Java Code Examples for net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing#Axis

The following examples show how to use net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing#Axis . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From AgriCraft with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Sets the freshly placed TileEntityGrate's orientation.
 * @param grate the grate in question.
 * @param hitX the hit x-coordinate.
 * @param hitY the hit y-coordinate.
 * @param hitZ the hit z-coordinate.
 * @param axis the axis the block is on.
private static void setOffsetOrientation(TileEntityGrate grate, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, EnumFacing.Axis axis) {
    // Set the grate's axis.

    // Resolve the hit value.
    final float hit = getAxialValue(axis, hitX, hitY, hitZ);

    // Set the grate's offset.
    if (hit <= 0.3333F) {
    } else if (hit <= 0.6666F) {
    } else {
Example 2
Source File:    From AgriCraft with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void renderWorldBlockWoodStatic(ITessellator tess, IExtendedBlockState state, BlockGrate block, EnumFacing side, TextureAtlasSprite sprite) {
    // Setup
    final TileEntityGrate.EnumOffset offset = AgriProperties.OFFSET.getValue(state);
    final EnumFacing.Axis axis = AgriProperties.AXIS.getValue(state);
    // Rotate
    RenderUtilBase.rotateBlock(tess, EnumFacing.getFacingFromAxis(EnumFacing.AxisDirection.POSITIVE, axis));

    // Offset
    tess.translate(0, 0, offset.getOffset());

    // Draw Grate
    tess.drawScaledPrism(1, 0, 0, 3, 16, 2, sprite);
    tess.drawScaledPrism(5, 0, 0, 7, 16, 2, sprite);
    tess.drawScaledPrism(9, 0, 0, 11, 16, 2, sprite);
    tess.drawScaledPrism(13, 0, 0, 15, 16, 2, sprite);
    tess.drawScaledPrism(0, 1, 0, 16, 3, 2, sprite);
    tess.drawScaledPrism(0, 5, 0, 16, 7, 2, sprite);
    tess.drawScaledPrism(0, 9, 0, 16, 11, 2, sprite);
    tess.drawScaledPrism(0, 13, 0, 16, 15, 2, sprite);

Example 3
Source File:    From TFC2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static PropertyItem.PItem getDisplayItem(ItemStack stack, World world, EntityLivingBase entity, float x, float z, EnumFacing.Axis axis) {
	if(stack == null)
		return null;

	IBakedModel model = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelWithOverrides(stack, world, entity);
	if(model == null || model.isBuiltInRenderer()) {
		// missing model so people don't go paranoid when their chests go missing
		model = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().getModelManager().getMissingModel();
	float rotation = 0;
	if(axis == EnumFacing.Axis.X)
		rotation = (float)Math.PI /2f;
	PropertyItem.PItem item = new PropertyItem.PItem(model, x,0,z, 0.45f, axis == EnumFacing.Axis.X ? (float) (Math.PI/2f) : 0);
	if(stack.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock) {
		item.y = -0.3125f;
		item.s = 0.375f;
		item.r = 0;
	return item;
Example 4
Source File:    From CommunityMod with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void onLivingUpdate(LivingEvent.LivingUpdateEvent event) {
    EntityLivingBase entity = event.getEntityLiving();
    if ( {

    if (entity.collidedHorizontally && isBeingPushedByPiston(entity)) {
        Squashable squashable = entity.getCapability(squashableCap(), null);
        if (squashable == null) {

        double[] pistonDeltas = getPistonDeltas(entity);
        double pushedAngle = Math.atan2(pistonDeltas[2], pistonDeltas[0]);

        EnumFacing.Axis faceAxis = EnumFacing.fromAngle(entity.rotationYaw).getAxis();
        EnumFacing.Axis pushAxis = EnumFacing.fromAngle(pushedAngle).getAxis();

        EnumFacing.Axis squashAxis = faceAxis == pushAxis ? EnumFacing.Axis.Z : EnumFacing.Axis.X;


        NETWORK.sendToAllTracking(new SquashEntityMessage(entity, squashAxis), entity);
Example 5
Source File:    From customstuff4 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public IBlockState getActualState(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess worldIn, BlockPos pos)
    EnumFacing.Axis enumfacing$axis = state.getValue(FACING).getAxis();

    if (enumfacing$axis == EnumFacing.Axis.Z && (canFenceGateConnectTo(worldIn, pos, EnumFacing.WEST) || canFenceGateConnectTo(worldIn, pos, EnumFacing.EAST)) || enumfacing$axis == EnumFacing.Axis.X && (canFenceGateConnectTo(worldIn, pos, EnumFacing.NORTH) || canFenceGateConnectTo(worldIn, pos, EnumFacing.SOUTH)))
        state = state.withProperty(IN_WALL, Boolean.TRUE);

    return state;
Example 6
Source File:    From litematica with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void countBlocksInChunkRespectingLayerRange(ChunkPos pos, LayerRange range)
    EnumFacing.Axis axis = range.getAxis();
    BlockPos.MutableBlockPos posMutable = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos();

    for (IntBoundingBox bb : this.getBoxesInChunk(pos))
        final int startX = axis == EnumFacing.Axis.X ? Math.max(bb.minX, range.getLayerMin()) : bb.minX;
        final int startY = axis == EnumFacing.Axis.Y ? Math.max(bb.minY, range.getLayerMin()) : bb.minY;
        final int startZ = axis == EnumFacing.Axis.Z ? Math.max(bb.minZ, range.getLayerMin()) : bb.minZ;
        final int endX = axis == EnumFacing.Axis.X ? Math.min(bb.maxX, range.getLayerMax()) : bb.maxX;
        final int endY = axis == EnumFacing.Axis.Y ? Math.min(bb.maxY, range.getLayerMax()) : bb.maxY;
        final int endZ = axis == EnumFacing.Axis.Z ? Math.min(bb.maxZ, range.getLayerMax()) : bb.maxZ;

        for (int y = startY; y <= endY; ++y)
            for (int z = startZ; z <= endZ; ++z)
                for (int x = startX; x <= endX; ++x)
                    posMutable.setPos(x, y, z);
Example 7
Source File:    From AgriCraft with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private static float getAxialValue(@Nonnull EnumFacing.Axis axis, float x, float y, float z) {
    switch (axis) {
        case X:
            return x;
        case Y:
            return y;
        case Z:
            return z;
            throw new NullPointerException();
Example 8
Source File:    From AgriCraft with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void setAxis(@Nonnull EnumFacing.Axis axis) {
    // Validate.

    // Set.
    if (this.axis != axis) {
        this.axis = axis;
Example 9
Source File:    From CommunityMod with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf) {
    this.entityId = buf.readInt();

    EnumFacing.Axis[] values = EnumFacing.Axis.values();
    this.axis = values[buf.readByte() % values.length];
Example 10
Source File:    From Sakura_mod with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public static EnumAxis fromFacingAxis(EnumFacing.Axis axis)
    switch (axis)
        case X:
            return X;
        case Y:
            return Y;
        case Z:
            return Z;
            return NONE;
Example 11
Source File:    From enderutilities with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static EnumFacing[] getSidesForAxis(EnumFacing.Axis axis)
    if (axis == EnumFacing.Axis.X)
        return ADJACENT_SIDES_ZY;

    return axis == EnumFacing.Axis.Z ? ADJACENT_SIDES_XY : ADJACENT_SIDES_XZ;
Example 12
Source File:    From Valkyrien-Skies with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void render(TileEntityRotationAxle tileentity, double x, double y, double z,
    float partialTick, int destroyStage, float alpha) {

    GlStateManager.translate(x, y, z);

    int brightness = tileentity.getWorld().getCombinedLight(tileentity.getPos(), 0);
    IBlockState gearState = Minecraft.getMinecraft().world.getBlockState(tileentity.getPos());
    if (gearState.getBlock() instanceof BlockRotationAxle) {
        EnumFacing.Axis facingAxis = gearState.getValue(BlockRotationAxle.AXIS);

        GlStateManager.translate(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
        switch (facingAxis) {
            case X:
                // Rotates (1, 0, 0) -> (1, 0, 0)
            case Y:
                // Rotates (1, 0, 0) -> (0, 1, 0)
                GL11.glRotated(90, 0, 0, 1);
            case Z:
                // Rotates (1, 0, 0) -> (0, 0, 1)
                GL11.glRotated(-90, 0, 1, 0);
        GL11.glRotated(Math.toDegrees(tileentity.getRenderRotationRadians(partialTick)), 1, 0,
        GlStateManager.translate(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5);

    double keyframe = 1;
        .renderAnimation(keyframe, brightness);

Example 13
Source File:    From TFC2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void setRotation(EnumFacing.Axis axis)
	rotation = axis;
Example 14
Source File:    From CommunityMod with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
public FlattenedModel(ModelBase wrapped, EnumFacing.Axis squashedAxis) {
    this.wrapped = wrapped;
    this.squashedAxis = squashedAxis;
Example 15
Source File:    From CommunityMod with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
public EnumFacing.Axis getSquashedAxis() {
    return this.squashedAxis;
Example 16
Source File:    From Valkyrien-Skies with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public TileEntityRotationAxle(EnumFacing.Axis axleAxis) {
Example 17
Source File:    From litematica with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
protected void renderOverlayReducedEdges(BlockPos pos, OverlayType[][][] adjTypes, OverlayType typeSelf, Color4f overlayColor, BufferBuilder bufferOverlayOutlines)
    OverlayType[] neighborTypes = new OverlayType[4];
    Vec3i[] neighborPositions = new Vec3i[4];
    int lines = 0;

    for (EnumFacing.Axis axis : PositionUtils.AXES_ALL)
        for (int corner = 0; corner < 4; ++corner)
            Vec3i[] offsets = PositionUtils.getEdgeNeighborOffsets(axis, corner);
            int index = -1;
            boolean hasCurrent = false;

            // Find the position(s) around a given edge line that have the shared greatest rendering priority
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                Vec3i offset = offsets[i];
                OverlayType type = adjTypes[offset.getX() + 1][offset.getY() + 1][offset.getZ() + 1];

                // type NONE
                if (type == OverlayType.NONE)

                // First entry, or sharing at least the current highest found priority
                if (index == -1 || type.getRenderPriority() >= neighborTypes[index - 1].getRenderPriority())
                    // Actually a new highest priority, add it as the first entry and rewind the index
                    if (index < 0 || type.getRenderPriority() > neighborTypes[index - 1].getRenderPriority())
                        index = 0;
                    // else: Same priority as a previous entry, append this position

                    //System.out.printf("plop 0 axis: %s, corner: %d, i: %d, index: %d, type: %s\n", axis, corner, i, index, type);
                    neighborPositions[index] = new Vec3i(pos.getX() + offset.getX(), pos.getY() + offset.getY(), pos.getZ() + offset.getZ());
                    neighborTypes[index] = type;
                    // The self position is the first (offset = [0, 0, 0]) in the arrays
                    hasCurrent |= (i == 0);

            //System.out.printf("plop 1 index: %d, pos: %s\n", index, pos);
            // Found something to render, and the current block is among the highest priority for this edge
            if (index > 0 && hasCurrent)
                Vec3i posTmp = new Vec3i(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
                int ind = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i)
                    Vec3i tmp = neighborPositions[i];
                    //System.out.printf("posTmp: %s, tmp: %s\n", posTmp, tmp);

                    // Just prioritize the position to render a shared highest priority edge by the coordinates
                    if (tmp.getX() <= posTmp.getX() && tmp.getY() <= posTmp.getY() && tmp.getZ() <= posTmp.getZ())
                        posTmp = tmp;
                        ind = i;

                // The current position is the one that should render this edge
                if (posTmp.getX() == pos.getX() && posTmp.getY() == pos.getY() && posTmp.getZ() == pos.getZ())
                    //System.out.printf("plop 2 index: %d, ind: %d, pos: %s, off: %s\n", index, ind, pos, posTmp);
                    RenderUtils.drawBlockBoxEdgeBatchedLines(pos, axis, corner, overlayColor, bufferOverlayOutlines);
    //System.out.printf("typeSelf: %s, pos: %s, lines: %d\n", typeSelf, pos, lines);
Example 18
Source File:    From enderutilities with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private boolean walkFrameLoop(BlockPos pos, EnumFacing.Axis axis, EnumFacing frameSide, int distanceLimit)
    int counter = 0;
    int turns = 0;
    int tries = 0;
    IBlockState state;
    Block block;
    BlockPos startPos = pos;
    BlockPos posLast = startPos;
    EnumFacing firstTrySide = frameSide;
    EnumFacing moveDirection = frameSide;

    while (counter < distanceLimit)
        moveDirection = firstTrySide;

        for (tries = 0; tries < 4; tries++)
            pos = posLast.offset(moveDirection);
            state =;
            block = state.getBlock();

            if (block.isAir(state,, pos))
                posLast = pos;

                // The firstTrySide is facing into the adjacent portal frame when traveling
                // along a straight frame. Thus we need to rotate it once to keep going straight.
                // If we need to rotate it more than once, then we have hit a "right hand corner".
                if (tries > 1)
                // If we didn't have to rotate the firstTrySide at all, then we hit a "left hand turn"
                // ie. traveled through an outer bend.
                else if (tries == 0)

                // Set the firstTrySide one rotation back from the side that we successfully moved to
                // so that we can go around possible outer bends.
                firstTrySide = moveDirection.rotateAround(axis).getOpposite();

            // Found a portal frame block, try the next adjacent side...
            else if (block == this.blockFrame)
                moveDirection = moveDirection.rotateAround(axis);
            // Found a non-air, non-portal-frame block -> invalid area.
                return false;

        // If we can return to the starting position hugging the portal frame,
        // then this is a valid portal frame loop.
        // Note that it is only valid if it forms an inside area, thus the turns check.
        // the tries == 4 && counter == 0 check is for a 1x1 area special case
        if ((tries == 4 && counter == 0) || pos.equals(startPos))
            return turns >= 0;


    return false;
Example 19
Source File:    From TFC2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public EnumFacing.Axis getRotation() {
	return rotation;
Example 20
Source File:    From TofuCraftReload with MIT License 3 votes vote down vote up
public void neighborChanged(IBlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Block blockIn, BlockPos fromPos) {

    EnumFacing.Axis enumfacing$axis = state.getValue(AXIS);

    if (enumfacing$axis == EnumFacing.Axis.X) {

        Size blockportal$size = new Size(worldIn, pos, EnumFacing.Axis.X);

        if (!blockportal$size.isValid() ||

                blockportal$size.portalBlockCount < blockportal$size.width * blockportal$size.height) {

            worldIn.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState());


    } else if (enumfacing$axis == EnumFacing.Axis.Z) {

        Size blockportal$size1 = new Size(worldIn, pos, EnumFacing.Axis.Z);

        if (!blockportal$size1.isValid() ||

                blockportal$size1.portalBlockCount < blockportal$size1.width * blockportal$size1.height) {

            worldIn.setBlockState(pos, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState());


