Java Code Examples for org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat#getRecordReader()

The following examples show how to use org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat#getRecordReader() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected TensorBlock readTextCellTensorFromHDFS(Path path, JobConf job, long[] dims, ValueType[] schema) throws IOException {
	FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, path);
	TextInputFormat informat = new TextInputFormat();
	InputSplit[] splits = informat.getSplits(job, 1);

	LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
	Text value = new Text();
	int[] idims = -> (int) i).toArray();
	TensorBlock ret;
	if (schema.length == 1)
		ret = new TensorBlock(schema[0], idims).allocateBlock();
		ret = new TensorBlock(schema, idims).allocateBlock();

	try {
		int[] ix = new int[dims.length];
		for (InputSplit split : splits) {
			RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader = informat.getRecordReader(split, job, Reporter.NULL);
			try {
				while (, value)) {
					String[] parts =, " "))
							.filter(s -> !s.isEmpty()).toArray(String[]::new);
					for (int i = 0; i < ix.length; i++) {
						ix[i] = Integer.parseInt(parts[i]) - 1;
					ret.set(ix, parts[ix.length]);
			finally {
	catch (Exception ex) {
		throw new IOException("Unable to read tensor in text cell format.", ex);
	return ret;
Example 2
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected Pair<Integer,Integer> computeCSVSize( Path path, JobConf job, FileSystem fs) 
	throws IOException 
	TextInputFormat informat = new TextInputFormat();
	InputSplit[] splits = informat.getSplits(job, 1);
	splits = IOUtilFunctions.sortInputSplits(splits);
	//compute number of columns
	int ncol = IOUtilFunctions.countNumColumnsCSV(splits, informat, job, _props.getDelim());
	//compute number of rows
	int nrow = 0;
	for( int i=0; i<splits.length; i++ ) 
		RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader = informat.getRecordReader(splits[i], job, Reporter.NULL);
		LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
		Text value = new Text();
			//ignore header of first split
			if( i==0 && _props.hasHeader() ), value);
			//count remaining number of rows, ignore meta data
			while (, value) ) {
				String val = value.toString();
				nrow += ( val.startsWith(TfUtils.TXMTD_MVPREFIX)
					|| val.startsWith(TfUtils.TXMTD_NDPREFIX)) ? 0 : 1; 
		finally {
	return new Pair<>(nrow, ncol);
Example 3
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected TensorBlock readTextCellTensorFromHDFS(Path path, JobConf job, long[] dims, ValueType[] schema) throws IOException {
	FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, path);
	TextInputFormat informat = new TextInputFormat();
	InputSplit[] splits = informat.getSplits(job, 1);

	LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
	Text value = new Text();
	int[] idims = -> (int) i).toArray();
	TensorBlock ret;
	if (schema.length == 1)
		ret = new TensorBlock(schema[0], idims).allocateBlock();
		ret = new TensorBlock(schema, idims).allocateBlock();

	try {
		int[] ix = new int[dims.length];
		for (InputSplit split : splits) {
			RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader = informat.getRecordReader(split, job, Reporter.NULL);
			try {
				while (, value)) {
					String[] parts =, " "))
							.filter(s -> !s.isEmpty()).toArray(String[]::new);
					for (int i = 0; i < ix.length; i++) {
						ix[i] = Integer.parseInt(parts[i]) - 1;
					ret.set(ix, parts[ix.length]);
			finally {
	catch (Exception ex) {
		throw new IOException("Unable to read tensor in text cell format.", ex);
	return ret;
Example 4
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected Pair<Integer,Integer> computeCSVSize( Path path, JobConf job, FileSystem fs) 
	throws IOException 
	TextInputFormat informat = new TextInputFormat();
	InputSplit[] splits = informat.getSplits(job, 1);
	splits = IOUtilFunctions.sortInputSplits(splits);
	//compute number of columns
	int ncol = IOUtilFunctions.countNumColumnsCSV(splits, informat, job, _props.getDelim());
	//compute number of rows
	int nrow = 0;
	for( int i=0; i<splits.length; i++ ) 
		RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader = informat.getRecordReader(splits[i], job, Reporter.NULL);
		LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
		Text value = new Text();
			//ignore header of first split
			if( i==0 && _props.hasHeader() ), value);
			//count remaining number of rows, ignore meta data
			while (, value) ) {
				String val = value.toString();
				nrow += ( val.startsWith(TfUtils.TXMTD_MVPREFIX)
					|| val.startsWith(TfUtils.TXMTD_NDPREFIX)) ? 0 : 1; 
		finally {
	return new Pair<>(nrow, ncol);
Example 5
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static void mergeTextCellWithoutComp( String fnameNew, MatrixObject outMo, ArrayList<MatrixObject> inMO ) 
		//delete target file if already exists
			copyAllFiles(fnameNew, inMO);
			return; //we're done
		//actual merge
		JobConf job = new JobConf(ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf());
		Path path = new Path( fnameNew );
		FileSystem fs = IOUtilFunctions.getFileSystem(path, job);
		BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fs.create(path,true)));		
		String valueStr = null;
			for( MatrixObject in : inMO ) //read/write all inputs
				if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
					LOG.trace("ResultMerge (local, file): Merge input "+in.hashCode()+" (fname="
						+in.getFileName()+") via stream merge");
				JobConf tmpJob = new JobConf(ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf());
				Path tmpPath = new Path(in.getFileName());
				FileInputFormat.addInputPath(tmpJob, tmpPath);
				TextInputFormat informat = new TextInputFormat();
				InputSplit[] splits = informat.getSplits(tmpJob, 1);
				LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
				Text value = new Text();
				for(InputSplit split: splits)
					RecordReader<LongWritable,Text> reader = informat.getRecordReader(split, tmpJob, Reporter.NULL);
						while(, value))
							valueStr = value.toString().trim();	
							out.write( valueStr+"\n" );
					finally {
		finally {
	catch(Exception ex)
		throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unable to merge text cell results.", ex);
Example 6
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static void createTextCellStagingFile( String fnameStaging, MatrixObject mo, long ID ) 
	throws IOException, DMLRuntimeException
	JobConf job = new JobConf(ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf());
	Path path = new Path(mo.getFileName());
	FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, path);
	TextInputFormat informat = new TextInputFormat();
	InputSplit[] splits = informat.getSplits(job, 1);
	LinkedList<Cell> buffer = new LinkedList<>();
	LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
	Text value = new Text();

	DataCharacteristics mc = mo.getDataCharacteristics();
	int blen = mc.getBlocksize(); 
	//long row = -1, col = -1; //FIXME needs reconsideration whenever textcell is used actively
	//NOTE MB: Originally, we used long row, col but this led reproducibly to JIT compilation
	// errors during runtime; experienced under WINDOWS, Intel x86-64, IBM JDK 64bit/32bit.
	// It works fine with int row, col but we require long for larger matrices.
	// Since, textcell is never used for result merge (hybrid/hadoop: binaryblock, singlenode:binarycell)
	// we just propose the to exclude it with -Xjit:exclude={package.method*}(count=0,optLevel=0)
	FastStringTokenizer st = new FastStringTokenizer(' ');
	for(InputSplit split : splits)
		RecordReader<LongWritable,Text> reader = informat.getRecordReader(split, job, Reporter.NULL);
			while(, value))
				st.reset( value.toString() ); //reset tokenizer
				long row = st.nextLong();
			    long col = st.nextLong();
				double lvalue = Double.parseDouble( st.nextToken() );
				Cell tmp = new Cell( row, col, lvalue ); 
				buffer.addLast( tmp );
				if( buffer.size() > StagingFileUtils.CELL_BUFFER_SIZE ) //periodic flush
					appendCellBufferToStagingArea(fnameStaging, ID, buffer, blen);
			//final flush
			if( !buffer.isEmpty() )
				appendCellBufferToStagingArea(fnameStaging, ID, buffer, blen);
		finally {
Example 7
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void partitionTextCell( String fname, String fnameStaging, String fnameNew, long rlen, long clen, int blen ) 
	long row = -1;
	long col = -1;
		//STEP 1: read matrix from HDFS and write blocks to local staging area
		//check and add input path
		JobConf job = new JobConf(ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf());
		Path path = new Path(fname);
		FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, path);
		TextInputFormat informat = new TextInputFormat();
		InputSplit[] splits = informat.getSplits(job, 1);
		LinkedList<Cell> buffer = new LinkedList<>();
		LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
		Text value = new Text();
		FastStringTokenizer st = new FastStringTokenizer(' ');
		for(InputSplit split: splits)
			RecordReader<LongWritable,Text> reader = informat.getRecordReader(split, job, Reporter.NULL);
				while(, value))
					st.reset( value.toString() ); //reset tokenizer
					row = st.nextLong();
					col = st.nextLong();
					double lvalue = st.nextDouble();
					Cell tmp = new Cell( row, col, lvalue ); 
					buffer.addLast( tmp );
					if( buffer.size() > StagingFileUtils.CELL_BUFFER_SIZE ) //periodic flush
						appendCellBufferToStagingArea(fnameStaging, buffer, blen);
				//final flush
				if( !buffer.isEmpty() )
					appendCellBufferToStagingArea(fnameStaging, buffer, blen);
			finally {

		//STEP 2: read matrix blocks from staging area and write matrix to HDFS
		String[] fnamesPartitions = new File(fnameStaging).list();	
			int len = Math.min(fnamesPartitions.length, _par);
			Thread[] threads = new Thread[len];
			for( int i=0;i<len;i++ )
				int start = i*(int)Math.ceil(((double)fnamesPartitions.length)/len);
				int end = (i+1)*(int)Math.ceil(((double)fnamesPartitions.length)/len)-1;
				end = Math.min(end, fnamesPartitions.length-1);
				threads[i] = new Thread(new DataPartitionerWorkerTextCell(job, fnameNew, fnameStaging, fnamesPartitions, start, end));
			for( Thread t : threads )
			for( String pdir : fnamesPartitions  )
				writeTextCellFileToHDFS( job, fnameNew, fnameStaging+"/"+pdir );	
	catch (Exception e) 
		//post-mortem error handling and bounds checking
		if( row < 1 || row > rlen || col < 1 || col > clen )
			throw new DMLRuntimeException("Matrix cell ["+(row)+","+(col)+"] " +
								          "out of overall matrix range [1:"+rlen+",1:"+clen+"].");
			throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unable to partition text cell matrix.", e);
Example 8
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private MatrixBlock computeCSVSizeAndCreateOutputMatrixBlock(InputSplit[] splits, Path path,
		JobConf job, boolean hasHeader, String delim, long rlen, long clen, long estnnz)
	throws IOException, DMLRuntimeException 
	int nrow = 0;
	int ncol = 0;
	FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, path);
	TextInputFormat informat = new TextInputFormat();

	// count no of entities in the first non-header row
	LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
	Text oneLine = new Text();
	RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader = informat
			.getRecordReader(splits[0], job, Reporter.NULL);
	try {
		if (, oneLine)) {
			String cellStr = oneLine.toString().trim();
			ncol = StringUtils.countMatches(cellStr, delim) + 1;
	finally {

	// count rows in parallel per split
		ExecutorService pool = CommonThreadPool.get(_numThreads);
		ArrayList<CountRowsTask> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
		for (InputSplit split : splits) {
			tasks.add(new CountRowsTask(split, informat, job, hasHeader));
			hasHeader = false;
		List<Future<Long>> ret = pool.invokeAll(tasks);

		// collect row counts for offset computation
		// early error notify in case not all tasks successful
		_offsets = new SplitOffsetInfos(tasks.size());
		for (Future<Long> rc : ret) {
			int lnrow = (int)rc.get().longValue(); //incl error handling
			_offsets.setOffsetPerSplit(ret.indexOf(rc), nrow);
			_offsets.setLenghtPerSplit(ret.indexOf(rc), lnrow);
			nrow = nrow + lnrow;
	catch (Exception e) {
		throw new IOException("Threadpool Error " + e.getMessage(), e);
	//robustness for wrong dimensions which are already compiled into the plan
	if( (rlen != -1 && nrow != rlen) || (clen != -1 && ncol != clen) ) {
		String msg = "Read matrix dimensions differ from meta data: ["+nrow+"x"+ncol+"] vs. ["+rlen+"x"+clen+"].";
		if( rlen < nrow || clen < ncol ) {
			//a) specified matrix dimensions too small
			throw new DMLRuntimeException(msg);
		else {
			//b) specified matrix dimensions too large -> padding and warning
			nrow = (int) rlen;
			ncol = (int) clen;
	// allocate target matrix block based on given size; 
	// need to allocate sparse as well since lock-free insert into target
	long estnnz2 = (estnnz < 0) ? (long)nrow * ncol : estnnz;
	return createOutputMatrixBlock(nrow, ncol, nrow, estnnz2, true, true);
Example 9
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected static void readTextCellFrameFromInputSplit( InputSplit split, TextInputFormat informat, JobConf job, FrameBlock dest)
	throws IOException
	ValueType[] schema = dest.getSchema();
	int rlen = dest.getNumRows();
	int clen = dest.getNumColumns();
	//create record reader
	RecordReader<LongWritable,Text> reader = informat.getRecordReader(split, job, Reporter.NULL);
	LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
	Text value = new Text();
	FastStringTokenizer st = new FastStringTokenizer(' ');
	int row = -1;
	int col = -1;
		while(, value) ) {
			st.reset( value.toString() ); //reinit tokenizer
			row = st.nextInt()-1;
			col = st.nextInt()-1;
			if( row == -3 )
			else if( row == -2 )
				dest.set(row, col, UtilFunctions.stringToObject(schema[col], st.nextToken()));
	catch(Exception ex) 
		//post-mortem error handling and bounds checking
		if( row < 0 || row + 1 > rlen || col < 0 || col + 1 > clen ) {
			throw new IOException("Frame cell ["+(row+1)+","+(col+1)+"] " +
								  "out of overall frame range [1:"+rlen+",1:"+clen+"].");
		else {
			throw new IOException( "Unable to read frame in text cell format.", ex );
	finally {
Example 10
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected void readTextCellMatrixFromHDFS( Path path, JobConf job, MatrixBlock dest, long rlen, long clen, int blen )
	throws IOException
	boolean sparse = dest.isInSparseFormat();
	FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, path);
	TextInputFormat informat = new TextInputFormat();
	InputSplit[] splits = informat.getSplits(job, 1);
	LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
	Text value = new Text();
	IJV cell = new IJV();
	long nnz = 0;
		FastStringTokenizer st = new FastStringTokenizer(' ');
		for(InputSplit split: splits) {
			RecordReader<LongWritable,Text> reader = informat.getRecordReader(split, job, Reporter.NULL);
			try {
				if( sparse ) { //SPARSE<-value
					while(, value) ) {
						cell = parseCell(value.toString(), st, cell, _mmProps);
						appendCell(cell, dest, _mmProps);
				else { //DENSE<-value
					DenseBlock a = dest.getDenseBlock();
					while(, value) ) {
						cell = parseCell(value.toString(), st, cell, _mmProps);
						nnz += appendCell(cell, a, _mmProps);
			finally {
		if( !dest.isInSparseFormat() )
	catch(Exception ex) {
		//post-mortem error handling and bounds checking
		if( cell.getI() < 0 || cell.getI() + 1 > rlen || cell.getJ() < 0 || cell.getJ() + 1 > clen )
			throw new IOException("Matrix cell ["+(cell.getI()+1)+","+(cell.getJ()+1)+"] "
				+ "out of overall matrix range [1:"+rlen+",1:"+clen+"].");
			throw new IOException( "Unable to read matrix in text cell format.", ex );
Example 11
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static void mergeTextCellWithoutComp( String fnameNew, MatrixObject outMo, ArrayList<MatrixObject> inMO ) 
		//delete target file if already exists
			copyAllFiles(fnameNew, inMO);
			return; //we're done
		//actual merge
		JobConf job = new JobConf(ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf());
		Path path = new Path( fnameNew );
		FileSystem fs = IOUtilFunctions.getFileSystem(path, job);
		BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fs.create(path,true)));		
		String valueStr = null;
			for( MatrixObject in : inMO ) //read/write all inputs
				if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
					LOG.trace("ResultMerge (local, file): Merge input "+in.hashCode()+" (fname="
						+in.getFileName()+") via stream merge");
				JobConf tmpJob = new JobConf(ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf());
				Path tmpPath = new Path(in.getFileName());
				FileInputFormat.addInputPath(tmpJob, tmpPath);
				TextInputFormat informat = new TextInputFormat();
				InputSplit[] splits = informat.getSplits(tmpJob, 1);
				LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
				Text value = new Text();
				for(InputSplit split: splits)
					RecordReader<LongWritable,Text> reader = informat.getRecordReader(split, tmpJob, Reporter.NULL);
						while(, value))
							valueStr = value.toString().trim();	
							out.write( valueStr+"\n" );
					finally {
		finally {
	catch(Exception ex)
		throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unable to merge text cell results.", ex);
Example 12
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static void createTextCellStagingFile( String fnameStaging, MatrixObject mo, long ID ) 
	throws IOException, DMLRuntimeException
	JobConf job = new JobConf(ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf());
	Path path = new Path(mo.getFileName());
	FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, path);
	TextInputFormat informat = new TextInputFormat();
	InputSplit[] splits = informat.getSplits(job, 1);
	LinkedList<Cell> buffer = new LinkedList<>();
	LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
	Text value = new Text();

	DataCharacteristics mc = mo.getDataCharacteristics();
	int blen = mc.getBlocksize(); 
	//long row = -1, col = -1; //FIXME needs reconsideration whenever textcell is used actively
	//NOTE MB: Originally, we used long row, col but this led reproducibly to JIT compilation
	// errors during runtime; experienced under WINDOWS, Intel x86-64, IBM JDK 64bit/32bit.
	// It works fine with int row, col but we require long for larger matrices.
	// Since, textcell is never used for result merge (hybrid/hadoop: binaryblock, singlenode:binarycell)
	// we just propose the to exclude it with -Xjit:exclude={package.method*}(count=0,optLevel=0)
	FastStringTokenizer st = new FastStringTokenizer(' ');
	for(InputSplit split : splits)
		RecordReader<LongWritable,Text> reader = informat.getRecordReader(split, job, Reporter.NULL);
			while(, value))
				st.reset( value.toString() ); //reset tokenizer
				long row = st.nextLong();
			    long col = st.nextLong();
				double lvalue = Double.parseDouble( st.nextToken() );
				Cell tmp = new Cell( row, col, lvalue ); 
				buffer.addLast( tmp );
				if( buffer.size() > StagingFileUtils.CELL_BUFFER_SIZE ) //periodic flush
					appendCellBufferToStagingArea(fnameStaging, ID, buffer, blen);
			//final flush
			if( !buffer.isEmpty() )
				appendCellBufferToStagingArea(fnameStaging, ID, buffer, blen);
		finally {
Example 13
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void partitionTextCell( String fname, String fnameStaging, String fnameNew, long rlen, long clen, int blen ) 
	long row = -1;
	long col = -1;
		//STEP 1: read matrix from HDFS and write blocks to local staging area
		//check and add input path
		JobConf job = new JobConf(ConfigurationManager.getCachedJobConf());
		Path path = new Path(fname);
		FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, path);
		TextInputFormat informat = new TextInputFormat();
		InputSplit[] splits = informat.getSplits(job, 1);
		LinkedList<Cell> buffer = new LinkedList<>();
		LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
		Text value = new Text();
		FastStringTokenizer st = new FastStringTokenizer(' ');
		for(InputSplit split: splits)
			RecordReader<LongWritable,Text> reader = informat.getRecordReader(split, job, Reporter.NULL);
				while(, value))
					st.reset( value.toString() ); //reset tokenizer
					row = st.nextLong();
					col = st.nextLong();
					double lvalue = st.nextDouble();
					Cell tmp = new Cell( row, col, lvalue ); 
					buffer.addLast( tmp );
					if( buffer.size() > StagingFileUtils.CELL_BUFFER_SIZE ) //periodic flush
						appendCellBufferToStagingArea(fnameStaging, buffer, blen);
				//final flush
				if( !buffer.isEmpty() )
					appendCellBufferToStagingArea(fnameStaging, buffer, blen);
			finally {

		//STEP 2: read matrix blocks from staging area and write matrix to HDFS
		String[] fnamesPartitions = new File(fnameStaging).list();	
			int len = Math.min(fnamesPartitions.length, _par);
			Thread[] threads = new Thread[len];
			for( int i=0;i<len;i++ )
				int start = i*(int)Math.ceil(((double)fnamesPartitions.length)/len);
				int end = (i+1)*(int)Math.ceil(((double)fnamesPartitions.length)/len)-1;
				end = Math.min(end, fnamesPartitions.length-1);
				threads[i] = new Thread(new DataPartitionerWorkerTextCell(job, fnameNew, fnameStaging, fnamesPartitions, start, end));
			for( Thread t : threads )
			for( String pdir : fnamesPartitions  )
				writeTextCellFileToHDFS( job, fnameNew, fnameStaging+"/"+pdir );	
	catch (Exception e) 
		//post-mortem error handling and bounds checking
		if( row < 1 || row > rlen || col < 1 || col > clen )
			throw new DMLRuntimeException("Matrix cell ["+(row)+","+(col)+"] " +
								          "out of overall matrix range [1:"+rlen+",1:"+clen+"].");
			throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unable to partition text cell matrix.", e);
Example 14
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private MatrixBlock computeCSVSizeAndCreateOutputMatrixBlock(InputSplit[] splits, Path path,
		JobConf job, boolean hasHeader, String delim, long rlen, long clen, long estnnz)
	throws IOException, DMLRuntimeException 
	int nrow = 0;
	int ncol = 0;
	FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, path);
	TextInputFormat informat = new TextInputFormat();

	// count no of entities in the first non-header row
	LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
	Text oneLine = new Text();
	RecordReader<LongWritable, Text> reader = informat
			.getRecordReader(splits[0], job, Reporter.NULL);
	try {
		if (, oneLine)) {
			String cellStr = oneLine.toString().trim();
			ncol = StringUtils.countMatches(cellStr, delim) + 1;
	finally {

	// count rows in parallel per split
		ExecutorService pool = CommonThreadPool.get(_numThreads);
		ArrayList<CountRowsTask> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
		for (InputSplit split : splits) {
			tasks.add(new CountRowsTask(split, informat, job, hasHeader));
			hasHeader = false;
		List<Future<Long>> ret = pool.invokeAll(tasks);

		// collect row counts for offset computation
		// early error notify in case not all tasks successful
		_offsets = new SplitOffsetInfos(tasks.size());
		for (Future<Long> rc : ret) {
			int lnrow = (int)rc.get().longValue(); //incl error handling
			_offsets.setOffsetPerSplit(ret.indexOf(rc), nrow);
			_offsets.setLenghtPerSplit(ret.indexOf(rc), lnrow);
			nrow = nrow + lnrow;
	catch (Exception e) {
		throw new IOException("Threadpool Error " + e.getMessage(), e);
	//robustness for wrong dimensions which are already compiled into the plan
	if( (rlen != -1 && nrow != rlen) || (clen != -1 && ncol != clen) ) {
		String msg = "Read matrix dimensions differ from meta data: ["+nrow+"x"+ncol+"] vs. ["+rlen+"x"+clen+"].";
		if( rlen < nrow || clen < ncol ) {
			//a) specified matrix dimensions too small
			throw new DMLRuntimeException(msg);
		else {
			//b) specified matrix dimensions too large -> padding and warning
			nrow = (int) rlen;
			ncol = (int) clen;
	// allocate target matrix block based on given size; 
	// need to allocate sparse as well since lock-free insert into target
	long estnnz2 = (estnnz < 0) ? (long)nrow * ncol : estnnz;
	return createOutputMatrixBlock(nrow, ncol, nrow, estnnz2, true, true);
Example 15
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected static void readTextCellFrameFromInputSplit( InputSplit split, TextInputFormat informat, JobConf job, FrameBlock dest)
	throws IOException
	ValueType[] schema = dest.getSchema();
	int rlen = dest.getNumRows();
	int clen = dest.getNumColumns();
	//create record reader
	RecordReader<LongWritable,Text> reader = informat.getRecordReader(split, job, Reporter.NULL);
	LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
	Text value = new Text();
	FastStringTokenizer st = new FastStringTokenizer(' ');
	int row = -1;
	int col = -1;
		while(, value) ) {
			st.reset( value.toString() ); //reinit tokenizer
			row = st.nextInt()-1;
			col = st.nextInt()-1;
			if( row == -3 )
			else if( row == -2 )
				dest.set(row, col, UtilFunctions.stringToObject(schema[col], st.nextToken()));
	catch(Exception ex) 
		//post-mortem error handling and bounds checking
		if( row < 0 || row + 1 > rlen || col < 0 || col + 1 > clen ) {
			throw new IOException("Frame cell ["+(row+1)+","+(col+1)+"] " +
								  "out of overall frame range [1:"+rlen+",1:"+clen+"].");
		else {
			throw new IOException( "Unable to read frame in text cell format.", ex );
	finally {
Example 16
Source File:    From systemds with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected void readTextCellMatrixFromHDFS( Path path, JobConf job, MatrixBlock dest, long rlen, long clen, int blen )
	throws IOException
	boolean sparse = dest.isInSparseFormat();
	FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, path);
	TextInputFormat informat = new TextInputFormat();
	InputSplit[] splits = informat.getSplits(job, 1);
	LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
	Text value = new Text();
	IJV cell = new IJV();
	long nnz = 0;
		FastStringTokenizer st = new FastStringTokenizer(' ');
		for(InputSplit split: splits) {
			RecordReader<LongWritable,Text> reader = informat.getRecordReader(split, job, Reporter.NULL);
			try {
				if( sparse ) { //SPARSE<-value
					while(, value) ) {
						cell = parseCell(value.toString(), st, cell, _mmProps);
						appendCell(cell, dest, _mmProps);
				else { //DENSE<-value
					DenseBlock a = dest.getDenseBlock();
					while(, value) ) {
						cell = parseCell(value.toString(), st, cell, _mmProps);
						nnz += appendCell(cell, a, _mmProps);
			finally {
		if( !dest.isInSparseFormat() )
	catch(Exception ex) {
		//post-mortem error handling and bounds checking
		if( cell.getI() < 0 || cell.getI() + 1 > rlen || cell.getJ() < 0 || cell.getJ() + 1 > clen )
			throw new IOException("Matrix cell ["+(cell.getI()+1)+","+(cell.getJ()+1)+"] "
				+ "out of overall matrix range [1:"+rlen+",1:"+clen+"].");
			throw new IOException( "Unable to read matrix in text cell format.", ex );