debug("Not assigning more than one off-switch container," +
              " assignments so far: " + assignment);
  return assignment;
Example 17
Source File:    From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public boolean checkIfUsageOverFairShare(Resource usage, Resource fairShare) {
  return Resources.greaterThan(RESOURCE_CALCULATOR, null, usage, fairShare);
Example 18
Source File:    From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected boolean arePlanResourcesLessThanReservations(Resource
    clusterResources, Resource planResources, Resource reservedResources) {
  return Resources.greaterThan(fs.getResourceCalculator(),
      clusterResources, reservedResources, planResources);
Example 19
Source File:    From big-c with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 public void suspendContianer(RMContainer cont, Resource toPreempt) {
 	// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("SUSPEND_CONTAINER: container" + cont.toString());
}"capacity scheduler try to preempt "+cont.getContainerId()+" resource: "+toPreempt);

if(toPreempt == null){"preempted resource can not be null");
 if(!Resources.greaterThan(getResourceCalculator(), clusterResource, 
		                        toPreempt,Resources.none())){"preempted resource is none");
   //set preempted resource
   //mark this container to be preempted
 completedContainer(cont, SchedulerUtils.createPreemptedContainerStatus(
	      cont.getContainerId(), SchedulerUtils.PREEMPTED_CONTAINER),
 //send this resource update info to NodeManager
 NodeId nodeId = cont.getContainer().getNodeId();
 ContainerId containerId = cont.getContainerId();
 //get current resource after preemption
 Resource currentResource = cont.getCurrentUsedResource();
 NodeContainerUpdate nodeContainerUpdate= NodeContainerUpdate.newInstance(containerId, 
		                                  currentResource.getMemory(), currentResource.getVirtualCores(),true,false);"get container   "+containerId+" to suspend "+" on host "+nodeId.getHost()+" currentresource:   "+currentResource);
 if(nodeContainerUpdateMap.get(nodeId) == null){
	 ConcurrentLinkedQueue<NodeContainerUpdate> listNodeContainerUpdate = new  ConcurrentLinkedQueue<NodeContainerUpdate>();
	 nodeContainerUpdateMap.put(nodeId, listNodeContainerUpdate);
Example 20
Source File:    From hadoop with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void validateReservationDefinition(ReservationId reservationId,
    ReservationDefinition contract, Plan plan, String auditConstant)
    throws YarnException {
  String message = "";
  // check if deadline is in the past
  if (contract == null) {
    message =
        "Missing reservation definition."
            + " Please try again by specifying a reservation definition.";
    RMAuditLogger.logFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant,
        "validate reservation input definition", "ClientRMService", message);
    throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException(message);
  if (contract.getDeadline() <= clock.getTime()) {
    message =
        "The specified deadline: " + contract.getDeadline()
            + " is the past. Please try again with deadline in the future.";
    RMAuditLogger.logFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant,
        "validate reservation input definition", "ClientRMService", message);
    throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException(message);
  // Check if at least one RR has been specified
  ReservationRequests resReqs = contract.getReservationRequests();
  if (resReqs == null) {
    message =
        "No resources have been specified to reserve."
            + "Please try again by specifying the resources to reserve.";
    RMAuditLogger.logFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant,
        "validate reservation input definition", "ClientRMService", message);
    throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException(message);
  List<ReservationRequest> resReq = resReqs.getReservationResources();
  if (resReq == null || resReq.isEmpty()) {
    message =
        "No resources have been specified to reserve."
            + " Please try again by specifying the resources to reserve.";
    RMAuditLogger.logFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant,
        "validate reservation input definition", "ClientRMService", message);
    throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException(message);
  // compute minimum duration and max gang size
  long minDuration = 0;
  Resource maxGangSize = Resource.newInstance(0, 0, 0);
  ReservationRequestInterpreter type =
  for (ReservationRequest rr : resReq) {
    if (type == ReservationRequestInterpreter.R_ALL
        || type == ReservationRequestInterpreter.R_ANY) {
      minDuration = Math.max(minDuration, rr.getDuration());
    } else {
      minDuration += rr.getDuration();
    maxGangSize =
        Resources.max(plan.getResourceCalculator(), plan.getTotalCapacity(),
            Resources.multiply(rr.getCapability(), rr.getConcurrency()));
  // verify the allocation is possible (skip for ANY)
  if (contract.getDeadline() - contract.getArrival() < minDuration
      && type != ReservationRequestInterpreter.R_ANY) {
    message =
        "The time difference ("
            + (contract.getDeadline() - contract.getArrival())
            + ") between arrival (" + contract.getArrival() + ") "
            + "and deadline (" + contract.getDeadline() + ") must "
            + " be greater or equal to the minimum resource duration ("
            + minDuration + ")";
    RMAuditLogger.logFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant,
        "validate reservation input definition", "ClientRMService", message);
    throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException(message);
  // check that the largest gang does not exceed the inventory available
  // capacity (skip for ANY)
  if (Resources.greaterThan(plan.getResourceCalculator(),
      plan.getTotalCapacity(), maxGangSize, plan.getTotalCapacity())
      && type != ReservationRequestInterpreter.R_ANY) {
    message =
        "The size of the largest gang in the reservation refinition ("
            + maxGangSize + ") exceed the capacity available ("
            + plan.getTotalCapacity() + " )";
    RMAuditLogger.logFailure("UNKNOWN", auditConstant,
        "validate reservation input definition", "ClientRMService", message);
    throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException(message);