Java Code Examples for net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource#setServerType()

The following examples show how to use net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource#setServerType() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From jTDS with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Obtain an XADataSource.
 * @return the <code>XADataSource.
 * @throws SQLException if an error condition occurs
public XADataSource getDataSource() throws SQLException {
    JtdsDataSource xaDS = new JtdsDataSource();
    String user     = props.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.USER));
    String pwd      = props.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.PASSWORD));
    String host     = props.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.SERVERNAME));
    String port     = props.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.PORTNUMBER));
    String database = props.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.DATABASENAME));
    String xaMode   = props.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.XAEMULATION));
    String tds      = props.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.TDS));
    String serverType = props.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.SERVERTYPE));
    int portn;
    try {
        portn = Integer.parseInt(port);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        portn = 1433;
    xaDS.setServerType("2".equals(serverType)? 2: 1);
    return xaDS;
Example 2
Source File:    From jTDS with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
public void testGetterSetter()
   throws Exception
   HashMap defaults = new HashMap();

   defaults.put( "description"                       , "DESCRIPTION"                           );
   defaults.put( Driver.APPNAME                      , DefaultProperties.APP_NAME              );
   defaults.put( Driver.AUTOCOMMIT                   , DefaultProperties.AUTO_COMMIT           );
   defaults.put( Driver.BATCHSIZE                    , DefaultProperties.BATCH_SIZE_SQLSERVER  );
   defaults.put( Driver.BINDADDRESS                  , DefaultProperties.BIND_ADDRESS          );
   defaults.put( Driver.BUFFERDIR                    , DefaultProperties.BUFFER_DIR            );
   defaults.put( Driver.BUFFERMAXMEMORY              , DefaultProperties.BUFFER_MAX_MEMORY     );
   defaults.put( Driver.BUFFERMINPACKETS             , DefaultProperties.BUFFER_MIN_PACKETS    );
   defaults.put( Driver.CACHEMETA                    , DefaultProperties.CACHEMETA             );
   defaults.put( Driver.CHARSET                      , DefaultProperties.CHARSET               );
   defaults.put( Driver.DATABASENAME                 , DefaultProperties.DATABASE_NAME         );
   defaults.put( Driver.DOMAIN                       , DefaultProperties.DOMAIN                );
   defaults.put( Driver.INSTANCE                     , DefaultProperties.INSTANCE              );
   defaults.put( Driver.LANGUAGE                     , DefaultProperties.LANGUAGE              );
   defaults.put( Driver.LASTUPDATECOUNT              , DefaultProperties.LAST_UPDATE_COUNT     );
   defaults.put( Driver.LOBBUFFER                    , DefaultProperties.LOB_BUFFER_SIZE       );
   defaults.put( Driver.LOGFILE                      , DefaultProperties.LOGFILE               );
   defaults.put( Driver.LOGINTIMEOUT                 , DefaultProperties.LOGIN_TIMEOUT         );
   defaults.put( Driver.MACADDRESS                   , DefaultProperties.MAC_ADDRESS           );
   defaults.put( Driver.MAXSTATEMENTS                , DefaultProperties.MAX_STATEMENTS        );
   defaults.put( Driver.NAMEDPIPE                    , DefaultProperties.NAMED_PIPE            );
   defaults.put( Driver.PACKETSIZE                   , DefaultProperties.PACKET_SIZE_42        );
   defaults.put( Driver.PASSWORD                     , DefaultProperties.PASSWORD              );
   defaults.put( Driver.PORTNUMBER                   , DefaultProperties.PORT_NUMBER_SQLSERVER );
   defaults.put( Driver.PREPARESQL                   , DefaultProperties.PREPARE_SQLSERVER     );
   defaults.put( Driver.PROCESSID                    , DefaultProperties.PROCESS_ID            );
   defaults.put( Driver.PROGNAME                     , DefaultProperties.PROG_NAME             );
   defaults.put( Driver.SENDSTRINGPARAMETERSASUNICODE, DefaultProperties.USE_UNICODE           );
   defaults.put( Driver.SERVERNAME                   , "SERVERNAME"                            );
   defaults.put( Driver.SERVERTYPE                   , String.valueOf( Driver.SQLSERVER )      );
   defaults.put( Driver.SOKEEPALIVE                  , DefaultProperties.SOCKET_KEEPALIVE      );
   defaults.put( Driver.SOTIMEOUT                    , DefaultProperties.SOCKET_TIMEOUT        );
   defaults.put( Driver.SSL                          , DefaultProperties.SSL                   );
   defaults.put( Driver.TCPNODELAY                   , DefaultProperties.TCP_NODELAY           );
   defaults.put( Driver.TDS                          , DefaultProperties.TDS_VERSION_42        );
   defaults.put( Driver.USECURSORS                   , DefaultProperties.USECURSORS            );
   defaults.put( Driver.USEJCIFS                     , DefaultProperties.USEJCIFS              );
   defaults.put( Driver.USELOBS                      , DefaultProperties.USELOBS               );
   defaults.put( Driver.USENTLMV2                    , DefaultProperties.USENTLMV2             );
   defaults.put( Driver.USEKERBEROS                  , DefaultProperties.USEKERBEROS           );
   defaults.put( Driver.USER                         , DefaultProperties.USER                  );
   defaults.put( Driver.WSID                         , DefaultProperties.WSID                  );
   defaults.put( Driver.XAEMULATION                  , DefaultProperties.XAEMULATION           );

   JtdsObjectFactory jtdsObjectFactory = new JtdsObjectFactory();

   // create datasource using default values and check values
   JtdsDataSource ds = new JtdsDataSource( defaults );
   checkDefaults( ds );

   // create datasource from reference and check values
   checkDefaults( (JtdsDataSource) jtdsObjectFactory.getObjectInstance( ds.getReference(), null, null, null ) );

   // now us setters for modifying all properties and check via getter whether changes are applied
   ds.setDescription                  ( "TEST" ); assertEquals( "TEST", ds.getDescription()                   );
   ds.setAppName                      ( "TEST" ); assertEquals( "TEST", ds.getAppName()                       );
   ds.setAutoCommit                   ( false  ); assertEquals( false , ds.getAutoCommit()                    );
   ds.setBatchSize                    ( 123456 ); assertEquals( 123456, ds.getBatchSize()                     );
   ds.setBindAddress                  ( "1234" ); assertEquals( "1234", ds.getBindAddress()                   );
   ds.setBufferMaxMemory              ( 123456 ); assertEquals( 123456, ds.getBufferMaxMemory()               );
   ds.setBufferMinPackets             ( 123456 ); assertEquals( 123456, ds.getBufferMinPackets()              );
   ds.setCacheMetaData                ( true   ); assertEquals( true  , ds.getCacheMetaData()                 );
   ds.setCharset                      ( "1234" ); assertEquals( "1234", ds.getCharset()                       );
   ds.setDatabaseName                 ( "1234" ); assertEquals( "1234", ds.getDatabaseName()                  );
   ds.setDomain                       ( "1234" ); assertEquals( "1234", ds.getDomain()                        );
   ds.setInstance                     ( "1234" ); assertEquals( "1234", ds.getInstance()                      );
   ds.setLanguage                     ( "1234" ); assertEquals( "1234", ds.getLanguage()                      );
   ds.setLastUpdateCount              ( false  ); assertEquals( false , ds.getLastUpdateCount()               );
   ds.setLobBuffer                    ( 123456 ); assertEquals( 123456, ds.getLobBuffer()                     );
   ds.setLogFile                      ( "1234" ); assertEquals( "1234", ds.getLogFile()                       );
   ds.setLoginTimeout                 ( 123456 ); assertEquals( 123456, ds.getLoginTimeout()                  );
   ds.setMacAddress                   ( "1234" ); assertEquals( "1234", ds.getMacAddress()                    );
   ds.setMaxStatements                ( 123456 ); assertEquals( 123456, ds.getMaxStatements()                 );
   ds.setNamedPipe                    ( true   ); assertEquals( true  , ds.getNamedPipe()                     );
   ds.setPacketSize                   ( 123456 ); assertEquals( 123456, ds.getPacketSize()                    );
   ds.setPassword                     ( "1234" ); assertEquals( "1234", ds.getPassword()                      );
   ds.setPortNumber                   ( 123456 ); assertEquals( 123456, ds.getPortNumber()                    );
   ds.setPrepareSql                   ( 123456 ); assertEquals( 123456, ds.getPrepareSql()                    );
   ds.setProcessId                    ( "1234" ); assertEquals( "1234", ds.getProcessId()                     );
   ds.setProgName                     ( "1234" ); assertEquals( "1234", ds.getProgName()                      );
   ds.setSendStringParametersAsUnicode( false  ); assertEquals( false , ds.getSendStringParametersAsUnicode() );
   ds.setServerName                   ( "1234" ); assertEquals( "1234", ds.getServerName()                    );
   ds.setServerType                   ( 123456 ); assertEquals( 123456, ds.getServerType()                    );
   ds.setSocketKeepAlive              ( true   ); assertEquals( true  , ds.getSocketKeepAlive()               );
   ds.setSocketTimeout                ( 123456 ); assertEquals( 123456, ds.getSocketTimeout()                 );
   ds.setSsl                          ( "1234" ); assertEquals( "1234", ds.getSsl()                           );
   ds.setTcpNoDelay                   ( false  ); assertEquals( false , ds.getTcpNoDelay()                    );
   ds.setTds                          ( "1234" ); assertEquals( "1234", ds.getTds()                           );
   ds.setUseCursors                   ( true   ); assertEquals( true  , ds.getUseCursors()                    );
   ds.setUseJCIFS                     ( true   ); assertEquals( true  , ds.getUseJCIFS()                      );
   ds.setUseLOBs                      ( false  ); assertEquals( false , ds.getUseLOBs()                       );
   ds.setUseNTLMV2                    ( true   ); assertEquals( true  , ds.getUseNTLMV2()                     );
   ds.setUser                         ( "1234" ); assertEquals( "1234", ds.getUser()                          );
   ds.setWsid                         ( "1234" ); assertEquals( "1234", ds.getWsid()                          );
   ds.setXaEmulation                  ( false  ); assertEquals( false , ds.getXaEmulation()                   );