Java Code Examples for android.util.TypedValue#TYPE_FIRST_INT

The following examples show how to use android.util.TypedValue#TYPE_FIRST_INT . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Retrieve the boolean value for the attribute at <var>index</var>.
 * <p>
 * If the attribute is an integer value, this method will return whether
 * it is equal to zero. If the attribute is not a boolean or integer value,
 * this method will attempt to coerce it to an integer using
 * {@link Integer#decode(String)} and return whether it is equal to zero.
 * @param index Index of attribute to retrieve.
 * @param defValue Value to return if the attribute is not defined or
 *                 cannot be coerced to an integer.
 * @return Boolean value of the attribute, or defValue if the attribute was
 *         not defined or could not be coerced to an integer.
 * @throws RuntimeException if the TypedArray has already been recycled.
public boolean getBoolean(@StyleableRes int index, boolean defValue) {
    if (mRecycled) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!");

    index *= STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;
    final int[] data = mData;
    final int type = data[index + STYLE_TYPE];
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) {
        return defValue;
    } else if (type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT
            && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
        return data[index + STYLE_DATA] != 0;

    final TypedValue v = mValue;
    if (getValueAt(index, v)) {
        return XmlUtils.convertValueToBoolean(v.coerceToString(), defValue);

    // We already checked for TYPE_NULL. This should never happen.
    throw new RuntimeException("getBoolean of bad type: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(type));
Example 2
Source File:    From material with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public Builder(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes){
	TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.RippleDrawable, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);
	int resId;
	backgroundColor(a.getColor(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_backgroundColor, 0));
	backgroundAnimDuration(a.getInteger(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_backgroundAnimDuration, context.getResources().getInteger(android.R.integer.config_mediumAnimTime)));
	rippleType(a.getInteger(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_rippleType, ToolbarRippleDrawable.TYPE_TOUCH));
          delayClickType(a.getInteger(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_delayClick, RippleDrawable.DELAY_CLICK_NONE));
          int type = ThemeUtil.getType(a, R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_maxRippleRadius);
          if(type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT)
              maxRippleRadius(a.getInteger(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_maxRippleRadius, -1));
	    maxRippleRadius(a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_maxRippleRadius, ThemeUtil.dpToPx(context, 48)));
	rippleColor(a.getColor(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_rippleColor, ThemeUtil.colorControlHighlight(context, 0)));
	rippleAnimDuration(a.getInteger(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_rippleAnimDuration, context.getResources().getInteger(android.R.integer.config_mediumAnimTime)));
	if((resId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_inInterpolator, 0)) != 0)
		inInterpolator(AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(context, resId));
	if((resId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_outInterpolator, 0)) != 0)
		outInterpolator(AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(context, resId));
Example 3
Source File:    From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Special version of {@link #getDimensionPixelSize} for retrieving
 * {@link android.view.ViewGroup}'s layout_width and layout_height
 * attributes.  This is only here for performance reasons; applications
 * should use {@link #getDimensionPixelSize}.
 * <p>
 * This method will throw an exception if the attribute is defined but is
 * not a dimension or integer (enum).
 * @param index Index of the attribute to retrieve.
 * @param name Textual name of attribute for error reporting.
 * @return Attribute dimension value multiplied by the appropriate
 *         metric and truncated to integer pixels.
 * @throws RuntimeException if the TypedArray has already been recycled.
 * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the attribute is defined but is
 *         not a dimension or integer (enum).
public int getLayoutDimension(@StyleableRes int index, String name) {
    if (mRecycled) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!");

    final int attrIndex = index;
    index *= STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;

    final int[] data = mData;
    final int type = data[index + STYLE_TYPE];
    if (type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT
            && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
        return data[index + STYLE_DATA];
    } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_DIMENSION) {
        return TypedValue.complexToDimensionPixelSize(data[index + STYLE_DATA], mMetrics);
    } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE) {
        final TypedValue value = mValue;
        getValueAt(index, value);
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Failed to resolve attribute at index " + attrIndex + ": " + value);

    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(getPositionDescription()
            + ": You must supply a " + name + " attribute.");
Example 4
Source File:    From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a themed color integer associated with a particular resource ID.
 * If the resource holds a complex {@link ColorStateList}, then the default
 * color from the set is returned.
 * @param id The desired resource identifier, as generated by the aapt
 *           tool. This integer encodes the package, type, and resource
 *           entry. The value 0 is an invalid identifier.
 * @param theme The theme used to style the color attributes, may be
 *              {@code null}.
 * @throws NotFoundException Throws NotFoundException if the given ID does
 *         not exist.
 * @return A single color value in the form 0xAARRGGBB.
public int getColor(@ColorRes int id, @Nullable Theme theme) throws NotFoundException {
    final TypedValue value = obtainTempTypedValue();
    try {
        final ResourcesImpl impl = mResourcesImpl;
        impl.getValue(id, value, true);
        if (value.type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT
                && value.type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
        } else if (value.type != TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) {
            throw new NotFoundException("Resource ID #0x" + Integer.toHexString(id)
                    + " type #0x" + Integer.toHexString(value.type) + " is not valid");

        final ColorStateList csl = impl.loadColorStateList(this, value, id, theme);
        return csl.getDefaultColor();
    } finally {
Example 5
Source File:    From hsv-alpha-color-picker-android with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static Integer readDefaultValue(TypedArray a, int index) {
	if (a.peekValue(index) != null) {
		int type = a.peekValue(index).type;
		if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) {
			return Color.parseColor(standardiseColorDigits(a.getString(index)));
		else if (TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_COLOR_INT <= type && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_COLOR_INT) {
			return a.getColor(index, Color.GRAY);
		else if (TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT <= type && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
			return a.getInt(index, Color.GRAY);
	return null;
Example 6
Source File:    From Android-Plugin-Framework with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public int getAttributeIntValue(int index, int defaultValue) {
    int offset = getAttributeOffset(index);
    int valueType = m_attributes[offset + ATTRIBUTE_IX_VALUE_TYPE];
    if (valueType >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT && valueType <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
        return m_attributes[offset + ATTRIBUTE_IX_VALUE_DATA];
    return defaultValue;
Example 7
Source File:    From ratel with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public int getAttributeIntValue(int index, int defaultValue) {
    int offset = getAttributeOffset(index);
    int valueType = m_attributes[offset + ATTRIBUTE_IX_VALUE_TYPE];
    if (valueType >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT && valueType <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
        return m_attributes[offset + ATTRIBUTE_IX_VALUE_DATA];
    return defaultValue;
Example 8
Source File:    From HaiNaBaiChuan with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
Description parseValue(TypedValue value) {
    Description d = new Description();
    if (value == null) {
        d.type = ABSOLUTE;
        d.value = 0;
    } else {
        if (value.type == TypedValue.TYPE_FRACTION) {
            d.type = ( & TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_MASK) ==
                    TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_FRACTION_PARENT ?
            d.value = TypedValue.complexToFloat(;
            return d;
        } else if (value.type == TypedValue.TYPE_FLOAT) {
            d.type = ABSOLUTE;
            d.value = value.getFloat();
            return d;
        } else if (value.type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT &&
                value.type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
            d.type = ABSOLUTE;
            d.value =;
            return d;

    d.type = ABSOLUTE;
    d.value = 0.0f;

    return d;
Example 9
Source File:    From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public int getAttributeUnsignedIntValue(int idx, int defaultValue) {
    int t = nativeGetAttributeDataType(mParseState, idx);
    // Note: don't attempt to convert any other types, because
    // we want to count on aapt doing the conversion for us.
    if (t >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT &&
        t <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
        return nativeGetAttributeData(mParseState, idx);
    return defaultValue;
Example 10
Source File:    From apkReSign with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static String getAttributeValue(AXmlResourceParser parser, int index) {
    int type = parser.getAttributeValueType(index);
    int data = parser.getAttributeValueData(index);
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) {
        return parser.getAttributeValue(index);
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE) {
        return String.format("?%s%08X", getPackage(data), data);
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_REFERENCE) {
        return String.format("@%s%08X", getPackage(data), data);
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_FLOAT) {
        return String.valueOf(Float.intBitsToFloat(data));
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_INT_HEX) {
        return String.format("0x%08X", data);
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_INT_BOOLEAN) {
        return data != 0 ? "true" : "false";
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_DIMENSION) {
        return Float.toString(complexToFloat(data))
                + DIMENSION_UNITS[data & TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_MASK];
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_FRACTION) {
        return Float.toString(complexToFloat(data))
                + FRACTION_UNITS[data & TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_MASK];
    if (type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_COLOR_INT
            && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_COLOR_INT) {
        return String.format("#%08X", data);
    if (type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT
            && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
        return String.valueOf(data);
    return String.format("<0x%X, type 0x%02X>", data, type);
Example 11
Source File:    From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean getAttributeBooleanValue(int idx,
        boolean defaultValue) {
    int t = nativeGetAttributeDataType(mParseState, idx);
    // Note: don't attempt to convert any other types, because
    // we want to count on aapt doing the conversion for us.
    if (t >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT &&
        t <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
        return nativeGetAttributeData(mParseState, idx) != 0;
    return defaultValue;
Example 12
Source File:    From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Return an integer associated with a particular resource ID.
 * @param id The desired resource identifier, as generated by the aapt
 *           tool. This integer encodes the package, type, and resource
 *           entry. The value 0 is an invalid identifier.
 * @throws NotFoundException Throws NotFoundException if the given ID does not exist.
 * @return Returns the integer value contained in the resource.
public int getInteger(@IntegerRes int id) throws NotFoundException {
    final TypedValue value = obtainTempTypedValue();
    try {
        mResourcesImpl.getValue(id, value, true);
        if (value.type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT
                && value.type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
        throw new NotFoundException("Resource ID #0x" + Integer.toHexString(id)
                + " type #0x" + Integer.toHexString(value.type) + " is not valid");
    } finally {
Example 13
Source File:    From pe-protector-moe with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
Description parseValue(TypedValue value) {
    Description d = new Description();
    if (value == null) {
        d.type = ABSOLUTE;
        d.value = 0;
    } else {
        if (value.type == TypedValue.TYPE_FRACTION) {
            d.type = ( & TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_MASK) ==
                    TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_FRACTION_PARENT ?
            d.value = TypedValue.complexToFloat(;
            return d;
        } else if (value.type == TypedValue.TYPE_FLOAT) {
            d.type = ABSOLUTE;
            d.value = value.getFloat();
            return d;
        } else if (value.type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT &&
                value.type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
            d.type = ABSOLUTE;
            d.value =;
            return d;

    d.type = ABSOLUTE;
    d.value = 0.0f;

    return d;
Example 14
Source File:    From material with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Builder(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes){
	TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.RippleDrawable, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);
          int type, resId;

	backgroundColor(a.getColor(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_backgroundColor, 0));
	backgroundAnimDuration(a.getInteger(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_backgroundAnimDuration, context.getResources().getInteger(android.R.integer.config_mediumAnimTime)));
	rippleType(a.getInteger(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_rippleType, RippleDrawable.TYPE_TOUCH));
          delayClickType(a.getInteger(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_delayClick, RippleDrawable.DELAY_CLICK_NONE));
	delayRippleTime(a.getInteger(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_delayRipple, 0));
          type = ThemeUtil.getType(a, R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_maxRippleRadius);
          if(type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT)
              maxRippleRadius(a.getInteger(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_maxRippleRadius, -1));
	    maxRippleRadius(a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_maxRippleRadius, ThemeUtil.dpToPx(context, 48)));
	rippleColor(a.getColor(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_rippleColor, ThemeUtil.colorControlHighlight(context, 0)));
	rippleAnimDuration(a.getInteger(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_rippleAnimDuration, context.getResources().getInteger(android.R.integer.config_mediumAnimTime)));
	if((resId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_inInterpolator, 0)) != 0)
		inInterpolator(AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(context, resId));
	if((resId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_outInterpolator, 0)) != 0)
		outInterpolator(AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(context, resId));
	maskType(a.getInteger(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_maskType, Mask.TYPE_RECTANGLE));
	cornerRadius(a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_cornerRadius, 0));
	topLeftCornerRadius(a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_topLeftCornerRadius, mMaskTopLeftCornerRadius));
	topRightCornerRadius(a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_topRightCornerRadius, mMaskTopRightCornerRadius));
	bottomRightCornerRadius(a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_bottomRightCornerRadius, mMaskBottomRightCornerRadius));
	bottomLeftCornerRadius(a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_bottomLeftCornerRadius, mMaskBottomLeftCornerRadius));
	padding(a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_padding, 0));
	left(a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_leftPadding, mMaskLeft));
	right(a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_rightPadding, mMaskRight));
	top(a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_topPadding, mMaskTop));
	bottom(a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.RippleDrawable_rd_bottomPadding, mMaskBottom));
Example 15
Source File:    From Android-plugin-support with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private boolean parseUsesPermission(DynamicApkInfo pkg, Resources res, XmlResourceParser parser,
                                    AttributeSet attrs) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {
    TypedArray sa = res.obtainAttributes(attrs,

    // Note: don't allow this value to be a reference to a resource
    // that may change.
    String name = sa.getNonResourceString(

    int maxSdkVersion = 0;
    TypedValue val = sa.peekValue(
    if (val != null) {
        if (val.type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT && val.type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
            maxSdkVersion =;


    if ((maxSdkVersion == 0) || (maxSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION.SDK_INT)) {
        if (name != null) {
            int index = pkg.requestedPermissions.indexOf(name);
            if (index == -1) {
            } else {
                Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring duplicate uses-permissions/uses-permissions-sdk-m: "
                        + name + " in package: " + pkg.packageName + " at: "
                        + parser.getPositionDescription());

    return true;
Example 16
Source File:    From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Retrieve the float value for the attribute at <var>index</var>.
 * <p>
 * If the attribute is not a float or an integer, this method will attempt
 * to coerce it to a float using {@link Float#parseFloat(String)}.
 * @param index Index of attribute to retrieve.
 * @return Attribute float value, or defValue if the attribute was
 *         not defined or could not be coerced to a float.
 * @throws RuntimeException if the TypedArray has already been recycled.
public float getFloat(@StyleableRes int index, float defValue) {
    if (mRecycled) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!");

    index *= STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;
    final int[] data = mData;
    final int type = data[index + STYLE_TYPE];
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) {
        return defValue;
    } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_FLOAT) {
        return Float.intBitsToFloat(data[index + STYLE_DATA]);
    } else if (type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT
            && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
        return data[index + STYLE_DATA];

    final TypedValue v = mValue;
    if (getValueAt(index, v)) {
        final CharSequence str = v.coerceToString();
        if (str != null) {
            return Float.parseFloat(str.toString());

    // We already checked for TYPE_NULL. This should never happen.
    throw new RuntimeException("getFloat of bad type: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(type));
Example 17
Source File:    From LibScout with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public int getAttributeIntValue(int index,int defaultValue) {
	int offset=getAttributeOffset(index);
	int valueType=m_attributes[offset+ATTRIBUTE_IX_VALUE_TYPE];
	if (valueType>=TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT &&
		return m_attributes[offset+ATTRIBUTE_IX_VALUE_DATA];
	return defaultValue;
Example 18
Source File:    From PowerSwitch_Android with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Get Color from Theme attribute
 * @param context Activity context
 * @param attr    Attribute ressource ID
 * @return Color as Int
public static int getThemeAttrColor(Context context, @AttrRes int attr) {
    TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue();
    if (context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(attr, typedValue, true)) {
        if (typedValue.type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT
                && typedValue.type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
        } else if (typedValue.type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) {
            return ContextCompat.getColor(context, typedValue.resourceId);

    return 0;
Example 19
Source File:    From PluginLoader with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static String getAttributeValue(XmlResourceParser parser, int index) {
    int type = parser.getAttributeValueType(index);
    int data = parser.getAttributeValueData(index);
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) {
        return parser.getAttributeValue(index);
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE) {
        return String.format("?%s%08X", getPackage(data), data);
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_REFERENCE) {
        return String.format("@%s%08X", getPackage(data), data);
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_FLOAT) {
        return String.valueOf(Float.intBitsToFloat(data));
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_INT_HEX) {
        return String.format("0x%08X", data);
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_INT_BOOLEAN) {
        return data != 0 ? "true" : "false";
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_DIMENSION) {
        return Float.toString(complexToFloat(data)) + DIMENSION_UNITS[data & TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_MASK];
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_FRACTION) {
        return Float.toString(complexToFloat(data)) + FRACTION_UNITS[data & TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_MASK];
    if (type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_COLOR_INT && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_COLOR_INT) {
        return String.format("#%08X", data);
    if (type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
        return String.valueOf(data);
    return String.format("<0x%X, type 0x%02X>", data, type);
Example 20
Source File:    From android_9.0.0_r45 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Parse a name/value pair out of an XML tag holding that data.  The
 * AttributeSet must be holding the data defined by
 * {@link android.R.styleable#Extra}.  The following value types are supported:
 * <ul>
 * <li> {@link TypedValue#TYPE_STRING}:
 * {@link Bundle#putCharSequence Bundle.putCharSequence()}
 * <li> {@link TypedValue#TYPE_INT_BOOLEAN}:
 * {@link Bundle#putCharSequence Bundle.putBoolean()}
 * <li> {@link TypedValue#TYPE_FIRST_INT}-{@link TypedValue#TYPE_LAST_INT}:
 * {@link Bundle#putCharSequence Bundle.putBoolean()}
 * <li> {@link TypedValue#TYPE_FLOAT}:
 * {@link Bundle#putCharSequence Bundle.putFloat()}
 * </ul>
 * @param tagName The name of the tag these attributes come from; this is
 * only used for reporting error messages.
 * @param attrs The attributes from which to retrieve the name/value pair.
 * @param outBundle The Bundle in which to place the parsed value.
 * @throws XmlPullParserException If the attributes are not valid.
public void parseBundleExtra(String tagName, AttributeSet attrs,
        Bundle outBundle) throws XmlPullParserException {
    TypedArray sa = obtainAttributes(attrs,

    String name = sa.getString(
    if (name == null) {
        throw new XmlPullParserException("<" + tagName
                + "> requires an android:name attribute at "
                + attrs.getPositionDescription());

    TypedValue v = sa.peekValue(
    if (v != null) {
        if (v.type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) {
            CharSequence cs = v.coerceToString();
            outBundle.putCharSequence(name, cs);
        } else if (v.type == TypedValue.TYPE_INT_BOOLEAN) {
            outBundle.putBoolean(name, != 0);
        } else if (v.type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT
                && v.type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {
        } else if (v.type == TypedValue.TYPE_FLOAT) {
            outBundle.putFloat(name, v.getFloat());
        } else {
            throw new XmlPullParserException("<" + tagName
                    + "> only supports string, integer, float, color, and boolean at "
                    + attrs.getPositionDescription());
    } else {
        throw new XmlPullParserException("<" + tagName
                + "> requires an android:value or android:resource attribute at "
                + attrs.getPositionDescription());
