Java Code Examples for javax.swing.JRootPane#getJMenuBar()

The following examples show how to use javax.swing.JRootPane#getJMenuBar() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From FlatLaf with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private Dimension computeLayoutSize( Container parent, Function<Component, Dimension> getSizeFunc ) {
	JRootPane rootPane = (JRootPane) parent;

	Dimension titlePaneSize = (titlePane != null)
		? getSizeFunc.apply( titlePane )
		: new Dimension();
	Dimension contentSize = (rootPane.getContentPane() != null)
		? getSizeFunc.apply( rootPane.getContentPane() )
		: rootPane.getSize();

	int width = Math.max( titlePaneSize.width, contentSize.width );
	int height = titlePaneSize.height + contentSize.height;
	if( titlePane == null || !titlePane.isMenuBarEmbedded() ) {
		Dimension menuBarSize = (rootPane.getJMenuBar() != null)
			? getSizeFunc.apply( rootPane.getJMenuBar() )
			: new Dimension();

		width = Math.max( width, menuBarSize.width );
		height += menuBarSize.height;

	Insets insets = rootPane.getInsets();

	return new Dimension(
		width + insets.left + insets.right,
		height + + insets.bottom );
Example 2
Source File:    From littleluck with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void layoutContainer(Container parent)
    JRootPane root = (JRootPane) parent;
    Rectangle bound = root.getBounds();
    Insets inset = root.getInsets();

    // 获取内容面板实际宽度, 减去左右边框面积
    // Calculate the actual width
    int w = bound.width - inset.right - inset.left;

    // 获取内容面板实际高度, 减去上下边框面积
    // Calculate the actual height
    int h = bound.height - - inset.bottom;

    // 设置层级面板在根窗格中的位置
    // layout LayeredPane
    if(root.getLayeredPane() != null)
        root.getLayeredPane().setBounds(inset.left,, w, h);

    // 玻璃窗格是在层级面板中,所以坐标从(0, 0)开始
    // layout GlassPane
    if(root.getGlassPane() != null)
        root.getGlassPane().setBounds(inset.left,, w, h);

    int nextY = 0;

    RootPaneUI rootPaneUI = root.getUI();

    if(rootPaneUI instanceof LuckMetalRootPaneUI)
        // 布局标题面板
        // layout TitlePane
        Component titlePanel = ((LuckMetalRootPaneUI)rootPaneUI).getTitlePane();

        // 如果未取消窗体装饰
        if (titlePanel != null)
            titlePanel.setBounds(0, nextY, w, titlePanel.getHeight());

            nextY += titlePanel.getHeight();

    // 布局JMenuBar
    // layout JMenuBar
    JMenuBar menuBar = root.getJMenuBar();

    if(menuBar != null && menuBar.isVisible())
        menuBar.setBounds(0, nextY, w, menuBar.getPreferredSize().height);

        nextY += menuBar.getPreferredSize().getHeight();

    // 布局内容面板
    // layout ContentPane
    root.getContentPane().setBounds(0, nextY, w, h - nextY);
Example 3
Source File:    From seaglass with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the amount of space the layout would like to have.
 * @param  parent the Container for which this layout manager is being
 *                used
 * @return a Dimension object containing the layout's preferred size
public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) {
    Dimension cpd;
    Dimension mbd;
    Dimension tpd;
    int       cpWidth  = 0;
    int       cpHeight = 0;
    int       mbWidth  = 0;
    int       mbHeight = 0;
    int       tpWidth  = 0;
    int       tpHeight = 0;
    Insets    i        = parent.getInsets();
    JRootPane root     = (JRootPane) parent;

    if (root.getContentPane() != null) {
        cpd = root.getContentPane().getPreferredSize();
    } else {
        cpd = root.getSize();

    if (cpd != null) {
        cpWidth  = cpd.width;
        cpHeight = cpd.height;

    if (root.getJMenuBar() != null) {
        mbd = root.getJMenuBar().getPreferredSize();
        if (mbd != null) {
            mbWidth  = mbd.width;
            mbHeight = mbd.height;

    if (root.getWindowDecorationStyle() != JRootPane.NONE && (root.getUI() instanceof SeaGlassRootPaneUI)) {
        JComponent titlePane = ((SeaGlassRootPaneUI) root.getUI()).getTitlePane();

        if (titlePane != null) {
            tpd = titlePane.getPreferredSize();
            if (tpd != null) {
                tpWidth  = tpd.width;
                tpHeight = tpd.height;

    return new Dimension(Math.max(Math.max(cpWidth, mbWidth), tpWidth) + i.left + i.right,
                         cpHeight + mbHeight + tpHeight + + i.bottom);
Example 4
Source File:    From seaglass with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the minimum amount of space the layout needs.
 * @param  parent the Container for which this layout manager is being
 *                used
 * @return a Dimension object containing the layout's minimum size
public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) {
    Dimension cpd;
    Dimension mbd;
    Dimension tpd;
    int       cpWidth  = 0;
    int       cpHeight = 0;
    int       mbWidth  = 0;
    int       mbHeight = 0;
    int       tpWidth  = 0;
    int       tpHeight = 0;
    Insets    i        = parent.getInsets();
    JRootPane root     = (JRootPane) parent;

    if (root.getContentPane() != null) {
        cpd = root.getContentPane().getMinimumSize();
    } else {
        cpd = root.getSize();

    if (cpd != null) {
        cpWidth  = cpd.width;
        cpHeight = cpd.height;

    if (root.getJMenuBar() != null) {
        mbd = root.getJMenuBar().getMinimumSize();
        if (mbd != null) {
            mbWidth  = mbd.width;
            mbHeight = mbd.height;

    if (root.getWindowDecorationStyle() != JRootPane.NONE && (root.getUI() instanceof SeaGlassRootPaneUI)) {
        JComponent titlePane = ((SeaGlassRootPaneUI) root.getUI()).getTitlePane();

        if (titlePane != null) {
            tpd = titlePane.getMinimumSize();
            if (tpd != null) {
                tpWidth  = tpd.width;
                tpHeight = tpd.height;

    return new Dimension(Math.max(Math.max(cpWidth, mbWidth), tpWidth) + i.left + i.right,
                         cpHeight + mbHeight + tpHeight + + i.bottom);
Example 5
Source File:    From seaglass with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the maximum amount of space the layout can use.
 * @param  target the Container for which this layout manager is being
 *                used
 * @return a Dimension object containing the layout's maximum size
public Dimension maximumLayoutSize(Container target) {
    Dimension cpd;
    Dimension mbd;
    Dimension tpd;
    int       cpWidth  = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int       cpHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int       mbWidth  = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int       mbHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int       tpWidth  = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int       tpHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    Insets    i        = target.getInsets();
    JRootPane root     = (JRootPane) target;

    if (root.getContentPane() != null) {
        cpd = root.getContentPane().getMaximumSize();
        if (cpd != null) {
            cpWidth  = cpd.width;
            cpHeight = cpd.height;

    if (root.getJMenuBar() != null) {
        mbd = root.getJMenuBar().getMaximumSize();
        if (mbd != null) {
            mbWidth  = mbd.width;
            mbHeight = mbd.height;

    if (root.getWindowDecorationStyle() != JRootPane.NONE && (root.getUI() instanceof SeaGlassRootPaneUI)) {
        JComponent titlePane = ((SeaGlassRootPaneUI) root.getUI()).getTitlePane();

        if (titlePane != null) {
            tpd = titlePane.getMaximumSize();
            if (tpd != null) {
                tpWidth  = tpd.width;
                tpHeight = tpd.height;

    int maxHeight = Math.max(Math.max(cpHeight, mbHeight), tpHeight);
    // Only overflows if 3 real non-MAX_VALUE heights, sum to > MAX_VALUE
    // Only will happen if sums to more than 2 billion units. Not likely.
    if (maxHeight != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        maxHeight = cpHeight + mbHeight + tpHeight + + i.bottom;

    int maxWidth = Math.max(Math.max(cpWidth, mbWidth), tpWidth);
    // Similar overflow comment as above
    if (maxWidth != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        maxWidth += i.left + i.right;

    return new Dimension(maxWidth, maxHeight);
Example 6
Source File:    From seaglass with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Instructs the layout manager to perform the layout for the specified
 * container.
 * @param parent the Container for which this layout manager is being
 *               used
public void layoutContainer(Container parent) {
    JRootPane root  = (JRootPane) parent;
    Rectangle b     = root.getBounds();
    Insets    i     = root.getInsets();
    int       nextY = 0;
    int       w     = b.width - i.right - i.left;
    int       h     = b.height - - i.bottom;

    if (root.getLayeredPane() != null) {
        root.getLayeredPane().setBounds(i.left,, w, h);

    if (root.getGlassPane() != null) {
        root.getGlassPane().setBounds(i.left,, w, h);
    // Note: This is laying out the children in the layeredPane,
    // technically, these are not our children.
    if (root.getWindowDecorationStyle() != JRootPane.NONE && (root.getUI() instanceof SeaGlassRootPaneUI)) {
        JComponent titlePane = ((SeaGlassRootPaneUI) root.getUI()).getTitlePane();

        if (titlePane != null) {
            Dimension tpd = titlePane.getPreferredSize();

            if (tpd != null) {
                int tpHeight = tpd.height;

                titlePane.setBounds(0, 0, w, tpHeight);
                nextY += tpHeight;

    if (root.getJMenuBar() != null) {
        boolean   menuInTitle = (root.getClientProperty("JRootPane.MenuInTitle") == Boolean.TRUE);
        Dimension mbd         = root.getJMenuBar().getPreferredSize();
        int x = menuInTitle? 20 : 0;
        root.getJMenuBar().setBounds(x, menuInTitle ? 0 : nextY, w, mbd.height);
        if (!menuInTitle) {
            nextY += mbd.height;

    if (root.getContentPane() != null) {
        /* Dimension cpd = */ root.getContentPane().getPreferredSize();
        root.getContentPane().setBounds(0, nextY, w, h < nextY ? 0 : h - nextY);
Example 7
Source File:    From seaglass with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * {@inheritDoc}
protected void doPaint(Graphics2D g, JComponent c, int width, int height, Object[] extendedCacheKeys) {
    if (state == Which.BACKGROUND_ENABLED_NOFRAME) {

    Shape s = shapeGenerator.createRoundRectangle(0, 0, (width - 1), (height - 1), CornerSize.FRAME_BORDER,
                                                  CornerStyle.ROUNDED, CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.ROUNDED);


    JMenuBar    mb     = null;
    Component[] cArray = null;

    if (c instanceof JInternalFrame) {
        JInternalFrame iframe = (JInternalFrame) c;

        mb     = iframe.getJMenuBar();
        cArray = iframe.getContentPane().getComponents();
    } else if (c instanceof JRootPane) {
        JRootPane root = (JRootPane) c;

        mb     = root.getJMenuBar();
        cArray = root.getContentPane().getComponents();

    int topToolBarHeight    = 0;
    int bottomToolBarHeight = 0;

    if (cArray != null) {

        for (Component comp : cArray) {

            if (comp instanceof JToolBar) {

                if (toolBarNorthState.isInState((JComponent) comp)) {
                    topToolBarHeight = comp.getHeight();
                } else if (toolBarSouthState.isInState((JComponent) comp)) {
                    bottomToolBarHeight = comp.getHeight();

    int titleHeight = TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT;

    if (mb != null && c.getClientProperty("SeaGlass.JRootPane.MenuInTitle") == Boolean.TRUE) {
        titleHeight += mb.getHeight();

    if (c.getClientProperty(SeaGlassRootPaneUI.UNIFIED_TOOLBAR_LOOK) == Boolean.TRUE) {
        // Draw background gradient.
        s = shapeGenerator.createRoundRectangle(1, 1, width - 2, height - 2, CornerSize.FRAME_INNER_HIGHLIGHT,
                                                CornerStyle.ROUNDED, CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.ROUNDED);
        g.setPaint(getFrameInteriorPaint(s, titleHeight, topToolBarHeight, bottomToolBarHeight));
    } else {
        // Paint title bar.
        s = shapeGenerator.createRoundRectangle(1, 1, width - 2, titleHeight, CornerSize.FRAME_INNER_HIGHLIGHT,
                                                CornerStyle.ROUNDED, CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.ROUNDED);
        g.setPaint(getTitleBarInteriorPaint(s, titleHeight));
        // Paint contents.
       s = shapeGenerator.createRoundRectangle(1, titleHeight, width - 2, height - titleHeight - 1, CornerSize.FRAME_INNER_HIGHLIGHT,
                                                CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.SQUARE, CornerStyle.SQUARE);
        // Draw separator line.
        g.drawLine(1, titleHeight, width - 2, titleHeight);

    s = shapeGenerator.createRoundRectangle(1, 1, width - 3, height - 3, CornerSize.FRAME_INTERIOR);